Gryphions: The Feathered Feet | May Thread ~ Closed. Watch for a new thread soon

Started by Gryphions, May 01, 2010, 03:09:51 PM

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Quote from: indigowulf on May 02, 2010, 06:21:37 AM
I can see him now! :) Can I name him "FrostFall" please

24 on Melda

I guess the JAWS theme :)
Quote from: Spixy on May 02, 2010, 06:10:02 AM
Ehm xDD

"The Imperial March" ?

I've always thought that one was amazing xD

aaand. 23 SG on Melda

Imperial March is a great piece, and  do enjoy all of the StarWars music, but not my favorite.
And neither is Jaws. But thanks for trying! Good guesses.



*still trying to come up with a name for the tabby girl she won last month....*


my cousin at her wedding walked out to the imperial march it was funny









Quote from: Gryphions on May 01, 2010, 10:40:51 PM

Ahhhaaaa! Yes, John Williams. He is one of my favorites.

And, if anyone wants to take a shot, I'll offer a feather to whoever guesses my favorite music score of those movies. One guess per person.

This contest is still open. Only a few guesses have been made, none of which were right.
One guess per person :)



Wait are we guessing teh score of the movie it comes from? The post on the first page says guess the movie, but right there it says guess the score. ^^;;


I don't know everything there is to know about how composers call their pieces. When I think of a movie score, I think of the music by that one composer in a single movie.
I suppose a better term to use would be soundtrack. Either way, John Williams did the music and I am asking for a title of the movie it was made for.
The possible titles are listed in the feathers galore post, and if anyone guessed individual music titles from a specific movie, go ahead and just pick the movie. I love all the music he has done, but in particular a specific movie stands out to me. And, in that movie I like all the music (not just a specific part of it). So, just name a movie please.
Sorry for the confusion.



Ooo I will guess Jurassic Park then. The music in that was awesome. ^^

Edit: Grar, YLO types faster than Ryuu.


I guess ET is the one that hasn't been guessed yet, so I'll go with that one lol


YourLoveOnly guessed correctly.
The music in Jurassic Park is my favorite of all that I've heard of John Williams.
I've actually only been listening to it since about March. I'd already decided that was my favorite before I saw the movie (and before I read the book).
I'm reading the book now for school, and I planned to wait until I finished to see the movie, but I couldn't help myself. I needed to hear the music, and afterall... I had it sitting in my recorded shows list. Haha.

It's a great movie, with great music, and it is so different than the book. I have to do a project though for school on how the movie is different from the book. Now, won't that just be the largest project ever? Haaaa...

Congrats, YLO, please give me one or two colors for a feather.


Pastel yellow and caramel brown, please.

By the way, does the color of a feather influence babies or does it just look pretty?


Quote from: YourLoveOnly on May 03, 2010, 05:15:48 PM
Pastel yellow and caramel brown, please.

By the way, does the color of a feather influence babies or does it just look pretty?
That's a mighty good question. Thank you for asking, as I am sure other people were wondering.
Colors at this moment do not influence kittens in any way.
There might be a special feather some day that is a nicer quality of feather and results in a higher litter quantity, but right now... it's the basic one feather gets 3-5 young, having the parents contribute to the appearances.



That means I have 2 feathers and 1 lovely Gryphion girl now, I think ^^
I've been spending some time with her, but she doesn't trust me enough to tell me her name yet.


Majesty thinks that, when breeding season comes along, all the girls will be knocking down his door. He doesn't need no stinking feather, just *look* at him! Preening, he stretches out his wings and prances a bit.

Frostfall shoulders into him, taking his ego down a peg, but successfully starting a game of tag. And.... they're off! LOOKOUT!!



Fiaell flares her wings excitedly at the sight of a game of tag and, without a word to her bond, darts in, finding whoever was it and tweaking his tail.  She gapes her beak in a wide grin, eyes shining before galloping off in another direction.  She swishes her tail enticingly.


