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Gidgets - Fancy Breeders Convention

Started by Gidgets, March 28, 2010, 05:39:04 PM

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Hearing about the fancy gidget convention gave me ideas, and I went through and picked several of my gidgets who I thought would pass appropriate characteristics to my desired end.  I started with a lovely Bay, for the dark muzzle and light feet (and sweet disposition) and Okapi to add body black and patterning to the limbs (and a gentle attitude).

Next, I bred their offspring to Cheetah and light Appaloosa gidgets, to lighten the color and add the spotting pattern (both adding energy and free-spririt to the mix as well).

Finally, I bred those resulting offspring to a carefully chosen Dun, to reinforce the black markings, and add a bit of soot overall (she has also passed on a very eager-to-please attitude to all her prior offspring, adding to her selection over a different female).

It took a little while for the combinations to produce the markings as I hoped, and I almost gave up, but finally, this little cutie was born!


Im terribly sorry, I believe I misunderstood what was going on. I thought as long as I was breeding something that resembled nature [in any form] that it would be ok. I did read the "naturals putting on a show" however It wasent clear enough to me that it had to be natural Mammal coats. It through me off a bit more when the post below that, in which some other questions were answered it stated [animals... flowers, birds fish...?]
Is the toucan also way too far off base? I believe that the poison dart frog & the sunset were the most offensive to the guidlines

Anyways, read throu and made a quick apology! <3


No worries Lost, we are all trying to get into what is considered fancy, and yours is, in a sense, it is more show then anythign though, just without the extra mutation


What PM said ^^ That's part of what this convention is about, after all, trying to decide what exactly constitutes a Fancy versus a Show or Natural gidget.  And your sunset gidget is absolutely gorgeous; I'd love to see that become a Show pattern :)


Quote from: Garney on April 02, 2010, 10:39:43 AM
Not that I won't make the ones posted even if they aren't approved (though shading on the gidgets is sorely tempting me not to make those ones), they just won't be fancy.

You colored a gidget, you bred it carefully, just because it doesn't apply to Fancy doesn't mean it isn't yours (ie. shaded and uploaded to you).

Now that I've said that, please don't color shows just to get unique ones XD;

It was stated on this page.

Also I went and redid all my spots so they weren't like those ones you did as that is usually how I do my spots, but I wanted them to be two different giraffes, so you better repost that or I gonna be mad :)



After months of determination, and hard work, I have finally come across the perfect genetic pairings that have now given me the "Tuxedo Cat" pattern with my desired colours.

We started off breeding (for the golden eyes) with to get the desired ring of colour around the pupil.

As for the coat, we really needed to tone it down and make it more natural, which led to the pairing of (to get the colour down to a workable pastel) and . This gave us a dark grey colour on the body with bits of white on the muzzle, chest and feet.

We then repeated the breeding of with a female who would reinforce the grey coat... .

And the offspring finally came out as planned. :)


Wow.. I support Lectral's African Wild Dog coat 100%


(I'm wondering if it's okay to use the baby pattern from animals?  I really hope so.. XD)

The Brazilian Tapir Gidget was bred totally by mistake, since this was not what we were aiming for.  Though after much consideration, we decided that we really liked that version and continued to breed more Gidgets together to get the markings completely right.  Here is a list of the Gidgets that were used to achieve this breeding goal.

We used the Deer Gidget for the white spots, the Tiger gidgets for the stripes all over the body and also the Okapi Gidget to get the stripes mostly white and body color.


(Ugh sorry if the description isn't the best... I suck at writing lol x.x)


Yes yes YES Pou.  I thought about the Malaysian Tapir too but ran intot he same issue that I wanted to make the baby not the adult, so I approve of your breeding results.


Thanks PM! I Must say that I approve of your giraffe pattern as well!  I luff giraffes! :D
I also like red's version.  I think it's cool to have variety! ^^

And Lectral's lycaon? MUST HAVE!!! XD



I started with for the white body, and bred in countless times to make only the head yellow. was added in for the grey 'beak', and for a quiet temperment. The final touch was breeding in for the orange spot. After countless breedings, finally they breed true~

edit: see I see mention of mine after I delete it. meaning, to me, no one really wants it.




[Aiming for soemthing that is right this time!!]

I started out this project with two very simple gidgets:

I got pretty close to the desired results, but the offspring varied a bit too much to me. What to do?
I decided to introduce the closest of the offspring to this gidget:

And it definetly took care of the greyish tones, making the black very visable. But I was also left with splotches on certain babies of the 2, which is when I crossbred with this one:

Perfection finally occurred! Each of the following offspring varied very little with colouration, and each had a personality all thier own <3


mmm yes was good decision to scrap my panda then

the fading looks a bit odd to me, but I like the eye patches :)


eeeee I love the panda gidget: Two thumbs up for Lost!


