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To the people I owe things to..

Started by Willow, March 12, 2013, 11:44:44 AM

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Hey, Willow here, I ditched again and I'm coming back only to try and sort out what I can. After that I probably won't be on Secundi much longer.
If possible I want to try and leave cleanly and on a happier note.

I've spread myself too thin on almost everything in my life and all I'm doing is causing myself problems, stress and anxiety.
It's not what I need right now because as most of you know I've not been in the best state of mind anyway, so I need to just concentrate on smaller things, and my health. Rather than trying to do too many things that seem fun at the time, but then I never finish them.

If I owe you anything from trades or unfinished customs please can you drop me a PM or even better an email at

Regarding $$ things -
Right now I don't have the $$ to refund everything, but I can offer any of the pets/items I have, if you're happy to take some of those instead.
If you're not happy with that please let me know how much $$ is owed and I will have to get it to you when I can.

Non $$ - Again I'm offering pets, I have a lot of pretty pets so I hope they'll be okay.

Regarding FCFC - I will PM the staff shortly, but my plan will be to hopefully have someone else take over them (I'm not selling them, I just want to give them to someone that'll take them on). I hope someone will be interested, if you are please PM/email me, but bear in mind I would like the current staff to still have their places on the team (unless they wish otherwise), I will also be contacting them before anything is arranged.
ETA: FCFC is no being equally run by PM, Wild and YLO, there is no one owner. I'm sure they'll do well together!

The staff are doing a great job between themselves already though, so I might see if they want to co-run it themselves which gets priority over a new owner.

I'm sorry if any of this upsets, worries or offends you.

I'll be trying to sort things out over a few days, bear with me.


Noo Willow :(
- I'll miss you :( Already do

But RL comes first ofc :/


I'll miss you Willow :( But if this helps you then that's good. I'll send you an email about a part finished trade we had and see what easiest for you.
Owner of Gliders!


Very sad decision dear, but real life is important and I agree it may be best for now. It's no good to stress out over a bunch of pixels. This site will always be there if you ever want to return, but if it is no longer fun and just adding stress to your life it does sound like the better plan to wrap up everything and step back, permanent or not. We will all miss you tons of course. ~ YLO
.Feline and Canine Fanciers Club. Owned by Wild & YLO.
Further supported by BlueOrchidWolf & PonyMama {HIATUS}



As of now the FCFC adoptable belongs to the staff, PM, YLO and Wild. They can work together to make joint decisions for the adoptable.

They've worked together well so far and I think they'll work well together ^^

And thank you everyone, I will miss my secundi friends too <3


Sent you an email.

I have to say I'll be very sad to see you go, but Real Life is a huge deal and you need to take care of that before your ready to deal with internet again. I hope things get better for you, and that you someday return to us. I know on AAA one member I love left for RL problems and may never come back. Its very nderstandable, and sometime syou just have to live life and forget about things online for a while to get YOU back and healthy. I will always be here on Facebook for you to talk to; you are a valued friend of mine and I hop eto not lose that.


I'll miss you and your wonderful artwork, Willow <3


It's sad to see you go but I understand and it's great that you're trying to get things in order and not just disappearing. Secundi won't be the same without you.

Good luck with your life! I hope that your anxiety will get better soon and that everything will work out <3
