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Feli- 3 kittens for trade (Sold, need names from Ravv and Willow)

Started by Winged, March 10, 2011, 12:42:57 PM

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I got three gorgeous female kittens :D I will most likely keep one and trade the other two. However right now i'm not really sure which one. So taking offers on all of them!
I'm most interested in other feli kittens, but i'll also take adult Feli, Quins, quin bonus tickets and possibly other adoptables.


Traded to Willow. Name- Luna

Traded to Ravv. Name- Macchiata

Parents are Lundi and Lindt.
Owner of Gliders!


I love all of them, although 335 is my favorite. Does anything in my thread interest you?


I'll trade this boy for any of your gorgeous kittens. ^^



What other adoptables might you be interested in for your adorable kittens?



I must get Lundi mimic kitten! For 335, do you like any of the kittens or adults from this thread?


toffeeca your two are tempting, but i'll have to say no since the other offers are more tempting.

CutieePiee that shade of grey with the white is gorgeous. I'll have to think about that one.

Alnaeyah I would be interested in Quinsta. Also interested in PU, kennel, LC, stable, okabi, horses and noms... and would possibly be interested in other adoptables. But my main intrest for these are other kittens or quins, so i would have to really like the adoptable if it's one of those.

Ravv I like your #373, thought you've had a few other offers on her. I'll put you down under offers though.

YLO the only one of yours i'd be interested in would be your #329 who you say you're keeping. So if you change your mind about that let me know.

ETA: I put up the ones i'm interested in under offers for each kitten. I know some of them are not finalised offers, don't worry i can take them down :)
Owner of Gliders!


No sorry, as it says I am defenitely going to keep her.
I have the black Halloween PU you were after, but I doubt that will be enough to bribe that pretty girl away from you.


Kay, i did think it was unlikely :) I am still after that PU, but no he wouldn't quite be enough. And unfortunately your other kittens don't strike my fancy. I only like some colourpoints, and only as adults. Not ready to take the gamble with how they'll grow up right now.
Owner of Gliders!


It will take a massive bribe to get 373 away from me, sorry ^.^;; Any of the other kittens interest you?


I would be willing to trade some LC stuff for either kitten #335 or #334 with a bit of a preference for #335. And I will also offer an RB with Quinret my Sooty mare.

LC Stuff:
Platinum Custom Ticket
Silver Custom Ticket and a Breeding Charm
A Breeding Charm + Plus One Charm

Only for #335
Platinum Custom Ticket and a Breeding Charm


I can add 1 million SG to the PU if that helps.. Then you can buy more horses XD
There is an adult colorpoint in my thread too, you don't like her either?


i adore that long-haired female.  *__*

Pick-a-kitten, any kitten?  hehee

(If he wasn't SO like his father. .  . *cuddles him*)


For #335 *preferance

*The boy you expressed interest in

+ 500k SG

For #334

One of the following:
- PU - The natural coloured one
- Air Fish eggu (Male Betta)
- Kennel (Nearly any, but there are a few I want to keep)
- Stable (there are a few I'd part with, if you're interested)



YLO nope not really, her colours don't really mesh with me. I'll think about the SG and PU. I do need more SG for horses  ;)

Ravv i am interested in #375, her colours are really interesting. But i'll have to see what other offers i get :)

sera that black male is cute, but i'm not sure about him if he has no markings at all. Do you know if he might be hiding anything?

Alnaeyah none of those LC intrest me. I might be interested in a Platinum Custom Ticket and a Breeding Charm, but i'll see what offers i get. Is the RB for the current season? If it is i might be interested in that along with the LC items you mentioned.

Willow i just saw you post so i'm going to post a short answer, then go look through the stuff you've offered :) That boy and the SG is very tempting.
Owner of Gliders!


Yes the RB is for the current season.


Is the RB offered on it's own, or a mix?
Owner of Gliders!


As far as I know, Feli don't hide markings. His daddy is a plain Feli as well =)


I REALLY like 335, would any of my kittens interest you? :) I have two longhaired males~


Thanks! I meant hiding as in the colour was too similar to his body to be shown as a kitten, but if the dad was plain too then that explains it. He is gorgeous but i am looking for showy kittens this time.

jojo i am sorta interested in #352, she is striking but i'm trying to visualise her markings as an adult. I'll put her down as consideration thoug, if that's okay?
Wow, i am getting a lot of offers for my longhaird little girly! Hard to choose.
Owner of Gliders!


Oh yes, that's fine :) let me know what you decide!


You can mix and match the RB with the LC stuffs.


How about the RB, platinum/silver ticket and a breeding charm? Let me know if that's too much... I'll still not be deciding now anyway, i need to let the offers sit till tomorrow probably.
Owner of Gliders!


As long as it is either or on the custom tickets that is fine, though for #335 I would be willing for it to be the RB + Platinum ticket + Silver Ticket without the Breeding Charm.


Owner of Gliders!


Ooh, I just now remembered that you were interested in Stable foaling paddocks a while back? I'd be willing to give a foaling paddock (OR gold tag, OR 2 regular tags) for 336.

This would be an OR to my previous offer, not an AND.


Okay, thanks for the offer :) I'll probably be making a descision tonight.

ETA: I've updated with the offers i'm still considering.
Owner of Gliders!

Keilin Alyr

Would you consider any of my kittens in trade? I'm interested in all three of your kittens. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


I've almost made up my mind now actually :) I'm keeping the first girl, trading the second one to either willow or goddesss and trading the third to Ravv. But Deciding over the second girl is tricky!
Owner of Gliders!


<.< *sneaks in with last minute bribe*

Not to make your choice more difficult lol. But 335 is lovely so I must offer!

I would like to offer this boy, a full custom Okibi along with a breeding Foxfire item. :3

Keilin Alyr

Whoops, I forgot to link my trade thread. Not that any of my kittens really compete with those lovely ones you're considering, but it couldn't hurt to look, I suppose? =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Just out of interest, Winged, are you leaning toward my Stable trade or kitten trade?


Sneaky last minute offer....

For #335, I can offer one of my kittens:


Ravv, i'm leaning towards the stable trade :) I was going to ask you actually, what can i get for a regular tag?

Cutiee i had almost decided! But your first girl is adorable... hmm. I'll have to take a little more time to think that girl over :)

Keilin they are adorable, but not so much what i'm looking for as the others.

Ryuu your offer is tempting too. So it's on the list.

Such a tricky descision!
Owner of Gliders!


A regular tag basically gets you a non-specific custom. You can request any base/patterns/modifiers you please (ie: I want a fleabitten grey blanket applaoosa, I want a perlino sabino overo) but you can't request specific leg/facial markings (ie: left hind sock, blaze) and you can't give reference images.


Ah, i see. I wasn't sure if it was the complexity of markings decided. In that case, i'll go for the gold tag. I want  a Lyra mimic :) Name for the kitten?
Owner of Gliders!


Right, i'm posting this before i change my mind XD I'll trade #335 to Willow, for her #342. Let me know if the offer's still good Willow.
Owner of Gliders!


The offer is most deffinately still there :D
I'd like to name her Luna <33

A name for your new boy? :)
Thank you!


Can i name him Will please :) He suits something short and bold i think.
Owner of Gliders!


I'll name my girl Macchiata, please. After the beverage XD



I really love that kitten.  Ill add 1 mill sg to my offer.

opps I am slow.  Congratz Willow.


Sorry Goddesss, too late.
Thanks Ravv and Willow, i've posted the trade!
Owner of Gliders!