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•°Lire'Jeune°• Breeding Terrariums | open 5/cleaning 3

Started by Solistia, June 25, 2012, 01:28:47 AM

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ilu Keilin. I'll confirm stuff once I get home with my program XD

Keilin Alyr

YLO: Unless something about being a Mountain type changes colors, 2-012's eyes are dark orange. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Quote from: Keilin Alyr on June 28, 2012, 12:05:10 PM
Aralie, if I'm not mistaken, these should be your Jeune descriptions (although confirmation from tbiris or Soli would be ideal):

Egg 1: Sub-desert type, light brown eyes, normal blue body

Egg 2: Normal type, normal brown eyes, normal blue body, vertical stripes marking (I'm going to assume red markings from the egg design, but don't quote me on it)


Quote from: Keilin Alyr on June 28, 2012, 12:26:55 PM
Let me take a crack at 'em, YLO. The descriptions, that is. =)

Egg 1: Normal typing, normal red eyes, normal green body, armored mutation, fluffy tail mutation
(I'm not sure of marking colorations (or if they're even connected to mutations like your armor), so you'll want tb's thoughts, but that slot does match for both parents. If xx2 is indeed yellow for markings, it's light yellow)

Egg 2: Normal typing, normal brown eyes, normal green body

And just a random aside, but your eggs remind me a bit of Tropius.
Verified. Never even thought about if marking color could apply to mutations. -checks one- Certainly possible.


Quote from: YourLoveOnly on June 28, 2012, 02:47:27 PM
I confirm this! Yay for pretty red Mountain Jeune, I think it'll be a good pet for Tasmara once she arrives. Of course, I'll have to teach her not to stab it first |D

p.s. Ryuu said egg Jeune has no markings, but can anyone tell me the eyecolor? =O I assume orange or brown judging by the egg colors xD
Dark orange.

Keilin -> Colors do change from breed to breed.

Keilin Alyr

Ooh, good to know for future plans. Does breed just affect body and marking coloration, or does it affect the eyes as well?

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


All colors. Some remain the same for some species, but not all.


Tank results
Congrats to Keilin Alyr and PonyMama for donating enough funds to help repair our broken tanks!

Please tell the lab which 2 Jeune you would like to breed! (And get people to post/PM permission if needed!)

Thank yuo so much to everyone who participated in this round of breeding! After giving away more starters, there'll be MOAR BREEDING
(eggs will be delivered on Saturday when I get home for broken tanks <3)




I will stick to the pair I posted before

Male Jeune ID#: S-085
Male Jeune owner: PonyMama
Female Jeune ID#: I- 015
Female Jeune owner: PonyMama

Keilin Alyr

Hooray! My own baby Jeune! *happy dance*

I'll stick with my original pairing, and I believe PM posted permission below. ^^

Male Jeune ID#: S-40
Male Jeune owner: PonyMama
Female Jeune ID#: S-106
Female Jeune owner: Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD



Eggs have hatched! (refresh THIS POST to see!)

EGG OWNERS: Please let me know ID numbers of which Jeune you've kept and which you've traded away (and to whom!)

The bribed eggs will be out later today!


Ryuu's yellow girl is awesome! And I love the new marking on Rav's!
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



1-063 is staying with me <3
1-064 is being traded to Neocridders ^_^

Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Herp derps.
3-002 is staying with me X3

Forgot to say that.


Eee, my grown Jeune are beautiful :'I
Thank you so much Soli! <3


Ok, owner's list updated with tbiris, Aralie, and Willow breedings (@Willow, I assume from your post that you kept both X3). Just need to know from Ryuu, YLO, and Ravvana :3

Keilin Alyr

*many, many snugs for Soli* Sorry for pestering you, I know how busy you've been, Soli. I've just been so excited for these little guys and girls. ^^

And squee, I have my red sub-Mountain Jeune! With war paint markings! So happy! ^^

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD



PM's first one is so pretty with all those lovely earthy colors <3


Gahhh forgot about them, now need to see if I can trade one or two for others.  I can't believe I forgot about this


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Yays Willow! -yoinks Tendrils- and boo on Soli for making me change my programming around for marking colors. XD


1-059 is supposed to go to Keilin and S-013 is supposed to go to Ryuu. I also previously requested 1-005 to be moved to Ryuu and she was trading me 2-012 which also does not seem to be in my owner list yet.


Ah my goddd! I love them all but that top female has stolen my heart D8
*hoardes pretty Juene*

Gaaaaaah!! I can't get over how awesome they all are! xD;
Also, if I could name all my currently unnamed Jeune please ^____^

2-019 - Daftpunk
2-020 - Daisy
2-021 - Snapdragon
1-070 - Malfunction
1-071 - Flipper
1-072 - Daffodill
1-057 - Crash
1-058 - Tarragon
S-144 - Antifreeze
S-147 - Jorah

Thank you Supersoli 8'D


It looks like the tanks are back open for business 8D


Applying for Tank #: 4
Male Jeune ID#: S-008
Male Jeune owner: Ryuukokoro
Female Jeune ID#: 2-001
Female Jeune owner: Ryuukokoro


Applying for Tank #: 2
Male Jeune ID#: S-137
Male Jeune owner: hiyoko
Female Jeune ID#: S-153
Female Jeune owner: hiyoko


Keilin Alyr

I traded a Feli to YLO for S-013 a few weeks back, and here's the record of it, just in case it's needed for verification. ^^

Applying for Tank #: 1
Male Jeune ID#: S-134
Male Jeune owner: Keilin Alyr
Female Jeune ID#: S-013
Female Jeune owner: Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Yes I traded YLO last breeding season and it seems it never got recorded either, so I'll re-post. :)

Quote from: Ryuukokoro on June 28, 2012, 02:41:49 PM
Trade: (hope posting here is okay!)

Ryuu is trading her third egg, 2-012, to YLO, in return for her Jeune, 1-005.

Yay Ryuu loves leopard markings! :D I am going to be greedy and keep my other two eggs lol. Cuz tbiris tells me there are pretty things inside! X3

Quote from: YourLoveOnly on June 28, 2012, 02:47:27 PM
I confirm this! Yay for pretty red Mountain Jeune, I think it'll be a good pet for Tasmara once she arrives. Of course, I'll have to teach her not to stab it first |D


Applying for Tank #: 5
Male Jeune ID#: S115
Male Jeune owner: Greenie
Female Jeune ID#: S114
Female Jeune owner: Greenie

Shall get her to PM you :3


Applying for Tank #: 7
Male Jeune ID#: s-140
Male Jeune owner: YLO
Female Jeune ID#: s-034
Female Jeune owner: YLO