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Started by toffeeca, May 08, 2010, 07:15:31 PM

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Today I got three mice to start breeding my own feeders for my snakes. Two females and a male. So I decided to show them off. :)




I also posted a craigslist add seeing if anyone in my area was interested in getting feeders from me, and I got a response from a woman who runs a reptile rescue that would want pinkies, so I may be getting more mice :)


very pretty

sad reason for getting them, but I understand, no critisizing from me, your snakes need to eat and it is healtier for them to eat fresh live food.


awww they're so cute :D

they look very healthy too, should give good babies for your snakes <3 It's amazing to watch how fast they strike at prey


The mice that will be eaten are going to be killed before i actually feed them, to reduce any chance at my snakes getting hurt by the mice, but these guys are going to be treated well and wont be getting eaten anytime soon, if at all. :)


Yeah I need to get some breeders too. My ball python is finicky after being fed the same for about 6 years- he only eats live, and he is even picky enough to only eat white ones. Weirdo.

What kind of snakes you have?


Oooh. That's cool. In a scary-awesome ish way XD
My mom has never been one for critters that... umm... either have scales or are infamous for carrying diseases. So... rats, mice, rodents of all kinds were never something she would let me get.
And no snakes either :P I mean, I love animals. She just had experiences with animals that she never thought I needed. Like riding horses and owning a farm full of animals (she owned bunnies, horses, ferrets, and chickens. I have never owned any of these animals. I wish I did.)

But, I actually went and bought some gerbils for my birthday back in September.
Only problem is they are in bad shape.  :P
And I forgot why I am going into all of this... sorry.
I was going to say I never really got to have snakes, so that is interesting. I never got mice either, so that's cool too! How often do snakes eat? And how many mice per meal?


I personally am not a feeder breeder... but I breed for show, which means i cull pinkies and mice that are not needed, or don't conform with what I need in my stock (wrong sex, colour etc) and any that do not meet show standards.
I have a friend at work who keeps various types of snakes, so she gets any culled animals from me, as she knows they are well looked after and fed only the best before they meet thier end.
Any mice that have had to be culled because of sickness do not go to the snakes.

Alot of people have had a problem with me culling, they don't understand it, think i'm being cruel. But with the amount of mice i have, i have to think of the good of the whole population, to me, its just good husbandry.

Anyways... pretty meeces!  Looks to me like you have a overmarked brindle, and unmarked brindle and a banded roan!

W xx


I have two corns. Both only a couple months old. But petco has outrageous prices and not the right size for my girls and the nearest store that has good feeders is an hour away. I didn't mind that when I was going down there to see my boyfriend anyways while he is at school, but driving two hours just to get some pinkies seems a bit ridiculous.

Here are some new pictures of them. :)


And Cleo, who is currently shedding


WOW... they are gorgeous! <3 <3

And going to need tiny tiny pinkies!  ;)


Beautiful snakes. 


My babies eat one every five days, they have both been eating one pinky each feeding, but I am going to up Delilah to two pinkies since she has gotten so much bigger. :)

Ok, Willow, I have a question for you. I was researching mice breeding and such and came across a mouse forum that has someone with your name and I knew that you on here had mice (and now rats) so is that the same person? Also, if I have any problems come up would I be able to PM you and see if I can get any help?
I totally understand you culling the ones that you don't need, and at least you are putting them to a good use. I have heard a lot of negative comments about snake people raising mice for food, but whatever goes into the mice goes into the snakes, so even if they aren't rodent people, those mice are going to be well taken care of so that the snakes have better food... I just don't understand some people.


I am primarily on two forums, Fancy Mice Breeders and Mouse Lovers.  Both are very good forums and open and accepting of Feeder Breeders  ;D

And of course you can PM me any time, if I can help I will!

W xx