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~Okibi Caballi~ Elder RP - Last Event!

Started by Ryuukokoro, September 14, 2011, 10:46:06 AM

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Elder RP

Re-launching our first big RP event!

This event will be based on participation and imagination. One overall winner will be chosen, and the prize is an Ancient Box, which can be used to advance an Okibi to the Elder stage! Elders are very rare for Okibi, currently perhaps 6 or 7 exist out of 700+ Okibi. For more info on the Elders please see our Agency page.

Please allow me some posts to save for set up.


Okibi RP Rules

The Okibi RP will take place over a week, at least. Anyone is welcome to join, whether they have an Okibi already or not. If you do not have an Okibi you can make an 'imaginary' character using the proper form.

You may join in the middle of the game, there is no cut off date for signs ups. Your amount of participation will be a factor in the final winner, so a person who joins late in the game is still eligible if they are very active.

Please only choose one Okibi to RP for this particular event.

Other prizes may be given out during the RP, depending on participation. (This may include having your 'imaginary' Okibi become 'real', for the non-owners who participate!) Prizes may include items and perhaps new friends will pop up. :3

Our plot will be appropriate: Recovering the Stolen Ancient Box!


Step 1: Sign Ups

Those who signed up previously do not need to sign up again.

Sign Up List:
-Whisper (owner: Kahlira)
-Tressa (owner: jojo)
-Athena (owner: Kadana)
-Oceania and Night (owner: Sunchaser)
-Devotion (owner: BKC)
-Forgotten Love (Fergie) (owner: luv007)
-Michiko (owner: hiyoko)
-Celine (owner: YLO)

Profiles for each Okibi posted in the previous thread:

Sign-Up Forms:

Okibi Form:
Okibi Name:
Short personality description:
Okibi Image: (Text link for a non-imported Okibi, as the size is large)

Non-Owner Form:
Okibi Name:
Breed: (Normal, Mountain, or Fennec)
Physical description:
Short personality description:


Step 2: Start RPing!

As of now, the RP has started! Once you've posted your sign up form, introduce your character to the scene by describing how they arrive, why they want to join the group, etc. Even after the group sets out on their adventure, anyone is still welcome to join. We'll need all the help we can get with this mission!

Please keep chatter separate from your RP post, by either making ooc comments in (( )) marks or posting in a different color for your RP part, etc.

Periodically throughout the RP there will be mini games to play, such as post-a-picture or rolling a dice. Instructions for each game will be posted clearly and there will be a time limit (usually 24 hours) for everyone to get an entry in (unless it's a speed game, then the winner will be the first person to post).

You do not have to wait for me to post again, if you would like to post more than once. If your Okibi wants to get into a conversation with the Okibi standing next to them, go for it! There is no set order to the RP and we are not taking turns, anyone can post whenever their Okibi has something to say. Participation is a large factor in who wins prizes, etc.

If you have any questions, ask away! :)



Part 1: The Meeting

It was not a lovely day, truth be told. The wind was blowing, ruffling Midnight's mane and sending the  blue strands into her eyes in an annoying way. Clouds were covering the entire sky like a thick blanket, hiding the sun's rays and any hint of pretty blue. The mare tipped her head back and sniffed the wind for moisture, wondering if it would storm. She judged the clouds to be not quite dark enough for rain just yet. That, however, could change.

"Not the best day for setting out," she sighed. The Okibi didn't have a choice, however. This was a journey of necessity. They couldn't put it off even for a day, or the trail would grow cold and they would lose what little clues they had.

Midnight stood in the forest clearing that marked the exact center of Okibi Caballi territory, waiting. She had sent out a call for the bravest, the swiftest, the most determined Okibi anywhere around to join her today for a journey of the utmost importance. Okibi society might very well depend on it volunteers for this mission! But she didn't know who, if any, would show up. The Okibi as a whole were known for being a bit flighty, if well meaning, bunch. There was nothing she could do for right now but wait, and explain what had happened to anyone who appeared.


