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[Miniwyvs] Summer Tournament! Events Finished; Pickups Posted!

Started by Saturnalia, August 09, 2013, 05:07:15 PM

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Banners flutter and snap in the gentle breeze, and the sounds of trumpets and chimes come to your ears. You strain to hear them as you peer, squinting, at the banners. It's hard to make out the designs upon the flags. They are, after all, only about the length of your finger.

"The sigils of the Houses of Fae!" a small voice pipes up, quite close to your ear, and you turn, slightly startled. There, riding upon an armored Miniwyv, is a pixie. He is maybe a foot tall, and his iridescent wings are tucked against his back. The 'wyv beats its dragon wings lazily, not seeming at all encumbered by the silver chainmaile it wears.

"Welcome to the Tournament of Summertide!" the fae says. He gestures around to the decorated trees that surround the glen you've found yourself in. Pixies and 'wyvs, some mounted and some on their own, flit around everywhere. "Take a look around, just be careful not to smash anything." The pixie smiles cheerfully. "What with being so large and all. And we have a surplus of miniwyvs, so perhaps you'll take some home with you!"

He moves off, guiding his 'wyv without any visible cues, and you are left to look around.

1. Jousting Competition
2. Fetch-A-Flower
3. Audience With The King
4. Pickups

Owner folders can be found here!



You follow the sounds of cheering and ringing metal and find that there is a roped off section in the trees. Garlands are strung from treetrunk to treetrunk, and pixies, most without miniwyvs, are gathered around the area. Some flutter in the air, hanging suspending on hummingbird-like wings, and others perch comfortably on tree limbs.

You peer over them and see that, in the center of the roped-off area, the mounted fairy knights appear to be jousting on their Miniwyvs!

As you watch, two knights face off against one another from a distance. A tiny trumpet sounds, and the two nudge their miniwyvs into motion, flying at one another, their long lances held aloft. As they grow near, each lowers his lance, and then they collide!


One knight misses, but the other squarely hits his opponent. The lance, which had been striped in pink and white, explodes into a cloud of glitter. The struck knight topples from his 'wyv, but catches himself in the air with his fluttering wings, laughing all the while. Apparently, getting struck with a fairy-lance doesn't hurt very much. The defeated knight is, however, now covered in pink and white glitter.

A polite cough from near your elbow grabs your attention, and you look down to see a troupe of mounted fairy knights, their miniwyvs eager to compete.

"Perhaps you would like to help us out? We're in need of sponsors before we can be allowed to joust. If you would sponsor one of us, we would much appreciate it!"


How It Works
Pick the knight you would like to sponsor. When all knights are sponsored, they will be matched up against one another! The winner will be determined by a series of jousting passes.

The winning knight will grant a prize to their sponsor!
Since there are 6 knights, there will be three winners!

The Red and Teal Knight, sponsored by Country!
The Blue and Green Knight, sponsored by  DawnStar7!
The Pink and Black Knight, sponsored by Kahlira!
The White and Yellow Knight, sponsored by Bunraku!
The Orange and Lime Knight, sponsored by Ember!
The Purple and Gray Knight, sponsored by SPO!

Jousting has finished!



In a nearby glade, a giggling troupe of pixie maidens are flittering about together, doing little dances and, in general, galivanting in ways that only fairies can pull off without seeming totally ridiculous. At your arrival, they look over and get all a-flustered.

"Oh! Oh! A visitor!" one squeals.

"They can help us!" another one pipes up.

"But we don't need any he--", another one starts, but is elbowed by the second speaker.

"Would you kindly gather us some flowers? Pretty pretty please?" says another fairy girl. "As many as you can! Our favorite kinds, please!"

"We'll give you a reward!" the first speaker gestures vaguely to an area where some Miniwyvs decorated in ribbons and such are resting.

Before you can even respond or ask any questions, the tiny fairies somehow manage (fairy magic?) to push you out of their glade and into a meadow that you had no idea was right behind it. They disappear, and you are left to peer out into the flower-infested grasses. Seriously, there are about a billion blooms, all different kinds. Sigh. Better get gathering!


To Participate:
Roll 5d20 to determine what flowers you pick.

