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Little Apple Heart Kingdom - Clover Dragons Breeding Season

Started by Poupou, March 20, 2010, 02:19:09 AM

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:D  Hey all  :D

Well, I guess the time has (finally) arrived!
Hope you're as excited as I am.

Just warning you now that there is a bit of infos to go through,
so I suggest you read it first and if you have any questions please
post them in the thread and I'll try to answer them asap!

Oh and please remember this - I have completely revamped the way
breeding season for Clover Dragons works, so it's bound to have some
things that will not make sense and need to be fixed.  I hope I didn't
make too many errors... I shouldn't be doing these threads so late at night.


!!! I'm done claiming posts, thanks for your patience !!!


-->  <--

Please Note
Clover Dragons have not been updated on the Forums.
To see the available markings you can visit this thread :
-->  <--

Photobucket - Password is lahk1
-->  <--

: Some Reminders :
I have decided for this time I am allowing breeding from both PI and Secundi Clover Dragons.
There will be a possibility to take your PI LAHK adoptables here at some point, I will just have to figure it out first.
Secundi LAHK will be easy to identify as they will have this symbol somewhere on the cert.

It represents Secundi and her two Moons.  :D



There's a lot of activity in Clover Meadow, home of the Clover Dragons!
Seems like breeding season is on it's way!  

... Or should I say, adoption season? :O

What you need to know about adoptions.

- Clover Dragons don't breed, they adopt eggus.
- You still need a couple from opposite genders to adopt.
- A couple can only adopt one eggu.
- The couple needs to fly up in the clouds, find an eggu and come back to it's nesting location to take care of it.
- To fly up in the clouds, they sprinkle themselves with Fairy Dust, which is included in the adoption packages.

What you need to know about eggus.

- They are produced by the Elders, who live in the clouds.
- When adopted, they absorb their new parents magic and this will determine what markings and/or mutations the baby inside gets.
- Eggus with twins are extremely rare.

What you need to know about how to adopt.

- To have your dragons adopt an eggu, post the form found in the next post.
- If you are using someone else's dragon, have them post the confirmation form, also found in the next post.
- Send the SG to this account.
- Adoption process will not work until SG is sent.

What you need to know about adoption packages.

- There are various types of packages for various needs.
- There are no 'custom' packages, only premades.
- They are only good for one use.
- All bags contain what you need to adopt an eggu.

Package A - 50K
- Contains Fairy Dust + Nesting Location

Package B - 75K
- Contains Fairy Dust + Nesting Location + Fuzzy Berries

Package C - 75K
- Contains Fairy Dust + Nesting Location + Candy Cane

Package D - 100K
- Contains Fairy Dust + Nesting Location + Fuzzy Berries + Candy Cane

What you need to know about adoption items.

Fairy Dust
- Sprinkle this on yourself and you will become as light as a feather.  Clover Dragons need this extra help to get up to the clouds.

Nesting Location
- This is where Clover Dragons will take care of their eggu after they found it.  Extremely comfortable.

Fuzzy Berries
- These yummy berries let the parents decide at least one of the mutations the baby will get from one of the parent.

Candy Cane - This item works in two ways :
- If you have only one Clover Dragon, it will be used as a bribe for the Elders to let your dragon adopt an eggu even if it's alone.
- If you don't have any Clover Dragons, then it will be used to both bribe a Clover Dragon to adopt an eggu for you and the Elders to let the hired Clover Dragon adopt the eggu.

What you need to know about markings & mutations.

- If both parents have the same markings, then the baby has 100% chances of having it.
- If the parents have different markings, then the baby will have a mix of both parents markings, either all of them or just a few or none.

- If both parents have the same mutations, then the baby has 100% chances of having it.
- If the parents have different mutations that are not conflicting, the baby will have a 50% chance of getting these mutations, either all of them or just a few or none.
- If the parents have different markings that are conflicting, the baby will have a 50% chance of getting one of the parents mutations.
- If you use fuzzy berries you get to pick which of the parents mutations the baby will get.


