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Gryphions: The Feathered Feet | Easter Festival!

Started by Gryphions, April 21, 2011, 07:40:48 PM

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Raffle tickets for Red raffle (100sg each):

1-1000 : Kadana
1001-1002 : Riverwind
1003-2002 : SweetCaroline
2003-3002 : Kahlira
3003-4002 : Goddesss
4003-4022 : springacres

Raffle tickets for Orange raffle (1k each):

1-100 : Kadana
101-102 : Riverwind
103-1102 : SweetCaroline
1103-1202 : Kahlira
1203-1302 : Goddesss
1303-1322 : Springacres

:D Let's go see who wins the raffles! Good luck everyone!


Raffle 1: RED
-Consists of 1 'matching' bunny, to go with a gryphion you own.
-Has one 'bunny ears' item, to go with any gryphion you choose. Comes in white, lavendar, light pink, light brown, or any 'real bunny' ear color, if you provide the image of a bunny I'll match his ears on the bunny ear item.

And the winning ticket is: 3017! Looks like Goddesss has that ticket! Congrats!

Raffle 2: ORANGE
-Consists of 1 balloon item, color is your choice, to go with any gryphion you own.
-Has 1 semi-custom gryphion (you either choose gender and 3 colors, or you choose gender and 1 word to contribute toward the gryphion.)
-1 stuffed bunny toy item, your choice of color (has to be a natural bunny color, can have simple bunny patterns) to be equipped to a gryphion of your choice.

And the winning ticket is: 1098! Looks like SweetCaroline owns that ticket. Congrats!


SweetCaroline - I'm awaiting your payment for Egg Dye! :) Thanks!


Soo, both of my gals got a bunny toy, and I don't think two can be attached to one.. (and I only have the two gals)  So can the one I won from the duck pond go into my inventory? If not, that's cool. Totally understandable XD
Dark Kisses likes dark colors, Ves'tacha likes randomness. yeah...


Yes, I can do that for you.
That's what I was planning to do for people who didn't have gryphions who won items that were to be equipped. I figure that is pretty much the same situation.

:) Thanks for letting me know, though. That way I know that's what you're going to do with that item.

BTW - All gryphions that were needing equips are updated.


Quote from: Gryphions on June 02, 2011, 02:18:09 PM
SweetCaroline - I'm awaiting your payment for Egg Dye! :) Thanks!

I am a bit tired & confused. There were 2 auctions I was trying for. Thought I won one of them & sent payment in & payment was accepted. And never realized I won the other but have sent payment in now for it now that you brought it to my attention. Please check these 2 Gryphions I have sent payment to make sure I was the winner of the auction. Thanks.

I will check the rest of the events later as am very tired atm. Night all.
