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FlutterFlits - Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast

Started by FlutterFlits, September 08, 2011, 07:38:09 PM

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A brightly coloured tent has been set up among the booths and stores of the Secundi marketplace.  It's adorned with streamers of fluttering flags, and a large wooden sign out front with a decidedly medieval font. 

Ye Olde Flit Shoppe

Pushing past the canvas opening, you find yet more surprises.  The entire interior looks a great deal like a kitchen, with all sorts of strange appliances along counters that line the walls and, even, amazingly, a sink against one corner.  There is a man standing in front of what appears to be a refrigerator and he turns as he realizes he's no longer alone.

"Ahoy, thee primitive mortal human!  Long awaited your arrival was.  I am the Bob, and have awaited your pleasure here for ages of entropy."  This speech, despite its heartiness, seems forced and the man sighs.  "Okay, look, I don't know if you can understand me with your strange period dialect, but I'm just going to talk normally and you're going to have to follow along as best you can. 

My name is Bobslavski, and I am from the distant future.  I work for an amazing man. . . well, I'm sure you'll meet him soon enough.  He has developed some wondrous little creatures that are perfect pets.  After all, that's what they were made to be, so of course they're perfect! 

They require minimal clean-up, little attention- but always adore more- and can be fed on leftovers and scraps (unless you want them to keep this shiny new gleam, in which case you may consider feeding them pears and tomatoes once a day.  Or maybe twice a day.  Instructions will be included with each purchase)."

He pauses for a breath and glances back at the large metal box behind him.  "Well, since you're here.  You can help me with a few things before you actually look at some of the Flits available for sale."


Airlock Emergency

Bob looks at you a bit sheepishly as he begins to explain, a sense of urgency filling his words.  "Flits are very curious things, you see.  Or, at least, active.  A few of them have gone missing and I'm afraid I know exactly where they've gone. 

You see, all of the Flutter Flits have been kept in some of the secontaits.  Those are, of course, the Secure Containment Units.  Anyway, somehow a few of them got open during our trip here.  I've checked all over the ship, but the only place I haven't checked yet is the airlock.

I didn't expect them to go there, and the airlocks are on a timer.  Unfortunately, each has it's own timer to keep from jettisoning at the same time as the others, so there's no telling which one will go first.  Or last."

Bob leads you towards the box and grabs the handle.  "We're on a tight deadline.  We've been able to slow down the time difference with the use of this portal, but as soon as you get through, you'll have to get to one of the airlocks immediately.  Hit the yellow button-- the yellow one! Not the red!-- to try and release the contents back into the ship."

"Ready? Here we go!"  Bob pulls the door open and leads you through the murky blue depths.

To claim an airlock, post the airlock number you want in yellow.  Any claims not posted correctly will be disregarded and the contents of the post jettisoned into space.

1. Victoria
2. Wildfilly94
3. Kahlira
4. kasatsu
5. Aralie
6. jojo080889
7. luv007
8. CrystalAngelNeko
9. SkySong
10. Ryuukokoro


Sales of Future Relevance

Bob waves his hands and steps in front of you, drawing a curtain before your eyes.  "There's nothing to see here yet!  Shoo!  Go, uh, bust a housing bubble."

There's nothing to see here but a heavy, midnight blue curtain.  It seems to be of a very heavy weight, so it barely shifts with any movements around it.  It might be of some type of felt, actually, or velvet?  It's a little hard to tell without touching it.  There's a gap up at the top, though it's very close to the ceiling so it would be nearly impossible to see over the top, unless you had wings.  But Bob is still lingering nearby, obviously ready to step in if you try to sneak a peek that way.   The bottom of the curtain actually brushes along the floor, keeping anyone from seeing anything from underneath.

Really, there's just nothing to see here.


A Post with Minor Significance

This is an empty corner of the tent.  There are strange appliances on the counter, though their purpose and workings seem alien and it would be best to not mess with any of them.  In fact, as you're looking, a little sign putters over, hovering in the air like a strange bumble bee humming bird hybrid and it beeps to get your attention.

These aren't the droids you're looking for.


Savings of Unrequited Consequences

There's a bare expanse of countertop here, and you can finally inspect it closer.  It's the color of a white marble with gold tinges, except the pattern appears to be in a sort of wood grain.  There doesn't appear to be anything to inspect, nothing to look at, other than the counter.  You could inspect the grain closely, if you desired, but all you'll find are random patterns.  Feel free to keep looking at it, if you'd like, but the narrative is already bored of describing it.   



If you aren't done posting, just let me know, and I'll delete this post!!