If you would like your Clover Dragons to adopt and take care of a little eggu until it hatches,
post this form.
Remember : If you do not send the fees right away, your adoption process will not start.

Adoption Form for parents using package A

My Clover Dragons (name of male) & (name of female) wish to adopt an eggu.  
For this, they are buying the package A and have sent the fees to your account.

Here is the happy couple.
(Image of the female)(Image of the male)

Adoption Form for parents using package B

My Clover Dragons (name of male) & (name of female) wish to adopt an eggu.  
For this, they are buying the package B and have sent the fees to your account.

They request the following mutation for their baby : (name of the mutation).

Here is the happy couple.
(Image of the female)(Image of the male)

Adoption Form for parent using package C

My Clover Dragon (name of male) or (name of female) wish to adopt an eggu.  
For this, it is buying the package C and have sent the fees to your account.

This Clover Dragon is alone, and is using the Candy Cane to bribe the Elders into letting it adopting an eggu.

Here is the happy parent.
(Image of the female) or (Image of the male)

Adoption Form for parent using package D

My Clover Dragon (name of male) or (name of female) wish to adopt an eggu.  
For this, it is buying the package D and have sent the fees to your account.

It requests the following mutation for it's baby : (name of the mutation).

This Clover Dragon is alone, and is using the Candy Cane to bribe the Elders into letting it adopting an eggu.

Here is the happy parent.
(Image of the female) or (Image of the male)

Confirmation Form to let someone use your Clover Dragon.

Post this form in red to make it easy to see.

I, (username), is letting (the person using your C.D.) use my Clover Dragon (name of the Clover Dragon).


Slots are now OPEN

If you see a slot with no names, it means it's available (or I haven't updated the post yet)
and you can claim it by posting the appropriate form found in the previous post.

I will not open many of these at the same time,
but I do plan to have this running for a while.

Lovepair Slots
1. YourLoveOnly - (Lookky X Nona) - Done

Regular Slots
1. Garney (Jophiel X Wild) - Done, payment received
2. YourLoveOnly (Aisha X Ricky) - Done, payment received
3. Math (Cielo X Wild) - Done, payment received
4. hiyoko (Mimiko X Momo) - Done, payment received
5. Ryuukokoro (L'Arc X Barter) - Done, payment received

6. Hunni (Atan X Rave) - Done, payment received
7. Hunni (Sanjurian Nights X Sweet Laces) - Done, payment received
8. Hunni (Butterfield X Regan) - Done, payment received
9. Dunkel.Prinzessin204 (Sakina X Wild) - Done, payment received
10. Neocridders (Wild X Wild) - Done, payment received

Please see my post on page 2 before claiming a slot, thank you!
11. red_uni387 (Trophy X Aiko) - Done, payment received
12. Ryuukokoro (Golden Sky X Kooni) - Done, payment received
13. YourLoveOnly (Quirine X Wild) - Done, payment received
14. hiyoko (Akihito X Akemi) - Done, payment received


More Information about the eggus
- Eggus can take a while to hatch, please be patient.
- Poking your eggu may stress it, and make it longer before it hatches.
- I color the eggus and the adults at the same time, that's why it can take some time
before you get your eggu.











All done......... *dies*



I think I'm crazy... I've been trying to think something up for revamping how it would all work and it didn't come to me until tonight.  So I spent the last 3 or 4 hours working like mad on this (including the art and little clovers but not the cloud banners). @_@

It's now almost 4 am and I am still not in my bed.  *Is so going to be tired tomorrow* XD


My Clover Dragon Jophiel wish to adopt an eggu. 
For this, it is buying the package D and have sent the fees to your account.

It requests the following mutation for its baby : feather wings.

This Clover Dragon is alone, and is using the Candy Cane to bribe the Elders into letting it adopting an eggu.

Here is the happy parent.


