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Jumpers - Breeding Season! Ends May 8

Started by red_uni387, March 26, 2010, 10:12:57 PM

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yep, names will just go the adults, and all babies will be posted at the same time on this thread ^-^ (unless the thread grows too big)

hehe I hope you guys will like the adults just as much :D


as promised, round 2 is up

I didn't get anything done today though, my mom was doing taxes on the coloring comp.

YLO, if you wish to use the ones I have not colored, just post the links to the dogs and I'll color them first before breeding that pair <3 so like how Garney does it ^^


Male Image:
Permission To Use? Yes!
Female Image:
Permission To Use? Yes!
Breeding Item: Pear
Baby(ies) Go To: SeaCrest


Kadana Sorano

Breeding Form 1
Male Image:
Permission To Use? Yes
Female Image:
Permission To Use? Yes
Breeding Item: Double Pear
Baby(ies) Go To: Kadana

Breeding Form 2
Male Image:
Permission To Use? Yes
Female Image:
Permission To Use? Yes
Breeding Item: Double Pear
Baby(ies) Go To: Kadana
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Kadana Sorano

Payment sent for the pears.

Hey Red.. looking at all my jumpers.. there are two rather oddballs in there.  I'm wondering, if I mis-named them, or if they were mis-gendered.

Mimi is certed as a male, but I seem to have given him a girls name.. And Razz is certed as a girl, but has a boy name.

I've been sitting here scratching my head (figuratively lol) wondering how in the world I managed to do that..

Do you have psd's saved in such a way that gender can be altered?  And if so, can I pay a fee or such and get their genders switched?  (as I rather like the names and feel they fit the coloring, so would prefer to keep them named as is).

If it's too much trouble, I understand.  And too, it's not like I haven't had gender confused adopty pets before lol

Edit: Aww really?  You did so well on him!  And he was my second choice, my first was the Siamese cat mimics, but I remember how much a pain they were and thought I was being nice choosing my doggy mimics instead.  (I also refrained from choosing my CYO's, as I didn't want you to keel me) hehe
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Razz I'm completely stumped on, I remember coloring her but that's about it, but Mimi was a franken who unfortunately ended up with a girly name xD

dunno if gender switching would be fair though.....need more opinions on it >> *send brain waves out* but it's easy enough to save the .png, erase the sign, and replace it with the opposite ^^

yeah I don't think he looks like the real Jasper though D: and for breeding those, yes I would kill you...slowly *twitch*


Breeding Form
Male Image:
Permission To Use? Yes
Female Image:
Permission To Use? Yes
Breeding Item: Normal Pear
Baby(ies) Go To: Echowing

Thanks again Red  ;D Sending sg now ^^

Kadana Sorano

*snickerfits*  Yea, I figured lol  And while I'd love to breed them sometime, I don't want to be cruel.  I figured when I made them that they would likely be forever unbred.

As to gender changing, that's fine.  Let me know if/when you make a final decision.  And like I said, I'm willing to pay for it.  And now that you mention it, I do remember that franken.  Not sure how I managed to forget it, since my sister sat her snickering and laughing over it lol  I also remember at the time wanting to slap her quite badly rofl
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



or I'd just do a horrible coloring job like I did on them >>

dang how much SG do you have?!

probably just slipped your mind at this moment, and I was laughing too XD poor little Jumper

Kadana Sorano

I don't think you did a horrible job on them, I like them!

$24,072,724 on hand and $2,212,377 in SMIS.

It's ironic, and sad, and SO not funny at ALL.  I have so much I want on PI that people only want pg for, and I never have any pg unless I buy it with usd, which I can;t afford to keep doing at this point.  On Secundi, I have more then enough SG, but 99.99% of the things I want, people don't want SG for.  So it sits there, and instead of being an accomplishment and making me feel good, just annoys me to heck.