Majesty lets out a YELP! and turns to see what pinched his tail. Oh, it was a girl. Naturaly. Giving Frostfall an "I told you so" look, he takes off after Fiaell, a squawking laugh filling the air.

Determined not to be left out, Frostfall begins to collect lawn mow clippings into a big pile, then hides behind it, peering out to see who comes near.....


A small, tabby-colored form lands in Frostfall's pile of grass with a decidedly mischievous grin.  This gryphion is a troublemaker, having only recently disclosed her name - Rhianwen - to her bonded human.  She looks up at Frostfall, tail waving expectantly, then trots off a short distance, clearly hoping to start a game of tag herself.


A new feather game? Oh my!
I am interested in two things. A favorite book series and a favorite movie from everyone.
Please pick one book series (please try to make it a series) and tell me a little about it and why you like it.
Please tell me a favorite movie and a little about it, and why you like it.

These can be classics, or even things that have come out recently. Whatever you like.
Here is a form so it's easy:

Book series-
Favorite book series:
What it's about:
Why I like it:

Favorite movie:
What it's about:
Why I like it:

You may fill out one or the other or both. There will be a feather given to each category. It's going to be random, so it's like a raffle and filling the form out correctly gets you a ticket.
(By the way, the roleplaying is apprichiated. All the people who have roleplayed on this page are getting a feather for their effort. Thank you!)
Hmm.... that's indigowulf, sera, and springacres. I'm going to make some random feathers, though. No need to post colors.


Book series-
Favorite book series: Smoke and Shadows by Tanya Huff
What it's about: It's about a fledgling wizard who fights metaphysical things as he grows into his powers.
Why I like it: I love Tanya Huff's style of writing since it's fairly similar to mine (or at least that's how I see it). Her characters are funny and realistic, not to mention I love her sense of humour. She frequently mocks typical horror cliches and i love that about the books.

Favorite movie: Spirited Away
What it's about: If you don't know what it's about you should watch it! It's about a girl that finds herself in a spirit world trying to rescue her parents.
Why I like it: It's a very sweet movie with a very nice plotline. I love the characters and the weird things that belong to the spirit world.


aww thank you, we are rp'ing cuz its fun :)

Book series-
Favorite book series: Indigo Series, by Louise Cooper
What it's about: A girl, spoiled princess, is denied but 1 thing- do not enter the tower of sorrows. Naturally, she does, and unleashes pandora's box. Her family and friends slain, her beloved suspended in a limbo of torment, she is cursed with immortality until she re-captures the demons she released. She befriends a giant telepathic wolf along the way.
Why I like it: When I read these books, what Indigo was going through at the time seemed like a perfect metaphore for my own life. She was facing the same demons I was. She is the reason I go by Indigo.

Favorite movie: Lost Boys
What it's about: "all these darn vampires"
Why I like it: everything!


Book series-
Favorite book series: The Age of Fire Chronicles, by E.E. Knight
What it's about: A fantasy series told from the POV of three dragon hatchlings who grow up in a war torn by war between humans, elves, and dwarfs. A world where dragons are greater than all of these, and yet for some reason are fading from the world.
Why I like it: I'm always on the lookout for good books with dragons as the main characters, and when I found this series I fell in love. Most of the time any books with dragons have them as sidekick characters, but this series makes the dragons and their society front and center, it's the humanoid characters who are the sidekicks in these gritty, dark novels.

Favorite movie: Dragonheart
What it's about: A heartbroken knight of the Old Code hunts for the dragon he believes darkened the heart of his pupil, the prince. But as he befriends the dragon he has to face the truth, that his student always had evil growing within him, and now has to be stopped for the sake of the country.
Why I like it: Dragon movies come and go, but barely any make dragons the protagonist rather than the antagonist, and I believe no movie does this better than Dragonheart. The dragon character becomes more of a person than a creature. The same person who wrote the screenplay also wrote the novel, and both are just amazing stories that should be treasured. Plus it's where I got my online username from back when I was a kid. ;)


Book series-
Favorite book series:Anita Blake Vampire Hunter
What it's about: Its about Anita blake who is a animator and raises the dead for a living. She is also a Vampire executinor and gets court orders to kill vampires. However she has also gone and been attracted to the master of hte city Jean Claude as well as Richard who is a shape shifter. It is a fun story.
Why I like it:I love it cause its a different series then what i have read before. And it just is good writing if a little graphic sometimes.