Also, I'm going to steal your adorable little clovers, they're sooooo cute <33 *noms on them*


Yay for first breeding!  I will only work on it tomorrow though.  I really need to go to bed or the kids will get me tomorrow.  I promised we would go to the park. X3

And no stealing the little clovers, or the giant marshmallow will eat you!


My lovepair was guaranteed a slot, right? <3
Is there a limit per person? Like you can only claim one during the entire season or only one per 5 slots?
And can each clover dragon only breed once?

Sorry for the questions, I am still plotting xD


Adoption Form for parents using package A

My Clover Dragons (Atan) & (Rave) wish to adopt an eggu. 
For this, they are buying the package A and have sent the fees to your account.

Here is the happy couple.


Adoption Form for parents using package A

My Clover Dragons (Sanjurian Nights) & (Sweet Laces) wish to adopt an eggu. 
For this, they are buying the package A and have sent the fees to your account.

Here is the happy couple.


Adoption Form for parents using package A
My Clover Dragons (Butterfield) & (Regan) wish to adopt an eggu. 
For this, they are buying the package A and have sent the fees to your account.

Here is the happy couple.


Hunni if males are allowed to breed more than once, could I borrow Butterfield to breed to Olympe? <3


I posted three incase we can claim more then one slot ^^ If we cant then just do the atan x rave breeding love.

Eggus..i need them to cheer me up right now before i end up throwing things through the neighbors bedroom window (chucks sweet laces & ba familiar through small gap in window) that should do the trick.


Oh yes if males are allowed to breed more then once anyone can use any of my males.
I also have this female (though i dont know how in the world i got her >.>)

and you can use my male marder anyone that would like to XD

All for free unless you get twins then i would like one of the babies


If males can breed more than once then I am using Lookky with both Nona and Quirine and your Butterfield with Olympe. Aaaand while we wait to hear the answer I shall post my first pair that is already guaranteed.

Adoption Form for parents using package A

My Clover Dragons Ricky & Aisha wish to adopt an eggu. 
For this, they are buying the package A and have sent the fees to your account.

Here is the happy couple.


Adoption Form for parent using package C

My Clover Dragon Cielo wishes to adopt an eggu. 
For this, it is buying the package C and have sent the fees to your account.

This Clover Dragon is alone, and is using the Candy Cane to bribe the Elders into letting it adopting an eggu.

Here is the happy parent.


I have some PI Clover Dragons... but they are genderless I believe.

So this means I can't use them right?

W xx


Whoa this thread went fast! It wasn't here when I went to bed last night. XD These breedings look like fun!

*waits to see if more slots will open later*


We don't know if there's a limit.. If it's one per person per round then Garney, Hunni, Math and I all have a slot and there's one slot left. If there's no limit Garney and I have one slot and Hunni has the other three.


If I can.^^

Adoption Form for parent using package D

It requests the following mutation for it's baby : Pixie

Here is the happy parent.


My Clover Dragon Sakina wishes to adopt an eggu. 
For this, it is buying the package C and have sent the fees to your account.

This Clover Dragon is alone, and is using the Candy Cane to bribe the Elders into letting it adopting an eggu.

Here is the happy parent.


Woah this thread exploded! @_@  I'll try to answer everything! XD

Quote from: YourLoveOnly on March 20, 2010, 04:30:44 AM
My lovepair was guaranteed a slot, right? <3
Is there a limit per person? Like you can only claim one during the entire season or only one per 5 slots?
And can each clover dragon only breed once?

Sorry for the questions, I am still plotting xD

- Yep, your pair has a guaranteed slot that doesn't count in the available slots.  You can post the form anytime.

- You can claim as many slots as you want, as long as you have enough Clover Dragons to make a couple (or you can use the package with a candy cane if you only have one) The only time you can't use the candy cane is when you have no more Clover Dragons and you want to use it as a non-owner.  If you're not sure about what I mean, I'll try to be more clear. XD

- Yep, they can only adopt one eggu each, be it as a couple or not.