If you pick a bouquet that pleases one of the fairy maidens, she may gift you with a Miniwyv! (Each likes different sorts of flowers and will give you a specific one of the 'wyvs if you get close to what she likes.)

I will let you know what flowers you end up with, and the reactions of the fairies!


This will either end when all of the 'wyvs are given out, if you guys manage to roll the perfect flower combinations, or on Wednesday, August 14 at 7pm Eastern, at which point the closest to each of the proper flowers will get the prize from the fairy they most please.



You wander around a bit, taking note of all of the fairies frolicking. Some, it seems, are nobility, with more elaborate little outfits and entourages.

"You know" a fairy says, seeming to materialize next to your head, "We aren't above a little bribery. Toss me some of those shiny coins you undoubtedly have, and I'll get you an audience with the king!" You look over and see a purple-skinned pixie boy. His outfit is made primarily of leather, dyed black, with silver accents. "It is said that the fairy king often gives gifts to those who visit him, you know!"

So, what do you say?


Cost: 7000sg

You are guaranteed not to go home empty-handed... but what will you get? Could be a 'wyv! Could be... something else! (Dice rolls will determine!)


"Also," the purple fae pipes up, "I hear that everyone he sees today will be eligible to take home his prize battle 'wyv! Quite a splendid creature. Exquisite armor!"

Miniwyv #400 - male
All of what you see, except wings and tail and tiny bits, is armor! You don't actually know what color the 'wyv underneath is. (Breeding might give you some guesses, but with the occasional-unpredictability of the 'wyvs, maybe not...)
He will always pass at least some armor to his offspring.

There will be a raffle to take home Miniwyv #400, and everyone who goes to see the King will have their name in it!

Raffle Entrants:
1. Ember
2. SPO
3. Kahlira
4. Bunraku
5. Country
6. Winged
7. YourLoveOnly
8. Wildfilly94
9. DawnStar7

Raffle Winner: SPO!






















This is so cute! Jousting pixies, oh my!

I would like to sponsor the Orange and Lime Knight!

[blockquote]Rolled 5d20 : 7, 11, 5, 9, 4, total 36[/blockquote]


I'd like to see the king!
[blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 5, total 5[/blockquote]


Yeah, that's fine! I realized that just now and fixed the code up there. lol :)

Will do responses soon... need to go eats dinner first!




The Orange and Lime Knight bows with a flourish. "Thank you, my lady!" He hands you a peachy-hued rose. "Now, I will go and prepare myself for the joust to come!" He flits away on his Miniwyv.


You manage to gather up a large bouquet of primrose, snapdragons, poppies and dahlia flowers. The assortment of colors, mostly reds and pinks with a touch of yellow, has a fiery look to it.

You present it to the fairies. They clap and cheer, and a vase is brought forth. None of the pixie ladies step forward to gift you a 'wyv, unfortunately, but two do look admiringly at some of the blooms. Perhaps they'll change their minds in a few days!

Audience with the King

The purple pixie somehow manages to shrink your coins and pocket them, and then the lad leads you down a forest path you swear wasn't there before. It branches off in a few places, but soon you come to a clearing full of laughter and sparkling colors-- tiny magical fireworks?

As your guide enters the clearing, many of the pixies partying in it pause to bow. They move out of the way to let you and the fairy pass, though they continue their conversations. Finally, you stand before a tiny floating throne, upon which sits the fairy king.

"Father," your guide says cheerfully, "I'd like you to meet my friend! Isn't it wonderful that so many have come to join in our festival?" With a big grin, the lad flits away.

His father, the king, watches him for a moment, and then turns to you with a sigh. "He took your money, didn't he?" The king shakes his head. "He's going to have a field day with all of the visitors." Another sigh. "He has a coin collection, you see. Terribly mundane for a fairy to have, but he absolutely cannot get enough of the currency other societies insist upon using." The king shakes his head slowly, as if a coin collection is a truly disappointing thing to have. "But I can, at least, reimburse you for your troubles!"

He gives a whistle, and a Miniwyv comes flitting down from a treebranch.

"I hope you like him!" the king says with a smile.

