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Gidgets - Fancy Breeders Convention

Started by Gidgets, March 28, 2010, 05:39:04 PM

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Fancy Gidgets

Deer - Red Panda - Tiger - Cheetah - Okapi - Zorse

Ring Tail Lemur - Diademed Sifaka - Snow Leopard - Clouded Leopard - Pacific Dolphin - Raccoon

Blue Ringed Octopus - Sun Conure - Black Panther - Peregrine Falcon - Bernese Mt Dog - Orca

Bongo - Maned Wolf - Giraffe - Tamarin - Spotted Seal - Hoatzin

Red Back Frog - Tapir - African Wild Dog - Cockatiel - Coral Snake - Red Capped Robin

Toucan - Panda - Scarlet Ibis

The Fancy Breeders Convention is an RP slash CYO event
scheduled to last approximately a week.


The Convention

All right, so it isn't so much a convention as a picnic on the beach of the FaeKind island.

But people have come, bringing their favorite little gidgets with them. Tents are set up for a bit of shade, some with people cooking, selling trinkets, or just offering breeding tips.

First things first, what does it take to be a fancy breeder?

Well, above all things you need a love for gidgets. Many cultured gidgets aren't fond of hunting for their own shells anymore, so a devoted owner probably spends a lot of time on the beach (oh the horror).

Then you need a plan. Which gidgets have the strengths you want? Not just the colors of their coats, but the temperament and personality traits that make good companion gidgets.

And then can you get those gidgets to produce new coat colors? They need a comfortable environment, plenty of love, and of course lots of shells.

The second order of business, what exactly IS a fancy gidget?

Please gather here and discuss your take on this new type of adorable little friend. Do the six coat strains bred by Garney show typical "Fancy" traits? Is the Zorse a Fancy, or just another Normal gidget?


Show Off Your Fancy Gidgets

Discerning breeders bring to our convention their attempts at something fancy.

Fancy guidelines
- Of the spirit "naturals putting on a show!"
- Lacking horns or fins.
- Coats not found in horses.
- Coats found in nature.

Using any version, show off your attempt at a Fancy coat.

The more detail the better. Describe your breeding process, post the png image (will be shaded and edited with a finished version), the .psd file if possible, a link to target images, the pedigree of the gidget, etc.

The tiger gidget was carefully bred through a series of red and orange show gidgets and striped varieties. The Show extras were then bred out of the lines through a series of breeding to normal whites and bays to maintain color richness.


I really like the new fancy breed as evidenced by my collection. :)  I'm not quite sure the Zorse belongs though because he has a naturally occuring equine pattern. (Hope I said that right)


Mmmm, I think fancy is in the eye of the beholder. If you went by naturally occuring colors, all of those posted in first thread would be disqualified. Personally, Id say, any gidget that makes you say "wow!" is fancy. That would include naturals and shows, depending on the views of the owner.

*snags some bbq ribs and potatoe salad*

I brought enough potatoe salad for everyone, feel free!


*totally wants potato salad now, good job indigo make the preggo crave something XD*

I think personally the fancy breed should be all fancy & show gidets. They are harder to come by then the naturals but then again some of the naturals are to die for so really i agree with indigo here its in the eye of the beholder!


I think the fancy category should be for "naturals putting on a show!" meaning striking coats that appear in nature! ^_^

Hmm, the question is... do things like fish and flowers count? They are found in nature but they can be brighter than the flashiest show category Gidgets... That's a ponderer... *thinks*


*Is totally here for the potato salad*

I agree with Ryuu, she pretty much has the same view as me!

QuoteI think the fancy category should be for "naturals putting on a show!" meaning striking coats that appear in nature! ^_^


Grrrr.. now I need to go boil some taters. I know I know, it's my own fault!


I think anything that is a little more wild than something you would find on a horse or a common dog should be considered fancy.

For example, the tiger Gidget, he or she should be classifyed as Fancy or show, because it is a little more out of your ordinary to find a coat like that.

I mean, a normal gidget with the standard natural colors is something more along the lines of your typical house gidget, if you know what I mean. If you have an exotic bird based gidget, well, you would probably not find that bird in your house, yes?

... Of course I suppose a horse wouldn't be found in your house, either...
I like what Indigo said.