Quote from: WillowDragon on March 20, 2010, 08:31:55 AM
I have some PI Clover Dragons... but they are genderless I believe.

So this means I can't use them right?

W xx

You can still use them.  Just give them a gender, I can even edit their cert after breeding season is done, if you want. <3


Also, just another note - If you have already posted a form and didn't get a slot, I will use these forms when I open more.  Just make sure you have sent the fees for when I am ready to work on your breeding or I'll skip over it.



Okay, I just checked who sent the payments and who didn't and I have given the slots accordingly.

By posting the form, you were supposed to send the fees right away.  If you haven't, I can't work on your request and that means I skip over you.  Sorry about this, I thought I was pretty clear.  :-[


So there ish a free slot?

Adoption Form for parents using package A

My Clover Dragons Barter & L'arc wish to adopt an eggu. 
For this, they are buying the package A and have sent the fees to your account.

Here is the happy couple.


Yes, there was a free slot and now it's yours Ryuu. :3

Dunkel - I see you have sent the fees, but it was after Ryuu, so you didn't get it.  But like I said, as soon as I am done with these, I will open more slots are use the same process for the slots.  So if you leave the payment there, you will get a slot in the next round. :)



Hehe alright! <3

Oh and happy news and completely unrelated topic lol! 

My friends just welcomed their first baby boy to this world! 
I'm so happy right now!  I live 12 hours away, but the proud papa managed to send me a picture of his little guy with his cellphone! XD  I'm so excited, we've been waiting for this baby forever it seems lol!  And he's finally here, yay! :D


Oh of course *twaps computer* sorry dear i sent it but when i hit send i left the computer and didnt return to make sure it sent..had doggy problems to take care of today.

Hopefully slots open again.

Sorry about that pou


Gonna send the fees though if thats okay so i can get a slot next round.


It's alright, Hunni.  I know you're going through something not fun right now and I hope things will settle down for you. <3


does anyone have a female they'd be willing to let me borrow for Trophy? :) would prefer one colored that compliments silver and white <3


Well honestly im glad i went to the animal shelter when i did the man there was the one who picked him up and i tried to be very nice and so on and it paid of. I got this rabies tag issue dropped and he only cited me for not haveing a city id which i didnt know i had to have so he gave me the tag for free so long as i paid the fee for him not having it in the first place. He said he was  a good by while there so he didnt charge him with running at large either which wouldve been way more fines. I ended up paying only $44 dollars in whole when i shouldve been like $200 + so ya we are kinda happy with how it all came out.


I have tons of females, so if anyone wants to use one, just pm me. ;)


and red you can use my patriotica if you would like for free.



I am looking for males. If twins occur you will get a baby of course.
I can also pay SG fees.

I want a colorful thing to go with Quirine (Quirine is green/purple/blue) and a natural colored boy for Olympe. Anyone available? Or maybe I can offer a RB with one of the two females in return for a stud with a male of yours?


Hunni - You got Patriotica as a gift from Ryuu I believe.  It was from one of the first Franken-Dragon I held when I came back. :D

Just thought you'd like to know. x3


Aww well thanks ryuu ^^ i had no idea where she had came from *snugs ryuu*



Quote from: YourLoveOnly on March 20, 2010, 02:50:19 PM
I am looking for males. If twins occur you will get a baby of course.
I can also pay SG fees.

I want a colorful thing to go with Quirine (Quirine is green/purple/blue) and a natural colored boy for Olympe. Anyone available? Or maybe I can offer a RB with one of the two females in return for a stud with a male of yours?

I have a few males, if you want to take a look at them.~_^


@Hiyoko - What you really want is the Package B, right?  Since you don't need the Candy Cane item for this breeding. ^^;

Just cancel the payment and send the correct amount. :)



Ooooh pretty eggu!

@hiyoko: considering two of your males for Quirine. In case I end up using one of them, is there something specific you would like as a fee?


Nothing really comes to mind YLO, just whatever is fine. ;)