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~Okibi Caballi~ Hallow's Eve

Started by Ryuukokoro, October 31, 2011, 08:41:14 PM

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Okay I'm not quite ready to reveal what's in the mystery tent just yet, but in the meantime, the barrel o' Foxfires is empty and the other two tents will stay open so people can continue to cash in items and tattoos in their inventories. And everyone please take a moment to fill out the Bred Mutation Poll, because I need your opinion!

Everyone who fills out the poll gets put into a drawing for a premade with a Bred Mutation of your choice. ;D


1.) What Bred Mutations would you like to see on the Okibi? (Keep in mind these would not be available for customs)

It would be interesting to see some sort of chimera.... Okibi mixes with lion, or dog, or whatnot.

2.) What 'triggers' can you think of that could bring out some new Bred Mutations? (Most important question! I need some new ideas!)

The x time a pair is bred, it produces mutation x.  Or a variation-  The x time a female is bred it produces the mutation.

Two headed baby produced by severe inbreeding x amount of generations in?

3.) Would you want to add new breeding items to the shop that guarantee mutations show up in a breeding, or should the triggers come from the breeding itself like they do now?

I like how the mutations are a result of breeding.... Makes it more interesting.  BUT, I'm not against a mutation or two coming from an item.

4.) Is there anything about the Bred Mutations you find confusing or would like to change?


5.) Additional comments:

Wish I could breed more often?


Bred Mutations Poll:
1.) What Bred Mutations would you like to see on the Okibi? (Keep in mind these would not be available for customs)
-Some sort of straight, short horns like goat horns
-Long fur
-Larger ears/ lynx ears

2.) What 'triggers' can you think of that could bring out some new Bred Mutations? (Most important question! I need some new ideas!)
-A mutation could appear after the baby has a certain lines in it's pedigree
-When the same pair has been bred for the second, or third, ect time

3.) Would you want to add new breeding items to the shop that guarantee mutations show up in a breeding, or should the triggers come from the breeding itself like they do now?
-I like having the mutations bred the way they are now, but perhaps there could be one or two from items. But i think the item would have to be rare.

4.) Is there anything about the Bred Mutations you find confusing or would like to change?
-Don't think so.

5.) Additional comments:
-I've never bred one of my pairs, so perhaps more breeding?
Owner of Gliders!


1.) What Bred Mutations would you like to see on the Okibi? (Keep in mind these would not be available for customs)

I pretty much agree with Luv007. Mixes between different animals

2.) What 'triggers' can you think of that could bring out some new Bred Mutations? (Most important question! I need some new ideas!)

Certian generations mabye..?

3.) Would you want to add new breeding items to the shop that guarantee mutations show up in a breeding, or should the triggers come from the breeding itself like they do now?

I like both ideas. Mabye an item that has an x % chance of getting you the mutation. And also keeping the triggers from breedings

4.) Is there anything about the Bred Mutations you find confusing or would like to change?

Not really

5.) Additional comments:

I have yet to breed my LC, and I'm really anticipating it, so mabye breeding more often?


Bred Mutations Poll:
1.) What Bred Mutations would you like to see on the Okibi? (Keep in mind these would not be available for customs)

What would be a fun one? One tail! That would make me giggle immensely.

2.) What 'triggers' can you think of that could bring out some new Bred Mutations? (Most important question! I need some new ideas!)

Well the "inbred" brings out the fangs for some reason, so uh, maybe breeding two of different breeds gives something? Like a normal to a fennec.. or something.

3.) Would you want to add new breeding items to the shop that guarantee mutations show up in a breeding, or should the triggers come from the breeding itself like they do now?

I would love this, but am content with the way things go now.

4.) Is there anything about the Bred Mutations you find confusing or would like to change?

Nah, not really. I only know of the inbred one personally, so uh, yeah.

5.) Additional comments: Hrm... I am the very model of a modern major general? And I'll decide on what item I wish to claim soon XD Yay items!


Ryuu you are a tease!! x3 I was all 'Ooooh bred mutations reveiled, now I can satisfy my curiosity early!' and then it says 'mhuahuahua you must wait' (okay, it does not say that, but you get my point XD)

Oh and unrelated question! Is it one slot per batch for tattoos/items? And if so, one slot of each type or just one slot total?