((As you guys will notice... I feel rather like roleplaying with this event. Hope you don't mind! ;) ))


I would like to sponsor the Purple and Gray Knight!

[blockquote]Rolled 5d20 : 10, 19, 5, 16, 7, total 57[/blockquote]

I'd like to see the king!
[blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 5, total 5[/blockquote]


"I would like to sponsor the Pink and Black Knight!

[blockquote]Rolled 5d20 : 4, 20, 18, 19, 20, total 81[/blockquote]

I'd like to see the king!
[blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]



The Purple and Gray Knight gives you a hearty cheer! With an intricate motion of his hands, there's a little 'poof!' above your head, and you find yourself showered in violet glitter. Your knight heads off to ready himself.

Out in the meadow, you gather a nice variety of colorful blooms. You come back with yellow coreopsis and daffodils, bright red poppies, orange daylilies and magenta primrose. The fairies 'ooh' and 'aah' over them, and while none offer you a prize right away, there are a few particularly admiring glances at some of the blossoms.


You pay the pixie boy, who shrinks your coins and puts them into a teeny pouch. "Perfect for my collection!" he crows gleefully, and then gestures you along a woodsy path.

Eventually, you enter a clearing where the festivities are in full-swing. Dodging tiny fireworks that threaten to cover you in what appears to be even more glitter, you make your way to the floating throne that the little fae king sits upon.

"Jerred, have you taken another poor stranger's money?" the king asks his son, who widens his eyes in obviously-feigned indignation.

"Father! How could you accuse me of such a thing?" His gaze snaps to the side, where a servant carries a tray of some sort of tiny seed. "Ohhh, caraway seeds!" he darts after the servant, leaving you standing with the king of the fairies.

"Well, at least his trickery can be mutually beneficial," the king says with as smile. "Tell me of your travels!"

After spending some time chatting with the king, he offers you a decked-out Miniwyv and motions for you to go enjoy the rest of the festival.




The fairy clad in pink and black, it turns out, is a lady knight. "Ohh, wonderful!" she says, holding her bright helmet under one arm. "Let's give these boys a run for their money, eh?" She pats her Miniwyv, and heads off to get ready.

Out in the meadow, you have a fine time gathering flowers. Some purple and white dahlias, daffodils in buttery yellow, violet-hued allium, and lupine in all different shades. A lot of lupine. You kind of go nuts with the lupine. Hopefully fairies like lupine.

The fairies thank you for your contribution to decorating their glen, and you help them arrange the blossoms in a vase. Each of the fairies seems drawn to one particular flower that you've collected. (You're pleased to see that one of the fae ladies keeps sniffing the lupine.) Perhaps one shall later decide to reward you!

Audience with the King

You follow the purple pixie after handing over your payment. Into the woods you go, until you reach a particularly noisy clearing with lots of colors bursting everywhere. Musicians play, conversation surrounds you, and the fairies that hover here are wearing some of the most fashionable tiny clothes that you ever did see.

You are presented to the king, and your guide disappears before you can thank him. The king sighs and shakes his head, but it does not seem to be aimed towards you, and he does not bother to explain. He beams a smile as he looks towards you.

"Hello, visitor! Welcome to our realm. I hope that you are enjoying your time here! We fae know how to throw a party, if I do say so myself. Sugar-coated lily blossom?" A pixie servant offers you the edible bloom. "A little bird-- a hummingbird, to be specific-- whispered-- well, chirped-- in my ear that you're sponsoring the Pink and Black Knight? A fierce one, she is! Betrothed to my son! I hope that she-- what's the phrase? Hmm." The king takes a swig of a tiny goblet. "I hope that she kicks the rumpuses of all the competition! Hah!"

He leans closer in a conspiratory manner. "I would have sponsored her myself, but it's not good form for a king to play favorites, and those other knights will be some stiff competition!" He leans back. "But, to thank you for helping out my future daughter-in-law, I'll find you a little companion! Just talk to my Master of 'Wyv over there, and he'll get you a suitable friend."

