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[Rodentia] Notice of reverted Ownership

Started by WillowDragon, April 01, 2010, 10:07:25 AM

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The ownership of Rodentia has been returned to me, WillowDragon, I purchased the adoptable back from Hunni.

This is no fault of Hunni's at all, if you want to be mad at someone (And i wouldn't blame you) be mad at me for selling an adoptable that I was still so attached to.
Please direct all ranting PM's to me  :D

This adoptable will continue running on Secundi, somethings will stay how Hunni changed it (No cages, all babies on one cert) but other things will go back to how its was before (totally genetics based breeding, the old cert will return with a couple of additions, any new rodents will be renumbered to follow the old ones, there will be no Show or champion mice or rats *yet*)
All current Rodents will be classed as pet type, I will be working on Show type lines shortly.
This will become more clear once I set up how I will run shows.

Any and all questions can get posted below... if either myself (from before, growings, breedings etc) or Hunni owes you anything, I will honor it.

Can any and all new mice PLEASE be posted below, so I can renumber them.

If anyone would like recolour and recerting of new mice, please post them below.

As of now, this is what I am working on;

*New lines for mice (fur types, show lines) No changes to rat lines for now.
*Renumbering of new rodents
*recolours if anyone wants it
*various other things in my head!

example of new fur pet type: Astrex


Willow's Mice
Kadana's Mouse
Poupou's mice
Lectrals Mice
Neo's mouse
Indigowulf's mice and litter to weanling
YLO's lots of mice
Lookky's mice


renumbering anyone that doesn't want recolouring/when Hunni gets me the psd's
Growing Kadana's rats/Willow's rat - after recieving psd's


Aww... so Remus can't show now?

Ohh well ;)
If he is changed to a pet status, could I have his name just Remus?


He can be shown... I will be holding pet class shows too   ;)

Would you like him recoloured and recerted, or just renumbered?


Quote from: WillowDragon on April 01, 2010, 10:36:51 AM
He can be shown... I will be holding pet class shows too   ;)

Would you like him recoloured and recerted, or just renumbered?

Hmm... I like his color now, though. I don't understand what you mean. My pet gerbil is this color.
But, I mean, if you want to tweak something, feel free. I don't mind.
Haha. And the normal cert, if this is not the normal cert, would be great!


I'm not going to change his colour hon... just literally recolour him to put on the old cert is all  ;)


*taps willow*

I have all the psds to the older mice if you dont want to recolor them you can wait until i can get them to you.


Of course... I totally thought you meant something else. Whoah. I don't know how I got that mixed up. Yes, I'd love the new cert ;) Hahaha And if you want to recolor him to get him on the new cert, feel free!
Ahh... my brain is just not at it's best today.


Quote from: Hunni on April 01, 2010, 12:01:46 PM
*taps willow*

I have all the psds to the older mice if you dont want to recolor them you can wait until i can get them to you.

That would be very handy for people that don't want re-colours!  Thank you Hunni... plus I wouldn't have to manually edit saved PNG's... that is a pain  LMAO!

Example for new fur type is up in the top post  ;D

Kadana Sorano

huh ok lets see..  First, I'll say I'm not "mad".  But I am a bit unsettled.  This is rather sudden and all, and Hunni was doing a great job with these.  I just want to say that, I was really enjoying them and looking forward to my future plannings under her ownership and what not.  I don't remember them before she brought them here, so have no idea how they were previously run etc.  Not that I think they won't be a good adopty under your ownership!  Like I said, I don't remember having seen them before, so I have no clue.  But you said their will be some changes, so I guess I'm just worrying how they will affect the plans I had already made for my own collection.  

hmm I guess I have some questions now, you said..

Quoteany new mice will be renumbered to follow the old ones, there will be no Show or champion mice *yet*)

All current Mice will be classed as pet type, I will be working on Show type lines shortly.
This will become more clear once I set up how I will run shows.

