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CDA For Trade - Closed

Started by red_uni387, December 26, 2012, 05:00:42 PM

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Argh I just can't choose which babies to keep from these litters! .___. Putting them all up for potential trade, but I'm probably not going to trade more than I need to from one litter. Hoping for ratties in exchange, but feel free to offer other stuff :)

Cumin x Nutmeg
Female 1

Female 2

Female 3

Female 4


Paprika x Shiro
Female 1

Female 2

Female 3

Female 4


Grown CDA
These I'm definitely looking to trade for other CDA critters :)
Blue Coral

Chocolate Oreo



Does ANY of my CDA's interest you for the Female 3 in last litter? :)

Keilin Alyr

Aww, I love female #3 from Paprika and Shiro's litter. Is there anything you'll consider other than CDA critters?

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


YLO - Who were you interested in trading for? ^^

Pink - Hmmm, kinda tempted by Marco :P

Kei - If I have a critter from another adoptie I'd consider stuff from that adoptie as well :)

Keilin Alyr

Let's see... I have a few pets I could part with.

This FCFC Ragdoll perhaps?

Or this Glider maybe? I like him, but he's a bit too similar to his father.

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Quote from: red_uni387 on December 26, 2012, 05:21:18 PM
YLO - Who were you interested in trading for? ^^

Pink - Hmmm, kinda tempted by Marco :P

Kei - If I have a critter from another adoptie I'd consider stuff from that adoptie as well :)

I could part with him for her :)


Would you be interested in any SG at all for female 3 from Paprika x Shiro's litter? I always liked her alot ^^


I like Ginger x Adonis Male, Cumin x Nutmeg Male and Female 2 and Papriko x Shiro Male.


Yay late responses >_>

Uh still not sure about female 3 from paprika and shiro, but Marco is the most tempting offer atm

YLO, I like your female from Domino and Symon and the girl from Muffy and Sep :) I'd be happy to trade 2 of the 4 in your list for them~


Awesome! For Ginger x Adonis Male and Cumin x Nutmeg Male then? :D



If you're still looking to trade, I could use more female ratties and any of your lovely little gals would make me happy.  Would this kitten interest you?


i can only keep 2 ratties per litter, so definitely still looking to trade :) and your kitten is adorable; i'd love to trade for her! if you'd like, you can pick 2 ratties instead of just one since i only have until the 8th to find them homes~


If you can find anything else of mine that you'd like I see more ratties that interest me as well! There's 3 babies I like and I like Chocolate Oreo too :) Not sure what adoptables you still follow? I have plenty up for bid ^^


oh! i really like your blue snake and your arabian unbridled :D if you'd be fine with trading those 2 let me know which 3 babies you want and i will put them up for bid along with chocolate oreo


The blue snake girl is spoken for by Bun I'm afraid, I'm waiting for her to finish the custom Siren before she's transferred over. But I could trade the Unbridled for Chocolate Oreo and the first litter's Female 4?


darn too slow xD that works though, i'll go put the baby up for bid too ^__^


XD Well the snake girl has been spoken for for a couple weeks so it's not like you júst missed her, if that helps any :P -goes to bid- ^^


ah okay that does help a little lol
i'll take another look at your pets up for bid later; gotta let my phone charge for a bit so it doesnt die :)


Alrighty. The rat Shawn is also on hold for Bunraku but I think that's all the pets spoken for :) I'm going to bed now, 1 am already, but I'll check back in the morning ^^ I am mostly interested in the grey male because I have none from those parents yet, but I also like female 2 from the first litter (although I feel guilty taking her because I have 2 of her siblings already XD)


Awesome, thanks red!   If possible, I'd love one from each litter.  My order of preference for the girls, by litter, would be:

Cumin x Nutmeg - 1, 2, 3

Paprika x Shiro - 1, 4, 2


your first choice from both litters are up for bid :)

ylo, i quite like your blue eyed rattie boy too; would you be willing to trade him for the grey male? i think i'm going to keep female 2 from the first litter though ^^'


I have two blue eyed boys up for bid but for either one, that'd be fine!


yay thank you! the grey male is up for bid and i placed my bid xD