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Wild Ponies | Quick Games Good Fun

Started by Tribe, March 07, 2010, 01:22:20 PM

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Welsh Riding Pony

Owner Folder

*if you are missing something PLEASE tell me!* (unless its a genetic baby!)

Lines by Savvy Debonair
Inking Shading & Templating by Geheimnis
All other art by Hunni


The other day i was checking mail when i noticed a envolpe with hand written writing on the front. It said "the wild ponies,sincerely forever grateful". Curious to what this letter could be about i opened itimmeadtly. Inside was a letter.

As i thought after reading the letter i rememberd the huge ranch nestled in the valley, barely visible from the road it was incased in the mountians that surronded it. Oddly i felt as it was my duty to at least go check on the ponies there to make sure of thier well being.

When i arrived i could see that the ponies were well cared for. Thier water buckets were clean and thier food trofts full. I was amazed at how beautiful the place was, however i doubted that someone would just hand the place over to someone they didnt know. I went to the door to tell the owner of the letter i had recieved and to see if they could help me at all with why it was put in my box. As i apporached the door i seen a piece of paper in wedged in. I pulled it from the seam and it read.

"Now that youve gotten here, please do go in the house. Below the floor mat you will find the key you need to get in"

Looking below the floor mat there was a key, i felt odd about going in but i wasnt sure what else to do. I unlocked the door and as i swung it open a burst of air hit my face..from that moment on i knew what the letter had said was true and ive been taking care of these lovely ponies ever since. Taming them so they could go to new homes in the whole of secundi.


This thread will be full of quick games. You'll have to flip through the pages to find the most recent ones.


Let me reserve a few post.


Pick Ups

Ill wait for a few people to arrive before starting anything to complex.




Quick Game

Dreams do come true!

Winner is:PouPou



I'm missing one stat card, only have 7 for my 8 horsies xD

Name: Windswept
Owner: red_uni387
Gender: Male
Body: chestnut
Hair: flaxen
Markings: sock
Marking Colors: white


Name: Cliodhna
Owner: springacres
Gender: Mare
Body: Light reddish-tan
Hair: Medium reddish-brown
Markings: Fade
Marking Colors: Medium reddish-brown


Name: Nuit
Owner: Poupou
Gender: Female
Body: Black
Hair: Black with a white stripe
Markings: star
Marking Colors: white


Im missing some <.< and i have one i havent seen before o.o


Who are you missing? and what do you have that you havnt seen?


When you say genetic babies, you're talking of the ones with the bird mutation, right?
If so, then that means I have to wait lol! XD

I thought I had more (or at least one) Horse that didn't have the mutation... from the CYO, I believe, that I didn't receive yet.  I'll have to take a look at this...


Yes pou those are genetic babies, i totally mised the cyo though XD ill get its stat card done and in your folder!


Name: Bon Bon
Owner: Spixy
Gender: Male
Body: Chestnut
Hair: Black
Markings: Four white stockings, blaze.
Marking Colors: White please.

*crosses fingers* xD


Name: Hairy (named after the horse I ride)
Owner: Deekkru
Gender: Male
Body: Not sure how to describe the color. Hairy is a haflinger like this one:

Hair: See above
Markings: N/A
Marking Colors: N/A


The black one with the white face. and the ones im missing are the twins and whoever i entered for the beauty contest or somthing that you held <.< cause i remeber having to look at stat cards/


I'm also missing my twin mare that I won in the pick-a-door.


I am missing all of my horsies, but I'm 99% sure you let me know about that. XD No rush!


Game Closed

Winner will announced in a moment.


Model Ponies

Post a picture of your favorite model horse (stone collection & bryer are good ones)

The first three to post will get a pony made off that model.

Please post it in this form

Model Url: (please use the url tag!)


Name: StarWind
Gender: Female
Model Url:

Sorry got a change of heart on the model... hope it's allright to change *blushes*


Didnt even see the first one XD so your fine love!


I haz mad typing skillz!!! >:D

Thanks!  :D


Name: Moon Dew
Gender: Female
Model Url:

Ignore the model's gender. xD I love me some Dapple Greys, if I'm allowed!


