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Facebook, I have issues with you...

Started by Ryuukokoro, October 06, 2012, 12:15:13 AM

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So part of my job is to keep the company Facebook page updated, which means I sometimes see status updates from various people my boss knows and has friended. One of the gentleman just posted this as his status update today, which I feel needs to be shared as many places as possible, so I'm putting it in the various forums I visit online:

"I just got a "people you may know" suggestion to friend a 17 year old girl. Our only connection is that she also "likes" the NH SPCA. She was born March 1, 1995 and lives in Derry NH. I can tell you what Middle School she went to. Pretty little girl with a nice white canopy bed in her room (that's where she took her profile photo). She just posted 'i'm bored' so maybe she should watch The Hunger Games, her fave movie, or eat Chinese, her fave food. She joined FB on Aug 10th, so she only has 12 friends so far. Oh... I can see her BFF Ashley's page because Ashley doesn't have it blocked. Ashley just got a puppy. His name is Rush. I know because I just looked at 31 photos of him. Shall I go on? Have I totally creeped you out? GOOD! That was my point."

If anyone here has kids with Facebook pages, please make sure to keep an eye on it! And set their profile to Private, so only their friends can see their info. For some reason I DON'T understand, Facebook has made profiles public as a default. You have to actually go in and manually change it to 'friends only,' which I discovered when I went to check out my own account after reading this. It was set to public and I certainly never agreed to set it that way. >.<

Just wanted to share. Stay safe out there guys. *hugs*


Yeah, FB sucks that way. I deleted mine when I got with my fiance. He doesn't like those things and doesn't think they're safe. I was fine with deleting it, since I didn't really use it


Thanks for reminding me to check my own profile settings, Ryuu.  I've always set mine to "Friends Only" and made sure it was still that way just now :)


yeah...I don't actually use FB for what it was intended for...I just play games on it /D
None of my profile information is real either >>


I already have mine on private/friends only because of the fact that its how I talk to hubs sometimes when he is deployed its also how i keep friends and family updated when i dont feel like using a phone lol sad but true.


Yeah, I feel a bit weird about facebook, too. It was kind of the end of internet anonymity but I just can't bring myself to use it with my real name.
When I first went on the internet as a teenager, everyone was always told to not give anyone their real name and address. Weird how things have changed. :/


Facebook totally disgusts me :/ The way it encourages kids and teenagers that are clueless as to how much of their information can be found online by people they don't even know, or people they DO know, really makes me uncomfortable because they have come to feel that its completely normal to expose everything about yourself online. People that don't want to and prefer to keep their privacy are regarded with suspicion or treated like they have something to hide nowadays. So often I've seen people nagged because they don't have a facebook and don't want one.

That being said, back when I had a facebook, I was completely creeped out by the amount of people that actually came looking for me there that I had known in high school or from other places, some of them being people that I never liked and never would have thought to speak to again because they had been complete jerks when we were in school. You really have to ask yourself what those kind of people want when they come looking for you online and are still thinking about you after all those years, especially when they were so unpleasant in the past and you'd like to leave those memories in the past.

Anyway, that's my facebook rant >>; Hopefully anyone that doesn't have their profiles on friends only, will put it that way, because honestly the thought of someone I don't know or don't ever want to meet again looking into my personal life is just so scary.