Aaaand answers to the Bred Mutations Poll:
1.) What Bred Mutations would you like to see on the Okibi? (Keep in mind these would not be available for customs)
Fluffy feet
Hair mutations (explained below)
Wing combinations (see trigger below). Perhaps enlarged butterfly/fairy wings for a Fennec/Faery hybrid and a feathered/butterfly combo for a Fennec/Feathered? If needed, like if you added a new wing type to the normal mutations, you could easily add other combinations as bred mutations. Or you could do an amusing swap where a Fennec would end up with Fairy/Feathered wings and a Normal/Mountain would end up with the default Fennec wings, but that seems like a ton of excessive difficult line-editing x3

2.) What 'triggers' can you think of that could bring out some new Bred Mutations? (Most important question! I need some new ideas!)
- Have one Okibi show up x-amount of times in a pedigree (3 or 5 perhaps)
- Breed two Okibi with different bred mutations together
- Breed a Fennec Fae to an Okibi with Faery wings
- Breed a Fennic Fae to an Okibi with Feathered wings
- Breed an Okibi with Saberteeth to an Okibi with a unicorn horn (some sort of more extensive bred horn mutation should come from this I think)
  * You could consider having this same bred mutation also show op when breeding Faery and Feathered to each other
- At least 80% of the Okibi's pedigree shows a certain breed (only triggered when crossing different breeds of course and not with 'pure' breedings, that would make it dirt common XD)
  * You could do one bred mutation or three different ones depending on what breed makes up the 80%. If you do the latter I think the fluffy feet suggested above would be a fun and appropiate bred mutation for a 80% Mountain Okibi.
- Breed two Okibi who both have a same-gender pair for parents
  * You can just have 'same gender grandparents' be the trigger in which case four males, four females or one male/male and one female/female pair would qualify
  * OR you can do two different bred mutations; one if the grandparents are all female and another if the grandparents are all male?) In this case I think it'd be fun if the bred mutations showed the gender. For example all females would get a bred mutation of a long mane, all males would get you a bred mutation of a short mane.

3.) Would you want to add new breeding items to the shop that guarantee mutations show up in a breeding, or should the triggers come from the breeding itself like they do now?
Not to guarantee bred mutations. You could do one to guarantee a mutation from a parent will pass (mutation of one's choice maybe if the parents have multiples? I don't think there should be something to pass on all mutations at once, that would kinda ruin the rarity of mutations) or that adds a random mutation to the offspring if the parents have none (from normal mutations only, bred ones can't show up using that item) or to get a special item-only mutation. I don't very much like that last idea though, I prefer bred mutations over an item-only one.

4.) Is there anything about the Bred Mutations you find confusing or would like to change?

5.) Additional comments:
Err.. I think I've rambled on for long enough already so nope XD


You guys are awesome! ^^ This is why I love opinion polls, I just put this up a few hours ago and already have a bunch of new ideas for the Okibi!

I hear ya all about wanting more breeding! I'll work on it! Maybe set myself a goal to do one person each weekend and get the list moving. :3

YLO: You can post one slot for items and one slot for tattoos, and since it's going slow, you can post as many as you want for each when you claim your slot. I just put up slots since I thought there would be a rush of people turning their inventories in.


1.) What Bred Mutations would you like to see on the Okibi? (Keep in mind these would not be available for customs)
Different types of horns
Smoke coming from muzzle/ears/paws

2.) What 'triggers' can you think of that could bring out some new Bred Mutations? (Most important question! I need some new ideas!)
Based on % of either a specific breed/gender in pedigree
Breeding a normal with a mountain and then breeding the resulting baby with a normal x fennec (or any other combination of breeds)

3.) Would you want to add new breeding items to the shop that guarantee mutations show up in a breeding, or should the triggers come from the breeding itself like they do now?
Not to guarantee them but maybe to increase the chance

4.) Is there anything about the Bred Mutations you find confusing or would like to change?
Nope, makes sense to me

5.) Additional comments:
Besides loving Okibi's? Can't think of anything ^_^

Kadana Sorano

Bred Mutations Poll:
1.) What Bred Mutations would you like to see on the Okibi? (Keep in mind these would not be available for customs) Cat eyes, snake eyes, snake skin/scales, bunny ears/tail, bat wings

2.) What 'triggers' can you think of that could bring out some new Bred Mutations? (Most important question! I need some new ideas!)  hmm the only thing I can think of is maybe a special rp related breeding circumstance causes it.  Like  during an rp, an okibi comes across something (chunk of meteor, radioactive waste, etc) and suddenly they have an irresistible desire to breed (so that the owner is sure to actually breed that okibi and not a totally different one, also, this could allow for a breeding not in breeding time/extra breeding etc.  An immediate breeding, whatever).