1. You said "mice".  Does that mean any show/champion quality rats will get to retain their status?
2. For those of us who paid extra to get show and/or champion quality mice/rats, will we be reimbursed the extra we paid to get that status, or will our show/champion's be returned to their proper show/champion status once you have the new lines ready?
3. As to breeding.  You said it will revert back to totally genetics based breeding.  Will this be optional?  Like as with the stable and gene pool, where a person can breed to try for specific genetics, but another person can choose to breed just based on "ohh pretty!".  I guess what I'm asking, is for those of us who don;t give a flip about playing in genetics codes, will there still be a place for us?
4. what about the contest/show that Hunni started for March?  Some of us already signed up for that (though there was no fee posted for us to send in yet) is that now canceled?  (Only asking so I can stop checking the thread if I don't need to).
5. As for recerting with the "old" cert, is there any way, any way at all, that you can see yourself into fixing it?  I'll still have mine recerted if not, since you said there will be additional information then what is on Hunni's current cert.  But I have to say I much like her cert better, as the "text boxes" are not covering up parts of the rats/mice.  Examples: Ex1 -  -  Ex2 -   -   You see where the little text boxes go over top the tails in places?  This is what i mean.  On Hunni's, she fixed that for us, so that no part of our critter was covered up and we could see them in all their prettiness.
6. Do you want us to just post the ones we have that are certed, or do you want us to post the ones were still waiting to be grown and certed as well?  Also, do you need us to re-post names/trade information for our weanlings if we had already posted it previously, or do you have that information?

mm That's all I can think of right now.  I just woke up, I may have more questions later on.  I'm very sorry if I am being a pain, I don't mean to be.  It's just that any time an adopty changes hands, there are so many issues that can potentially arise.  And while I realise you were the previous owner, I've had bad things happen so much in the past when ownership changed hands, that I just want to cover my bases, so to speak.  

ETA: Knew I'd think of something else -.-

Will Hunni be allowed to stay on as staff as a colorist or such?  She did do a really good job coloring/running them, I think it would be wonderful if she could stay on.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



1/ Apologies for the mis type... I have replaced 'mice' with rodents... I have the mice in my head today as I am doing extra lines for the mice side.

2/ If you wish to be rembursed, I will do that. I will be doing extra lines for show type mice definately, simpley because they look so different to pet type mice. I will be doing lines for Show type rats too.
But for any mice/ rats to be classed as 'champion' they will have to earn it through shows.

3/ The breeding will be true to genetics... this is one of the reasons why I set up this adoptable, and Hunni also followed that mostly.

4/ There will be no shows yet, until I know how I want to run them.

5/ The certs will not be changed i'm afraid, I apologise for that. Personally i don't think it takes anything away from the mouse or rat at all, if i did i wouldn't have designed it that way.

Please post all the rodentia you own, I need to renumber them even if you don't want them recerted. But any new rodentia you get in the future will be on the old certs.

Ooh, and let me know if you want your babies growing please.


Im so sorry for this also guys, its partly my fault with the whole computer deal me and willow were both concerned on the well being of these guys. I adore these lines, i mean seriously they are to die for and i hated giving them up but willowdragons and AMAZING artist & owner and will be able to carry them much farther then i could have.

If willow wouldnt mind and i do get my asus ive been dreaming of for so long here in the next few weeks ill love to remaing as a special staff memember/colorist whatever. I had no idea you guys loved how much i ran them and so on! It makes me feel really good actually, but i do promise you willowdragon can do much more with and for the rodentia!


I plan wholey on settling back in with my wild ponies after i get the asus, so you can bask in my adoptable running that way if you would like ^^


My Mice;

Babies To Be Grown/Named;

ID:S023 - cert has wrong ID
Name:Summer WSR

ID:S024 - cert has wrong ID
Name:Sahara WSR

ID:S025 - cert has wrong ID
Name:Coal WSR

ID:S026 - Traded to Kadana:

In Return For:

ID:C019 - Right ID as far as I know
Name: Loki WSR
Owner: Willow

That's all :)
I look forward to seeing Rodentia continue,Hunni did a great job running them as she did ^^

Kadana Sorano

OK, thanks for the quick answers.

Already Certed: Please do not re-color.

