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The Unbridled ~ Frankenpony!

Started by Unbridled, May 01, 2010, 06:46:55 PM

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hehe *coffee and raspberry flavoring, handing some over to Leafy now!*


I thought she meant rule the world with Hot Pink Ponies................

Ok, I fail at Frankenpony and conversations XD;;;;


Male - Sunchaser109
Freshwater - YLO
Navy - D
Black - springacres
Roan - Willow
Black fins - indigowulf
Green - BKC
Spots and Stockings - PinkShadow & Sphinxy (Cause Leafy's a tard :B)
Pink eyes - Nighthenge

um what else can I ask...




ok, I'll go make him and we'll see what comes out ^_^


Dusk is a good name *agrees*

i'm procrastinating. i've been working on an art project since noon. it's not easy! it's all in colored pencil on an 18x24 piece of paper!! i need to put in the last major object then i can go 'round and do shading and additional colors and what not. *wrinkles nose* so much work...


18x24? OUCH! I think I'd have a massive carpal tunnel flareup if I had to do that D:


MY carpal tunnel IS flaring up, thank you kindly! lol.  but i got the city done. which is good because now i can put in the road that comes FROM the city.

this is so wierd. it's supposed to be 'abstract' and technically it is. it's sorta going "old west" sorta kinda. (i'm going to do a desert type ground, maybe with a few tumble weeds...) with images that represent the three stallions station at the school farm ^_^' the 'images' symbolize their names ^_^' hopefully that counts as....abstract...


lol you should take a pic when you're done and let us see it ;D


perhaps i will.  ^_^'' if it is photogenic. hopefully it doesn't fade out if i do. i guess i could take the flash off....and hang it on the wall, that helps reduce the 'fadage'

but that's going to be few hours coming. getting colored pencils to make DEEP colors takes a while XP. ah well.

time to put in the big 'radiating' light around the city (this stallion's name is Tinseltown's bro. lol he's going to have a GLOWING city!! because tinseltown sounds bright and shiny to me)


*waves at people as she gets home from visiting her mom in the hospital*


Aww what's your mom in the hospital for?


she replaced her other knee. Her right one was replaced in march and sadly we(me and dad) were away for marshalls graduatin. this time its her left and she had to do it now because her therapy with her right now was making her left worse.


Awww :\ I hope she gets better soon!

The winners for the Unbridled Frankenpony!


darn those are gorgeous and thank you she gets out day after tommorow. *noms on the water ones* i steal customs O.O lol


*uploads what she has done of her project* it still needs some more VIBRANT colors added to it..

*runs across some pictures...smiles sadly* Leafy....i should find a way to bribe you....i have a little 'baby' i'd love to get as an unbridled....sorta a 'keepsake' sorta thing.

here's two different pictures of my project

they might be a bit big. i didn't resize them yet. and i'm not sure how the color turned out.


lol I rather love that sun XD They're cute ^_^ I can't wait to see it finished!

I'll be opening up customs soon as my list of owedness gets caught up ^_^;;; I just knocked 4 more off it *____*;;;

Still 7 more to pack away as of right now. Up until someone else pups up and is like "GIEF NAO PLSKTHX @_@"


i know..the sun's adorable. i'm not touching the sun. lol. you know what they say "if it works, why fix it?" lol. that a hint i should start harassing you? lol! perhaps you could have one of my done by thursday? *puppy eyes* as a present for surviving college. X_X'' *thinks she survived collage at least*


Perhaps <_< Thursday next week? seeing as how todays Thursday... I'm' assuming so at least <_< Get on aim woman :3


i don't have AIM right now. i have MSN now because a guy interest of mine, who seems rather promising, has MSN. lol

and yes next week! lol i haven't completed college yet.....well...technically graduation isn't till the 15th. but my last finals on wed!!! lol


well, add me on MSN XD


OOOH those are gorgeous!  Congrats to the winners!  *plots to stalk*


Added! BTW, i generally like to 'appear offline' while on MSN. it prevents some of my more annoying ex-friends from talking to me. including a particular X-boyfriend i have NO interest in talking to.


lol why don't you just block them? <____<


i did... >.> but call me paranoid...<.<''' which, i've come to the conclusion, i definitely am.


XD;;; they can't talk to you if you've blocked them spazz <3


or if you remove them from your contact list and have MSN set to only allow chats from contacts.  <-- loves this setting herself


Oh my goodness did I win.  She is so beautiful.  If I did win my username is spelled wrong.  It has 3 s's. =)



Dusk is stunning!!! Thankyou so much!


*squees* Dusk actually fits him lol

Congrats BKC and Goddesss! :D


Whoops :x sorry Goddesss, I didn't realize there were 3 s' XD;;; I'll fix that ^_^


its ok and it doesnt really bother me I just wanted to make sure it was mine. =)


Perty new fishies <3

Gratsies you two XD

I want caremel sundae

I'm weird.