(It's a semi-custom! With armor! Here's your form; you can post it here:
Name: (you can wait)
Colors: Pick up to 3!
Pattern: (Any sort of horse pattern, striped, dots, or solid)
Wings: Dragon or Feathered



I would like to sponsor the white and yellow knight!

[blockquote]Rolled 5d20 : 8, 18, 9, 1, 16, total 52[/blockquote]

I'd like to see the king!
[blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 5, total 5[/blockquote]

And now I want to go to a ren fair D:


Kahlira smiles sweetly as the female knight walks off to go prepare herself. "Girl power!" she calls to the retreating form. Whether the lady knight heard her or not, Kah didn't know. She just laughs aloud.

Then to pick the flowers! Oh yes... A few here, a few there. Ohh! And those Lupine ones are quite the pretty things, so one must have tons of them! Noticing the one sniffing the Lupine, Kah decided that she had made the right decision. A slight nod to herself, and she smiles and heads off to wander the flowery fields.

But a quick reminder reminded her that one must never keep the King waiting! OH! The knight of the pink and black... Is the betrothed of the prince? Kah is a bit taken aback, not realizing that by choosing two pretty colors she'd be sponsoring the future... No, her mind could not wrap itself around it. She bows low to the King. "Yes, your Grace. I hope she kicks some rumpus' as well! And thank you for the lovely treat." She nibbles on the sugar flower, noting it's delicate taste and texture before continuing. "And oh yes! I know just the thing that I'd love to see in a pretty Wyv. I shall now speak with your Wyv master and perhaps the perfect Wyv shall be found."

With another bow to the King, Kah walks until she find the Wyv Master. "Oh, master of Wyv," Kah beseeches. "The King has given me this token and I hope you can find me something pretty!"

Name: Tiny Heart
Gender: Female
Colors: Cyan, Magenta, White
Pattern: Splash overo or blanket appaloosa or just neat stockings and a blaze.
Wings: Dragon


I would like to sponsor the Red and Teal Knight!

[blockquote]Rolled 5d20 : 14, 11, 17, 20, 9, total 71[/blockquote]

I'd like to see the king!
[blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]


I would like to sponsor the green and blue knight!

[blockquote]Rolled 5d20 : 8, 3, 6, 15, 5, total 37[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 5d20 : 11, 10, 14, 1, 14, total 50[/blockquote]

I'd like to see the king!
[blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]

These events look so much fun!
Owner of Gliders!


I agree, this seems like a ton of fun :D And I'll keep my fingers crossed that perhaps there will be another round of jousting for other timezones, if not I'll still oggle over the resulting Miniwyvs! :D

[blockquote]Rolled 5d20 : 7, 18, 10, 16, 10, total 61[/blockquote]

I'd like to see the king!
[blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 8, total 8[/blockquote]



NY Ren Faire is running! Come visit! :D

The White and Yellow knight looks delighted! He urges his miniwyv forward and flies around your head, signing a song of praise for you, before following the others to go ready himself.

You wander out into the meadow. In one area, vines grow up little trees, and you pluck some of the morning glories in pink and purple. The puffy balls of allium also catch your eye, and some white daisies. Finally, you snag some bright yellow daylilies and head back.

As you present your bouquet, one of the fairies grows wide-eyed and delighted! "OH! How did you know?" she exclaims. "I can take or leave the daisies, but the other three are my favorites!" She whistles, and a female Miniwyv comes forth to accompany you home.

Audience with the King

You hand over your money and the pixie boy leads you into the forest. For a little while, you're concerned that maybe he's just leading you in circles, but eventually you end up in a clearing full of happy fairies. Little platters of food made the rounds, carried by elegantly dressed servants, and near one side floats a little throne, upon which sits the fairy king. He beckons you over before your guide can even look in that direction.

"Jerred, you are a trickster to rival any imp!" the king proclaims, looking to the purple lad. You can make out a family resemblence.

"Oh, father, it's a fair trade! A bit of coin for some time spent in your wonderful presence!"

The king shakes his head, but turns to you with a smile. "Well, now! I won't have it said that we don't treat our guests well. I hope you like a good show!"

