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[Faudeer] Photo Challenge - Hand-Drawn Aquatic C:

Started by Willow, September 21, 2011, 05:10:55 PM

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[Photo Challenge!]

This contest is for a very special male Faudeer.

f025 - Male - Aquatic.

He's one of the first three hand-drawn Faudeer available to the public, he's also the first Aquatic Faudeer!
Sporting fins, gills and a back sail.

This challenge will end on the 5th of October!.

What do you have to do?

Take a photos of the five things f025 likes C:

[The List]

# Water
# A frog
# Something Cold
# A cuddly toy
# Something deer-like.


# Photos must be taken by you
# A piece of paper with your USR name on it must be visable in each picture.
# Entries must be posted on the thread.
# You can be as creative as your like!

For example, taking a photo of a real frog might be a challenge, but what about a toy frog, a doodle by you or a little charm?


Have fun and enjoy! :)


Sounds fun! I have an idea for everything apart from the frog...
Owner of Gliders!


You could make frog art with socks, or spare fabric xD;


I would join this if I had a camera =( booo for lack of camera.


Some of these might be a stretch, or not what you're wanting, so let me know if i need to think up something else. I basicly went round the house looking for things i could take photos of xD


A frog

Picture of a picture of a frog that i took on a camping expedition :P

Something Cold

Our freezer... definately cold! The reason the username looks funny is because the flash made the paper so bright you couldn't read the username, so i upped the contrast over the word in photoshop.

A cuddly toy

Presents from a friend.

Something deer-like.

Well i think it's supposed to be a giraffe but... it's got horns so close enough, right? Bought it in france at a market about 8 years ago.
Owner of Gliders!


Great entries Winged!

And yes, a giraffe is deer-like enough for me xD;


Sorry Crystal D:

Don't worry though, I'm planning a flatsale or something soon ^^;

Meanwhile, here's some new stuff -

Breeding Orb -

Can be used to affect a fawn.
It either guarantees gender, a trait passed down from a parent or increases the chance of a successful breeding by 10%
No limit to the amount you use on a pairing.

Breeding Staff-

Can affect breeding.
Will guarentee a fawn from a pairing, and can be used to add one common trait, or increase the chance of twins.
May only use one with a pairing.

Annnd some premades :)

f028 - Female - Rounded Ears, Goat Horns

f029 - Male - Canine Tail, Paws

f030 - Male - Kudu Horns, Tufted Tail

f031 - Female - Goat Horns, Curled Tail, Feathered Feet

f032 - Male - Sabres, Back Mane*

*Owned by Echos, I need a name for him C:

I'm going to keep f029.


Wow I love f028! How do we get them? And also I finished taking pictures they are uploading now :3


Owner of Gliders!


They are gorgeous! I love f031 the most, I must say. :O

I will put up pictures eventully for this contest. XD


-flail- So awesome!! I love all the premades but if I had to pick a favorite I would go with f030. I love that shade of blue. ^^

This adoptable is awesome in its variety!! I will have to use my cell phone camera for this. <3 (Another reason you should get a cell phone, crystal!!)



I think f028 is probably my second fave, and f030 my favorite with those horns!!  They really are quite special and adorable!!

Question:  Will the picture contest be judged by originality or by randomness??


Ooo I want to know the answer to luv's question too! X3 I was wondering!


He will be randomized, but I'll give out prizes for creativity C:



These photos were taken on my phone... but I think they're okay. My username is always on the yellow star post-it note.

This is my water picture, since I tried to get creative by putting a water drop on the flower. If that's not enough water, there's more in the picture below. We also have a pool.

Not one frog, but two live ones! One in front, one in back. They're fire-bellied toads (see the orange belly), so I guess they're actually toads, but they look more like frogs to me.

Ice Cream Sandwiches!!!!!

Two nets overflowing with cuddly stuffed animals. There's a lot XD

Finally, a pretty gold deer-like thing.


Another great entry! :'D

If anyone's interested there's a forum-only raffle going on for a Breeding Staff.