(( Heee, Ryuu just noticed the first post says this is an RP event! You know Ryuu can't resist THAT! ))

I strolled through the soft golden sand of the beach, relishing the warm weather. Finally the winter was over! The cold times were gone for another turn of the world, and I was happy to be out and enjoying it all.

On my shoulder, Zekky perched on her hind limbs, nose in the air, little wings fluttering as she looked this way and that. She was obviously enticed by the smells coming from the tents along the beach.

"Don't get any ideas," I told the little Gidget, using one hand to scratch her rump when I felt her tense in preparation to leap off my shoulder and go investigate. "You're supposed to be on your best behavior little lady."

Zekky chittered in excitement.


((Oooh. Ryuu is correct o.o))

Chester flutters in for a landing. He makes a proud sound and looks at me.
"Behave," was all I told him.

He then scuttled over to the other gidgets.


Tracy turns her nose to the air. Many scents come from many directions. Her favorite is coming from the fire pits.

Thinking she is hungry, I offer her some roasted corn on the cob. She trills at me and fluffs her wings in the air. She then hops down to the ground and strolls to the firepits where the food is cooking, only to try to poke her claws into the coals that glow so pretty.

I have to snatch her up, to her protesting and wriggling, before she hurts herself.


Orica sits charmingly beside me "i think im fancy" she says.

*hush miss* sorry loves..shes a bit of a priss.

Orica gives evil eye, and shoves off to flirt with the boys.


Seeing the flash of bright red against the sand, Zekky suddenly went rigid on my shoulder. Her head swiveled around quick as a striking snake, watching with fixed eyes. Then she grabbed the collar of my shirt in tiny claws and tugged urgently, chirruping in my ear.

"Huh?" I looked over to where she was pointing and saw the little Red Panda Gidget in the sand. "Oh, I see. Yeah he is a flashy one, isn't he?"

Zekky hunkered down and gave a clear pout.

I laughed. "Okay fine, but you come back if I call for you."

She probably didn't hear, she already launched herself off my shoulder and fluttered over to Chester, landing next to him and sniffing the new Gidget all over, giving happy little chirps. I watched from a distance to make sure she was safe, and so I could grab her if events started in a hurry.


((sorry, gotta post them both, post-hog that I am))

Siren gives his sister a dirty look. Again with the fire. Politely chirring, he clearly begs me to be allowed to play in the waves. Such a well behaved boy, you'd never believe he and Tracy were siblings. I nod to Siren, and he gleefully begins to splash about in the surf.

Seeing her brother running loose and playing in his chosen element, Tracy squirms all the harder in my grasp, protesting the unfairness of it all. Finally, I let her down, but only after warning her that the fire is off limits. Sighing, she pouts and scratches designs in the sand with her claws.


I personally am inclined to agree with Ryuu's definition.  I think "fancy" applies to any color or pattern found in nature that makes you go "Wow, I wish I could breed that into [insert domestic animal species here] somehow!"

Maserati was making little irritated growls in his throat.  True to his name, the cheetah-colored Gidget was a speed demon, and he was frustrated because we, in his opinion, had arrived LATE.  No sooner had I turned my back to grab some food, than his tail slapped my ankle as he performed his trademark speed-dash getaway.  I sighed, knowing what he knew - that even without a plate full of food, there was no way I could catch him unless he decided to stop.

Luckily for me, that didn't take long.  Scanning the immediate area, I spotted him near a male Red Panda mimic and a female Zorse mimic.  Probably trying to get the girl's attention.  There were never too many females around for Maserati!

"Maser, you behave nicely now," I called to him sternly.  "No arguing.  You're a very handsome boy, and she's a very pretty girl, but remember your manners."

Maser gave a cursory glance in my direction, but something about his posture suggested exasperation.  Nevertheless, he didn't seem inclined to argue with either me or the two other Gidgets.  He continued chirruping at them, trying to get them to play with him.


Zekky whipped around and let out a squeak at the sudden presence of the spotted boy. She arched her neck and gave him a thorough examination, nostrils quivering curiously. She tipped her head one way. She tipped her head the other. Then she purred out a questionable sound and crouched into the sand. She started to dig with intensity, sand flying up in a great arch. She jerked her head back and snorted particles from her snout as she pulled a white sand dollar and nudged it in Maser's direction.


