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MIL = Monster In Law

Started by Whimsy, August 22, 2010, 07:07:59 PM

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Well from my point of view a mother in law is really just a monster. They are worse then the ones that hid under my bed as a child i swear.

Basically my MIL picks every time she gets the chance, however she dosnt do it directly she'll sit and beat around the bush for ages to get to one stupid point (which i think is because the woman loves to talk) Needless today shes pushed my buttons and i cannot let her continue to do so. Ill end up completely cutting her out of my life if i have to do so.

So today me and my husband were going into town, thats a 20 mile drive. (plus the 20 mile drive back). She asked me to take my brother in law into town and drive another 10 miles to take him to walmart (plus 10 back) i told her no because i have to make this same driver 6 times this week for school and work and im on half a tank. Now my car is horrid with gas but its old and just driving it is hard on it. She gets mad and says she helps me 'so very much'.

Really?? Really?? to my knowledge  youve helped me maybe like once or twice in the two years ive known her. GAH i know this is petty but the womans just crazy!


Well to me it seems like doing something nice for her out of the blue might be good. Even if she never does nothing for you. Sometimes it rubs off on people positively.

But in my opinion you should try to help her with this unless you honestly can't. And if you can't afford th
gas, tell her that. If she really wants you to help, she
will pay a bit for the gas you'll be using. Otherwise, your brother in law should drive himself, unless he's
too young. I dunno it just seems like being nice here will pay off in the long run.

I know it's probably not what you want to hear, but it's just my  suggestion.

I hope things get better.


Oh I totally understand that aspect of things, usually I'm a very giving person. However with my mil there is no mrs nice me because at no time has she been willing to give up her hatered of me at all. She's rather pushy and demanding and I just don't fair well with that personality because none of my family was never like that. If I thought being nice would fix things with her I totally would be but since the days she's met me two years ago she's talked about me behind my back :(