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Strep. Again.

Started by sera, August 19, 2010, 04:02:34 PM

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For some reason, sera seems to be prone to getting strep.  As in, i have it again, though i did get a nice long break whilst preggers (wot the snot, right?).  Obviously, this means that i am not running on all cylinders, though i'm trying to get stuff done. (i promise, YLO, OcelotNaa is looking awesome, but, yes, she's coming along tremendously slowly, i'm SO sorry. T__T)

My one hope is that i don't get back into the cycle of getting strep every 6 months. X___x;   Now i need to get ready to go to OT, and then i owe a flier update, and i'm supposed to be working on two different layouts, and. . .  x___X;


Awe, sorry to hear that sera.  I used to get strep throat for months at a time (usually during winter) growing up.  The doctor finally agreed to take my tonsilsout  in 6th grade, after Mom started taking me to the doctor every time I got sick again, and he saw how bad it really was.  I haven't had a problem since, thankfully.  Anyways, yeah, I know what it's like.  Here's hoping you get better quickly!


I just read this! =o
Sorry to hear that and don't worry about Celine, as long as I know you're not forgetting I can wait just fine <3 Health comes first!

I hope you feel better soon, I miss having you around!