All Chester could do with his newly found friends was grin a large, stupid grin.
He started to chuckle to himself for no apparent reason. He closed his eyes and swished his tail in excitement


Zekky glanced at Chester and gave a huff of disapproval, swiping her tail at him when he chuckled with a chirp of her own.


Maser watched with interest as the zorse girl examined him.  He was examining her, too, of course, his whole body betraying his excitement.  Did she like him?  Would she like him better than she liked the other male?  Ears pricking with eagerness, he watched as she began to dig, then found a pretty and nudged it in HIS direction.  This.  Was.  Awesome!  She LIKED him!

Maserati's eyes went wide and he churred his thanks and pleasure.  Now, of course, he had to find something pretty to give to her.  He stuck the sand dollar on one of his wingclaws, then zoomed off behind some rocks.  The sounds of claws digging in rocky soil were heard for a few seconds, perhaps, then a brownish-tan blur with something shiny in his beak returned to his new girlfriend's side - or as close as she would let him get anyway.  He had found a pretty oyster shell, which he now dropped and nudged towards her.


Tracy can't help herself. She stops pouting and bounds over to the digging female. She knows she doesnt look like the rest, but she doesnt care. Ignoring any rights of possession, she struts her way over and burries her nose deeply in the freshly dug hole. She comes back up covered in wet sand, and sneezes, then sits down and primly cleans stray grains off herself.

Siren, feeling like he belongs here more then his sister, for at least he looked more like a wild mimic then she, decides to join the group and make sure she doesnt cause any trouble. Swimming in from the surf, he takes care not to splash water on anyone in the group.


Zekky's beak parted in amazement as the spotted Gidget landed before her, an oyster shell in his gasp. He placed it in the sand in front of her, and she bent to sniff it's salty brine smell. It was curved, narrower on one end and rounder on the other. One side was rough and black, but when she flipped it over with one curved claw, she let out a chirrupping cry of amazement, because the other side was completely different. It was smooth and milky pale, and when the sunlight played over it, a rainbow of colors spilled over the surface.

Immediately Zekky put out her claws and clamped onto the oyster shell, pulling it toward her chest and glaring at any Gidgets near enough to even think about stealing her new treasure. She shuffled a step closer to Maser, the Provider of All Things Pretty(tm), and sat down with her tail laying against his foot.

The dark colored Gidget female with the shiny metal adorning her body caused Zekky to tense up in caution (such a strange Gidget!) and clutch her oyster closer to her body. She didn't mind that Tracy seemed to have taken over her sandhole. She had already gotten Maser's attention so she wasn't interested in it anymore.


Sheherazad stayed perfectly still, stretched out onto the shoulder of her handler.  The bright red jewels glittered in the sun, like drops of bedazzled blood sparking off her bronzed skin.  Her golden horns barely swayed as we ducked into a near by tent out of the direct beams of light.

"Hello everyone"
Settling into a comfy chair as Sheherazad blinked lazily over to the other gidgets and their people.


Chester was shocked with the swat from Zekky's tail.

He looked at the very extravagant new gidget. She was so pretty with her colors. Chester rolled around on his back while looking upside-down at the very pretty girl.


QuoteMaser, the Provider of All Things Pretty(tm)
Maser thinks this is the best title ever. And his handler is giggling her butt off at it.  XD!}}

Maser was now churring quite loudly in contentment.  He had gotten a shiny AND a new girlfriend...this was definitely a good day for him!  He shoved his sand dollar off his wingclaw, snatched it back up in his claws before anyone else got ideas about it, and moved closer to the pretty zorse female.  Her ear looked a little dirty; perhaps she wouldn't mind if he licked it to get some of that dirt off?


Rijaal is a shy little guy, so as others started to gather he tried to find places to hide.  With no way to really blend into the surroundings he was at a loss, so he figured if he just wandered around on the outskirts nobody would notice him.

((ooc: I am sick so this took a lot to write, not the best but I will try and add more tomorrow unless I can think of a couple things to write again tonight))


In their antics, Zekky and Maser have each stumbled upon a pile of Sand Dollars for their respective owners!


QuoteI'm not quite sure the Zorse belongs though because he has a naturally occuring equine pattern.

