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Having issues.. Again.. >.>

Started by Wildfilly94, October 29, 2012, 09:11:06 AM

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So the mother and I got into it yesterday over something rediculously stupid.
I dunno if I'll be 'allowed' to use 'her' computer to color or not for the next few days. I hate to do this when I just started getting progress with CDA. Its not a hiatus, just a delay for a few days. I can use my phone to keep in touch and such, but as for coloring rats (and little hooves foals), that'll  be on hold for a bit. >.>

Just if anyones curious;
Long story short, I may be moving in with my dad as early as this weekend. I don't know if he has a computer or not (ill save everything I have to a flash drive), but I need to get away. The only issue is, I have no ride to college and back sense my dad lives 20 minutes away from my college and doesn't have another car I ccan use for a couple hours, 3 days a week. D:
I need a crapload of money that I don't have, so Im trying to find other ways to get to college. :/
Also I'm not sure if my dad will allow my dear baby boy Symon to live with us (he doesnt like cats much) so I have to figure out what to do with him. He's like a son to me, so he will NOT be given away. I'm going to see if my granny will take him in, atleast for now. If not, mabye my mom's friend Gloria. Though I hate that idea because then I wont get to see him much. My granny lives right by my dad. :/

STRESS. D: [/rant]


*hugs Wild* I'm sorry to hear that! :( Hang in there, things will get better!


My life is so unpredictable. D: *hugs* Thank you


Is the 20 minutes in car or walking? :)

How about a bicycle?

and sorry to hear your life is abit unpredictable .. *hugs*


If possible, a bike wouldn't be a bad idea if you have one already or can find one free or cheap, and I did a LOT of walking when I came from college.  But then if you are carrying books back and forth from your dad's house.......  That's never easy, you have to re-think that.  Plus is majorly time consuming, and it's going to be getting really cold soon, so you're putting your health at risk too.

Do you have anyone that could co-sign for a loan to get you a car?  A parent, relative, or close adult friend?  My parents co-signed for one of my brother's friends to get his car.  It would change things dramatically for you if you just had a reliable mode of transportation.


I really hope things get better for you Wild, I'm sorry everything is so tough at home >< I don't understand what problem she could possibly have with you coloring a few adoptables on the computer and doing things that you like to do, you'd really think she'd be happy that you have something you enjoy and that the CDA is having success.

That being said, please don't worry about my customs until you get a chance to settle down and figure things out. I know they were meant to be a payment in exchange for the items I did, but its more important to me that you find a situation where you are more comfortable and where you can feel reassured that your Symon is safe. <3 If there is anything I can do to help you out with the CDA, please let me know. I know we don't know each that well beyond working together on items, but I wish you the best wild.


Its a highway I take to get to college, plus books, and the cold weatger would mean a bike wouldnt be good
Id love a loan, but i currently have no income. :/ My dada can barely afford his own car.

So far my mom and I are on speaking terms so mabye Ill get the computer soon.
My dad may be able to get me a car in december, but were not sure yet. hopefully itll happen soon.

Thank you all for your support and advice. <3


So.. I just nabbed the computer with her next to me.. No slmming the lid down.. Mabye Im in the clear... O.o