[Patchwork] Snails in the store! Winners posted! Attention Sera, Runi!

Started by SPO, August 12, 2013, 11:07:11 AM

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Where We Came From
By Rosedawn
There once lived a toy maker and his daughter, on the outskirts of a very small little town. The children loved visiting the toy maker because every toy that he made he made especially for that person. He always said that the most worthwhile thing to build was something that brought countless hours of joy. I remember my father telling me so when I was very small. I watched in awe of him as he stitched together this small little stuffed mouse, just for me, and placed it in my waiting arms. "And this one is special made for you, Little Mouse," he laughed, and the whole room rattled and laughed along with him, "And so long as you take good care of it, it will take good care of you."

But as time passed things changed. Instead of buying the special handmade pieces from the toymaker, children wanted the shiny new toys from the city. Everyone wanted to leave the small village behind, with its small old ways and go off on grand adventures far away. We left behind such things like stuffed animals and wooden swords and skipped towards the glow of the city like moths to a flame. Slowly but surely the little toy shop became little more than a memory, even to me. When I spoke with my father he would tell me how much he missed the laughter.

My father grew gravely ill shortly after that, and I rushed home to be by his side. He told me he had something very special waiting for me in the toy shop.

The place was covered in dust and grime from years of neglect. Buttons and ribbons and stuffing lay strewn on every table. I had no idea what he wanted me to find until I saw it, sitting on his favorite stool, my own little mouse. He'd patched the holes and cleaned the cloth from years and years of love and play, and even stitched up the place where one of my classmates had ripped it open, but he'd left the needle hanging. I picked up my old friend, feeling myself smile for the first time in days. Beneath was a little note, Take care of it, Little Mouse, and it will take care of you.

There was a single stitch left to tie off. Quickly I sewed up my old friend, tying the last knot and cutting it free. "Now you take care of the shop my little meece, while I go take care of Papa."

The next morning I returned to the shop, determined to clean it up to be sold in order to pay for my papa's medicine. When I entered the sounds of something scurrying caught my attention and I hurried to find the source. Following the sound to the work table, what I saw I could scarcely believe. My little meece (for how could I mistake it?) was actually MOVING. It was scurrying around, cleaning the shop!

When it saw me tiny squeaks and chittering erupted from inside. It rushed over, bouncing around until I picked it up. In its hands was a needle. It left that in my palm and hopped down to a pile of fabric and thread and buttons, cheeping all the while. "Do you want me to make you a friend?"

We have dozens now, and every time I tie that last knot they turn their heads and look at me with such love. A love I know I have to share. It's exactly what my father wanted.

Meece Front

Meece Side

Snoodle Left

Snoodle Right

Owner's Folders


Welcome to our third thread! :D Fanta is working on the giraffes at the moment but...we have snails! To answer the frequent question, yes I do plan on going for agency status. At the moment I am working alone and that is just fine for me. I may start looking for a partner to help with coloring and running events just to help keep things active once school gets started again.

This is our first thread with the snails in it. This means naming events and a few little Meece to break it up. :)

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

-Meece can be traded at any time as long as permissions has been obtained in advance from myself. I reserve the right to say no trading.
-Can be traded or sold for SG, other adoptables, or USD
-Be nice to each other
-Whining will not be tolerated


All events ended. Pick-ups available below!


The Nameless Horde
So many Meece without a name! I need everyone who has a Meece in this post to please post a name for your critter.





Sera - Need names and genders

Thanks everyone! Please note that we are at approximately 64 Patchwork. At 100 I delete them from my computer so be sure to have them saved somewhere! Please note that i will not delete them from the Photobucket, just from my personal laptop.



Rosedawn's Unnamed Ungendered Unbonded

Neocridders' Unnamed Ungendered Unbonded

Mutt's Unnamed Ungendered Unbonded

Mutt's Unnamed Ungendered

Mutt's Unnamed Ungendered

Mutt's Unnamed Ungendered

Saturnalia's Unnamed Ungendered

Ember's Unnamed Ungendered

Rosedawn's Unnamed Ungendered

You may now post!


>.> Imma let you finish. I was pretty excited for snaaaaills.

Deleted my post. <3 Sorry SPO


XD I saw that Neo!! You can post now. :3



Bad Juju >.> Nuff said XD She would would love to have a lil minion to play with!

Left Behind

I'm so sorry pretty lil fawn, I just didn't have time to come up with a proper hiding place for you. Coming up with a great place for you takes time and dedication, two things taht I was sorely short of for the last month or so. But I can do it now!

Snails? Snoogles? Snicks?

Sneeces XD




Snails? Snoogles? Snicks?
Shellykins! :D

Left Behind
I didn't enter the cute fawn's contest because I have a horrible memory and kept forgetting to brainstorm what would camouflage him. I'm sorry little fawn :(


Oooh, Cavaiya would love a friend!