Not yet certed, Need to be grown:

1. Trading rat baby to Indigowulf for a mouse baby. I don't have an image of the mouse baby yet.

2. Traded rat baby to Willow for her mouse baby

Going to Willow:

Recieving from Willow: Chipahua KLF

3. Keeping, Name: Hermes KLF

4. Keeping, Name: Poseidon KLF

5. Keeping, Name: Hestia KLF

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I won a female in a flatsale from the other thread, I pm'd Hunni to get the image, since I don't think she had the time to cert her yet.  I hope it's okay?  Since I still paid for her... :)

I also have this one that needs recerting.

There you go.  You can recolor if you want.  :)



This one needs recerted, the coloring can stay the same.

These ten babies are from a breeding between my Biscuit, and Kadana Sorano's Bijou. Half are hers. We can split after they are grown or you can slit them as you grow them. We haven't traded any away yet because we don't know what hey are going to look like yet.

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


I wouldn't mind mine being recoloured :)



I will be re-colouring and recerting now... anyone who does NOT want thier Rodentia recoloured will have to wait til sunday for renumbering, that is when Hunni will be sending me the psd's  ;D

Please let me know specifically that you DON'T want you rodent re-coloured... if i don't see anything telling me not to, i'm going to recolour/recert.



Let me go find my new mouse, and get her recerted.  My previous PI mouse can be certed too?

And my rats, since I had not gotten them redone yet, they will be good as is, I assume?

Edit: New mouse

Can I rename her?  She came with this name, but I wasn't sure if I was allowed to rename.  And she can be recolored

Kadana Sorano

Gah I knew I forgot something.  I don't want mine recolored.  I'll go edit my post to reflect that, sorry.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



do the old mice from PI days need redoing?  I'm a little confused.....


The change of ownership doesn't bother me at all, the recoloring is optional so that's no big deal either and I can try to understand the realistic breeding thing. SG for higher quality mice can be refunded if I understood correctly, so that can be solved too. I do agree with Kadana about the old vs new cert, I like it better when it doesn't cover a part of the tail but it's not really an issue for me :)

I do have one problem: I did a pet trade with Hunni for Blessed customs who are meant to be very rare (3% of all pets). To keep it fair I got champion quality mice in return, because those would also be hard to get and very valuable. But you said it will be impossible to get those now and that kinda leaves me with the feeling that an already completed trade suddenly turned pretty unfair. I dunno how to fix this, I don't think refunding the quality difference with SG would make me feel better, it wouldn't change that I gave out a very rare breed and got regular common pets in return. Maybe this is better/easier to be discussed over PMs? Just lemme know :)

And a question that kinda has something to do with my problem, but not really: what will the differences between show and pet mice be? The lineart of course, maybe the showing itsself. Amount of babies too? Just wondering here ^^


Quotedo the old mice from PI days need redoing?  I'm a little confused.....

No these don't need re-colouring or recerting, they will pretty much stay as is  ;D

Quotedo have one problem: I did a pet trade with Hunni for Blessed customs who are meant to be very rare (3% of all pets). To keep it fair I got champion quality mice in return, because those would also be hard to get and very valuable. But you said it will be impossible to get those now and that kinda leaves me with the feeling that an already completed trade suddenly turned pretty unfair. I dunno how to fix this, I don't think refunding the quality difference with SG would make me feel better, it wouldn't change that I gave out a very rare breed and got regular common pets in return. Maybe this is better/easier to be discussed over PMs? Just lemme know

Feel free to PM me YLO, I shall try my best to satisfy you  ;)  (eek... I don't mean that as rude as it sounds!  :D)

Kadana Sorano

Willow.. For my own, only my two rats (Asmodeus and Asha) did I pay extra to get them to be champion quality.  The mouse (Bijou) was a flatsale, so I'm not worried about her.  I feel bad asking you to refund sg for reducing their champion status, as the sg I paid didn't actually go to you.  And, I know some people on Secundi still have very low amounts of sg (not sure if you are one or not).  So erm.. yea, feeling a bit awkward :S  If you want to refund the sg, or work something else out somehow, well, however you want to do it.

Also, I purchased a 3rd custom (champion status) but it was as a gift for a friend, so not sure what, if anything, I need to do there either.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I don't have huge amounts of SG its true... lol

I don't mind refunding, but obviously would depend on how much you want me to refund and how many people want refunding!

if people would rather have a free custom instead? (1 free custom per downgraded rodentia?)