And yea, I probably wanted it to slip my mind lol 
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



After seeing Kadana's beauties I think I would be okay with the mane being left off on the dog mimics, I think Jasper and Allure are stunning. So if it looks okay you can leave it off, I trust your judgement :)

And I have trouble pairing them up without seeing them, but I will do that I guess, don't wanna miss slots. X.x
Usually I wait until I have all of them, then pair them all up to my liking and start submitting forms. I'm afraid doing it this way will result in pets being left over that I don't wanna mate together O.o

Breeding Form
Male Name: Corbin
Female Image:
Breeding Item: Normal pear
Baby(ies) Go To: Meeee xD

Breeding Form
Male Name: Maxence
Female Name: Nanda
Breeding Item: Normal pear
Baby(ies) Go To: Meeee xD


O__________________O gosh that's a whole ton of SG

YLO, only my mom is done with taxes I'll color those first and you can decide if you wanna keep those pairs or change ^^


I may not be able to mmimic a giraffe, but I hope at least Corbin looks like his doggie self



that would explain why something looked off XD
will go change it now, sorry 'bout that

so still keep him x Rashida? :)


Yea that should be an interesting result ^^ *secretly hopes for twins*


we have our first set of natural twins! :D identical females, from Lyte and Bryte, will appear in the pick up post soon <3

edit: wow Kadana got identical girls as well, random must be feeling repetitive today

edit again: awww random really hates Kadana, identical twins again! :( though male this time

Kadana Sorano

haha I don't mind.  But ince they are same gender as well, I'll consider trading one of each set if anyone is interested.  *too tired to make a proper trade thread right now*

And they are beautiful, thank you red!
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



glad you like them :D

and I wants one of Petal and Sky's offspring, must think of something to bribe with XD

edit: Echo's baby is here! I was gonna add some of Misty's spots, but I liked the swirls too much to blot them out hehe >>


Ohh! She so pretty, thanks red  ;D  And yay! I was hoping for an all over swirly one <3





Awesome! I might have to trade one out, I don't need more than one! XD They look lovely, red!

Or maybe you should create a gender change pear :) LOL


you could trade with Kadana for one of hers lol

nope, no pear for that~


*tries to sneak off with JasperxAllure and SkyxPetal babies*


uh seriously feeling no motivation to color...and my dad has started to watch me color >> really makes me want to just turn off the comp

YLO your first breeding is up, and apparently random heard your secret wishes :)


I looooove O.o And your coloring. Andandand waaaaah *runs off all excited, then comes back to hug red and feed cookies to random*


lol *squishes* will work on your next pair after lunch, bread just does not fill me up Dx



I thought I reuploaded guess I didn't o.o will do that before I eat then <3


No hurry, I am off watching TV and playing my latest Mario Party ^^
Will check secundi a few times per hour 'cause I'm a good stalker xD
Until I'm too tired to stay awake ;)


all fixed :) just had to dig up his image from the recycle bin hehe

Wolfs Fang



yours? never! *cackles insanely*

lol I'm kidding obviosuly XD week from when all breedings are done :) they're all colored so it's only a matter of uploading


Quote from: red_uni387 on April 10, 2010, 04:50:19 PM
yours? never! *cackles insanely*

lol I'm kidding obviosuly XD week from when all breedings are done :) they're all colored so it's only a matter of uploading





But she's pretty! <3 :D

... I shall warn you, I've been told by Garney and Lost(who did a mimic) that Maxence is the biggest pain ever. O.o

You should also send me back some custom forms :D


*squishes* just need to practice more then x_x

well then I'll probably tackle him little bits at a time over the cource of a few days >.> much easier on me

and nooooo I did that with Hunni and she was done so dang fast I felt so bad with my slow coloring D:


I don't think they'll be done fast to be honest, I'm feeling really ill and I need to get Luminaria started again too. But you've already completed Corbin and Nanda, so I owe you two right now ;)


ooo perfect can get my quinsta then xD *goes to send forms*

*snuggles* I hope you feel better soon <333


and...try 1 >.>
had no idea how to color the neck, and had to leave out brown from the body and thigh with the thick me what to fix :)



I can has round 2, yes? I forgot that I hadnt actually posted it, just posted my plan to post it lol..

Mitzy with Paradox, and Skyjumper with Eterna

Breeding Form
Male Name: Paradox
Female Name: Mitzy
Breeding Item: twinzy pear
Baby(ies) Go To: me

Breeding Form
Male Name: Skyjumper
Female Name: Eterna
Breeding Item: twinzy pear
Baby(ies) Go To: me


O______________O seriously you don't want anything changed???

lol silly indigo~
thank yous, I'm poor right now and the twin pear purchases are muchly appreciated <3



I was so afraid to post him D:

and since today was star testing...I shall go steal the coloring comp and color more >.>


nanda x maxence baby has arrived, and I will say the baby version is cuter than the adult XD

mitzy and paradox's twins have also arrived, nearly the spitting image of their parents :)



mm...I think you guys have waited long enough, so will post up adults for the first round batch :)

new thread or is here okay?