I'm not sure why that is, if the problem persists could you PM me about it? ^^;


Its cause I'm an idiot, thats why. XD I thought it was the same forum as the fenncritters one. I'd never signed up on this forum.



I got an Awesome idea for this contest. >:3 I just hope it works. >.<


If you frequent the forum, you'd notice that there's now a new thread on 'Rutting Stags'.

Both these rutting groups and harems will be very useful for breeding season, so I suggest you have a little peek at them.

I've also stared my Harem - Harem of the Fair River.

However, it can't be official until a doe owned by another USR joins.
So if you'd like your female to join my Harem, please take a visit!

Also all Faudeer so far have been put in the new 'Adopted' section of the site <3


That took a while xD;


Changed the forum style, the bright blue was grating on me x3;

If you guys find it harder to pick out things or navigate, please let me know!


I like my Creag in the banner! And i think the neutral wood colour is nice too :)
Owner of Gliders!



The winner of the Backstory contest is Wildfilly94!
Here's the wonderful entry -
Coda was born of a beautiful mother, named Corrine. He was a plain Faudeer, no wings, just simply brown. His father left Corrine before he was born, but Coda knew his father was Koor. But he never wanted to accept that. Koor was dark and evil, whereas he and his mother were so light and kind to everyone. Coda loved his mother very much, as she loved him. One day Corrine took Coda to a wide open range. She tried to show him what their world really looked like, and encourage him to explore the world around him, and find somewhere better than here. Coda was sad to see what his land was. So dark, dry, and dreary. He confessed to his mother his dreams of green grass, open feilds, and ponds of water. Corrine felt urged to help Coda, in whatever way she could, so she took him with her on a long road. A road to freedom.

Corrine didn't know that koor was watching their every move. They had walked many miles, when all of a sudden, Koor came out of no where, and captured Corrine. Coda cried for help, but Corrine yelled for him to leave, to run as far as he can without stopping or looking back, becasue she knew there was a place full of life out there, for she had been born there herself. So Coda ran. He ran fast and hard, not turning back, until he was sure no one was following him.

Night cascaded over the sky, and Coda's pace slowed. Not because of the dark sky, but because he had found it. The place his mother had mentioned. All around him were fireflies, and eyes looking at him from afar. He walked cautiously forward, until, to his suprise, he fell into a puddle of water. No not a puddle, a pond. He laughed and jumped for joy at the feeling of the water against his dry body. He wished Corrine could join him, but he knew in his heart one day, they would. In the mean time, he just had to be happy with what he had, and he was.

A few months later, a shadow emerged, with glorious glowing wings, shining bright in the sun. The shadow looked into the water, as he felt weird for some reason. And there, in the water, was Coda's face. With large, see-through wings, looking back at him. He grew wings. Coda jumped back and screamed, scaredd of himself. Waht had happened? How could this be? He lay next to the water, and stared at himself for a long while, wondering how this coould happen, and why.

Not long after this, did he feel someone's presence near him. He lept to his feet, to see his mother standing next to him. He cried happy tears and hugged her tight. Corrine, however, was crying not because she was with her son, but because he got his wings. She sat down with him and explained the story about the dragonfly wings, and it all made sense to Coda imediately. His father had dragon wings, dark, scary, and battered. His mother had no wings, but a heart of pure love. The darkness of Koor could be passed on to Coda, had he chosen a dark path. But his mother's love was too powerful. She gave all her love to Coda, which made his heart also pure. In return, Coda grew not dark wings of fear and Hate, but Strong, Beautiful wings of Love.

Coda took care of his mother, until she passed on. Her love lingered with Coda, and when he grew of age to have his own children, that same love passed on to them. They all grew beautiful wings of many colors, all powerful against Koor. Koor couldn't take it anymore, so he hid in a dark cave, alone, to sheild himself fromt heir power and love forever.

This, is the story of Coda.

Please could I have his full name C:

And in second place, because I did love the entry is amazondreamer!
This is their entry -
A young Faudeer gasped for breath as he scrambled up the rocky ridge, skree tumbling down behind him. As he gained the summit, he threw himself to the ground, heedless of the sharp rocks jabbing into his sides. "There it is," he murmured to himself, as he took in the vista before him, "the land of green...just like Graypelt the Elder said it would be."