Whisper yawned and stretched. Her morning had been a bit boring so far, the same old dull routine. Why couldn't anything ever happen? She sighed heavily, and decided to go for a little walk, The wind though, it didn't seem to want to be her friend, constantly whipping her hair into her face. Idea! Walk into the wind, so it blows behind me! She thought, feeling rather proud of herself. Walking into the wind she heard it, she tilted her head to the side, and listened long and hard. A calling! Exactly what she had been hoping for! Sniffing the air. Rain. She sighed. Rain always seemed to make her beautiful pastel purple body go all matty and dull, and don't even get her started on the hai! it became a frizzy mess! Not fun. Not fun at all, no.  But she was being compelled to follow, regardless of the weather.

So she walked and followed the call. The wind, it was playing merry havoc with her hair. Ah well, nothing to be done about that now.  She knew it would stay beautiful, the pretty pink stripe a gorgeous contrast to the blue hair. Stop being so vain! she chided herself. Peacock is what I am, she mused. The call, it seemed to be stronger, getting into her blood! She broke into a run, and seeing a lone mare in the clearing, she stopped. The center. The call came from here, she knew it.

Her lavender eyes grew larger. Though she didn't exactly know the Okibi before her, she seemed nice, and had pretty cyan colored eyes. A bit out of breath, she stopped a scant few feet before the mare. "I.. Have.. Come.." she managed to gasp out between breaths. She'd be alright in a few seconds, but she was curious. "I have come." she said again once her breathing was almost returned to normal. "I am known as Whisper among my family and friends. I heard The Call and I want to help." That's how she thought of the words The Call, capital T and capital C.


(( Sign up in this thread for newcomers, yes?  i'm sorry, i can't tell. xD;; i hope i'm doing this correctly. ^^ <3  If not, i can delete. <3 ))

Okibi Form:
Username: sera
Okibi Name: Cacao
Gender: Male
Short personality description: Cacao is fairly laid-back and tends to take others at their word; if you say you can do something, he'll believe you and move on with his own work.  He enjoys being around others and laughter is one of his favourite sounds,
Okibi Image:


Okibi Form:
Username: Aralie
Okibi Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Short personality description: Shadow is usually quiet but likes to help anyone he can. Loves being outside especially at night.
Okibi Image:

(( I will make my intro post when I get home ^_^ ))


Username: Winged dreams
Okibi Name: Max
Gender: Male
Short personality description: Strong and steady, but with a playful streak, he is very friendly and open, but not often naive.
Okibi Image:

((Where do we find those headshot images?))
Owner of Gliders!


((Forgive mistakes- I'm on my phone bc I don't have to patience to wait to join!))

Forgotten Love was drinking from a slow moving stream when she felt the pull.  It tingled down to her bones in a strange way she hadn't ever felt before.  Maybe it had something to do with the rumour of the stolen box going around? she mused, but then Fergie had always been most in touch with herself right before the most terrible of storms!  She took a few more sips from the clear brooke, examining her image.  Her fur was dark as the night, and he mane white as the moon, but for the bright magenta and blue stripes.  She had yet to discover the meaning behind her rump tattoo, a heart with a single tear drop.  She never stopped looking for the meaning in that dang patch of fur on her butt.  Another shiver ran through her body, stronger still than the last.  Refreshed, curiosity got the best of her and Fergie wondered towards the center of the Okibi Cabelli lands. Surely there was a reason for that feeling growing stronger and stronger in her gut.  She fought back the run her legs wanted to make, and maintained a quick walk, forever keeping an eye on the things around her, all the possible hiding spots that danger could be lurking.  Nothing popped out, but the woods were quiet... And she couldn't put her hoof on it but something was off in the woods today.  Finally, Fergie approached her destination, seeing two others, new to her, standing as if awaiting her (and others) arrival.  Forgotten clammed up, as was typical of her personality, but pushed herself for introductions. If she pretended to fit in, perhaps no one would notice exactly HOW out of place she was. 