Or maybe during breeding, you roll a die and there is a random chance that the okibi being bred managed to mate in a field of catnip or beside a polluted lake or so.  Then after the breeding is finished, you could just make a small rp blurb about what happened.

3.) Would you want to add new breeding items to the shop that guarantee mutations show up in a breeding, or should the triggers come from the breeding itself like they do now?  unusual for me I know, but I actually like the way it is now.  The thing is, if there is an item you can buy to get it, then it is no longer special, because everyone can get it whenever they want.  If you was to make an item to use in breeding to give mutations.. I'd suggets not puttig it for sale in the shop.  Rather make it a rare event prize for rp or such.  It's the only way I could see having an item not ruining the surprise/specialness of mutations.  I would also not make items for all mutations, just one, maybe two or so.

4.) Is there anything about the Bred Mutations you find confusing or would like to change? nope

5.) Additional comments:
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Halloween premades are ready!

For Lectral, a dark boy with striking eyes! Shows ZZ and Star

For winged dreams, a cute little boy with some crazy leg markings! Shows Okapi (white) and Stockings (black).

For YLO, a pumpkin themed girl! Shows MStripe and Okapi (tried to use more variety with the s-genes but it just fit perfectly with her colors, I thought)



Oooh pretty lady! *feads her a treat*

Also, I am working on getting my tattoo and item forms ready. So sooon hopefully. x3


In your inventory now, Kahlira. ^^

Take your time YLO, I'm debating just leaving this thread open (or creating one that is the same but without the extra events) so people can turn their items/tattoo vouchers in at any time.


Oh my boy is stunning, thanks! I love his leg markings :)
Owner of Gliders!


Yeah but I am trying to draw a tattoo XD But my mouse has been damaged and my tablet is still boxed up somewhere so it's a slooooow process x3



1.) What Bred Mutations would you like to see on the Okibi? (Keep in mind these would not be available for customs)
I think short-haired (short-maned?) Okibi would be really cute X3
Dragon wings?
Special colors like Tortie or points? XD

2.) What 'triggers' can you think of that could bring out some new Bred Mutations? (Most important question! I need some new ideas!)
Faery Wings x Saberteeth = Dragon Wings
Maybe some mutations only shows up for one gender? For example, maybe a special marking only shows up for females, but not for males (even though they have the gene. In this case, it's like they carry the genes.)

3.) Would you want to add new breeding items to the shop that guarantee mutations show up in a breeding, or should the triggers come from the breeding itself like they do now?
I wouldn't want items, because that would mess up the fun of trying to figure out which triggers cause what.

4.) Is there anything about the Bred Mutations you find confusing or would like to change?
Hmm, not really! I haven't bred that often so I don't really have much of an opinion yet.

5.) Additional comments:
I love Okibi! :D


Oooooo, handsome stripy boy!  Thank you! :)


Wrapping up the Halloween thread! (About time, right?)

Winged dreams, your Coral now has her flowers. Hope you like! ^^

The Mystery Tent is now open! Everyone may get a custom Dachi! But only 5 at a time until I finish coloring them and open up new slots, and only 1 per person for this event. Not 1 per person each time slots open.

Ravvana, you won a mystery ticket in the foxfire event so you can turn that in for a free Dachi! That will not count as your 1 slot so if you'd like to purchase a Dachi after you turn in your ticket, that's just fine.


Dachi Application Form:
Element: Flitter (Air)
Gender: Female
Body Color: White
Wing/Mane Color: Pale Sky Blue
Horn/Eye Color: Gold
Markings and Color: Pink, purple, magenta stars of varying sizes on the body :)

Sending 20k SG now!

Midnight Phantom

Dachi Application Form:
Element: Air
Gender: female
Body Color: black
Wing/Mane Color: white
Horn/Eye Color:  horn: black   eye: red
Markings and Color:



Dachi Application Form:
Element: Mer
Gender: Male
Body Color: Tan
Wing/Mane Color: brown
Horn/Eye Color: Dark brown
Markings and Color: German shepherd mimic. Black head and black saddle, lighter tan on neck and legs. Please mostly go by the photos, and let me know if you need ones from a different angle, i might have some.
Name is Zack :)

Sending 20k!
Owner of Gliders!