The young Faudeer had traveled far to reach this, the boundary between the inhospitable Desert of Koor where he had been born, and the lush verdant lands which lay beyond. He had crossed oceans of sand which blistered his paws, slept in the shadows of mountains which seemed to piece the sky, and wound his way through a deep and rocky canyon... all to find the lands from which his father hailed.

His breathing having returned to a more normal rate, the Faudeer got to his feet and began the descent down into the lush valley below. As he picked his way down the precarious slope, the Faudeer reflected on the sire he had never known.

His mother had said she met a wandering stag when she was just a youngling herself. He had wooed her with exotic tales of lands beyond the sand and rocks of Koor, and promised to take her with him. But the doe's heart was of the desert and the stark beauty of that harsh land. In time the stag chose to leave the desert, and the doe he had claimed to love. The following month the doe found herself to be with child, a child of two worlds. Seeking the aid of her own parents, the young doe raised her son who grew strong and handsome in much the manner of his sire.

The fawn's grandsire saw the pain in the eyes of the doe, as each day the fawn grew to resemble the wandering stag more and more. He taught the young fawn the secrets of the desert, how to navigate by starlight, how to find water or go without, where the safe paths were. And then he told the young fawn that he must leave the desert, leave the only parent he ever knew.

At first the fawn had rebelled, he insisted that his dam would grieve more for the loss of a child than for the loss of her suitor. However, a child is not a child forever, and it is the manner of growing Faudeer to leave their birthplace and seek out new territory.

And so he did. He heeded the words of his grandsire and sought out the green lands. Shaking his head to banish old memories, the young Faudeer took his first step under the canopy of trees.

So amazondreamer takes home a breeding staff!

Can affect breeding.
Will guarantee a fawn from a pairing, and can be used to add one common trait, or increase the chance of twins.
May only use one with a pairing.

Everyone else that entered, thank you for your entries and good luck next time!


Oh dear I forgot to enter! >.< Congrats guys, those are pretty entries!! :3


Ohh my gosh I won! :D Thank you so much Willow!! and congrats to amazondreamer! <3

I think I'll call him Coda the Strong Hearted. :)
Which means I can now finish my last custom form, that being Coda's mother.


A Cuddley toy and a Frog

(The frog is on the necklace charm, I know its hard to see cause its small but its there!)
Closer view


Something Cold

Something Deer-Like

(Its weird I know, and I normally dont draw this bad, but this is what happens when I turn something real into cartoon form... :/ XD)


Eeek thank you for posting wild! I almost forgot I wanted to enter this event! :3


Lol, your welcome. It closes tomorrow though, so you better hurry!


Yikes you're right! Willow, is the official time for this to close the end of the day on the 5th, or the beginning?



Thank goodness!  I had a huge plan for this, and now--- It's just not happening!  Too much drama and too much to do this week!  I'm going to try and get an entry in tonight though... probably all themed by my little one and pictures of her. :)


>.< Turns out I didn't have time to enter today. My work computer got hit with a bad virus and I've been working since 11 am this morning trying to clean it. Including bringing the computer home and working on it til now. -_- Sigh. I give up. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to get out of bed in the morning...


Same here, Ryuu.  I just couldn't get the pics that I wanted to.  Wednesday was an overwhelming load of info for me, and I had a test.


Photo Challenge Results!

Well, I am very pleased with how many entries I received, and there were wonderful photos, thank you :'D
As they were all so good I decided to randomize the winner. decided that Winged Dreams will take the handdrawn aquatic boy home!

Please provide me with a name for certing <3

But! With breeding season coming up, all others who entered will receive a breeding orb!

So thank you to everyone else that enetered, your orb will be put in the Inventory.




Thanks, he's lovely! Can i please call him Poseidon. Not very original but i think it suits him :)
Owner of Gliders!


Sure, I just need it to be more in keeping with the naming restrictions ^^


Ah sory, total mind blank there, sorry! Blame it on my essay i'm trying to write at the same time.
Poseidon of the Oceans.
Owner of Gliders!