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed





Zie Dr. Otto von Schnitzelpusskrankengescheitmeyer dos nein mek misteke. Is only zie Bobslavski zat mek za misteke!

The poor doctor is appalled at the thought that someone thinks he may have made a mistake. You will find upon reviewing the post in grievance that there are no errors to be found.


Just a slight one of the spelling of my name XD But it's cool! Yay! I have my fingers crossed for a pretty.


Bob comes over and apologizes sadly to Kahlira for the grave slaughter of her name.  He does not look pointedly at Dr. Otto von Schnitzelpusskrankengescheitmeyer and does not point out that he was not the one updating the paperwork at that time.

Because Bob is above that.

And can't afford to get fired.


It's alright Bob. *winks* You can call me whatever you wish, just don't call me late to dinner. *grins*




-giggle- I can already tell these threads are gunna be fuuuuuuuuun X3



Airlock #1 slides open.  The outside door!  The red light above the inner door flashes brightly as it announces that the button was pressed too late.  Something yellow shoots out into space, and, in a blink, EXPLODES!  What was that?  There's not way to tell anymore as there are only yellow sparkles left to mark the passage from the airlock.

Airlock #5 slides open.  Inside you find some empty cardboard boxes.  There's no sign that anything living has been in here besides you.  Still, it might be best to not stay in here too long looking for clues.  Who knows when the timer on this airlock will go?

Airlock #4 slides open.  There is a burst of fetid air that brings to mind unwashed feet, old spaghetti, and the distinct overtones of rotten bananas.  If anything was alive in there, it's probably passed out from the stench.  A quick search proves that there's only garbage in here.  You'd better get out!  And find a shower.

Airlock #8 slides open, but it's the wrong door!  The outside door slides open a series of orange crates slide out into space.  Was there a movement?  You're not really sure, but you are sure that there's nothing moving out there now.  Except spacial trade winds.

Airlock #9 slides open.  Inside there's a a blue canvas bag that is quite distinctly moving!  You hurry to get it open, and something pops out at you!  Better get it out of the airlock and into safety!


Congrats SkySong! What a beautiful flitter-kitty. X3


Airlock #3 slides open a bare second before it locks down.  You'd better move fast!  It's very easy to do so, though, since you can plainly see the Flit waiting to be rescued.

Airlock #7 slides open, the whoosh dramatic and loud in the silence that otherwise hung heavily through the airlock.  The lock seems to be frigid.  It seems almost like there's been a leak into this section, the air is so cold.  If you want to check, you'd better hurry!  Huddling in the corner is a small ball of blue and white.  You'd better get it out of there fast!

Airlock #10 does not slide open.  Neither door opens, actually, and you stare into the lock curiously.  Is there pink flashing in there?  Yes, you definitely see the movement of something in there.  You hit the yellow button again, but the door won't open.  You call for Bob and he hurries over to help you out.  You point out the movement frantically and Bob quickly keys in the override code, making the door slide open so you can rush in and scoop up the little form and haul it out quickly.

Airlock #2 slides open.  You stare at a veritable mountain of pear cores and tomato tops.  Wow. There are a lot of them in here.  It doesn't seem likely that there'll be a Flit in here, but you cautiously move into the lock anyway.  Bob didn't give any clear instructions on how to call a Flit, so you just do the best that you can.  Unfortunately, nothing seems to be responding.  You slowly make your way back out of the airlock and turn to close the doors.  Just as the door starts to close, a flash of sparkle darts through, nearly on your heels!

Airlock #6 doesn't slide open.  The door locks down just as you press the button and the outer door opens, jettisoning a shower of bottle caps out into space.  They glitter brilliantly as the lights of the spacecraft reflect off of them, shining purples, silver, blues, and greens as they drift slowly away, a sea of color in the vast reaches of space.




Such a cutie! =O I'm in love already XD

Name: Milky Way
Owner: Kahlira


Ahhhh wow so many pretties! The details of the coloring on them are amazing. :D

Congrats Kahlira! You got an amazing one! :O

And awwww I have a greenie! ^^ I'm glad Bob was there to help out!

Name: Greenie (cuz why not!)
Owner: Ryuukokoro


Luv swoops up the shivering bundle and cuddles it into her warm arms.  "Shhh.... It's okay now."

Name:  Frost
Owner: Luv007

Thank you and congrats to the other door winners!!


For a second I hadn't realized I won the little... ah, Flit?

Thank you very much, Bob/Dr.!

Name: Opaque
Owner: SkySong

And congratulations to the other winners! They're a very pretty bunch.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed
