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I can't GO to Pigfarts. It's - On - Mars!

Started by Neocridders, May 04, 2010, 04:43:18 PM

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I doubt anyone here has heard of a very potter musical, by TeamStarKid?
Also known as Starkidpotter on youtube.
Warning, this is about pg-13. It's not too bad, in my opinion, it's very funny, if you are a Harry Potter fan at least. I doubt my parents would like that I watch it, only because they don't understand harry potter at all, and in order to apprichiate it, you'll need at least a tiny bit of HP background, easily attained by watching the movies or reading the books.
It has some language, and some suggestive parts, but nothing too bad. Anything mildly bad is honestly so hilarous, and it's hard to care that it's bad.

It is honestly for anyone who has read/seen and enjoys harry potter.
If you don't know Harry Potter, you might still get a giggle out of it.

A little warning, if anyone has not read the 7th book, it has a little bit of a spoiler in it.

Basically, it's a spoof of Harry Potter. It is a musical performed in Michigan I believe, and it was shown last summer. I did not see it live, but they have a recording of it on youtube. I imagine it's a 5 hour show, so you might want to watch it a few scenes at a time. But, let me tell you, it's hilarous, and it's hard to only see a little at a time.

If anyone has seen it, let me know. I enjoy saying the best quotes from the show. And there are a TON of them.

Haha. Well, if you havn't seen them, and you like harry potter, I highly recommend them to you.
If you are serious about harry potter, just watch it. Don't be critical of it, though. It's meant to be funny for fans, not make fun of fans. It's not doing that. It's just funny. ;)

So, watch some of it and let me know what you all think.

Voldemort OUT.


sounds like it would be right up my alley :o! I'll hafta look for it *_*


If you're interested, it's on youtube. Search a very potter musical,or just harry potter musical. It is by Starkidpotter.
Ahhaaha. It's great. If you're like me and you love to hear and say hilarious quotes, this is wonderful. About every other sentence is something quoteable... If that makes sense.
For example, : On my firebolt, gonna take to the sky
No way this year, anyone's gonna die
And it's gunna be TOTALLY AWESOME. You'll understand if you watch it... Haha. That's not even the funniest, but I don't want to giveit all away. Let me know what you think if you watch it.


I have watched the first few parts
sooooo funny