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[Miniwyvs]The Expeditions!

Started by Saturnalia, November 21, 2013, 02:13:08 PM

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The Expeditions!

I was going to wait to see the results of agency applications, but... well, I got excited! So... here's an event!

You find yourself in a sea of colorful tents at what appears to be the edges of civilization. Dense forest spreads northwards, with mountains visible in the distance.

People everywhere seem to be packing and organizing. The grass has been trampled down, and horses laden with packs stamp and snort. Saturnalia emerges from one of the tents, spots you, and approaches.

"Hello! Did you know that we very recently hit 500 Miniwyvs?"

The dragon-girl leads you into a nearby tent, which seems to be a command center.

"As always, the 500th is pretty special. However... she is quite crafty and has not yet been caught. But we've seen glimpses! This is her silhouette:"

"It looks like she has some rather interesting attributes! Also, we know that she is, in fact, brightly colored, but none have gotten close enough to take a photo.

She has been spotted in the far wilds, which are rather dangerous to explore. The Miniwyvs tend to be a bit harder to spot, too. But there are never-before-seen mutations, so we just can't resist organizing some expeditions!"

There will be a roleplay thread to try and track down #500 (and some other new friends). Look for that in the near future!

"For now, though, we'll be sending out some advanced search parties of experienced seekers to scout ahead and try to assess what sort of terrain and Miniwyvs we can expect in the hunt to come. Perhaps some of these expeditions can be of help to you!

Why don't you check out the tents and talk to the expedition leaders?"


Shaydra's Expedition: Seeking New Genes

You enter a tent striped with dark purple and black. Inside, a large, dark, feline humanoid stands over a table, arms braced on either side as she peers down at a map. Her tail twitches back and forth as her green eyes move over the parchment. At your entrance, though, she glances up.

"Hello! Here to inquire about my little expedition, I take it?" She motions you over, and waves a hand over the map. "There have been a lot of interesting Miniwyv attributes spotted out here. While we scout out the area for Saturnalia, we're aiming to try and capture a few with some more unique traits. Perhaps, if you're looking for something in particular, we can find it for you."

She directs your attention to some parchment forms and quills nearby. "If you want us to look for a new trait for you, just describe what you're looking for and we'll see what we can do."

In plain-speak: Commission new Miniwyv traits! Please note, these will be treated as Semi-Customs. Eventually, you'll be able to get full customs using the newly templated traits!

Costs will be divided based on complexity of what you're looking for, and are variable.

Exclusive Traits: If you choose to pay extra, the trait will be considered 'exclusive'. It will not be used on premades, customs or semi-customs, unless they are yours, or with your permission, and can only be obtained through breeding.
Please note, I have the right to Veto exclusivity on certain traits if I feel that they should not be so limited!

Small Traits - 20k SG base fee
These include things like new tail types, spines, horns, or other small line edits.

[color=orange]Form: [b]Small Trait[/b]
Trait: Describe in detail!
Preferred gender:
Colors you like: (up to three)
Patterns you like: (list three)
Exclusive? (If yes, please add 30k)[/color]

Big Trait - 25k SG base fee
These include things like new wing types, or other larger line edits.

[color=orange]Form: [b]Large Trait[/b]
Trait: Describe in detail!
Preferred gender:
Colors you like: (list three)
Patterns you like: (list three)
Exclusive? (If yes, please add 50k)[/color]

Not sure what's already been discovered? Here's a list of already-existing traits!

Existing Traits:


Straight back



Horse Ears
Tail Tuft

To Do:
-YLO (Butterfly wings)
-Bun (Long mane & tail)
-Winged (Flame tail)
-Bun (Sailfish tail & fins)
-Bun (Frill tail & fins)


Neskadessa's Expedition: Seeking New Accessories

In front of this tent flies a black banner, striped with red and a touch of dusky blue. Inside, you found a sullen-faced dark elf lounging on a camp chair. She looks over as you enter, and huffs out a little sigh.

"So, Saturn sent you? Figures. She's always got some new task for me." The elf snorts and smirks. "She seems to think it'll keep me out of trouble."

Neskadessa rises. "Well, in any event, it works in your favor, I guess. As you may or may not know, the fairies often gift the Miniwyvs with accessories. Jewelry, natural elements, that sort of thing. Are you looking for a Miniwyv with such additions?"