While it is true that Gidgets are primarily horse colored, a zorse is not a horse, it is a half-breed. Nitpicky perhaps, but zorse does not occur naturally without cross-breeding, at least so far as I have found. So if you go by the horse definition, a zorse would be a fancy. Buuut are we going to? XD

QuoteI think the fancy category should be for "naturals putting on a show!" meaning striking coats that appear in nature! ^_^

This is definitely the spirit behind this new development in Gidgets. Something a little more flashy than your standard striped or spotted black, white, brown or gray.

QuoteHmm, the question is... do things like fish and flowers count? They are found in nature but they can be brighter than the flashiest show category Gidgets... That's a ponderer... *thinks*

This is another sticky point of contention. Do we restrict to mammals only? Animals only? What about birds and fish?

And it is possible to breed a show to a natural to get a brightly colored/patterned gidget without horns or fins. By definition, a natural is not only anything 'normal' horse colored, but also lacking in horns or fins, both parts are required.

By the same token, almost all Show gidgets have those traits. They began as a mutation in a single gidglet and were bred to greater numbers. If the Tiger coat strain ever produced a gidglet with horns or fins, they would certainly be a Show.

So we have for our guidelines:
- Of the spirit "naturals putting on a show!"
- Lacking horns or fins.
- Coats not found in horses.
- Coats found in... (nature? animals? mammals?)


*Mystery waddles in to take a nap*

I think all coats in nature should be allowed, otherwise we'd need another category for plants without horns/fins xD


((does this mean Tracy, Siren, Orica, and Sheherazad are disqualified from the thread? If it weren't for the fin, Siren is a decent fishy mimic. Bringing in something that follows the guidelines instead!))

After the third time Tracy tries to pick a fight, I finally give up and call a friend to come take her home. She is quite indignant over the whole thing, but I can't have her causing harm to another gidget.

Siren watches his sister go and shakes his head. He looks at me and rubs against my leg to make sure I'm not upset. Then, he trots off to the car to join his sister, to help calm her down.

As the door opens and the 2 finned gidgets get inside to get a ride home, who should jump out but my adorable Geico!

After greeting me with an abundance of churrs and snuggles, Geico makes his way to the food area and snags up an apple. Then, he notices the frightened-looking Rijaal. Not seeing many females around who aren't occupied, he grabs an extra apple and walks to Rijaal, holding it out to him and chirping encouragingly.


I sat up and paid attention to the announcer, who came to the beach and began to explain exactly what this new Fancy category of Gidget coats was defined as. I nodded to myself quietly; it all sounded good and made sense to me. There was just something so soothing about the Fancy Gidgets, a perfect balance between the calm of nature and the beauty of the vibrant Shows.

Standing up, I immediately began to mentally shuffle through the host of Gidgets currently fluttering around my place. The little tykes had a habit of going all Tribble on me and often I woke up with more than I had before going to sleep--surely somewhere in the midst there was one or two I could enter in this contest.

"Zekky!" I called. "Come on, we have to go back home to find who to--oh." I chuckled to myself as I noticed my Gidget was ignoring me completely and instead trying to lean her ear closer to the cheetah-spotted "friend" she had made.

I sighed, not really wanting to make her unhappy (especially since she found me sand dollars!). Surely it would be okay to leave her alone for just a short time while I made a quick trip home to gather up some Gidgets....

"I hope you don't regret this," I tsked to myself as I left to look for some Fancy Gidgets to enter.


Rijaal watched as two other gidgets searched and seemed to find some shells.  He may be shy but he wanted some shells too.  He had no idea what they were for but he wanted some, it was something he could hold and see and feel so he wanted it, so whiole he slowly paced on the outskirts he also kept his eyes to the ground, pawing slighlty at the ground as he walked, hoping to find something himself.

Rijaal also watched as a few gidgets seemed to leave as he heard someone announce that only certain gidgets were allowed to search, but he could see no reason why he would not be allowed to be included.

I watched as my shy little Rijaal skittered and pawed at the edge of all the other gidgets, he needed to learn to interact but refused to try.  There was just so much he was missing out on though.  Maybe throwing in another one of my pretties would help draw him out, but I think he needs to do this on his own.


I looked up with a bit of a start as the announcer explained what the new, "Fancy" category of Gidget meant.  As I listened, I pondered which of the breeding projects I had going would best fit this category.  Though any sort of breeding project with Gidgets involved could be troublesome.  They were like mice; the only way to make sure they didn't breed indiscriminately was to get them neutered or keep them separated.