W xx


Willow's recolours and Kadana's grown mouse.

(Red tan is called Sable and looks like this)

Kadana Sorano

Well, as I am one of those blessed with an abundance of sg and not much to really spend it on, I don't have a pressing need for it back, so I'd be more then happy to accept a custom per downgrade instead of sg.  So if you do want to go that way, just let me know whatever new form I need to fill out, and any rules I need made aware of.  As I said earlier, I don;t count the muse, as she was a 5k flatsale.  So just for the two custom rats that are being downgraded.

And thank you for growing my mouse, I wasn't expecting her so fast!
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I hope you like her  ;D

I won't be able to grow your rat weanlings until I know what numbers the parents will be, so it will have to wait until I can get .psd's from Hunni.

You don't really need forms i suppose, just PM me and let me know what customs you want, the only restriction being it has to be a real life colour

Good site for rat colours:

Good site for Mouse colours:

W xx



If youd like refunded please do pm me, ill do my best to give full refunds for the status of your mice.

-YLO if youd need to repo my blessed customs feel free to do so hun, i dont want you to feel like youve been done wrong.


Neo's boy   ;D  Black Eyed Cream is Bone by the way...  hehe  I haven't changed his colour, just the name of it to something I'm used to.

I have a few BE Creams in real life  =o)   Here's one of my boys...

*I loves showing off my meece  lol*


Just one tiny thing...some of the "double marking" rats are incorrect. Rats to be shown or to be considered anything other then "mismarked" have to show only one marking. So a "masked dalmatian" would simply be a "mismarked dalmatian" or "mismarked masked"

I don't know if Willow is going to do it that way, but that's the way markings are in the rat world.

Reality is only for those who lack imagination.


I love your mice. If you ever want to show them off to someone, send some pictures my way! I'd love to see them!
And thank you for my recerted mouse! And for recoloring him! You are putting a bunch of work on these rodents.

Thanks, I apprichiate it! Such a cute adoptable.


I was thinking, Id rather have future rat customs than a refund on the 2 champion upgrades I paid for. Its not fair for me to pay and get nothing, but its also not fair for you to refund from your own pocket.

*goes off to find new critters images*

Oh, I had a list of what my breeding resulted in but no images. Ill go find that too.

Oh, and I was hoping to go with IW, or I*W if 3 are required. Not IWW, that just doesnt feel right. Hunni had suggested it but it never felt like it was "mine" if you know what I mean?

edit 1: the baby list from breeding:
QuoteRed Himalayn-2x
Blue Sable-x2
Lilac Sable-x1

Red himmy one-female-Long Hair
Red himmy two-male-long hair
Blue sables-both female-both short *are actually indentical twins
lilac sable-male-long hair
black-male-short hair
coffee-male-long hair

(I didnt pay to upgrade this one, so no custom/refund on it- if possible could he be renamed Silt?)

(paid on these 2)


Quote from: indigowulf on April 02, 2010, 12:04:07 AM
I was thinking, Id rather have future rat customs than a refund on the 2 champion upgrades I paid for. Its not fair for me to pay and get nothing, but its also not fair for you to refund from your own pocket.

*goes off to find new critters images*

Oh, I had a list of what my breeding resulted in but no images. Ill go find that too.

Oh, and I was hoping to go with IW, or I*W if 3 are required. Not IWW, that just doesnt feel right. Hunni had suggested it but it never felt like it was "mine" if you know what I mean?

edit 1: the baby list from breeding:
QuoteRed Himalayn-2x
Blue Sable-x2
Lilac Sable-x1

Red himmy one-female-Long Hair
Red himmy two-male-long hair
Blue sables-both female-both short *are actually indentical twins
lilac sable-male-long hair
black-male-short hair
coffee-male-long hair

Rodentry initials names are optional but not required, aslong as its not too long that I can't fir it on the cert you may have what you wish, so IW is fine  ;)

Because you already have a list of what you expected from your breeding, I will honor it... mostly... except the Red himilayan will be changed to Himilayan... because it is impossible to get red pointed mice in real life, the points will not show through if the fur is red, they just look like Pink Eyed Whites.

