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Prom Dresses.. [Pic heavy]

Started by Wildfilly94, September 14, 2011, 04:01:47 PM

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Alright so I KNOW, I have months before my prom, but its my senior year, and I want to feel like a princess walking into prom, with the perfect dress. I've picked a list of dresses I like, not based on color, sense the color is customizable along with the size of the dress. I'm just looking at the dress style's. I've found one I really like, but I'm iffy cause they are all so beautiful. I thought I could use Secundian's opinions on a 'vote' for the dresses. Eh? So let me know your favorite one, or even a list from most liked to least liked? (Btw, they are all corsets, so I have a perfect tummy. XD)
*Again, don't base your opinion on the Color of the dress, as that is going to be changed if I choose that dress, most likely.

Dress One:

Dress Two:

Dress Three:

Dress Four:

Dress Five:

Dress Six:

Dress Seven:

My favorite is Dress Seven, and second favorite is Dress Three. Whats yours?

2. I
3. III


I like the seventh one best, then the first one. They're all gorgeous though!
Owner of Gliders!


The biggest question is.. Can you wear the strapless without it all falling down? I've been to many an event where the bride was smaller chested so it just didn't look right, and I felt that if you looked down there you would be able to see everything, whereas a bigger topped person popped out once >.< So if you think you can safely pull off the strapless look, I'd say go with 2 or 4 (Those two are my favorites) If you're even the least bit scared of showing off everything your momma gave you, then I'd say go with 3, since it has the strap to help hold it up, and is no less elegant then the rest.


Ohh I definantly can hold it up. XD *CoughhackDbracough*

And thanks, you two, for the 'votes'. :)


*puts hands on hips*

And when you're finally a princess, you betta show me pics, otherwise I will be a super sad Kah.


I like 1, 7, 5 and 4 in that order ^_^

They are all awesome dresses though!
And yes! you must post pictures!


Lol, I will. :) I wonder what I'll do with my hair... >.>

Thanks for the vote. :)


Colours will affect how they look a lot but number 7 is def very princess like, followed by number 3.  Numbers 1 and 4 are also nice but I dont like number 2.


Thanks. :)
Yeah, I haven't figured out a color I want yet. I may put that up here too at some point. Lol.


Dress Five is definately my fave!!

1.  It has the sweetheart neckline which looks a TON better than the straight across neckline.  I actually didn't choose a dress when I was wedding dress shopping BECAUSE of this.  This is also the reason that even though I LOVE the skirt on Dress Seven, I wouldn't chose it.

2.  It has details in the skirt, making it interesting, while not being SO over the top, like I feel like Dress Three is.  Dress Three almost has a frivolous look, which is great for Prom, but not so much if you are going for a princess look.

3.  The embroidery brings out your breast and waist which are two very attractive points on a female's body.  A lot of the other dresses do this as well, except for Dress 6.

I'll add some more opinion later.... But now I have to do my test.  x.x

Can you tell my mother is all about clothes, and taught me well?  It's funny, bc mostly I walk around in t-shirts/ tank tops and jeans, and whatever my mom gives me out of her closet.


I really, really love dresses one and five!  I think five is the most elegant but one is the cutest!  (depends what you're looking for!)  Five is reeeally beautiful.

I think I may be biased against chiffon?



I'd have to go with you on dress 7. :)

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


WOW! I love number 7! Thats my favorite color and its gorgeous so I'm voting for 7. But number 2 is my second favorite the style is so pretty.


dress 5 has my vote :) but they're all really gorgeous!



Thanks guys for all the votes! :) Looks like dress 7 is currently 'winning'. Hehe


I like 7, 5, and 1 (in that order) :)