"Hello.... I found myself racing her, and I'm confused as to why. Have either of you any clue what the draw is here?"... and then she pulled another typical Fergie move and started mumbling under her breath.. "Or maybe the heart racing, bone shuddering thing was just me... I wouldn't be surprised by that at all, of all the weird things I come up with... Oh, just ignore me. My words are failing me and I need to shut my muzzle," Fergie finished, a new wave of anxiety rushing through her.


((Yes, new Sign Up forms can be posted here. :)

Winged - Those aren't premade, I believe Kahlira made hers for herself and I made Midnight's a long time ago to use in events. You can use your Agency thumbnail if you like! :D ))


Cacao trotted towards the meeting place, towards the center of Okibi territory.  He wasn't the fastest, perhaps wasn't the bravest, but he was determined.  Though he was laid-back by nature, something about the call for volunteers had resonated within him.  Something important either had or was about to happen and he knew that he wanted to be a part of it.

He gave a small, almost sardonic self-deprecating smile as he approached the clearing and the Okibi already there.  Perhaps he wouldn't be needed or even useful.  But at least he was here, ready to help.

He tossed his dark brown head and smiled in greeting at the mares who were already there.  He was the only male and the only Mountain, neither of which facts bothered him in the slightest.  In fact, he arched his neck slightly and waved his tails as he drew near and paused next to the blue mare with a white face and fangs, yet near to the pale purple one. 

"Hello," he greeted all three of them lightly.  "I'm Cacao.  Am I in time to help?"


Shadow wandered through the forest enjoying how the mix of the thick canopy and the cloudy sky made it quite dark for the time of day. At times he almost blended into the shadows because of his gray and silver fur.

A gust of wind hit Shadow and he perked his ears at the calling that came with it. He was always up for an adventure so he set off at a light trot through the trees following the calling. A while later he caught sight of a clearing through the trees. As he got closer he saw that there were four other okibi's waiting in the clearing. With a light smile on his face he slowed to a walk and approached the group.

"Hello everyone." He greeted with a nod of his head "My name is Shadow, may I join your group?"


Forgotten broke her silence and introduced herself akwardly at best, "I just arrived as well, Shadow.  My given name is Forgotten Love, but have nicknamed myself Fergie.  Feel free to use whatever combination of that you please.  Did you also feel the strange pull to come and be part of this.... whatever this may be?  ...Forgive my bumbling... I'm so accustomed to the company of myself that I have forgotten how to have a real conversation.  May I ask where you are from, dark one?"

Fergie made a mess of her words, but felt confident that she had gotten her point across.  The mountain Okibi, Cacao, seemed so sure of himself.  It almost made her nervous, but she addressed him as well, "Hello, Cacoa.  I am wondering the same.... Helping others is a longtime pastime of mine."

After delivering her long winded little speech, she stepped back into the shadows nervously.  If she opened up, really opened up to one of these Okibi, they would probably prefer death itself that her incessant chatter.  Annoying is what she was described as when she was a young foal, but now she was just overbearing occasionally, and especially nosey, always asking the wrong questions at the wrong time.


As the call rang out Oceania sighed and streached her legs, nuzzling her mate and moving slowly so as not to wake her brothers mate, though she did let him send a soft nuzzle in her direction. Oceania chuckled as two seconds later she heard a small snore in the back of her head. Looks like it would just be her for now. Her body became more blue with bits of black along to show the bits of her brother that were trapped in her. She smiled before going towards the sound of the call. Already a few had shown up, she nodded to the one she knew.

"Hello Midnight."

The female streached more, hearing a few pops as she moved. Night was still fast asleep but she didnt mind. She was always known more for being the early riser then he was. She wondered if they would get into any mischief today but truthfully she just wanted a adventure. She loved Bore and hoped he would be okay. She figured he would be and at least she had her brother.



The gentle humming of a melody and a rustle from the trees announced her arrival to the gathering. She stepped daintily into the clearing, and shook her mane free of small petals that seemed determined to decorate her. She was surprised at the number of Okibi that had already come, and quickly making a calculating glance over all who had already arrived, she smiled -- almost mischievously. That moment passed in an instant, however; her smile became sweet, while she curtsied with a slight bow of her head and a whisk of her three tails.

