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It's that time of year again!! -- NANO!

Started by Ryuukokoro, November 01, 2011, 11:09:53 AM

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Yes that's right, it's Nov 1st! And that means today is the first day of NaNoWriMo!

For newbies: This is a international event where people all over the world decide to sit down and write an entire novel in one month. The goal is 50,000 words, which turns out to be about 2-3 typed pages each and every day. It's a great way for writers to sit down and force themselves to do that . And it's fun getting friends to join in so you have people to talk to about your trials and tribulations!

For the older timers: Are you ready to rock? Do you already have 1k plus yet even though the day's only half over? XD I wish I could say the same! All I can do is sneak on Secundi during work and then write when I get home lol. And I've been struggling with a plot for a new fantasy story but it's just not making sense in my brain yet. The characters are clear as day, but I just don't know what they're doing lol. I guess I'll see as I go!

NaNo'ers please add me to your buddy list, I love having a lot of people to share this event with! It inspires me to write more when I see everyone else passing me on my word count lol.

My username over at is Ryuukokoro just like always. ^^ Look me up and add me! And everyone feel free to talk about NaNo and your novels in this thread! I'd like to hear what you have planned for plots!


Yeees I am joining the insanity again this year for the fourth time. Even though I am waaay too busy XD Although to stress myself out less I've decided to go with fanfiction. I really wanted to do an original novel but I am too afraid to get stuck so I've decided to go with a more familiar universe, especially since I keep telling myself I should back to writing fanfics anyway =P


Awesome YLO! What fandom are you ficcing? :3


Harry Potter. It's a fandom I am very familiar with and the world is a lot more developed than most of the other fandoms I like to stalk. It's AU though, it picks up after the books but it has changed so Voldemort is not defeated. I've recently been very much into some of the fics that had the war continue and I loved the way they developed the story and the world while staying realistic and true to the characters. I read lots of different stories, but my current two favorite stories have that element in them and it's very intriguing to read!


Just joined NaNoWriMo for my first year. :) Really excited, and will hopefully pass 50,000 words. Over there I'm FrostedSkySong.
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I'm at 2.2K for now, going to relax and watch tv, maybe write some more at the end of the evening. Although I think I'll be smart and head to bed early as I have a very busy day tomorrow.


I'm at 500 whole words. :P I'm off to a stellar start!


I am at 4.7K, I hit 4K around lunchtime then decided to go and do other stuff. My goal is 2K a day to ensure I can take a day off if needed, but I tend to write little 100-300 word blurbs throughout the day anyway =P

You can do it Ryuu! :D


Aaand.. 4.9K. See what I mean?  :P *goes to prepare dinner now*


I've wanted to do NaNo for years but November is always a terrible month for me :( I may just pick another 30-day month and do it on my own time, haha.


You and me both, Rav!!  Let me know if you really do decide to do that, because I seriously might join.  I hate missing it, bc I get further each year, but there is no way in heck that I can do everything I'm doing and devote 1k+ words to a story each day.

toooooo much packing.....


I think there's a lesser known one that people do in either spring or summer. I forget but I'll look around and see if I can find the info for you guys!


Script Frenzy is in spring, February to be exact, but it's different. Like the name says the challenge is to write a script, not a novel.

Keilin Alyr

And there's NaNoEdMo in March, but that's meant for editing the novel you wrote in November. Nothing wrong with starting your own personal tradition on another month though, I think the spirit is more in getting writing and sticking to your guns regardless of timing. =)

I always thought November was a strange month to dedicate to a stressful and time-consuming project, what with Thanksgiving and other holiday obligations at the end of the month.

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Ohhh haha, that must be what I'm thinking of!

I am just shy of 5k! Only 7k behind schedule for the first weekend. Not too bad. Not good though. :P BUT I carry on!


I'm having a real hard time staying focused on NaNo this year. >.< I'm only at 7k, which is so far behind where I should be at this point of the month it's not even funny. Sunday is writing group though and I usually get a ton done there, so I'm still hopeful I can make it to the goal by the end of the month!

Exciting point: Garney is on my buddy list on the NaNo website and her update bar has been climbing steadily! So apparently she has free time enough to do NaNo. Maybe after NaNo she'll come back to Secundi! Wouldn't that be awesome?


I decided to not go ahead with NaNo this year. Some of my guinea pigs are still sick and I've been very busy with them, I didn't want to burn myself out over NaNo, their health is more important so I decided I'd rather devote most of my time and energy to them. I also have to get my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow and they told me I would be sick for the better part of a week. Yikes. I absolutely don't lack inspiration for my story though so once life gets calmer I plan on still finishing and uploading my fanfiction.

Good luck Ryuu, I hope you make it <3


Awww, yeah I noticed your counter wasn't going up any more! Sad. :( I hope your guinea pigs get better, though I know with rodents it's tough.

I got my wisdom teeth out and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, so hopefully your operation goes good! I'll cross my fingers for you!

I'm at my Sunday write-in right now, only two other people showed up lol. Usually there's like 12 of us... >.> Oh well, 2 or 12, I'll still write! *gets to work*


Problem with guinea pigs and respiratory issues: there's a pretty high chance of the problems becoming chronic, which is what happened with at least one of my piggies. It isn't immediately life threatening, she just needs medication every once in a while so breathing is easier for her, but it is the number one death cause amongst piggies so there is always a chance they won't live as long now, sadly.

They are pulling all four of them at once under full anesthesia and I tend to respond bad to pain medication, so the recovery will likely take a bit. But it means less pain in the end, so it's good!

And yes, write! *gets out pompoms and cheers* ;D


Yeah they took out all four of mine at once, and put me under. It was funny, they stuck a needle in my arm and then immediately I was out, I don't remember anything at all once the needle went into my arm. I didn't even need much pain meds after, I just took aspirin. And yay for an excuse to eat nothing but yogert and soup for a few days! lol.



Halfway there! If I do 4k every day til the end of the month I'll finish in time... 3k more for tonight... -.-




2 more hours til midnight and 1.5k left to write. XD Haaaa I kill me... *slinks off back to the grind stone*




Thank you! ^.^ As soon as I recover I'll be picking up all the Secundi stuff I had to put aside (namely the Okibi stuff, I have some good things planned!)