Oh yes of course you are love. Ill work on them as soon as i get a third posted!


Name: Gentle Lady
Gender: Mare
Model Url: (please use the url tag!) (NOTE: The model in the photo is not mine, but I own one just like her)


Okay i shall get started on them and pous custom she won.


Oh, and Splitty - there is NOTHING whatsoever wrong with loving dapple greys :)  I myself have quite a collection of grey Breyers and Stone Horses :)


X3 The first horse I ever rode was a Dapple Grey. He was HUGE. His name was Radar. No one else (like... learners) was allowed to ride him, 'cause he was too big, but of course, I was super tall at a super young age, so I was allowed to ride him. ^_^ So I've had a major love of Dapple Greys since then. <3 He's still around too, scaring the pants off of little kids. =D


I have to say, dappel greys are quite pretty!  Not my favorite, but they are still stunning!  :D
I really like the model you picked, Splitty. :)


Ill be doing the lovely stat cards for everything done today when the hubs gets back with the computer that has that file.

Starwind Poupou

Morning Dew Splitty

Gentle Lady Springacres

Pou your custom will be here soon!


Breeding Blunders

All my horses got out and the stallions bred the mares..and well i ended up with babies im in no need of.

If you can guess which baby goes to which parents you win the baby (youll get the adult verison)

Parent Combos

1.Black Tabino X Grey Overo

2.Red Dun X Cremeollo

3.Buckskin X Smokey Cream


A. Chesnut Splash Paint

B. Perlino

C. Flaxen Chesnut

To try to claim a baby post this form.

Parent Number:
Baby Letter:

Good luck matching!


Name:Black Rose
Parent Number:1
Baby Letter:B


Name: Sunfire
Gender: Stallion
Parent number: 1
Baby letter: A


Name: Sunkiss
Gender: Mare
Parent Number: 3
Baby Letter: B


Just to be clear the winners wont be announced until all the right guesses have been made. You may only guess once!


and Hunni you just about killed me with awesome!  :) :) :)  Gentle Lady is STUNNING!


Name: Mina
Gender: female
Parent Number: 2
Baby Letter: B


Oh Hunni.. it was supposed to be a female... that's what I meant when I edited my post  :-[
Is it too late to fix it? If it is, then no worries at all, male is fine. ^^


XD i thought you changed the model itself. Ill fix it for you love no problems!



Name: Muse
Gender: Female
Parent Number: 2
Baby Letter: A

I have no idea of what I'm doing XD


Name: Shana
Gender: Female
Parent Number: 3
Baby Letter: B


How did I miss a model horses event? :-[ I had 60 Breyers the last time I counted XD

Um, threadjacking, but has anybody bought this year's treasure hunt Breyers? The four season drafts? I am waffling on whether or not getting four horses in the same model is a total waste of money >.>


Never heard of those ravv.

My next planned buy is this guy

Isnt he lovely?

I need to go to my grandmas and get all my old bryers that i played with so i can attempt costumizing them.


Getting four horses in the same model is the sign of a truly obsessed collector.  (I have 4 grey stablemate Citations, at least 3 chestnut stablemate Thoroughbreds, and at least 3 bay Stablemate Thoroughbreds - 2 different molds, 7 different horses, but only 3 different models.)

I have not been able to collect for some time, though - lack of shelf space is a bit of an issue, but then I have at least 100 Breyers in various sizes xD


It's this set of 3 horses for $120, and then when you send proof of purchase, they'll send you the 4th horse (same model, mystery color) for free.

I love the annual treasure hunts when the models are unique; just not sure I can justify spending that kind of money on four of the same model x_X;


I wont lie i could so justify spending all that money on those horses :D they are absolutly beautiful.


Hey ravv i know you got a commission for sean but if you go to the stone horse page (peter stone) you can order a custom made horse from lots of models for rather cheap.


So could I.  Now if only I HAD that much money to spend...

And if you like the pose, there is nothing at all wrong with buying four of it :D