Favorite movie:The Last Unicorn
What it's about:its about a Unicorn that finds out she is the last Unicorner in the world. She sets out on a journy to find other Unicorns
Why I like it:Its a classic for me and one of my all time favorites.


Book series-
Favorite book series: The Great Tree of Avalon
What it's about: A giant tree with seven roots is the 'world' to many, many creatures including, but not limited to, humans, elves, sprites, fish, gnomes, dwarves, and tree spirits. Tamwyn, his adopted brother Scree, Elli, the elf Brionna, the small giant Shim, and Nuic, Elli's maryth (a nonhuman being who serves as a friend, guide, and protector), are trying to save the great tree, called Avalon, born of a seed that beats like a heart, from Rhita Gawr, an evil spirit who is attempting to capture Avalon and the realms it connects to; for the branches of the great tree reach the stars, which are not stars but fiery doorways into other realms, including Earth.
Why I like it: It is intriguing, many threads interweaving and forming one great masterpiece. Schemes, plots, disguises, and romance, as well as a journey of self-realization, discovering one's true meaning in the world, and the faults of all creatures, make for a very, very interesting read.

Favorite movie: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
What it's about: Harry Potter is an eleven-year old wizard, brought up as a human (Muggle to wizards) by his mother's sister's family. His own parents were killed in a 'car crash.' Actually, they were brutally murdered by Lord Voldemort, who attempted to kill Harry too, but the curse backfired. In his first year at Hogwarts, the most esteemed magical school in Europe, Harry encounters Severus Snape, a seemingly evil person, Dumbledore, the benevolent and wise headmaster, Quirrell, servant of Voldemort, and Hagrid, who knew Lily and James Potter, Harry's parents, before they were killed. Quirrell is attempting to steal the Philosopher's Stone, a magical stone which produced gold and the Elixir of Life. However, with Hermione and Ron, his two best friends, Harry makes it through the protections set around the stone in time to fight Quirrell, best Voldemort's servant, and banish Voldemort once again.
Why I like it: It is exciting, with action, as well as intelligence. Hermione's solving of the word puzzle using logic, Ron's direction of the giant chess game, Harry's talent as a seeker, and all the rest of their talents combined, make the trio triumphant.


<.< Ryuu is totally going to pick up some of these book series, they sound fricken awesome. *writes them down*



A pale yellow gryphion seems to have her paws full. She has something in her beak, along with something on her back. She also seems to have one object in each of her front paws. She flies slowly and with effort, the load seems a bit heavy.

Raina lands carefully, her hind feet touching the ground as she places the objects from her paws on the ground. When she has all of her feet on the floor, she carefully places the thing in her beak down.
She then turns her head around as she picks up the object from her back with her beak.
Then she places the final thing onto the ground.

"These younglings, or Kittens as they are more commonly referred to by humans, are the first litter from a pair of gryphions with bonded partners. The parents and bonded humans have decided to give these kittens to humans to bond with," Raina says as she corrals the kittens to stay in a group.

"There are, however, a few conditions from the parents and humans caring for the litter," she said.

"First of all, if you are trying to get a kitten, they must be cared for. If you don't give them proper care so they mature correctly, the gryphion council will break the bonds to all of the gryphions you are currently bonded to. In order to care for a kitten correctly, you may not abuse or over work it. In a roleplay, there are several things they cannot do."
Raina starts to list things:

"Kittens are not permitted to fly. The flight feathers don't grow in for a young gryphion until right when they mature. Please tell your kitten to avoid flying attempts, since it is dangerous. But, since all children disobey orders, penalties here will be very limited. They should not be able to get off of the ground in the first place, but a jump started flying attempt shouldn't be able to get more than 6 inches off the ground, not enough to be considered 'flying'. If you roleplay that a kitten is actually flying, you will get a warning. This is abusing the kitten, since flying too early is dangerous.

