I don't think I've ever seen a thread like this on Secundi... [Pet Pictures!]

Started by Math, June 30, 2010, 09:48:53 AM

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Well, I don't ever recall seeing a pet picture thread on here... and those are one of my favourite things to look at! :D And... I do love showing everyone my little angel, Cielo. <3

Anyways, I have 3 cats and a dog. But, one cat belongs to my sister and the other is my mom's. The dog is pretty much a family pet... but everyone considers him mine. :P

So, as not to flood the thread already, I'll share a couple pictures of my little princess Cielo. She's 1 year old (and 11 months... if you want to get technical)... so she's almost 2! :D Anyways, onto the pictures.

That was rather recently. :) Isn't she the cutest little thing? <3

This was probably taken a couple months ago. :)

I love this picture! I love how it it pretty much black around her, I'm still not sure how it turned out that way.

It's a baby Cielo! This was taken the night we brought her and her brother home. :)

Anywho, feel free to post pictures of your furbabies. :)


oooo she is sooo adorable! I love her little white milk lips!  Do you want us to post pics too?


Sure. :) I had added at the bottom that you could. :) I love seeing everyone's pets! *snuggles Cielo*


Sorry about being a little pic heavy....but I do love my fur kids.....and I have a few...

Here is Miss Elphaba Manki LaBete Poosebane "Manki"

Purrdicus Clawdius Agrippa Sans Testicles "Pud"

Drusilla Covenington Ashfurred Griffon  "Poose"

Australopithicus afarensis "Lucy"
...(the bottom black cat)

Jadzia Antiggerni Norris "Jadzia"
The middle tabby


Adorables :) Im currently living with 3 ferrets and 4 cats. 3/4 cats are mine and 1 of the ferrets is. I also have a ball python. Im gonna try the impossible- getting everything (except snake) in the same picture. If I manage, Ill post it.


This is my fluff ball Behl

My pain in the butt Lily (she prefers my oldest daughter and other kids that age then adults or babies)

then the small critters Tracy and Katie

and her belly


Furry friends! Yay! Love everyone else's pictures. I love looking at pets.

*runs to her site to steal her pictures* Yeah, I keep them all on my site, but I just LOVE bragging my fuzzies <3

Sadly, I have zero pictures of either of my frogs. Since they lived in a tiny bowl, it was rather hard to take pictures of them. But, in case you care, they were both African water frogs, you should go take a peek in the fish tanks next time you go to wal-mart. They usually put the frogs in those fish tanks.

Triscuit, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Much loves for my puppy.

Georgia Peach, the fluffy kitty. Much loves for my kitty.

*crosses fingers that sizes will be small*
They are small on my site, but that may be because I put in codes. I forget what I did...


Sirius and Remus, the gerbils. This is an older picture. They were sick for a while, but seem to be doing better. While they were sick, the fur around their eyes and nose went away. So the areas are a bit bald. They still are like that. Just thought I'd share that.

I have probably hundreds of gerbil pictures. I'll probably make a thread of them, later, after I make them all smaller.


Here's a few pictures of our little princess too ^_^

She just turned a year and is very much a teenager still.


Aww everyone has such cute pets ^^

So I finally got around to resizing some pictures of my little Linus to post here. He's about 7 months old now and a little scaredy cat which sucks for him.
He loves me and my bf but is terrified of everyone else so it's really difficult when we have people over or when we have to take him to the vet. He hides under the bed as soon as he hears the door bell. Poor thing :(
He's rather spoilt because he's the first cat that him and I are fully in charge of and we're trying to do everything right XD


The kittys are so purrrty lol Neo you look beautiful if that is a picture of you holding your doggy lol!


My heart and soul... Bear AKA "Nana" cus he watches over the boy constantly lol

Sittin pretty

Guarding the boy

Yes he sleeps in bed with me

Wondering why he has a mini me ^.^

Cute babies everyone!


My brat, Akuma.
He's mellowed down over the years, but he used to be the spawn of the devil! I'm so glad those kitten days are over. XD

He is a cutie though~


My kitteh, Gabe, who is a Sith Lord, owns my daughter, and controls the intarnetz.

And the Tanji puppy who is not as big as he thinks he is XD


Awwe :) such cute petss!!! I live with my Cavalier King Charles, and two cats...but the other two always are sleeping so I'll post some of my one prissy little girl. You'd think that after we found her stray as a kitten she would be more humble :D

I don't think she likes to take photos :D

My little cuttie pie :)

A little "nosey" huh?