Speaking of... I looked around for Maserati.  The little imp was not far away, quite contentedly grooming his new zorse-marked "friend's" ear and paying no attention to me whatsoever.  I tried to get his attention anyway.  "Maser, don't you dare do anything her owner might object to!"

Maser turned his head and fixed me with a stare that said, You come one step closer and you'll be chasing me all over the beach!

I sighed.  "All right, you can stay for now, but I've got to go home and figure out who to enter here.  YOU, behave yourself."  After all, he did find me those sand dollars...


((OOC: I haven't roleplayed in a long time so please be patient. ))

Nehwe hiccoughed as he and his handler joined the group gathering on the beach. He wasn't used to the sand and the salt from the sea. It tickled his nose and throat and caused him to hiccough again as he surveyed the gidgets that had already arrived.  There were a few unlike any he'd ever seen before and he cocked his head to the side as he glanced at them.


{{OOC: Warning, I wasn't brave enough to even try shading, and flat image is flat...}}

After a certain amount of deliberation, and some time spent getting reluctant Gidgets into the car, I returned to the convention to present my current projects.  As Maserati still seemed to be happily occupied, I let him be for the moment and began unloading and setting up my display area.


The diademed sifaka gidget was bred very carefully, starting from a background of red and orange show gidgets crossed with duns.  Once the leg color was deemed "fixed", blue roans were introduced with the aim of setting the body and head coloration a bit better and breeding out the undesirable show extras.  Towards the end of the project, outcrossings were undertaken with minimally marked black-and-whites to obtain the head and face markings you see here.  The result, after years of hard work and research, is a spectacularly marked strain of Gidget which breeds true.


OMG Im such an idiot!! I saved the .png then closed the program without saving the .psd If it's ok, I did to my own shading, maybe just the .png will be enough?

Ill try posting it anyway and if I need to, Im sure I can edit the flat image back into .psd format.

target =

It was a complicated process to get the markings to breed true in the patterns we were aiming for. Good thing gidgets breed to quickly, the entire process only required a few days.
Our first pairs including the natural colored gidget with roaning
and it was bred with
The resulting string of babies had a nice roaned effect, with blacks, tans, and browns blending in a nice mix.
To those offspring, we bred in some

This was to get some lightening in the face, muzzle, and lower extremities.

In the meantime, another pair were bred.
was bred with
This resulted in a richly toned natural colored gidget with black bandings. With generations of selective breeding, the bandings were gradually isolated to tail rings and face markings.

The offpsring of both of these new breeds were selectively bred together. After careful pairings and breeding out undesired traits, the final result now breeds true.


The ring Tailed lemur Gidget was a very long work in process, not only were were you breeding markings in but you were also breeding them out and switching colors.
We first bred to macaw mimics together to get the facial markings to set in, as we needed a nice white face, with circles around the eyes and nose.  After that was placed we brought in a Bay to darken the eye and mouth markings, this took a while as it kept attempting to change the white to back instead of the yellow to black, it also took the bright reds and blues of the whole gidget and turned it a dark muddy yet somehow bright color.  It took a bunch of times, but finally we produced the look we wanted with the face the body color was next to get right.
Next we brought in the Mammals one and Misc one gidgets to help tone down and mute the colors as well as add some stripes.  We needed the bands on the tails, but kept getting them all the way up.  So when we got the desired body color and the banding we wanted on the tail we knew we could breed the rest out.  Slowly the gidgets eye color was also getting color added to it to take it from pure black to a muted gold.
Last but not least we brought in the grey gidget to lighten the color again and get rid if the undesired stripes.  This to took a long while to get perfect, but over time it worked to how we wanted and the outcome was this gorgeous Ring Tailed Lemur mimic


We set out on a quest to breed a gidget imitation of the wild and beautiful Pacific Dolphin.

For our project, we knew that we'd have to use a serie of different colored gidgets in the colors of grey, black, white and blue.

It took os long to find gidgets with the right temper and looks, but we knew, that the parents and grandparents had to carefully handpicked.

Looking through many lineages, we finally found these excellent gidgets:

Their colors were stunning and amazing, but it was their temper, which conveinced us.