"My name is Tressa. I hope I can be of service to this endeavor," she said, her voice itself like a quiet song all on its own. With that introduction, she sat and waited.

((Kahlira, Whisper looks so much like Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: FIM that it's driving me crazy XD))


Celine rushed towards the meeting place, hoping she wasn't late. Adventures were so much fun, although a little scary. She could her own feet hitting the ground as she ran and ran, wondering how much further it would be. The sound of chatter from other Okibi only reached her ears once she almost crashed into them, the increasing wind blowing past her in the direction of the group had made it impossible for her to hear any sounds and there had been trees and bushes obstructing her vision. At least now she was here. She heard help was needed and Celine was always one to help. She never knew upfront what she was getting herself into, but if someone told her she was needed she would do whatever she could.


Whisper looked around at the rest of the gathering Okibi. Two of her three tails were starting to twitch in excitement, the third one stayed, mercifully still, the last thing she needed was to poke another in the eye or worse, but sometimes she just couldn't control her excitement. As the others had started to introduce themselves, she realized, her own introductions were a bit premature. As the only one who would even know her name was the beautiful blue lady who was here first. "Whisper is my name. The call must have been very strong for so many to heed it." she said, trying to make small talk amongst the gathered Okibi.

She figured everyone was waiting with baited breath as to why they had gathered, but she was becoming really excited. An adventure! She had never been on one before. As a matter of fact, she had never left her family unit. Oh no! She was becoming very excited and her third tail started going! Hastily she sat, hopefully no-one would notice.

((OOC: And Jojo, I've had Whisper a long time now. She was my first bred one way back from PI's glory days, back where everyone seemed cool. Now most of the cool people have left, and I am much sad.. But she's been with me a good two maybe 3 years now? I forget exactly how long.Any resemblance to uh Twilight Sparkle.. Maybe the creator stole her idea! *gasp* That would be so wrong on soo many levels!))


Part 2: Setting Out

Midnight felt a cool smile cross her muzzle as first one Okibi filtered into the clearing, then another, and another! She almost couldn't believe her eyes, that this many had heard the call and cared to respond. Before the sun had even climbed very high in the sky a large, hearty band had gathered (not that the sun could be seen with the current cloudcover).

The dark blue Okibi stood abruptly, whisking her three tails close around her hindquarters for warmth on the brisk day. "Right, that's enough time, I figure!" the fanged mare announced loudly, hoping to gather everyone's attention. "Listen up, I'm not one for repeating myself!"

She waited for the chatter to die down, then went on, "My name is Midnight's Flight, but you can call me Midnight. I'll keep this brief. Some of you may have already heard, but I'm afraid rumors are true. The age-old resting place for our people's oldest artifact, the Ancient Box, has been disturbed. For generations it has laid safe in our sacred glen, but someone--surely not Okibi!--has slunk in like a fox and taken off with it this past night, the first night of the new moon, when darkness covered the trees."

Midnight snorted as she looked at the ones who had assembled. Strong mares and stallions, by the looks of them. Midnight knew she would need them, but she wouldn't force anyone. "We have very few clues about who took the Ancient Box, but all signs seem to indicate something dangerous. I'll need every able body to help recover what has been taken from us, and we have to leave right away before the trail grows cold. But I won't force anyone who doesn't want to go."

Midnight turned to the east, where the cold wind was blowing from. In her usual brisk way, she started out at a trot toward the trees, and the sharp-toothed mare called over her shoulder, "Anyone who wants to join this adventure, follow me!"


Fergie smirked as she noticed the elegant lavendar girl, 'Whisper' as she introduced herself, plopping down to hide the excitement running through her, straight through her three tails.  Fergie's tails tended to twitch more out of agitation and anxiety than excitement, but it was an adorable trait that Whisper seemed to have, and rather pleased Fergie in a strange way.

As Midnight gave her short, effective speech, Fergie started to feel the excitement building in her blood as well.  It was a rare feeling, so much adrenaline.  She shuddered to think who... or what... would be evil enough to steal one of their sacred artifacts, but surely she and the other brave Okibi here would bring justice to the wrongdoer.  Midnight set off at a quick, efficient pace, one that Fergie much appreciated.  She wasn't one to wait around.  She had no patience for such things.