She doesn't bother waiting for your answer, but points to a table with some sheafs of parchment. "Fill out the form."

She saunters away to pour herself a drink from a crystal decanter in the corner.

Costs will be divided based on complexity of what you're looking for, and are variable.

These will be treated as semi-customs!

Accessories are always unique.

Small Accessory- 12k SG base fee
These include things like a piece of jewelry, a piece of clothing or a single item floating near the Miniwyv.

[color=blue]Form: [b]Small Accessory[/b]
Accessory: Describe in detail!
Preferred gender:
Colors you like: (up to three)
Patterns you like: (list three)[/color]

Medium Accessory- 15k SG base fee
These include things like sets of jewelry or multiple items floating around the Miniwvy.

[color=blue]Form: [b]Medium Accessory[/b]
Accessory: Describe in detail!
Preferred gender:
Colors you like: (up to three)
Patterns you like: (list three)

Large Accessory- 20k SG base fee
These include things that cover all or nearly all of the Miniwyv, like armor or some sort of outfit.

[color=blue]Form: [b]Large Accessory[/b]
Accessory: Describe in detail!
Preferred gender:
Colors you like: (up to three)
Patterns you like: (list three)[/color]


Cavaiya's Expedition: Seeking New Poses

This tent is black as night, and spattered with neon green. The inhabitant, like Saturn, is some sort of dragon-kin, with a color scheme that matches her tent.

"'Ello," the lady-dragon greets you, putting aside the glaive that she had been polishing. "Here to find out what I can offer? Well, I can offer you an entirely new sort of Miniwyv entirely. A brand new pose, either exclusive to you or not. But... it will cost you."

In plain-speak: A totally uniquely posed set of Miniwyv line-art, for USD because I am super duper poor right now :P

These poses will be exclusive! This means that only you will have access to getting customs and semi-customs in the pose. The pose WILL be inheritable through breeding.

You will get ONE Miniwyv in the pose for now, but will, of course, to use custom vouchers to obtain more in 'your' pose in the future.

USD only, please. Paypal:

Basic Pose: Includes wings of your choice (dragon or feathered), horn of your choice, and spines of your choice. No extra line edits.
Cost: $10 USD

[color=maroon]Form: [b]Custom Pose[/b]
Pose: Basic description. I'll do my best!
Wing Type:
Horn Type: (or none)
Spine Type: (or none)[/color]

New Pose with Extra Trait(s): Includes wings of your choice (dragon or feathered), horn of your choice, and spines of your choice. Also includes another extra trait of your choosing. (Or replace the wings, spines or horn with something different/more complicated.)
If you wish to have more than one new trait, please add $3 per trait after the first.
Cost: $15 USD

[color=maroon]Form: [b]Custom Pose[/b]
Pose: Basic description. I'll do my best!
Wing Type:
Horn Type: (or none)
Spine Type: (or none)
Extra Trait(s): [/color]

Any questions? Just ask!






O_O Excited!! But I have too many ideas to gather right now so will wait til I get good ideas to post forms XD


I am stupidly excited for this! Also.. no slot limit! So. Many. Fun. Ideas.

Okay, let's start with this!

Form: Large Trait
Trait: butterfly wings, preferably shaped similair to >these :D
Preferred gender: female
Colors you like: #69d4da, #f5729c, #fae500
Patterns you like: something flowery/swirly/spotty.. I dunno, have fun xD
Exclusive? Nope


YLO, I knew you'd go for butterfly wingies! ;)


Yes that was kinda obvious for my first order, wasn't it? XD

Also, I am so very much looking forward to the day I can get full customs with traits and accessoiries and all that jazz. Such a happy thought. I wish I could buy full custom ones right now xD The USD option is shiny too, but I'm not sure I have any custom-pose desires at this time.. But I do have USD. *ponders*

Oh and for people who keep forgetting (I have a habit of doing that too!) maybe it's helpful to list the current traits so no one requests an existing type of tail/horns/whatever as a new one? :P


Good call! I'll make up the list now.

Edit: A list is up!

A handful of other rare things exist, but I'll let people know if they stumble across one of those.


*stares curiously at list* I wonder if I've seen all of those before xD Holly wings sound fun.


You actually own the Holly-winged girl ;)


I thought when I was scrolling through my herd that it might mean her, but I wasn't sure if there were others! How neat ^^ It's a very fun subtle edit!


