Gryphions: The Feathered Feet | May Thread ~ Closed. Watch for a new thread soon

Started by Gryphions, May 01, 2010, 03:09:51 PM

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Welcome to the month of May, welcome to this month's thread.
This month -may- (haha) be a little slow. There will be some feather giveaways. A few games for feathers, some games -may-be (haha) for a gryphion or two.
I do hope May is a good month for you.

Let me save three posts, pretty please.


-Gryphion Market Place-

The Gryphion Council has been taking voulenteers to be sold to the public for this month. Anyone in this area is guarenteed a friendly partner to the human that bids the highest. They are excited. All of them are a bit anxious, though, looking through all the people, taking note and guessing who will be their new friends.

All gryphions for sale are given a temporary name to call them by. This is to make sure everyone knows what one you are after.

-Looks like no gryphions are for sale at this moment. Awww.-

All bids can be made in USD or sg, or a combo of the two.
1 USD ~ 100k

The bid must be at least $4 in USD, no less if paying in USD. This is because of paypal fees.
Please don't bid what you don't have or can't pay.


-Feathers Galore-

Feathers are what make kittens possible. Yes, that's right. Kittens. The first litter from parents with bonded humans arrived today. The first litter non-wild litter born on secundi. They are getting used to the world right now, but they will be available for petting and such soon.

The parents are putting all up for adoption soon, when they get closer to maturing. They'll grow one month from today (their birthday - May First). Younglings need to be nurtured, please only take one if you will dedicate time and love to their maturing.

Along with young kits, we have gryphion feathers. These are the things that let younglings live. Without a nice nest of soft feathers, kittens will not survive to maturing. This is why we only allow gryphions to breed if you have a spare feather.
Please -DO NOT- pull feathers from a gryphion. This is probably a fatal move, gryphions don't tolerate that ever. So, unless you are suicidal, I suggest you NOT steal feathers from a gryphion. Even if they are bonded to you. The council sees this as cruelty and will find new partners for all of your gryphions. Sorry. That's how that works.

If you are interested in collecting feathers, this area here is where all feathers will be put. They might be given away or sold or randomly placed in a lucky person's belongings. Who knows?

Current Game

I am interested in two things. A favorite book series and a favorite movie from everyone.
Please pick one book series (please try to make it a series) and tell me a little about it and why you like it.
Please tell me a favorite movie and a little about it, and why you like it.

These can be classics, or even things that have come out recently. Whatever you like.
Here is a form so it's easy:

Book series-
Favorite book series:
What it's about:
Why I like it:

Favorite movie:
What it's about:
Why I like it:

You may fill out one or the other or both. There will be a feather given to each category. It's going to be random, so it's like a raffle and filling the form out correctly gets you a ticket.


This is the thread of the month. You may chat, roleplay, and ask questions.
You may party, eat, draw, or whatever else pleases you. As long as no harm comes to gryphions in this area, all is welcome.

If anyone is interested in opening an unofficial user run roleplay in this thread, help yourselves. If things get out of hand, I'll let you know. I doubt this will happen, but you never know.

Have fun!



Two gryphions have finally made it to their sales area. They look around and get hopeful each time a human passes.
They seem very excited.



2 SG on Melda! Beautiful things, I need to get my first <3


and I shall start the bidding on Nendir~ he's gorgeous <3

Lucifer zooms in and stares at Melda and Nendir. "Why don't you bid on the female? We neeed a female!" A soft chuckle sounds behind him.
"Don't you want to stay in a bachelor herd? I'm sure Melda would order us around even more than red does." Amicus steps out and bows to the 2 not bonded before coming around next to Lucifer.
"Aw I guess you're right always." He glanced around hoping to spot some more bonded arrive, then sat down in the dust.


Since he had bonded to Sunchaser he had no name. now he had finally chosen a name and his name would be Vanyel. Why? Well he had been reading the series by mercedes lackey with Vanyel Ashkevron in them and he decided he had liked the herald mage and so now would be Vanyel.



i cannot see the images. . . is that just me? : (

*bids anyway* xD;;

4SG on Melda, 2k on Nendir.  ^^



*pokes pics* why you no show for wulfy? *poke poke*

6 SG on Melda
6K on Nendir

eta: oh- stupid freehostia viewing limits. I run into that problem on freehostia all the time when events are going for mine- reason I moved all mine to photobucket :(



7k on Nendir <3

Melda is pale pink with blue wings and fade
Nendir is a dappled brown with white feathers, mane, tail tuft, and faded socks


Thanks red. I hate when freehostia gets grumpy. I cant even open just right now, keeps telling me IE cannot find it.

8SG on Melda

10K on Nendir :)


Aha, thanks for explaining, indigo.

And thanks for the description, red!  ^^  *shall re-focus her bids, then*  ^.~ hehehe


awww it's not very nice D:
guess everything has its ups and downs

11k on Nendir

edit: you're welcome sera :)


Same thing for me, indigo. =P  FF wouldn't load it, so i tried iE.  *shrugs* Ah, well.

15k on Nendir. ^^



21k on Nendir.

*wonders how long the auctions last* xD;



Yeah, its not the browser. Its freehostia's way of trying to get money. If you dont have a paid account, they choke the snot out of your allowed bandwidth.

Since we dont know an end time, and I have to leave in like 10 minutes, BIN on Nendir lol (sorry guys!)



Guys, end times are under each gryph. Wow, thanks, indigo. I'll try to put more contests up tomorrow. But becuase you binned and you didn't see that the auction still had a while, I'll add a feather as a bonus.







Lalala- feather contest is up. Haha. A hint to what's been on my mind lately.



Quote from: sera on May 01, 2010, 10:34:10 PM
John Williams composed the music for them?
Ahhhaaaa! Yes, John Williams. He is one of my favorites.

And, if anyone wants to take a shot, I'll offer a feather to whoever guesses my favorite music score of those movies. One guess per person.

Oh, sera, can I have a color or two for your feather?


Hrms. . . i shall go with. . . Black and red. <3  ^^  Yay!!  *Wiggles and awaits guesses on fav musical score*







hm...those movies all have things that cannot occur in RL? :)





Ehm xDD

"The Imperial March" ?

I've always thought that one was amazing xD

aaand. 23 SG on Melda


I can see him now! :) Can I name him "FrostFall" please

24 on Melda

I guess the JAWS theme :)