The fading does look a little off, dosen't it O.o
Ah well perhaps shading can fix? :)
Does it at least make it as a Natural Fancy At Last? lol
Perhaps this old soul of mine is getting a bit senile in understanding simple things <3
And are there any comments on how many diffrent breeding projects I should try? I get lost in my little world, and could do dozens before getting tired of it

Wolfs Fang


PSD file: (Can't upload it on this computer, will edit it in later.)

My goal was to breed a scarlet ibis look-a-like, because I like both the appearance of the bird and the short story, "The Scarlet Ibis." I blurred some orange and white into the coloring of the Gidget, because a real scarlet ibis isn't perfectly red. If you look closely at the picture of one, there's small, black tips on the wings/tail, so I made the Gidget version have tips, too. :)

I began my breeding project with , for a nice red-orange base. I then bred it with to get black tips on the muzzle, wings, and tail. To emphasize these traits, as well as to give the offspring darker eyes, I bred the resulting Gidget from this pair to . However, somehow unintentionally got into the lines. This resulted in a sweet, mischevious personality, and in some faint white smudges in the coloring of the offspring.




After breeding yet another unnoticed gidget, I tried for a more vibrant colored one this time. The base white was provided by , who was bred with and to produce the red banding. was bred in to turn the spots from . Then we have a pretty white, red and black coral snake gidget!
though the bands aren't as neat as I'd like them to be >>

it looks lots like the birdy, Fangy :D


Lost... *sigh* it's those eyes you're doing. I can't work with them. Can you please flat color them?


The gidgets used in this were bought from users or from the sanctuary. :)

Target :


After carefully breeding these two gidgets, I came up with this stunning red-back poison dart frog.

This one was used to get the spots.  But we needed something else to 'break' it into spots.

This one was used to break the paint pattern into spots.  The combo of this Gidgets little spots combined with the paint pattern made big spots in some of the offsprings that were used in the next breedings.

This one was used to get the blue on the limbs.

And then this one was used to get the stricking orange color on the back.

This took us quite some time to achieve, but we're proud of the results.

((I hope this one hasn 't been made already? I'll take a look at the other pages. XD))


(for the white spotting and lighter stomach)
(to make the spotting more like bands and beak)
(for head markins)
(for wings)
(for red eyes and blue around eyes)

After much time and many gidget breedings that would not work, the perfect combination was found in order to produce a Hoatzin Gidget.  While gidgets breed quickly finding the perfect combinations and then creating the perfect gidgets from those combinations was by no means an easy task.  But with great effort, it was able to be accomplished!




Poupou hun, Im flattered my CYO baby is being used to make more pretties. I bet other people are too. Nobody has complained about it :) This baby is my limited line CYO, and he's feeling very very loved right now.


Argh! I wanted to do a venomous coral snake (I love the coral snake colors!), but I can't open any of the templates! Could somebody perhaps send me image versions of them, and not .psds? Because I don't have photoshop >.<


Gimp can open psd files
and it is a free program


Quote from: PonyMama on April 03, 2010, 10:23:50 PM
Gimp can open psd files
and it is a free program

Oooh, GIMP can open them? Awesome! I have GIMP :P

Pardon my ignorance, I don't use it a lot XD

ETA: Shoot, I can't install GIMP on this computer because I don't have the permissions! D:

Oh well,nevermind, and best of luck to you all!


that's ok, not everyone knows
she has a nice easy psd too so it works with gimp no problems.


Quote from: PonyMama on April 03, 2010, 10:40:38 PM
that's ok, not everyone knows
she has a nice easy psd too so it works with gimp no problems.

I just found out I can't install GIMP...I have the setup, but not the permissions to install it! D:


Best of luck to the rest of you!

Thanks for you help, PM!


Target: Spotted Seal

We started our breeding "mission" and thought about possible goals and we discovered that the spotted seal had a pretty silver/grey/white colour with black spots and so we began.
We started with breeding the two first gidgets, to get many diffrent spots and then we bred the two next gidgets to get the exactly right colours and fading colour effect. Then we had to combine it and bred the outcome with some of the originals and we got a this result.

The first gidget i used to get some spots and the brown tone in the eyes.
The second gidget i used to get more and diffrent spots and the white/black colours.
The third gidget was used to get the grey tone colours and the fading in colours.
The forth gidget was used to get more fading, slightly less visable spots and the brown colour.


indigowulf's lovely little raccoon mimic Gidget has been approved by the Fancy Breeders!

