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Fang Age - need battle system developers!(and interest?)

Started by Solistia, January 25, 2011, 03:16:54 PM

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So I don't know how many of you have actually clicked that little pink-haired girl in my signature, and of those how many even wondered what, if any, adoptable is this for?

It was for an idea I had for a Battle Adoptable (which I thought would be fun). However, I could never get the numbers to come out right, not without some classes being terribly over powered by the time they prestiged into their final class. Also, with my work now in AAA, Fang Age got put on the back burner, as I don't have time to run it (but have found since, that letting someone else run it after I finish developing it isn't such a bad idea :3).

So I turn to you Secundi, and hope there are a few users out there up for some number crunching and playing around with ideas to get a system that works. An easy to understand system that would hopefully keep things balanced between the classes.

Basic ideas so far:
  • 4 basic classes (Warrior, Mage, Ranger, and Rouge), that could then specialize(lvl10?) and prestige (lvl20?) into other classes as they level up
  • 4 races (Human, Elf, Dwarf, and Beastman [they all have more nordic sounding names, but I don't have my notes here at work XD])
  • A system of: roll for initiative (who goes first) > roll to hit/evade > roll damage/defense > roll extra effects.
  • There would be items like weapons, armor, and accessories, that could be won in events or purchased, and be equipped to any of your characters. Some items would just be basic, others might have special effects.
  • There would be as many artists as would like to participate in drawing these characters through their 3 classes (and I had the idea that for so many drawn for others, that you could draw one for yourself [or a friend] for free).
  • The actual battles themselves would have to take place on a separate forum that could handle rolling dice (since Secundi does not currently have that capability), which I can easily provide (and have actually already created, barring a few tweaks that need to be made)

So I need people to brainstorm with, and to test out varrying systems to find something that works.
Also, this thread will hopefully attract some interest in people wanting this adoptable to be completed and come to Secundi =D


ooo id be interested in learning and helping out ^_^ i cant draw worth beans but i can help with ideas and the number crunching probally. I plan on learning how to play D and D so this would be one way to learn a little bit.


It will certainly have similar concepts to the Table Top gaming world! =D (I've always been a White Wolf lover myself >w<).
Help in any area is most appreciated! ^o^


id truly love to be apart of this. Im going to pm you my information for my messengers if you decide to use me or if you just want to talk to a crazy sunny :-p

Keilin Alyr

Granted, vetting a battle system sounds far more down my husband's alley than mine (he's our regular GM and has done some world-building and module modification), but I do have a good number of years' worth of tabletop experience (D&D 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0; new World of Darkness, and Shadowrun especially) and could probably playtest and help crunch numbers. I could also maybe run some ideas past the husband; he's definitely used to my adoptable hobbies. =)

Keep me posted on any updates at the very least! This does look very intriguing.

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


That sounds great Keilin! I'd love to take advantage of the knowledge and experience of you and your husband >w<!!


Also have a little item version of the cert. The idea is that people would post the character and items they have equipped for a battle before rolling for initiative.

Like this:

or one with an effect

Will probably modify it so that the type of item is listed vertical on the far left (so that one can limit the amount of certain items that can be used per battle).

I also imagine certain special items might be "bound" to a specific character, and while it can be equipped and unequipped, it cannot be equipped to a different character, or traded for another item.

Just spouting thoughts since I found these in the same folder as her cert XD


Okay, got the forum up, and once you sign up, head on over to the Developer's Board to start talking ideas if you feel so inclined! (you must be signed-up to even view the board)


I don't know what I can add to the conversation, but I signed up and can hopefully help you at least figure out what could work or won't for sure


*boardgame geek goes to sign up* I have to say I mostly play really basic combat games, if any at all, but this is still too fun not to look into.