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Slow progress and possible delays ahead

Started by SGA, February 14, 2013, 12:14:26 PM

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Mom went back in the hospital last night.  She's been "sick" for over a week now, and putting off going to the doctor.  She finally went yesterday and they sent her straight to the ER because her oxygen levels were dangerously low.  I thought she had the flu, but she told me last night that they said she isn't actually "sick", she just has gas in her lungs.  For me, the words "just" and "gas in the lungs" do not belong together, like it isn't a big deal.  It's really scary for me, I'm a natural pessimist and can't seem to stop myself from imagining all the worst case scenario's.  I know I shouldn't, and I try not to but..

I will still be working on things, and I still plan to do a valentines type event etc, but it might not get posted on actual Valentines Day, and progress on other things will be slow/intermittent.  I do need the distraction, so I'll continue to do stuff but.. it will be slow going.

Sunny is coloring breedings, you can keep posting those, I'll get them resized/uploaded as I feel capable of concentrating enough to not mess them up.  The customs thread is open,and you can still post forms there, just remember you can only have one pending custom at a time please, to keep me from getting too overwhelmed.  I will try to get the vday event posted today sometime, but no promises.  You'll get it, it just might be late.

Happy Valentines everyone, I do hope you have a good one.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


I'm sorry to hear about your Mom!  :(  I hope she's better and home very soon!


if I can do anything to help with your load on here let me know!

Kadana Sorano

Thanks Silv and Sunny! We just got home from visiting her, they finally got her a room at 4 this afternoon so we could all go in to see her for a bit.  She's sad, lonely, and bored.  She has her netbook with her, but the hospital network seems to block almost every site she wants to access.  She can't make or receive calls because of the face mask thing they have on her constantly to try and clear her lungs.

Anyway, not much else to update, will let you all know if anything changes.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Kadana my offer from a long time ago to become a colorist is still extent to you, I just haven't had a chance to act on it much because of all of the personal stuff going on in my life lately. If you'd still like my help, please let me know since I have the lines and am more than willing to produce pre-mades for you when I have the time ^^ I know this is all very difficult for you and that you could use help when real life is getting you down.

Kadana Sorano

Thanks Bun *hugs*  And I'll let you know.  Right now there isn't really a lot (coloring-wise) to do.  Sunny is doing the breeding colorings,and those have been being posted slowly, so they are OK for now.  And I have a custom I need to do for Winged, and.. that's about it for now for actual coloring work.

I have to figure out what event/s I want to do for valentines,even if its just a simple find a mate,then there will be more actual coloring work and I'll probably be quite happy/eager to take you up on the offer then.

My main problem at the moment is I had so many things I wanted to do (events I mean) but I never actually sat down and wrote them out and such, and now everything's just.. it's really hard to pin things down in my head now.  But I do want to do them still, and think it will help to keep me from sinking too deep into worry.  So yes, more coloring to be done/needed in the near future (hopefully very near) :)
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



*hugs Kadana* I hope she will make a speedy recovery, that is defenitely very scary!