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I need to rant.. :'(

Started by Wildfilly94, May 17, 2013, 05:20:12 PM

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Horrible. That is how my life and feelings are.

Yesterday I finished my last final for college this semester and my boyfriend probably failed. If he fails the class, I dont get to go to college this summer since I have no ride without him. He made me feel bad, not on purpose, but he did, and I cried when he dropped me off. Then I come to my room to find cat litter everywhere. Then I realise I forgot my cats toy at Tim's house and feel bad cause the cat has no toy now. Then I see one of my fish died. -cried more-
I tried to work on customs I owe, then my friend comes over. We're fine and happy watching movies and playing Monopoly when my mom calls... the cake I'm supposed to make for my cousins 16th birthday needs to be done saturday (tomorrow), not the 24th. I have NOTHING ready. So thankfully my friend agrees to help me. We slave from 7pm-12:30am and then finally go to bed. We get up at 10 and work from 11-3 again for the cake. I finally showered at 3:30 when she left, and have been sitting here relaxing for a bit til my mom gets home with the emergency supplies I need.

So I waas talking to Tim about going to this fair tomorrow and he misunderstood something I said. I got mad, then he got all butt-hurt and mad and hung up on me. So fighting the boyfriend gets to be added to my list of things I dont need right now.
Then I realize when looking in the mirror, the stress from the cake is shining through in the form of red pimples all over my chest and face that just appeared today. COOL. 
Then I come online and find a few things I was looking forward to are no longer going to work out, and now I'm completely depressed, stressed out, and hate everything. I'm mad at Tim but I also wish he was here to make me feel slightly better.
I just want this all overwith. I'm tired, physically in so much pain from the work I've done the past 2 days, mentally drained from the work on here and in RL I need to do, and worrying about tim and I passing these vital classes we need to get our careers, money, not having a car still, and not having a job still. And sad even more because I have no friends around here , no money, no life. And I may be moving to live with tim alone this summer, which meaans unless I have a job and car by then, we probably won't have internet or anything for a while until we get used to running the house on our own.

Theres so much more to say but I've tears in my eyes and need to work on the cake again so I'm off. I'll be back on here sunday or monday probably to work on customs for $$.
Thanks for reading, if you do... This is a huge brick of text.


Sounds like a lot going on.  *hugs*


*hughughugs and sends a note to Wild's life that says NO MORE BEATING UP ON WILD!*


*snuggle* Sorry!! Bad days are... BAD. I hate them. Had one this week too. DOWN WITH BADNESS!!

*chases it away*


Sounds like you're having a really stressful time. Things will get better <3


Sounds horrible :( I hope your stress gets better, and don't worry about getting things done on here, they can wait. Any time you need to chat, you can message me.
Owner of Gliders!


*hugs* thanks for caring guys.. You all are pretty much my only friends I can talk to about life problems anymore. since high school ended a year ago, everyone I was close to faded away from busy schedules and such.. :/

The cake for my cousin is doing well, minus a few flaaws when I laid the fondant ontop of the cake. I hope all this work is worth it for my cousin..


I'm sorry things are going so badly, I know how you feel about friends from school just fading away and not really hearing from them :( I never understood why that happens, I guess busy scheduel is the reason but it doens't make it any easier.