Kittens are not fighters. They love to play, and sometimes are a bit rough, but there is no fighting. If a kitten is ever in a situation where another gryphion is angry at the kitten, the gryphion has the ability to attack a kitten. This is not encouraged, of course, but it is always possible, and the blame goes on the watcher of the kitten, not the kitten or the other gryphion. If the kitten is harmed, the kitten will be found a better, more responsible owner. If the kitten's watcher was obviously the reason for the fight, the owner will have heavy consiquences. A fight and rough playing are two completely different things. It is obvious if there are strong emotions or intention to hurt another. Roughly playing might cause a bit of soreness, but if something happens to the kitten (no matter if injury was from the fight, or other factors), the kitten may be found a new home. Other punishment might happen depending on the situation.

Kittens shouldn't be left unattended. If the roleplayer is the human watcher of the kitten, he or she must be with the kitten. Distractions are no excuse. If anything happens to the kitten, you are responsible. If you leave a gryphion in care of a trusting gryphion, then the gryphion must be mature enough and in able condition to protect the kitten at all costs. Please just make sure he or she is safe.

You may roleplay, as always, as many characters at a time as you think you can handle. Please don't overwhelm yourself. If you are roleplaying more than one kitten, the same basic rule applys: keep all kittens safe.

As you can tell, the rules are here for basically the same idea: safe kittens. We want all kittens to mature into healthy adults."

Raina saw a kitten start to wander away, so she stepped on her tail. The kitten gave Raina an unfriendly glare.

Raina looked at the humans again, "Well, these kittens are almost a week old, so they are available for other humans to claim. I need to think of some ways to give them good homes. I'll need a moment, I guess. Hmmm..."

Raina sat and thought, and as she did one kitten climbed onto her back, and two others were playing with her tail.

((Please understand, I really doubted anyone would roleplay in a such a way that would need those rules, but I have them there just so it is clear that kittens are not to fly, fight, or be completely alone. Minor mistakes in the rules are ok, but if it happens after a warning, there will be action. Other than that, feel free to play with the kittens until Raina has some ideas.))


A flash of white overheard heralds the arrival of a stunning snow-hued male Gryphion, his bright cyan and yellow mane even more brilliant in combination with his pale coat. "What's that? Dwarves? Pygmies? Why are they so small? Are they sick?"

"They're kittens, you featherbrain," snaps an annoyed second voice, as the first male Gryphion is joined by a second, this one a pale green accented with white and blue.  "Sorry Raina, ignore Shaman, he has no brains, just air and feathers in his head."

"Excuse me!?" the white Gryphion screeches. He swishes his tail in the face of the green Gryphion and stalks forward. "What does Sea Mist know," he grumbles under his breath. "I've never seen a kit before."

The white Gryphion extends his head and sniffs carefully at the dark blue kit with tan on its face and chest. "Hmm, and you're looking for bondeds, are you?" he asks in a tone he hopes in conversational and not confrontational. "You sure you're ready for that?"


These are... SO cute. @_@ I have a squishy spot in my heart for blue and brown together, so I think all of these kittens are absolutely precious. I apologize for the lack of RP - my brain is a mess of fried neurons thanks to finals almost being upon me.



Sheena swoops down next to a tiny kitten that looks frightened of this new place. Wrapping her wing over the kitten like a tent of safety, she softly churrs to it. The boys try to come in and see the new fuzzies, but Sheena strictly snaps her beak at them. This isn't a place for giant bumbling males with no experience with babies.

Sheena extends her wing on the other side as well, offering the others shelter and a base to play tag from.