We were thrilled to find such amazing creatures - the chosen gidgets all had an absolutely breathtaking personality with just the right combo of goodness and happiness.

Finally having found suitable parents and grandparents, we started the breeding and just wow.

Out popped this amazing little gidget:

It was a tough process, but it seems that we're not getting any closer to the final look, however, we here at the center does not complain. Our newest little gidget is as inquisitive and smart as the true dolphin and we wouldn't trade her for anything.


{{Thank you :) }}

My Gidget is a work in progress, by combining several types of gidgets I am attempting a pattern that is, as I am finding, rather difficult to reproduce.

The Snow Leopards patterns are stunning but I have been experimenting with these others gidgets...
{for spots/pattern and dorsal coloring}
{for white dominant/ lighter spots/ blue eyes}
{for ice wings/ reinforced coloring and reinforced blue eyes}
{for encircled or controlled spots}
{for white spots}


Lectral highly approves of Scullisto's fancy gidget :D




This Gidget was bred using a colourful variety, blended in with some natural spotted ones.

Above some of the ancestors are pictured.
This Gidget was also bred for personality, and has a very playful, sometimes feisty temperment. It is also very loyal, and sometimes attaches itself to only one person.


Scullisto's Snow Leopard coat has been reviewed and deemed worthy of the title of Fancy!

Please folks, as you're going around looking at the different gidgets, feel free to comment on how they fit into our guidelines and the spirit of all things fancy! Discuss with one another various aspects of the breeding process.


Just reading through each of them now and will comment where I see fit

Admires Indigo's use of colored gidgets to aquire the colors she wanted then the texture thrown in to get the coat desired in the raccoon gidget.  Very good use of breeding.


Ooooo, there are now Lectral mimic gidgets... must get paws on one >.>


((first born of Khuno goes to a humble thank you for my boy coming into being ))

Ponymama's refined breeding of these very different gidgets produced a truly spectacular gidget.  The ring tailed lemurs coloring is truly difficult and she accomplished this with apparent ease.  Kudos.

Spixy's breeding of the dolphin coloring is very sleek and elegant, truly a brillant use of colors to achieve that.

indigo's Northern Raccoon is beautiful, its amazing how using nearly the same types of gidgets that I used, produced two very unique and gorgeous gidgets.

((Will do more when I get back from eating.  Thank you again and Khuno thanks you as well :) ))


PonyMama's ring tailed lemur gidget has met the approval of the convention!


Walking through the convention, i must say im most impressed by spixys dolpin gidget. Its personality is quite amazing and its dark aray of colors is simply stunning!


Curious because she had never heard of a Sifaka before, Garney looked into it and fell in love. Thus, springacres' little bundle is approved as fancy!



Something that often captivates our mind and intrest, is the hues on the wings of butterflys. A creature of pure grace and amazing beauty we often wonder on what lies the wings of a butterfly. It is said the feather light touch of a butterfly can cause a tidal wave on the other side of the world, though not often is this beautiful thing thought of as anything other then sweet and elegant.

I strived hard and long to get a gidget that mimiced that of my favorite butterfly, the black and blue swallowtail. I not only wanted its gemestic colors but its innocent personality. I picked carefully through the selection of gidets finding perfect one who could produce the lovely hues and the perfect personality.

I came up with this breeding progrom to produce my dream.

First i had to solidfy the personality of the gidget i wanted. So picked that of the white V3 gidget which is a pure and sweet personality and that of the V1 Valentines 1 gidget which was loving and caring. This produced a wonderful all around cheerful and intellgent personality that i had to have.

Those off spring were then bred to the next part of the program to get my color background and some goal markings.
First i needed something mostly dark so i bred together the V1 Halloween 2 and the V1 New Years 1 gidget. This gave me a black gidget with some bright coloring speckles throughout.

I then bred that offspring to V1 show purple for my hues of purple needed and i got a black gidget with little other coloring then a small amount of dark purple on the chest and head areas.

These offspring were selectivly bred together to allow the purple to show through a little more and i then added in my blue hues breeding in the V1 misc 2 gidget and V2 show indigo gidet.


This allowed for my blues and spotting to show through however there was one missing link. The golden brown spotting on the last bit of the wings. I bred carefully to the mix an V1 Overo gidet and thus my star was born.

The personality of an angel and the perfect color! What a beautiful and charming soul she is!