Thinking again of Whisper's little stunt, Fergie slid up next to her.  "Hello, Whisper.  Would you mind having some company?  I am one for solitary most times, but this journey is bring a bout of heeby-jeebies.... and I thought it might be best to find someone to keep tabs with?" 


Tressa narrowed her eyes in concern as she heard the news. The Ancient Box? Gone? She had heard whispers, and suspected much when she had heard the call for help, but she was still surprised to hear it with her own ears. Normally she never bothered to concern herself with the matters of others, but this was a grave event for Okibi-kind.

Feeling unusually determined, she looked around at the other Okibi. Wanting to get another's thoughts on the matter, she trotted up to Cacao.

"Hello," she said politely. "...I don't suppose I could walk with you for a litle while? This certainly is terrible news about the Box, isn't it?" She frowned as she reminded herself of what had happened.


Shadow was normally quite solitary, spending most of his time travelling from one place to another. Being in a group of this size was quite a strange but he found that he didn't mind at all being in the company of so many others.

As Midnight addressed them Shadow turned to face her and sat to keep his tails from hitting anyone around him in the wind. He frowned when Midnight confessed that the Ancient Box had been stolen. Who could be evil enough to dare to take it?

Seeing Midnight set off to to the east Shadow stood and followed after her and the other Okibi who had already set off. He would gladly join the group to track down whoever had stolen the Ancient Box and bring them to account for their actions.


The ancient box... Stolen?? The words seemed to explode around her, inside of her head. she had heard the rumors of the powers the ancient box had. A shiver had worked it way from the very tip of her nose to the end of her three tails. Who in the world could do such a horrendous thing? She frowned a bit in concentration.

As Fergie approached her though, all thoughts of the tragedy that could be coming to the box as of this moment seemed to flow from her, like water from a leaf. Heebies jeebies, what an apt description of what was to come. "Yes," she replied to the other mare. "I believe we should band together to help, to harmonize, we should all band together. The grand leader, Midnight has started to flee. I think we should go with her." The blue mare, Midnight, she seemed to be in charge, well that made sense, as she was the only one in the clearing when she had arrived. "Come, Fergie!" Whisper trilled, excitement racing through her again, she took to the trees at a brisk trot. "We away!" Whisper started to giggle, and took off at a smooth trot, a pace she knew she could comfortably sustain over the course of many hours should it come to that.


Fergie breathes a sigh of relief at the acceptance Whisper had just unknowingly extended her.  She wouldn't be the loner on this journey, and she praised the gods for that.  In her own herd, with her mate, she just fit.  But when she was out of her element, she always had a terrible time not essentially fearing herself.  As her blissful and excited companion lead into the trot, Fergi followed, glad she had hydrated herself before listening to "the call" that might just change her life.  Not that change was something Fergie liked, but she adjusted over time.


Part 3: The First Trial

Midnight was not the most physically fit Okibi out there. Not that she was a lazy pony, she just didn't believe in expending energy when you didn't have to. So the pace she set for the group wasn't overly swift, but it was steady. They had left the clearing behind and were soon traveling deep in the Okibi woodlands.

Great majestic trees rose up all around the little band. The everblues kept their azure needles no matter what season, but the silver-bark birches and sturdy oaks were shedding their leaves and creating a carpet of red, gold, auburn and brown to crunch under the Okibis' hooves.

Suddenly Midnight planted her hooves in the dead leaves, sliding to a halt. She looked around, a frown curving around her fangs. She lifted her muzzle and scented the wind, then shook her mane in frustration. "No, no good," she muttered.

Turning to the group following her, Midnight called out, "No good, I lost the trail. Everyone spread out, tell me if you see anything!" She stuck her nose to the ground and started to search the leaves.

(First event: Search for Clues

Midnight needs help searching for clues to the thief's trail! Everyone may post one picture of a place in the forest to look for evidence of a trail. Examples: a muddy spot, a fallen log, a hole in a tree, under a waterfall, etc. etc. Do not RP a clue being found, just a place where you would look for clues.

You have until October 21 20:00:00. will decide if any prizes are awarded and any clues found. Don't forget to RP your Okibi describing your photo entry!)


Shadow had been keeping closer to the end of the group while they had been travelling through the forest. When he saw Midnight come to a halt he picked up his pace to find out what she had found. Having spent a decent amount of time tracking many different creatures Shadow was used to losing a trail, it was very rare that you didn't lose it for some time.

Turning his attention to the forest around them Shadow listened closely. Hearing the faint sound of running water he headed off in that direction. Once he reached the small stream that flowed it's way through the forest he started to check the bank for any sight that something had attemped to cross.


"Oh, goodness," she said to herself when Midnight announced the trail had been lost. She hadn't really been able to start a conversation with Cacao, who she had been trotting next to, but she politely excused herself anyway and began to look around a few big rocks nearby.

Tressa wasn't really much a wilderness Okibi, and she wasn't really sure what she was looking for. As if she was looking for some tips on clue-finding, she glanced over at the other Okibi, who were now spreading out for the clue search. Returning her attention to the rocks, she slowly circled around them a few times, making sure she wasn't stepping on a potential hint and intently scrutinizing the area for something that seemed out of place.


A little magical Foxfire peeks out at Tressa when she sticks her muzzle between two of the stones. The rare black flames flicker at her in a friendly manner before it pops off into jojo080889's inventory.

Midnight, however, was watching the uni horned stallion as he started looking around a nearby stream. She agreed with his thoughts: that might be a likely place for something to be spotted. The ground would be soft there thanks to the flowing water.

The deep blue mare followed Shadow and saw something there on the ground at the same time as he did. It was a small, round impression on the ground. A line of them led up to the stream and away on the other side.

Her cyan eyes widened. It looked like a trail of hoofprints. Just about the same size as Okibi hoofprints, in fact. But could it really be an Okibi they were tracking? For an Okibi to break into the sacred grove and steal an item that was revered by all Okibi... that was unheard of!

"Good eye, Shadow! Come on, let's pick up the pace!" Midnight called to the group, splashing through the ankle-deep stream and taking off in the direction the trail led.


"Oh -- oh, goodness!" Tressa was initially startled by the little Foxfire then smiled and placed it in the little purse she always had slung around her neck*, fumbling a bit as she tried to turn and follow Midnight, who had suddenly galloped across the stream.

(*Yeah, I don't know if you can even grab foxfires... so uh... correct me if I'm wrong XD Thanks Ryuu! :D)


Glad to have been able to help find the trail again Shadow smiled before following Midnight again. As he passed by where Midnight's tracks sat beside the other tracks he started slightly in seeing that the tracks they were following looked like okibi tracks.

'What okibi would dare to steal the Ancient Box!' he thought to himself.

A few minutes later he made his way over to trot beside Tressa. "Would you mind if I travelled beside you?" He asked courteously with a light smile.

((Congrats jojo! ^_^ ))


Tressa smiled, doing the Okibi equivalent of slightly blushing. "Yes, of course. My name is Tressa."

Her smile faded a little as she bit her lip. "It can't be true, can it? That an Okibi would steal the ancient box?" She shook her head and smiled somewhat exasperatedly. "I'm trying to decide whether or not I would have preferred that a giant ferocious monster was our culprit."

((Thanks! :D))


Shadow smiled back at Tress. "I am Shadow, it is a pleasure to be able to meet you. Though I do wish it was under different circumstances." He replied.

His smile also faded and his eyes darkened as he thought about what they had seen. "I am not sure yet, but the possibility is there." He chuckled at the thought of a giant ferocious monster. "It would definately be an interesting encouter if that were the case."


Part 4: The Path Splits

The group was able to make good time once they passed the stream. The tracks showed up clear on the soft ground and the woodland trees of this part of the forest were spaced apart, allowing the small group of Okibi to pass through without trouble.

