I have the chance to go to one concert this spring...and these are my choices

Started by Scullisto, September 26, 2012, 10:29:16 AM

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I can raise the money for one concert but not both.

Pros: I really love both artists...I would love to see them both.
Cons: Both concerts are expensive for the seats I need.


Personally the really big concerts with such famous artists aren't something I enjoy, usually the quality of the music isn't all that good and it's more about the show than the music, so I prefer to listen to a CD and use my money for less famous artists in smaller venues, but that's a personal preference.


That looks awesome! I like that one! Usually when I go to some sort of perfomance thing I either go to bands in small venues for low prices or to dance perfomances, but I do love theather and musicals as well. The exception for John Fogerty because my dad and I both love him and he never does anything for himself so I took him to see that concert =)


There are three musical theater shows coming up I want to see..
War Horse (which I posted)
Book of Mormon
Wicked (I have seen several times)

I love them, but I have been hankering to see a big pop show lately.


I voted Lady Gaga, because i think she would give a better performance, and a better overal experience.

I love P!nk's music, but Lady G. is just better at doing shows.

And you have to consider that a concert gives you an lifetime experience, the CD don't ;)

YLO: It's not always that there lack music quality, it depends how good the artist are to actually sing live. and perform live. and some artist just can (ex. Duffy) where others just shine (ex. Whitney Houston - Before she ruined herself completely)


I love Both artists and it would be a tough choice but I think I would have to go with Lady Gaga...

Normally I would say the Theatre but if i had the chance id love a concert, been an *age* since i went to one!


I've seen War Horse in NYC and it was absolutely, completely, stunningly amazing. Seriously. The puppetry is phenomenal and you forget that it's not a real horse. (Uh, and maybe you cry a lot, if you're like me, haha.) If you've seen the movie, the play is about a million times better!

I'm with YLO, though, for concerts. I stick with smaller bands in smaller venues where I can just fight my way up front and rock the heck out. :D


War Horse on stage is absolutely stunning -- definitely something you need to see!