Need to brainstorm for Design-A-Meece...hmm!


I think it got lost in the last thread, but I'd like to name the colorful boy Imp, please!

And the monarch shall be a female named Flitter!


Thank you for the names Saturnalia! :D

Dug through the old threads for names I may have missed and found two. Got everyone who has had a named posted named and updated as far as I am aware. So sorry to have missed those!!


Snails? Snoogles? Snicks?
Sneegles! XD
If we may try multiple names, how about Snoodles, Snawls? XD

Left behind
The reason I didn't enter the contest? Because I was so busy with real life stuff and etc. that I just didn't have a second to look at contests. Sadly, I didn't have a chance to see this guy or I'd have entered the contest! <3


Can't believe I forgot to name my boy - can he be called Gaki?
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed




Snails? Snoogles? Snicks?

Left Behind
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry you precious little baby. u.u I had already acquired quite a few meece from that event in particular and I didn't enter your contest because I wanted to give others a chance!

Snowpuff would love a little companion!

Aaaand design a meece entry to come soon!


I noticed that after the fact Country >>


*pets and gives cookies* It'll be ok XD


*flails* But I thought I named him! Maybe I just did mentally XD

For Raccoon lad: Name: Ranger Rick
Owner: Kahlira
gender: Male


Honey and Mako as names for my girls please :3


Snails? Snoogles? Snicks?
Slomos (pronounced like the abbreviation of slow motion XD) alternate spellings could be - Slowmos, Slowmoes, Slomoes

Might enter the others later, got a pretty good excuse for Left Behind, I only just discovered Patchwork I've somehow missed their entry into Secundi XD


ALways nice to see a new face. Welcome Mutt!


Snails? Snoogles? Snicks? (Snugs = Snail Hugs)

Left Behind  (I wasn't aware there was a contest , this is my first time in a Patchwork thread.)


More new faces! Welcome SweetCaroline!

I am getting started on the Snail buddies, I am just not sure how I want to do their certing and names and such, then I will upload them.


It's not quite the 16th yet so entering a variation of the previous name I had picked if that is aloud. Snugums. These are really cute by the way & I Love the story line.


Thanks SweetCaroline! Rosedawn wrote the story with a few guidelines from me. :3


And entering other contests now I have a little more time on my hands X3

Left Behind
Sorry little Fawn Meece I never even saw the thread you must have been blending in with Secundi's background colours far too perfectly for my tired ol' eyes to spot.

I think the perfect Meece buddy for this snail would be a similarly spooky sort of themed Meece, yellow base body colour, with bat wings and fangs with the hooded marking in orange and the capped marking in white so the colour theme is kind of like a candy corn in sticking with the snail's spooky/Halloween theme.


Left Behind

I'm so sorry little fawn that I could not find you a hiding place. I would have loved to find a great place for us to be in for hide n seek (a nice deep softly dark place covered with branches and things to keep us safe from predators and elements) however, I've been in the moving and new job process for the last month and a half and I haven't had time for games and fun and hiding in a deep dark wood (though with school fast approaching hiding sounds AWESOME right now) Hopefully you and your snaily friend may want to come and keep me company in this really hectic time.

I think Moonlight as my "plainest" Meece deserves a wonderful friendly companion to keep her company.

Name for me Unnamed

HIS name is Sweet Deception


I will post everything tonight. I am at a horse show for my internship until this afternoon.


The show went on a lot longer than we thought it would. Here is the winners list. Please make sure to post names and I will update everything!

Naming Contest - Neocridders
Snoodles is an adorable name. I love it.

Left Behind - Mutt
It was so hard to find a winner so I randomed it and Mutt is the winner!

Friends - Rosedawn
Everyone will get a companion for their Meece that posted, but the winner of the shiny new boy is Rosedawn!

Design-A-Meece - Mutt
I loved that you incorporated the yellow of his eyes into the design of the Meece! I will post your new Meece along with his buddy in pick-ups!

Snoodles who are paired with Meece will be posted in the pick-ups shortly. ^^ PLEASE MAKE SURE TO NAME YOUR MEECE! It makes it easier and less neurotic for my OCD brain lol.





Wow in my first participation in a Patchwork thread I've won my first two Meece and my first two Snoodles and they're all super cute XD Now the hard part to name them...

Purple Snoodle: Male, name Vlad

Fawn Meece: Male, name Napoleon

Fawn Meece's bonded Snoodle: Female, Nelly

Candycorn coloured Meece: Female, name Vera

And I don't know anything about bonding being new to Patchwork but if Vlad the Snoodle needs to be bonded to a Meece could he be bonded to Vera please :)


Snoodles don't have to be bonded and it doesn't really have any benefit but cuteness lol. Vlad was automatically bonded to Vera.


Awww! Cute! I love my new Snoodle. Should I wait to name it and gender it when I get a meece to give it to? Or...?