Sheena turns towards me, her eyes shining. A querried "Chirrup?" makes it clear she wishes this little one to join thier flight. I determine that the little one seems to be more confident and less afraid now that is has a warm body keeping it safe, so I edge closer and sit between Sheena's front paws. We snuggle and I scratch that place on her chin she likes so much, showing the little one how nice it is to have a human of her own.


(( Out of character for the whole post ))Xenon, don't appologize. Roleplay is not required. You may still participate without roleplay to your heart's content.

Some things I meant to inclue somewhere:
Younger gryphions don't bond until they mature. The human in charge of a breeding is typically the one who keeps the young. If there are more than three young, though, the human can either give extra kittens to another user through a trade of some sort (USD and sg trades are not permitted at this point in time, sorry.) or the human can give the extra kittens to the gryphion council. The gryphion council will find a gryphion couple with a litter about the same age as the kitten. The kitten will grow up like a normal, wild gryphion. This won't be a problem for the adoptive parents, since most unbonded gryphions have a smaller litter than gryphions with bonded partners do. If a user decides to give the kitten to the gryphion council, a reward will be given to the human.

The human in charge would be the human that owns the feather in a breeding. That is the person who sends in the breeding request.

So, kittens will choose to bond with a human as soon as they mature. If  it are given to an adoptive wild gryphion family, the bond won't happen. If it is kept in the human in charge's care when matured, it will bond with that person. If the gryphion matures,  and then it is traded, you'll have to break the bond and then trade to make a new bond.
If the human in charge has already worked out where the kittens will go, anyone getting a kitten may rolaply their kitten if they wish. The human n charge may roleplay kittens until they have been traded officially.

Oh, and kittens can't speak english.
They are not bonded, so they wouldn't talk anyway, but even so they are really young so speaking even in their own language would be a bit hard.

You can call a kitten whatever you like, but it won't be named until it is matured and bonded. So, you can change your mind if you think of something better to call it.


aw so cute! *snuggles with Vanyel as he watches the kittens* i would snuggle them but since you dont know where they are going i will snuggle the big lug here *gets niped at*... he doesnt like being called a lug *Giggles*


((Although I know it was not meant to be controlling, remember that the kittens are under my own control. I am not mad, and it was not anything serious, but I would like to be in charge of my kittens. Please roleplay only your own characters. It is fine to interact, but you shouldn't control other characters that you are not roleplaying. ))
Bonded gryphions partners come to the kittens. The kitten on Raina's back jumps off and stands still. The other three press into Raina's legs.
Raina smiles.
A friendly looking orange female goes to the cream and white youngling. The kitten likes the kindness the large gryphion is showing her. The other kittens flock to the orange gryphion with interest.

"You can snuggle them, of course. Gryphions don't bond by touching a human. A bond happens when both creatures accept to it," Raina says.


Amicus watched Raina land softly and place 4 little gryphions on the ground. Smiling to himself, he turned to see Lucifer's reaction. Too late, Lucifer was already next to the sapphire kit and was talking softly. "Hey little one, you okay all alone by yourself?" He brought his tail around slowly, swinging it in front of the kit. "Wanna play?" Pulling it away, he watched the kit's eyes follow his tail fluff, and let out a chuckle. "Come on, little one, I don't mind if you want to play!" Waving it around some more, he hoped the kit would swat at his tail. Pausing a moment to glance at Amicus, who was watching and smiling, he knew he could be a father one day.

((awwww they're all sooo cute! :D))

edit: ((eep sorry about controlling the kit, altered my post now <3))


"Oh, I know," Raina says suddenly.

"I will have a quick drawing contest. It is fun because it is only 20 minutes long, so you better be quick!"

Raina goes to the blue kitten with cream marks under his eyes on on his belly.
"This fellow will go to my favorite drawing. The drawing can be of any gryphion that you've seen. Please don't just imagine a gryphion. If you would like to look through folders, there are many to choose from."
Raina shows you the gallery folders here...
"The drawing should be posted by 19:33:00 according to the clock at the top of the page"
Raina looks at the clock...
"On your mark, get set, and GO!"  She yells.