Midnight privately thought this was a good group. They seemed to be forming friendships already, relying on each other. Midnight knew that might be necessary before their adventure was over. She knew the importance of trusting your herdmates. And if it was true that the culprit was another Okibi, well, she knew she would need the support of the others in the group to deal with what they found at the end of this trail, whatever it was. . . .

Eventually the tracks led them onto hard-packed dirt, a beaten path through the woods that looked like it was used often, although Midnight had never come this way. She didn't know if it was a path used by common deer, other Okibi, or some other creature entirely. She only called a halt to the group when the path they were following suddenly split, branching off into three different paths on the left side . . . and as she looked ahead, Midnight saw it branched off a couple more times on the right, too.

Midnight turned to the group. "All right, we need to find clues again!" she called out. "Everyone pick a path, see if you can find any clues so we can get back on track!"

Paths to choose:
Path 1: looks more overgrown with grass, less used
Path 2: looks more windy and twisty than the others
Path 3: quickly disappears between big, thick bushes
Path 4: is lined with prickly thorn bushes on either side
Path 5: is covered with an orange carpet of fallen pine needles
Path 6: looks darker than the others, low-hanging tree branches blocking the sky

(Second event: Choose a Path

Every Okibi may choose one of the paths. You may describe your Okibi looking around but you may not mention specifically finding anything. At the end of the time I will roll and see what, if any, prizes were found and will also reveal the correct path to continue the story.

You have until November 9, 20:00:00. will decide if any prizes are awarded and any clues found. Don't forget to RP your Okibi exploring the path!)


Path 5: is covered with an orange carpet of fallen pine needles

Tressa glanced over the options before her. Tossing her mane, she naturally went for one of the paths that looked less... messy. She trotted over to the path carpeted with pine needles and smiled. "Well," she said to herself. "Going out in the woods is not so bad after all." She giggled. "Look, it's like the forest laid out a majestic red carpet just for me!" She made a few struts, imagining herself to be a celebrity or a model, then realized she was in the company of others. Coughing in an attempt to cover up the comments she had made to herself, she quickly looked around, pretending that she had been looking for clues the entire time. Tressa flushed and almost didn't dare a glance behind herself to make sure Midnight, Shadow, or one of the others hadn't noticed her.


Path 6: looks darker than the others, low-hanging tree branches blocking the sky

Shadow looked at the selection of paths ahead of them. Seeing Tressa choose one of the paths to search down Shadow looked at the remaining paths.

As soon as Shadow saw the highly shadowed path he smiled before heading that way. He had always enjoyed spending time in dark places, so he felt at home while searching in the dark shadows of the path. At times he almost disappeared in the shadows as he drifted from spot to spot along the shadowed path


Path 3: quickly disappears between big, thick bushes

Celine had kept mostly quiet so far, assisting others where she could. She sensed now was the time for her to step up and take action. Not wanting to waste too much time thinking she trotted towards the middle pad and followed it. It was only a short trail until the path curved around some bushes. Without caution Celine moved around them, excited and curious what she would find there.


((I apologize for the delay with this, it seems our story got pushed aside with the holidays and some other things happening in my life. I will be giving prizes to all three people who entered the last mini-event. YLO, Aralie, and jojo all receive Green Foxfires. :D There was an Okibi pet hiding in Path 1, but no one chose that one so I'll save it for another event.

This is the last RP Prompt for this event. After this, everyone will have a chance to reply and then I will close the RP and announce the winner. :) ))

Part 5: End of the Line

Midnight snorted as a soft green glow lit the area. They had stumbled upon a patch of green foxfires. The playful energy spirits did not usually stray far from the swamps that were their habitat, so she didn't expect to see them here. Foxfires and Okibi often forms bonds, so it wasn't a surprise to her to see three of them circle around Shadow, Tressa, and Celine.

There was a sound that caused Midnight to twitch her ears. The tiniest rustling of bushes. Was that a clue? She followed the sound and it lead her to the path that Celine had chosen. The spotted mare was further along the path, searching the bushes, and Midnight joined her.