With a clap of his hands, a troupe of colorfully-dressed pixies flutters forth from the canopy. The musicians start to play a fast-paced song, and the newcomers begin to do a series of impressive aerial acrobatics, mixed with magic. It makes for a fantastic show.

Afterwards, the king presents you with a Miniwyv as a gift, and sends you on your way.

((More responses coming shortly!))



The Red and Teal Knight hops off of his Miniwyv, dances a little happy jig in the air, and hops back on the wee beasty. "Thank you much," the fairy drawls. "I should hurry to ready myself... I think we'll be jousting soon!"

In the flowery meadow, you find, nestled in the shade of taller flowers, some salmon-colored impatiens. Nearby are snapdragons, and you snag some of those in pinks and yellow. The tall stems of lupine are also irresistable,a nd a pale purple looks nice with the other flowers.

You return to the fairies and present the bouquet, and they seem quite delighted! One, in particular, seems rather drawn to it. She casts some pondering glances your way, though does not immediately offer a gift in return. She's certainly thinking about it, though...

Audience with the King!

You pay the pixie lad and follow him through the forest. He thanks you profusely, informing you that the money will be going to the massive coin collection that he's been working on.

"Someday," he confidently states, "I fully intend to open a museum with all of the currencies! It's just so fascinating."

You reach the clearing where festivities are in full-swing, and are led to the king, who sits upon a shining silver throne, floating in the air. The king smiles, fluttering his iridescent wings, and bid you welcome.

"Did you know, father," your guide states, "that this wonderful visitor had a rare coin I've never seen? How exciting! I never thought I'd find one of those pieces!"

The king rolls his eyes good-naturedly, and turns back to you. "I thank you kindly for indulging my son's odd habit. I suppose, at least, it's a better passtime to collect coins than to taunt the bluejays, as his brother does... but anyway, let me compensate you."

He whistles, and from the leaves flits an amrored Miniwyv.




The Green and Blue Knight thanks you solemnly, and swears to do the best he possibly can to unseat his noble opponent and bring honor to your name. He offers a sweeping bow and places a shining trinket, a little aqua gemstone, in your hand, before leaving to ready himself.


Your trip to the meadow is quite fruitful. You find some lovely white morning glories with pale pink centers, and snip a few vines of those. Burgundy cosmos also catch your eye, and pair nicely with lighter pink zinnias. Bold red poppies complete the bouquet.

The fairies profess that the color combination is just stunning, and set them in a vase upon a wide branch. Alas, none come forth to offer you a prize, though!



You find a patch of brilliantly colored snapdragons, and pluck some. Farhter along ar the sunny yellow flowers known as coreopsis, and these, too, seem worthy of picking! Impatiens in red and pink add another splash of color, and some white daisies complete your bouquet.

The fairies thank you for the generous contribution to their glen decoration, and place the flowers in an ornate vase! Two fairies keep coming back to admire some of the flowers. Hmm...

Audience with the King

The fairy lad leads you through the forest until you come to a clearing. He whistles a merry tune, though trails off as you enter the clearing, as there are already a number of talented little musicians playing teeny instruments. It might be a miniature party, but the fae make you feel right at home, offering you small nibbles of delicacies and showering you with glittery magic.

The king is a friendly gentleman, and bids you sit next to him and speak for a while. He likes to hear of the places you've been and things you've seen. "I don't get to travel much, these days," he confesses. "I rather like to live a bit vicariously through the visitors who come through!"

After a while he presents you with a little vial full of sparkling rainbow dust.

"I hear you have Miniwyvs, and this may come in handy for breeding them!"

Rainbow Dust: All eggs laid will pass on a color of your choosing (must be present in at least one of the parents)



The first thing you see when you set foot in the meadow is a large patch of yellow. You head over to it and pick some of the coreopsis. Round, white allium blossoms also find their way into your hands, and some purple daylilies. Finally, you come across some irresistible indigo primrose.

One of the fairies is particularly appreciative of your sweet-smelling offering, and helps to find a vase for the flowers to reside in. Perhaps that fairy will later choose to gift you a prize!

Audience with the King

Your guide leads you through the woods, along a path lit, at this later hour, by moonglow and fireflies. You eventually come to a clearing strung with glowing garlands and full of fairies celebrating.

