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Need Prayers

Started by Sunchaser, December 07, 2012, 07:08:10 AM

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I am not going to go into a lot of detail but I need prayers.
Wednesday night my husband had a psychotic break down. He wouldnt let me leave the house or get to the phone. He never hit me but i am scratched up and a little bruised from him holding and trying to get to the phone when i finally got it. then after a few more attempts to leave all of a sudden he passes out. He has been on depression pills he should not have been taking because of his age and as such we all know it was the pills that made him do this not my husband.

For those that know him he is shy and quiet and with me he just likes cuddling. He would never hurt me. He is now in the hospital because we had the police come to check him out and he was taken to the ER and is now baker acted. He will be in the hospital till monday getting the help he needs. We are all worried about him and i will be visiting him every time I can. We have talked about the incident a little bit and he remembers nothing but watching tv with me and then waking on the floor. This is something that is going to strain our relationship for a bit as I know it wasnt him but it was still his body. I love him with all my heart and wont leave him and my parents and even my sister surprisingly are being a great form of support. Apparently my dad did this with my mom because of some of his pills.

So thats the end of the rant more detail then i was expecting to give but I will not post this on facebook and just hope you guys can just give some prayers. Its going to be a stressful time for awhile here which is why gryphions will run still but might move slower especially the gift box making. Neo is full with college work so the one doing the event is me alone.


o_o That's terrifying, Sunny! *hugs* I'm so glad you're okay. This is so terrible.

You will definitely be in my prayers. I'm so glad he will now be getting the real help he needs. When someone is suffering from depression or anything like that you definitely need to make sure you take advantage of a professional's help.

I'm sure the road to recovery will be a long one for both of you. We're here for you!


Thanks sweety. We even told his doctor that it was affecting his sleep and to take him off it about 2 weeks ago. They didn't listen. Now they are.


Oh sunny <3

- I'm so so sorry to hear, it must be so hard to go through :/
You and hubby has all my thoughts and prayers <3

Please say if theres ANYTHING i can do to help you make things easiere <3
- Anything <3


Aww hunny I'm so sorry that happened :(
I would do the same thing if I were in your position though, and its very good taht your family is supporting you.
Poor guy. Some doctors are just plain stupid. You know your husband more than the doctor, they should take YOUR thoughts into account. Unfortunately sometimes they don't listen and they think their right because they have the Ph.d >.>
*Hugs* Your in my prayers and thoughts. <3


Reading this brings tears to my eyes. I do hope and pray he does get better. I know how much you love him and he loves you. *snugs tight*


You have my deepest sympathy. I feel for anyone who has to go through something like this with someone they love, and I hope he will get better and that the doctors will use better judgement with him next time.

I know you don't know me very well, but if there is anything I can do to help you, please PM me. I have been assisting with the preperation of pre-mades for several other adoptables that needed them for the holidays, and I wouldn't mind in the least to help you color gryphons if it meant talking some stress off of your shoulders. I know that there are a lot of orders.


Oh my Lord, I am so so sorry Sunny.  Sending masses of good thoughts and prayers your way. <3


Just wanted to add that I know from personal experience that medications can be tricky - what works for one person can have a totally different effect on someone else.  And I would switch doctors immediately.  A doctor that ignores the patient's AND family's requests and concerns is not someone who should be prescribing meds for mental health issues to say the very least.


we have his case manager aware of whats going on and things are being taken care of. He is on a new med and I saw him yesterday and will be spending the whole day with him today. He is still so upset and ashamed of hurting me even though he still doesn't remember anything that happened.

He will be in till Monday and then he will be released. But when I saw him yesterday he was happier and it was like my husband was back. I have missed him for the last month he was on the crappy pills. I know I am still in shock a bit because my brain isn't working at its normal function but I know he is getting better. He also has realized why i get off my games when they make me mad so he has planned to make some changes when he gets home which makes me happier because it means we will spend more time together.

Thank you guys for your support I will post here with updates that are going on.  You all are awesome.


Glad to hear things seem to be going better for you.  I know how much you love your hubby and it's obvious from your avatar that he loves you too.  Keeping you both in my thoughts <3


This sounds terrible, i'm glad it seems to be looking up for you. Doctors can be really difficult, that's good that they're listening to you now. Thinking of you both.
Owner of Gliders!


I am so happy that things are turning up, Sunny!  Good for you guys, you sound like an extremely strong couple.  <3