Though these three were very lovely and will no doubt be highly prized in the Show ring, it was determined that LD's poison frog and Hunni's swallow tail butterfly coated gidgets do not entirely suit the title of Fancy.

This is by no means an insult to you hard working breeders, they are stunning little gidgets =D
lost destiny - poison frog
hunni - butterfly
echowing - ring neck snake

Although with patches of bright, show colors, these two were determined to be predominantly natural in color, and have been approved as Fancy coats.
toffeeca - blue ringed blob

goddesss - sun conure

And the most definitely fancy, though subtle in doing it, hunni's black panther!

Easily approved as well:
springacres - peregrine falcon

tierasa - bernese mt dog

spixy - orca

ponymama - bongo

scullisto - golden headed tamarin

tierasa - maned wolf

ponymama - giraffe


I am also in the process of breeding some <3


Ooh, pinkshadow, I love your spotted seal!  Very fancy indeed :)

ETA: *sees edits to post above; is speechless with amazement*


Um, I did the maned wolf, not tierasa.


Ah ha, knew I mixed up one of them somewhere.

Poupou - both of your psd files aren't workable.. one's a php page and the other one has a multitude of leaked and extra layers


This was an awesome event; congrats to indigo and congrats to everyone who made so many lovelies! ^^


This was a very fun event and I would love to see more CYOs done along these lines in the future!  Thanks Garney!


Event Prizes
A great many participants of the Convention received 10 sand dollars for participating in discussions, debates, and showing off some really excellent gidgets.

For those above and beyond there are reserved rooms in the Gidget Breeding Tent for

Ryuu - for in character consistency and excellence

PonyMama - for exceptionally detailed and creative breeding processes

As there are still some lingering breeders eating up the leftovers, feel free to continue showing off your bred Fancies or just letting them play ^-^


So it is still possible to submit entries? I have a few finished, but no time to type out the breeding process until after Easter.


Oh thank you so much Garney, I had a lot fo fun with this event and got to create pretties as well as use any and all my writing creativity (I am just not overly creative most days)

Now to find a beautful pair to breed, not sure you want to make giraffe spots :)

I have another 2 gidgets half done but wanna save room for others, but may get them done just for showing off.


I have a pied cockatiel one based on my own bird, but I decided to leave him alone. I have another, but I just can't figure out how to work in the markings.  Anyone want to take a look?


Congrats everyone
Thank you for the event Garney <3

Nearly ready to give up on breeding a fancy gidget, I discovered this wonderful bird and set out to produce the perfect gidget mimic. Like with the cockatiel, I started with for the white base and bred in for the black with as the one pushing the black to only stay on the top. was then introduced for the red, and was bred several times before it appeared in the correct places. Once all the basics were bred into a single gidget, the not so simple task of breeding the colors into the corret places was left.


@Garney - Here are the psd... I don't know why it didn't work though  ???
Am I supposed to use the direct link on

Baby Tapir PSD

Red-backed Poison Dart Frog

Here they are... I hope things will work this time. ^^;


What a fun and wonferful event Thank you Garney and congrats one everyones amazing new gidgets!


Thanks for the event  :D I love my gidget and next time will work harder towards fancy  ;D


Yes indeed. Thank you for the fun event. :)  I LOVE my Berner.


Thank you so much Garney for an lovely event <3


Sorry for another question I probly should know- does this mean the gidgets listed on the approved list have a reserved tent room now, even though the tent slots are full on the first page?

Quote from: Gidgets on April 04, 2010, 05:54:39 PM
Event Prizes
A great many participants of the Convention received 10 sand dollars for participating in discussions, debates, and showing off some really excellent gidgets.

For those above and beyond there are reserved rooms in the Gidget Breeding Tent for

Ryuu - for in character consistency and excellence

PonyMama - for exceptionally detailed and creative breeding processes

As there are still some lingering breeders eating up the leftovers, feel free to continue showing off your bred Fancies or just letting them play ^-^


Those work Pou! Thanks!

I edited in PM and Ryuu to that room list, which I hadn't cleared from the last pairs that used those rooms - setting up this little convention and all that.


"above and beyond" haha my mind stopped at "those above" and made me thing those listed above. I was like, wow.. thats a lot of extra work for poor Garney! Silly me.

Congrats PM and Ryuu!



I think it's over, but I'm not completely sure.

The next time I participate, I will be choosing a very exotic animal. :) *collects ideas*

Thanks Garney! :)