The king on his floating throne bids you a cheerful welcome, and invites you to watch some of the entertainment. A series of fairy jugglers come forth, managing to keep a number of small objects in the air while they flit around one another.

After a time, the king suggests that you might talk to his Master of 'Wyv, who could be persuaded to find you a Miniwyv friend of your choosing!

It's a semi-custom! With armor or fancy ribbons! Here's your form; you can post it here:
Name: (you can wait)
Colors: Pick up to 3!
Pattern: (Any sort of horse pattern, striped, dots, or solid)
Wings: Dragon or Feathered
Accessory: Armor or Ribbons?

((Will run the joust and such in a bit :) ))


[blockquote]Rolled 5d20 : 17, 8, 1, 1, 15, total 42[/blockquote]

I'd like to see the king!
[blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]


I'd like to see the king!
[blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]


There will be a slight delay in responses & the joust, as I have to leave earlier than first anticipated to go meet up with friends across the state and eat way too much sushi. I'll post things tomorrow, though! :D


Ember smiles with pleased surprise as she's handed a rose from her chosen knight. Well! Isn't he just a little sweet heart! She thinks it might be a while before the jousting begins so she goes to explore more of the tournament grounds, warily watching where she steps because pixies and miniwyvs are small! As she walks Ember slips the rose behind her ear and lets her hair keep it in place.

In short order she finds herself blinking in confusion at a field of flowers. Well, why not? They do look very pretty! She gathers bright colours of flowers that remind her of her own name. Ember really has no idea how to organize flowers but she tries her best. She laughs in delight at the cheering she receives and leaves with a bright smile on her face.

A smile that lasts her until she has a run in with a purple boy and morphs into a wondrous expression as he shrinks her money right in front of her eyes! She trails after him, watching her surroundings with wonder because it really isn't every day that she sees something like this! Ember startles when they reach the king and the purple pixie she had been following reveals that he was the prince! Ember listens to the king's explanation about his son's behaviour and smiles ruefully. "You are most generous, your majesty! He is a very lovely 'wyv and I shall take great care in finding a suitable name for him. As for your son, I think coin collecting is admirable. I've always been fascinated with other cultures, myself."

Ember bows to the king and gives him a cheerful, and heartfelt, farewell so that she may go watch the jousting.

((Gosh I love the roleplay part of this. :D ))



You head out into the meadow and scout around for the prettiest blooms. You can't resist some white morning glory blooms, and then you see a patch of daisies. You gather many, many daisies, in both white and pale yellow. Finally, you find some colorful zinnias and add those to the bouquet.

The flowers thank you for your contribution, though you haven't yet been offered a prize.

Audience with the King!

You pay the nice fairy man, and follow him along to where the nobility seems to be partying. You are introduced to the king-- your guide's father, as it turns out-- and he, in turn, introduces you to many of the noble houses of the fairy lands.

Some of the fae have come from quite far for the summer tourney. It's a rather large cause for celebration, and a good time to mingle, and everyone is very friendly and cheerful. You end up showered in much glitter dust, as that seems to be a favorite of the fae.

"Ooh," the king says, at one point, noting the sparkle you have acquired thanks to the fairies' attention. "That reminds me. Would you like this? I hear you have some Miniwyvs, so perhaps you can use it if you breed them. I don't really know what it does, though, I'll admit. All different things, maybe?"

The king hands you a vial of green dust!



Audience with the King
You follow the purple fairy lad through the woods after handing over his coin. You can hear sounds as you approach what appears to be a clearing, but your guide motions for you to stay quiet. As you get to the edge of the trees, you see why.

A chorus of fairy children is singing a song to the King, who sits in his floating throne beyond. The fae children have sweet, high voices, and though not overly loud due to their size, you can hear them just fine. They soon finish their song, to a round of applause from the other pixies in the clearing. Alas, it seems to have been the last song they sang, as they disperse, but this means that you have a good opportunity to approach and meet the king.

"Ahh, the sweetest of choirs, don't you think?" the king says as you approach. "Not many who aren't our kind ever get to hear it, you know. A lucky thing you were here tonight!"