A hummingbird flitted from the covering leaves, buzzing around the two Okibi's heads. He was colored all green and gold, like a forest jewel. Midnight cocked her muzzle up and asked him, "Have you seen anything strange come this way today, my small friend?" (She could be polite when the situation forced her to.)

The hummingbird squeaked out a response in his high, tinny voice and then zipped away on blurred wings.

Midnight turned back the way she came and called out to her new aquaintences, "This way! We found the path!" She gave Celine a grateful look for finding the right way, and then the herd was on the move again, their hooves beating a path through the forest.

The day had been a long one, high with anxiety, but it felt now like they were nearing their goal. Midnight was sure they were closing in on the thief.

Suddenly the forest trees fell away and all the Okibi in the group had to screech to a halt. They didn't have a choice, before them a deep ravine split the landscape. It looked like a horrible gash in the earth. There was no way the Okibi would be able to cross to the other side (unless they had wings).

Midnight's keen blue eyes immediately caught the sight of a thin rope bridge far off to the right of their position on the edge of the ravine, with a dark figure in the middle of it, crossing to the other side. She backed away and called her herd in close with a sharp whisper.

"Okay, here's the scene," she said quickly. They didn't have much time. If the figure (who was to far away to make out details, but it didn't look like he or she had wings) made it to the other side, they might lose the trail again with the time it took to get them all across on the tiny bridge, one at a time. "It looks like that figure there crossing the bridge is our thief. I can feel the power of the Ancient Box close by, even though the thief is too far away to make out details."

She looked at each and every Okibi and decided she wasn't sure how to procede. She needed some ideas. "I want each of you to make a suggestion on what we should do now," she ordered. "Should we turn back because of the danger and get reinforcements? Should we try to stop the figure? How should we do that without losing the Ancient Box down the ravine? Look around and use anything you can think of to help us." She glanced up and noticed some trees close to their position had long vines curled around the trunk, and others had colorful flowers and fruits. Bugs and birds made smalltalk and buzzed in the forest around them. Any of that could be helpful to a clever Okibi.

"So," she said, "we don't have much time. What do you think?"

(Third event: Suggest an Ending

This event is to test your imagination! You have a scene in front of you: a small herd of Okibi in front of a ravine, the ground very far below. A forest around them. The opponent, who has the Ancient Box, is about halfway across an old rope bridge that stretches across the ravine. If the enemy crosses and gets away, the Ancient Box will be lost. Your task is to think up the end of the scene: have your Okibi make a suggestion on how the group should procede next. You can use your imagination and make up anything found in the forest for your Okibi to use in their suggestion to Midnight, even if I didn't mention it, in order to best end this RP. Feel free to ask any questions if you want a clarification on the scene as well.

You can RP your Okibi looking around, thinking through options, and/or making his or her suggestion to Midnight, but don't take any action yet. We're just taking suggestions right now.

You have until January 28, 20:00:00. will decide if any prizes are awarded, other than the final prize of the Ancient Box of course!)


Tressa paced nervously as Midnight informed the group that they were near the culprit. "We need to block the culprit from crossing the bridge," she murmured to herself. She trotted up to Midnight while racking her brains for a solution. "Maybe we could have some of us Okibi that can fly, or some of the forest birds, fly some vines to the other end of the bridge to block the way? Then we can corner the culprit from the other end of the bridge?"

It was a long shot, Tressa thought. But she wasn't sure how else to approach the mysterious figure while keeping the Ancient Box safe...


Shadow paced back and forth a few time after listening to Midnight explain the situation. He was racking his brain for an idea about how they could stop the culprit from escaping. He turned suddenly and edged his way to where he could see how the bridge was set up and the approximate distance the ravine stretched. Seeing the culprit he growled lowly in anger but turned back to assessing the situation. After a minute of thinking he turned back and addressed the group.

"If we could use some of the vines to make a net and then get some of our feathered friends to assist us we could use longer vines to attach to the bridge and pull on them to rock the bridge and unbalance the individual on it. Then when they drop the Ancient Box it can be caught in the net and then we might have a chance to apprehend the individual before they get away. But even if they escape we would still have the box back" He suggested with a smile to the birds around them.