Just letting you know...that $15 USD offer is too incredible to resist, and I'm totally going to go for it. I just need to scrape some funds together, but I'm wanting to know if you'd be willing to accept something that's kind of a cosplay order? Im also wondering if I can request any items on him and what the additional cost will be (like those small glowy taill balls and necklaces im always getting))


Form: Large Trait
Trait: Long horse like mane flowing off of the miniwyves neck, tail fur that flows off of the tip of the tail
Preferred gender: Male
Colors you like: Black, silver, gold
Patterns you like: fishy patterns, horsey patterns, satunalia's imagination patterns 8D
Exclusive? nope

if I need to split this up into two, please let me know, I just figured as a whole mutation it would look best together?


Bun, I'll do small items (jewelry and such, things that aren't full body) on the pose ones for no additional cost :) (Will go edit that in...)

Also, the tail tuft might actually be what you want for the Trait? Here's an example of it:

If that was what you were thinking, then you can just go for the Small Trait instead, for just the mane and I'll put that tail tuft on with it. Otherwise, I can do a different tail and you'd be fine withthe Big Trait form :)


I wanted a longer and more flowy tail ^^ So big trait?



Awesome! ^^ How much should I pay? <3



I'll be working on importing all of the 'wyvs to Secundi, alternating with working on these. :)

If anyone checks their Miniwyvs pets pages and sees anything amiss, please let me know!


Kept looking at this thread on my phone and then forgetting to come and post when on my laptop xD
Did you remember this trait in your list? Not sure what i'd call it, i think it was inspired off feathers.

And her son

Now to think of new traits... Fun :D

ETA: Also previews would be awesome to oogle at for the list of traits, if it wouldn't be too much work for you to look them up.
Owner of Gliders!


Form: Small Trait
Trait: A ball of flames at the end of the tail
Preferred gender: Female
Colors you like: Tan, Brown, Gold
Patterns you like: Brindle, Tabby, something stripy and natural
Exclusive? No

I need a slightly more detailed semi form for the recipient of that form, my Faolán xD

For that $15 one i'd love to get my Kelpie, but i don't know quite what traits ect to go for, we shall have to discuss if that's possible :)
Owner of Gliders!


Please don't kill me sat...but I;ve always wanted to ask you to make these on the wyves

Form: Large Trait
Trait: Sailfish Tail and fins !
Preferred gender: Male
Colors you like: pink, white, black yellow
Patterns you like: fishy patterns, spots, anything you think id find cool
Exclusive? Nope

Form: Large Trait
Trait: Frill fins tail and fins!
Preferred gender: Male
Colors you like: Red, black, white, cyan
Patterns you like: fishy patterns, spots, anything you think id find cool
Exclusive? Nope

Also feel free to add colors to mine if your feeling creative


Winged- good call! I'll add the feathery traits. I'll also try to get some more trait examples added!

And if you want to shoot me a PM about Kelpie, we can figure that out :)

Also, whee! Fire. :D

Bun, ooh. The should be fun to do!

Updating my To Do lists now!


I'm sorry for the expedition delays... my focus has been on getting the 'wyvs uploaded into the agency system lately!

So far, over 100 have been uploaded. If you see any mistakes with yours, please, let me know!

I also need to get a naming item done up and put into the system...


Again, thank you guys for the support and patience <3


Well done on your importing Sat, it's surprising how long a job it is to import and large number.
Owner of Gliders!


Well done sat! <33 So excited to see my Wyves on my page!


Okie, back to this thread :) Will be working on the traits! And this is still open for anyone else interested! I'll leave it open for a while, probably.


Shaydra has returned from an expedition with a 'wyv for YLO!

And one for Bun!




Winged, let me know what you think?

Also, if anyone was seriously contemplating the New Pose Option, now would be a really good time, heh... *fights off stack of bills* (real life sucks, guys!)


:D :D So much love!

I'll go ponder over other orders, including poses and such ^^



Annnd Sailfish is done for Bun. :)

...which gives us our first new sub-species... Aquatic Miniwyvs. Wingless, but with fins for swimmin'!


A heads up:

As there has been little interest anyway and I'm almost done with the last ordered trait, this will be closing tomorrow. For anyone that wants anything else for SG, I'd suggest you let me know now, otherwise I can be contacted through PM for any special edits through trades. :P


Would it be possible to request bigger dragon wings?