You chat for a bit, and as you ready yourself to finally leave, the king offers you a fierce battle-wyv from his stable of the little creatures.


((Will be getting caught up with the joust and other such things little by little! :) ))


Cute! Can I name my new Wyv Gadriel please?


Sure thing, SPO!

Sorry for the delays; will try to get caught up asap! Busy week :)


Oh, what a lovely girl!  I'd like to name her Serilda.


Ohh mystery green dust! Thank you sir the king!


The Joust: Part I

A tiny trumpet calls attention to the jousting field. There had been a small break, but it seems that it is about to start back up! You hustle over there to watch.

Six knights mounted upon their 'wyvs come fluttering out. The king has put in an appearence, and clears his throat.

"Welcome, both spectators and competitors! While we have all been enjoying some jousting today, the next few matches are particularly special, showcasing some of the up-and-coming young jousterfae!" Cheers erupt from the assembled crowd. "The knights will be randomly paired up and face off! Let's see who the pairs are..."

Names are drawn to match the knights up, and the pairings are announced.

The Orange and Lime Knight vs. The Purple and Gray Knight
The White and Yellow Knight vs. The Blue and Green Knight
The Red and Teal Knight vs. The Pink and Black Knight

"Each pair will have three passes. The highest scoring knight wins!"

Let the joust commence!

Orange & Lime Knight: [blockquote]Rolled 3d10 : 8, 3, 4, total 15[/blockquote]
Purple & Gray Knight: [blockquote]Rolled 3d10 : 10, 3, 6, total 19[/blockquote]


White & Yellow Knight: [blockquote]Rolled 3d10 : 3, 1, 5, total 9[/blockquote]
Blue & Green Knight: [blockquote]Rolled 3d10 : 8, 10, 4, total 22[/blockquote]


Red & Teal Knight:[blockquote]Rolled 3d10 : 8, 8, 9, total 25[/blockquote]
Pink & Black Knight: [blockquote]Rolled 3d10 : 5, 10, 2, total 17[/blockquote]

Stay tuned for Part II!


The Joust: Part I

The Orange and Lime Knight vs. The Purple and Gray Knight

The Orange & Lime Knight faces off with the Purple & Gray. The trumpet sounds and the knights urge their 'wyvs forward, fluttering as quickly as can be towards each other.

On the first pass, both knights have good lance control and hit solidly, but the Purple & Gray hits just a bit harder, lance exploding in violet and silver glitter, and the Orange & Lime Knight tumbles from his 'wyv. Laughing good-naturedly, he climbs back aboard and the two face off again.

On the second pass, both knights miss each other by just the slightest of margins. On the third pass, the Orange and Lime Knight brings his lance down just a moment too soon, and only scores a glancing blow. Meanwhile, the Purple & Gray Knight has better lance control and manages to connect in a well-placed moderate strike.

The Purple & Gray Knight is proclaimed the victor! Congratulations, SPO!


The White and Yellow Knight vs. The Blue and Green Knight

The White & Yellow Knight and Blue & Green Knight face off next. The White & Yellow Knight's miniwyv seems to be quite  a handful, fidgeting and refusing to stay still. When the trumpet sounds, the poor knight doesn't even get the chance to spur his 'wyv on; it launches forward on its own accord.

The White & Yellow Knight, being caught off guard by his 'wyvs misbehaviour, misses entirely, poor lad. The Blue & Green Knight, meanwhile, gets a good, solid hit. The White & Yellow uses all of his skills to stay aboard his energetic 'wyv.

The second pass, however, is even worse luck for poor White & Yellow. The Blue & Green Knight gets a fantastic hit, right on target. The White & Yellow Knight sails off of his now-bucking (in air!) 'wyv, coated in the glitter of his opponent's shattered lance, fluttering his pixie wings frantically to regain control as he tumbles through the air. Good sport that he is, he catches his 'wyv (after a few minutes of a rather exciting chase) and remounts the insolent little beasty.

The final pass, at least, is a little better for White & Yellow. He manages a glancing blow, and while the Blue & Green Knight also does, at least White and Yellow manages to hit a little harder. Still, it's too little, too late. Alas!

