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Struggling paying off

Started by Solistia, June 15, 2010, 03:06:15 PM

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So, as some of you may have seen with my Art Booth thread, I've been struggling for money lately (and it hasn't helped that a roommate is moving out at the end of the month and we have yet to find a replacement....meaning I'm going to owe 1/3 of rent and utilities instead of just 1/4), and I've really been stressing out over it.

Well, today, going into one of my boss handed me 3 past due checks (I thought I was only 2 behind; plus they still owe me one more check from one they thought they'd given me but I'd never recieved), those, combined with money being deposited in my bank from paypal and some money a friend owes me next paycheck....I'll actually have about $850 in the bank ;~~~~~~; I actually almost started crying, just cause it's such a huuuuuuge relief to feel financially secure for another month OTL (I was worried I wouldn't be able to stay living on my own)

I know a lot of your live on your own as well, whether with or without a spouse, so I'm sure you can relate to the feeling of relief that you can make it another month....


Wooo, congrats! <3 It really is an incredible feeling of relief.. I'm so glad that they finally paid you what was owed. @_@ Knowing that you should have money but don't is.. quite frustrating.


Indeed, I only have $67 to my name in my checking account, and no savings to speak of since I've had to keep pulling from it OTL
First thing after I get off work is making a nice fat deposit |D (and saving off $250 for emergency rent money :3)


Usually Money isn't a huge issue, our bills are paid, food is ont eh table and even after our car accident we could still get a new vehicle.  But we also had some issues, we had credit of course so the vehicle coudl be bought but with the loss of paychecks we were struggling.  We just started to get back on track and through a miscommunication my hubby lost a cheque.  So we are $1400 short this month, and it will be nowhere.  So our $400 car payment, $100 insurance, $150 bill, $50 bill, $100 bill $25 bill and almost $700 rent must all come out of one paycheque which is only $1400.  SO as you can see the numbers don't add up, which should be fun.

I myself dont; have a paypal cause I can't figure it out and the hubby has not set one up yet, so we have to hope that I can make the extra babysitting or that the landlord will hold off for a couple weeks for the rest of rent.


Oh no D: That's terrible PM! (is there no way to issue a stop payment and reissue the check? Or was it lost in a different way?)

As far as Paypal, it's not too terribly hard, so long as you have a check connected to your bank so you have the routing number, and/or a debit/credit card number :3 (I set up my own at 14 XD)
If you ever need some help with that, I'll see if I can lend a hand =D

I hope you can earn a little more money soon, it's a bad spot to be in! I'll keep you in my thoughts!!


When I say lost a cheque I mean he had not been paid once, so he got a cash advance and without knowing it they had put it on another cheque, but in the same time we had got a few others and were paying off the car accident, so they took it off this month, so now we are screwed.  
We borrowed enough to buy food from his parents but that is all we can do.

It is his fault, he should have noticed, but when you have people saying we need you to pay for this and this and you finally have the money you just pay it.


Oh, I see, that's terrible xAx I hope you can survive the month with half the check (at least you can put food on the table! And i hope your landlord understands)

I hear that...every time I get a bill in the mail or by e-mail, I always feel the need to pay it off ASAP, so my credit score stays high =A=;;; *has a high credit score thanks to a mishap with one of her mom's credit cards being put under her name when she got issued a card connected to that account...and her mom always pays it off every month*
I sometimes wish we had a more......communistic/utopian(?) society, in that everyone does their job, and so long as they do their job, they get provided with what they need to survive, such as housing and money to worry about OTL but that's a utopia, and people are too selfish to allow it to happen OTL;;;


PM, does your hubby's job offer a direct deposit option for paychecks?


it isn't a lost like "poof where did it go"  it is lost as in something went wrong and we don't get it this time around, through a fault of my hubby.

and the company he works for ONLY does direct pay through the bank.