Note to everyone: All breedings/ growings I do from now on will be based purely on genetics!


I will have a bunch of questions about genetics then.. And I don't really want my big variety of mice be changed to just one or two colors.. I understand if that's what will happen from now on because of realism (I don't think you can get 4 of 5 different colors/patterns from a single breeding IRL, can you?) but I would be sad if the babies that were born would be changed now that they need to grow. PMing you about the pet trade thing now and will post my mice here later.

@Hunni: I won't reposses them, I already colored them anyway and they are your characters so repossesing wouldn't solve anything. I could never rehome them and I don't want them to disappear after I spend time coloring them.


Anyone who has questions about genetics is more than welcome to PM me  ;D

In the future when I accept breedings again (I'm redoing the pinkie lines) I will always be available for guidance about genetics.

W xx

*edit*  Indigowulfs Adults  ( I will colour your babies now, but they will go straight to weanling stage so you may still trade them)


Oh wow the fawn sable looks completely different! That was the recommended coloration to mimic the horse I have in my display. Do you have a suggestion on the correct colors to get that horse? And is there anything specific about white socks on the feet? Sheena has 1, but I dont know if only certain colors would show socks or what?

If need be, I can simply rename that mouse, because she's not a mimic anymore heh.

*snuggles Mongoose* man I miss that rat.

I also have 1 of those upcoming pinkys traded to Kadana. Im going to wait til the pinkys are here so she can double check and make sure the one she picked is still the one she wants ;)


Satins ten to have lighter bellies... so a Fawn satin would probably do it.

Would you like to rename you PE Sable then?


berkshire marked mice have white feet, but they are all white, not just one.


ok thank. Yes, can I please rename her "NightFire"

Ill have to re-order a Sheena mimic in the future.


Since my mom won't let me have real rats... I am going to get a huge mischief of these. <3 *wants a dove berkshire dumbo rex doe at one point*


Please do not recolor Mirabella and Bijou, unless you feel it's really neccessary because they aren't realistic. All other mice in this post are allowed to be recolored

(<-- = coffee banded hereford, hunni forgot to change the cert)

Lookky is here right now and I'm too lazy to switch accounts xD So here are his:

My three show mice and Lookky's two show mice were bought with SG, we both would like the free custom option instead of a SG refund. And I PMed you about the champion mice because it's a pet trade that was already completed and I just dunno how to solve it.. It's not fair to keep it like this, but it's also not fair to let you color a bunch of things for a previously completed trade you had no part in.


Indigo's litter: Ignore the ID, they haven't been assigned yet.


Kadana gets pick of the litter off mine- she said Coffee boy, letting her post to confirm that's still the one she wants.

Oh, are you holding to the limit of we can keep 3 from a breeding and the rest must be traded?


You can keep or trade as many as you like... but once i start up breeding again, the most in any litter will be five

W xx


I saw a concern that breeding will no longer give great variety, this is certainly not true. Depending on what your rat/mouse carries, you can get incredible variety from breeding. I will find some litters to show you XD

There are many more examples as well, and if anyone wants help with rat genetics I'm happy to help.

Reality is only for those who lack imagination.


Ooooh so pretty <3
Although I think I only want mice for now, can I poke you for that too or only for rat genetics advice?


One of my real life past litters... Black, Chocolate, Dove, Silver, Champagne and Pink Eyed White. LMAO


Aweeesome.  :D
Very happy YLO. Now to understand genetics so I can get the right customs and pair them up to get a lot of variety <3 I would very much like pairs that have the possibility of producing different patterns and at least 3 different colors (note: possibility to produce those as I understand that there's no way to guarantee what will happen).

Edit: my babies would like to become weanlings too :) I'm okay with you deciding what happens to them, especially if the orginal result included combinations that didn't even excist. Unrealistic result isn't that big of a deal to me, but I don't want mice with genetics that are simply not out there in real life like the beige tan.
The only ones Hunni told me so far were:
Baby One-Female-Red Broken Merle
Baby Two-Male-Brown Broken Tan Merle

Seven babies I think?