Congratulations to DawnStar7! The Blue & Green Knight is the winner!

"I think he needs more training," the White & Yellow Knight says ruefully to Bunraku as he leaves the jousting area. His 'wyv is now pretending to be a perfect angel, snuffling his knight for treats as if he hadn't just behaved atrociously. Oh, wyvs.


The Red and Teal Knight vs. The Pink and Black Knight

The final two knights pair off. The Pink & Black Lady-Knight has quite a determined look upon her face as she snaps down her helmet's visor.

The trumpet sounds, and the 'wyvs are off, winging down the lane. The Red & Teal knight gets a good, solid blow, though his opponent stays in the saddle. The Pink & Black knight was slow to bring up her lance, and only manages a glancing blow, which slides off of her competitor's armor.

On the second pass, both knights are on-target and their strikes hit powerfully! The Pink and Black Lady-Knight's lance explodes in a shower of matching glitter, and the Red & Teal Knight tumbles backwards off of his mount. The Lady, meanwhile, is rocked back but manages to stay on.

For the final pass, unfortunately, the Pink & Black Lady Knight's 'wyv gets distracted as the trumpet sounds-- someone in the crowd is eating a delicious honey-pie, and the 'wyv scents it and looks hopefully towards the audience member. The lady-knight regains her 'wyv's attention and sends him forward, but it's too late, and she just doesn't have the speed or timing. She misses entirely, while the Red & Teal Knight gets a hard hit, and the lady must do everything in her power to stay atop her 'wyv as her own lance tumbles ineffectively out of her grasp.

An exciting match for sure, and the Red & Teal Knight is declared the victor! Congratulations to Country!

Prize ceremony will be held shortly!


Mmmm honey pie *drools* Sorry bout that, m'lady! But maybe better luck next time XD



The Joust: Part III

The king steps forward to present the prizes. Each winning knight gets a sparkly little jeweled trophy, and the sponsors are called up as well.

"These fine jousting Miniwyvs shall go home with each of you," the king states, presenting each in turn. "Perhaps you will find them useful in future events... we do rather like our jousts, and if we fae have another, we'll be sure to send you an invitation to participate!"

SPO is presented with the Purple and Gray Miniwyv.


DawnStar7 is presented with the Blue and Green Miniwyv.


Country is presented with the Red and Teal Miniwyv.


"In addition," the fairy king continues, "The Red and Teal Knight had the highest point total. He displayed a true prowess for the joust, with solid, on-target hits every time!" The king passes the knight a jingling little pouch, and to Country he presents a vial of Rainbow Dust, useful in breeding.

Thank you to everyone for participating!

Going to get the customs and such that I owe finished up next, and I'll also sort out the other flower prizes :)



The fairies confer. Finally, one presents a black-and-white Miniwyv to Country!

"You picked two of my favorite flowers: snapdragons and lupines. I'd like you to take him home with you!"


Another fairy brings over the red 'wyv.

"This was a hard one," she says. "Ember, Kah, SPO, Winged and YLO all picked flowers I like, both Dahlias and Coreopsis! No one picked any Begonias, though." She pouts a little. "Anyway, I randomly chose between the five, and he will be going home with Ember!"

Thank you all for picking flowers!


Miniwyv #400 Drawing!

The king clears his throat, and a crystal chalice full of tiny slips of paper is brought forth.

"Everyone who has come to visit with me today has had their name put into this fine goblet! I shall pick one, and send this lovely armored Miniwyv home with that person!"

He reaches into the chalice, rummages around, and then selects a name at random.

"And the winner is... SPO! Congratulations!"


Thank you to everyone for participating in this event! I hope you all had fun; I had a blast :)

Next event shall be coming soon! And we're nearing the 500th 'wyv...

I owe Kah a semi custom from this (coming soon!), and YLO still needs to post her form!


Yay! My new Wyvs are so cute! Here are some names:

Miniwyv 400: Quadrigenti
Unnamed Female: Hermione

Here are names for my other unnamed Wyv as well:
409 x 398: Expecto Patronum
22 x 414: Aguamenti
22 x 414 w/ bow: Sectumsempra