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Kittens looking for their forever homes! - closed

Started by Ryuukokoro, November 02, 2011, 10:14:36 PM

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Kohaku's brood is growing up and it's about time they find their forever homes, since only one of them can stay with me. Please keep in mind that Kohaku's babies are really precious to me, since their dad is a mimic of my real life baby boy. I really want these babies to find a home with someone who will love them for the cute little buggers they are and not trade them around. Also please note they already have personalities. X3

Short-haired female fantasy tabby
This is the one that is most likely staying with me, but you are free to offer on any of the three kittens in this litter. She is the perfect combination of daddy's colors and mama's fantasy markings! Also her temporary name is Little Horror, because I can see her being one of those little devil kittens that get into EVERYTHING and your house just isn't the same after their arrival. XD
Offers I like:
white and brown Night Nom - Pinkshadow
white and purple Feli - Neo

Long-haired female chocolate bi-color
Such a wonderful girl! I love this pose for the long-haired Feli. The kitten expression makes her look all wise and intelligent (or maybe just a Feli with a secret) so I immediately pictured this girl being like one of those know-it-all big sisters (you know the type!) who value schoolwork and knowledge over all else. She's a little intellectual, this one! You'll have to imagine the horn-rim glasses. ;3
Offers I like:
None Yet

Long-haired male brown tabby
Aww don't you just want to cuddle him!? This little boy is dying to be an adventurous little tyke but unfortunately he inherited his dad's anxiety and usually ends up living in his two sisters' shadows. You can just imagine him always running after them, trying to boast but then wondering out loud if that spider over there might have the most deadliest poison known in the world and they'll all be in trouble if they're not careful. :B
Offers I like:
teal tabby boy - Zarz
white and brown Night Nom - Pinkshadow
white and purple Feli - Neo

Looking for in trade:
-Other Feli, adults or kittens (I prefer fantasy colors)
-Garden Noms
-other adoptables, just try me!

Since I'm most interested in other Feli in trade, I'm going to leave this thread up a while to let more litters be born, but I will keep it updated with the trades I am most leaning toward, so people aren't left wondering. :)

Kadana Sorano

Long haired girl is gorgeous!  I don't have a litter to offer yet though. 

hmm  how long is the wait on litters with the new system?  I haven't even decided what pair to breed yet lol  If there are any pairings of mine you'd be particularly interested in seeing kittens from, I'm open to suggestions :)
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




For the SH Female or LH Male i will offer :
- One of these pets ;

QuoteM Silver Dapple Brown, back right Sock, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, a mover)


For the LH girl, I can offer one of my two babies left?

If neither of them interest you, and my next batch of kittens are born before your times up, I can offer one of those kittens instead (Should have blue on their coats, as momma'
s fantasy)


I'm, I think, two down on the list.... I'll hold off offering until I have a kitten to trade??

LOVE the first little girl.  She's way too precious and evil!


Would you by any chance take one of these glider eggs for the the little boy? :) If not then I have a Gypsy Vanner stable horse that I could give up.


@Kadana: It looks like Leet is doing one litter every 2-3 days. Since there's 24 people ahead of you in line, I don't think your litter would be around before mine grows on Nov 28. :( (But you should totally breed your silver tabby bobtail with your long-haired male, Jasper, so we can see the new long-haired bobtail lineart!!)

@Zarz: Aww he is cute! I'll keep him in mind! :)

@Pinkshadow: I do really like the white and brown Night Nom! I'll keep him in mind. :)

@Wildfilly: Sorry your kits don't really call to me. It's hard for me to find a natural Feli I like lol. I totally love Raven though, with her gorgeous blue on black. <3 If her litter is born in time I'd love to trade for one of hers! :3

@luv: Eeee I can't wait to see your litter! Here's hoping for more than one long-haired bobtail! <3

@EvanescentHowling: I don't think I'll trade them for a Glider, sorry. Your Stable horse is pretty but not what I'm looking for at the moment.


For that fantasy colored girle, you can have the ONLY long-haired bobtail, if there is one at all!


Alright, I'll let you know as soon as my next litter is colored, if you still have your kittens by then. :)


I have no clue if my own kittens will be here in time. But I thought I'd offer anyways, as I am falling in love with the long hair gal. So I offer onto you:
Granted he is chestnut, but he's a stable chestnut, and he has appy. So that's cool.

Though, if my kittens arrive before you make your final decision, then I'd gladly offer you one for her.

Kadana Sorano

oh forgot I had a bobtail!  *shot*  longhair bobtail sounds interesting, I'll go with that pairing thanks :)
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Meep. I really want your first kitten XD
I'll offer this kitty on kitten 1:

I do like your third kitten too, though. XD

I'll offer this one of kitten 3:

ETA: Actually, if it'll sweeten the deal, I'll offer both feli on the first kitten if you like them both?


I love the first girl but I doubt my offer will be tempting enough, so for the second girl I will offer any of my stable horses except the vanners, Raindancer or Shadowmeld.

I can add a custom Serenity Falls dragon to that offer too, as a lil extra :)


I was hoping for a certain adorable long-haired bobtail, but she went to someone else, so most likely the black and red girl will be staying with me.

@Kahlira: Thank you for the offer but the Stable boy isn't what I'm looking for right now. Hopefully your litter will be born soon! ^^

@Neo: The pink and brown combo isn't for me, but I do like your white and purple boy! I will put him under kitten1 and 3, but I'm mostly leaning toward keeping 1 at this time.

@BKC: Thank you for the offer but I'm not really looking for new Stable horses right now.


I love the little chocolate LH girl, and it looks like my litter has arrived in time to offer :)


Just wanna remind you that your kittens grow in 3 days :)


Would you be interested in any of mine? Especially for the Brown tabby male, but probably the females too.
Owner of Gliders!


I adore the long hair female, too bad I don't have kittens to offer yet, but I can admire her

good lucks to everyone with their offers, such beautiful kitties


If you haven't traded the little LH girl or the shorthaired girl, I can offer on either of them

Rbs: -Gypsy Mare -Arabian black Mare (Will be mine once YLO gets the money I sent)

Quin: -Gypsy Stud -Arabian Stud

I also have a Kennel Tag-It I can offer that can be combined with any one of the Quin.


Eek, kittens grow tonight! I'll be making my decision this afternoon, just need to work on my NaNo first (gotta try to get 10k today...oi...)

The long-haired girl has found a home (because I bribed Crystal for a Companion XD ) and the black and red and white girl is staying with me. I just have to sit down and decide where the long-haired boy is going.


All kitties homed, thank you everyone who offered. It was so hard to decide! You have no idea. >.< In the end I pretty much flipped a coin.