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Sinister Adoptable Previews....

Started by Sinister Pink, March 27, 2011, 12:38:55 PM

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Sinister Pink

Well I figured I would open a preview thread so you guys can see what I am up to, in my experience people tend to be able to reinforce their patience if you give them the odd tiny glimpse!!!

These are the line-art adoptables that will be in the same family as my 3-D plastic ponies, this is the basic body, no mutations, shading template done for male and female forms.

Heavily inspired by carousel/fantasy horses, the line-art was commissioned by Tlouey, who used to be a regular to a lot of adoptable forums/sites and who I have called friend, sometimes "Mad, Crazy" friend! mind you, for quite a few years now.
I like to commission equines from her, makes me feel good, and lets me spoil her from time to time!

So wthout further they are. I am not going to share the concept behind these guys for a while, but thought you might enjoy seeing how I am progressing.

Onwards onto painting the cotumed ones, and yes these guys will have costumes as well as mutations and a whole slew of markings.


[size=85]People who click my eggs....make me happy[/size]


Sinister Pink

Thanks so much Yourloveonly :), I do apologise for the rather icky coulours but thats the coulour of the website...looks so much better on the template, and I find from experience that people are less likely to steal something that looks less appealing! <grin>


[size=85]People who click my eggs....make me happy[/size]


ooh, thay look amazing! Can't wait to see them run :)
Owner of Gliders!



Sinister Pink

Thanks so much guys, nothing makes me work faster than a bit of encouragement, well, yes one thing makes me work faster...but too MUCH chocolate makes you sluggish <grin>
Just began shading female medieval tack template!, worry not I will keep you posted!!


[size=85]People who click my eggs....make me happy[/size]

Sinister Pink

Well todays update, got the males partial medieval armour shaded template done, all seperate bits so can customise to suit...
In my icky coulour scheme it looks like this...

Onwards to Head Armour Tommorow, and hopefully start shading the female medieval armour :)


[size=85]People who click my eggs....make me happy[/size]


Wow those look wonderful! Only think i suggest is to make there legs longer other than that these are awesome!


I like the icky color scheme by the way <3 Reminds me of earth stuffs, trees and the like.

*grins* And yus, the medieval stuff looks cool XD


Wow, these are amazing! I can't wait to see more. c:

Sinister Pink

Thanks Laviee
I am having to take a break at the moment, under duress mind as my husband has "Man Flu", you know, it's worse that a woman could *ever* cope with, so I am kept busy with taking care of him as well as our son.
It is annoying me greatly as Tlouey just sent me lines for western tack, and arabian tack! :(

Hopefully he'll be better by monday and I can get on!!!


[size=85]People who click my eggs....make me happy[/size]


Oh gosh.

I have witnessed first hand this 'man flu' and I extend my condolences to your patience. D: Because with 'man flus' ... that patience starts to run thin.

Sinister Pink

Yes Nako, it has been a *trial* shall we say...and now my darling son has caught it so I am very much sleep deprived at the moment.

Right time for some updates...
Tlouey has got back to me with all preliminary line-art now, I say preliminary as we have an understanding that I will be commissioning more!!!! Mawhahahahahhahah

List stands so far

Dragon Wings
Feathered Wings
Docked Tail
Unicorn Horn
Unicorn Tail
Deer Tail
Ram Horns
Butterflywing/Fairy Wing

Costume Tack
Medieval-With Head Armour and Without
Masquerade/Phantom Of The Opera Type Thing

Docked tail
Princess Tail
Unicorn tail
Deer Tail
Goat horns
Unicorn Horn
Feathered Wing
Butterfly Wing/Fairy Wing

Island Fantasy
Flowers In Hair

Extreme Mutations


I am now steadily working my way down shading all of them for the purpose of templating, then it will be onto markings :)
But I am going great guns now, and it means a lot that I have all the line-arts now :)


[size=85]People who click my eggs....make me happy[/size]


Why is it I saw "Docked Tail" and thought "Duck Tail"


XD so excited! I can't wait =D


I can't wait to see all the linearts coloured :D

Sinister Pink

Lol I am slowly getting there!!
Alex was like, Sarah Sarah!!! you have stolen Tlouey's island tack won't she be upset...I was like nah..she has a custom pose!! she'll be fine...look how pretty it is!!!


[size=85]People who click my eggs....make me happy[/size]


I'm just seething over here!!!!

LOL! But I'm sure you'll make some changes so that it will always remain slightly different than others you make after... haha!

Sinister Pink

Of course I would Tlou, of course I am colouring yours seperatley for the templates anyway so it will be unique, but of course if you would rather I didn't sue it, I of course won't! :)


[size=85]People who click my eggs....make me happy[/size]


I was just teasing about the 'seething'  ;D


wheeeen can we get one!? hehe :D   :-*

Sinister Pink

Tlou I am colouring them madly as we speak so far got the girlies costumes templated up to the western set which I am doing now!

So am working as fast as my little fingers can go!!!
I just need the cert art doing *hint hint*, then when everything is templated I will be saving money in my pot for lots and lots more bits!!


[size=85]People who click my eggs....make me happy[/size]