Certainly. Just give me a size you'd want (twice what they are? more? different style?) and I'll do my best.



I am trying to dig up my picture references as I type, so I will defenitely post sometime today before it closes ^^


Ooh, I might get another trait! Was letting you finish my first one. I should be able to post tonight.
Owner of Gliders!


*sneaks in pile of forms* Well, this was closing and it said no slot limit.. ^^''
To save you from coloring a bazillion Wyvs I tossed some traits into a single form, feel free to charge extra <3

Form: New Trait
Trait(s): Nature elemental inspired (traits that feature leaves, flowers, branches, stuff like that)
Preferred gender: female
Colors you like: bright colors and possibly pale brown
Patterns you like: inspired by flowers
Exclusive? Nope

Form: New Trait
Trait: Feather-Butterfly wings (like this:
Preferred gender: male
Colors you like: butterfly inspired
Patterns you like: butterfly inspired
Exclusive? Nope

Form: New Trait
Trait: Feather-Dragon wings (like this:
Preferred gender: female
Colors you like: pastel rainbow, white, black
Patterns you like: your choice
Exclusive? Nope

Form: New Trait
Trait: Draconic Tail (like this:
Preferred gender: male
Colors you like: fish inspired
Patterns you like: fish inspired
Exclusive? Nope

Form: New Trait
Trait: Waterfowl beak (like this:
Preferred gender: male
Colors you like: tropical bird inspired
Patterns you like: tropical bird inspired
Exclusive? Nope

Form: New Trait
Trait: Short Mane (like this:
Preferred gender: your choice
Colors you like: horse inspired
Patterns you like: horse inspired
Exclusive? Nope

Form: New Trait
Trait: Dolphin tail (like this:
Preferred gender: female
Colors you like: naturals
Patterns you like: killer whale/tiger shark/spotted dolphin mimics
Exclusive? Nope

Form: New Trait
Trait: small finned ears (like this:
Preferred gender: male
Colors you like: reptile inspired
Patterns you like: reptile inspired
Exclusive? Nope

Form: New Trait
Trait: small feathered ears (like this:
Name: Phoenix
Preferred gender: male
Colors you like: #2baa5b, #00a4da, #d70007
Patterns you like: psychedelic artwork inspired
Exclusive? Nope

Form: New Trait
Trait: 'Wing' fins and tail fins, wing fins attached to the Wyvs back about halfway down the body (wing fins like its namesake here and the tail fins like the leg fins example:
Name: Daniel
Preferred gender: male
Colors you like: #00a131, #e60003, #741186
Patterns you like: your choice
Exclusive? Nope

Form: New Trait
Trait: Dragonfly wings and simple basic feelers/antennae (in the future also for use seperate from each other please)
-- wings:
-- antennae: and
Name: Basje
Preferred gender: male
Colors you like: #FEED01, #004D2B, black
Patterns you like: your choice
Exclusive? Nope

Form: New Trait
Trait: 'Butt wings' and feathered antennae (in the future also for use seperate from each other please)
-- feathered wings attached to the Wyvs body about 2/3 down the body, like these leg wings:
-- feathered antennae like these:
Preferred gender: female
Colors you like: candy inspired
Patterns you like: candy inspired
Exclusive? Nope

Form: New Trait
Trait: Feather crest + feather tail (in the future also for use seperate from each other please)
-- crest: and
(preferably 5 feathers but since Wyvs are so small 3 works too)
-- tail:
Preferred gender: male
Colors you like: cream, teal, black
Patterns you like: your choice
Exclusive? Nope

Let me know if they are small or large. I wasn't sure for some and then the total and I will sent that :) Also, take all the time you need, I do not mind a long wait as I understand it's a /lot/ xD


Woo, ok. To Do list is pretty big now, so I'll close it here.

YLO; I'll look that over and let you know about payment/large vs. small/etc :)

While this thread is technically closed, and I'll be starting the next thread-- an RP for the 500th & 600th (and maybe 700th?) wyvs-- I'll still be working on getting all of these finished up. I'll PM people as things get done.

Also, I'm pretty much always open to taking the New Pose for USD orders, so if you're interested in one of those, just shoot me a PM.