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Gryphions: The Feathered Feet ((Closed Thread))

Started by Gryphions, April 05, 2010, 12:24:37 PM

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Welcome to the Gryphion Territory of Secundi.
Before you start your journey, whatever the purpose of the journey may be, you should be informed about the land here.

To start you off, gryphions are lion-like creatures with the head and wings of an eagle. They have four legs and a long, lion tail. A major differance between genders is that males have a luxurious mane of fur.

A gryphion is an individual creature, and although they overall are very proud, majestic creatures, many with a moody and fierce personality, they are all unique and will have different personalities.

Gryphions live in a territory full of forests, mountains, and grasslands. They live in many places. They are sometimes very easy to find, since they live in so many environments in the territory. Of course, they can be quite difficult to find, as they are excellent at hiding from humans. Gryphions have extraordinary senses, such as hearing and seeing. Atleast, compared to a human it is extraordinary.
Gryphions are individuals. They may or may not be open to the idea of putting up with a human companion. In any occasion, NEVER ever say you 'own' a gryphion. It is offensive to them. More than likely, you will be attacked if you mention this. If a gryphion for some reason says he is owned, that is his own choice. But a human saying is offensive to all gryphions.

Gryphions can't be controlled. They are just as free as the bonded human is. Instead of being owned, a gryphion and human choose to 'bond'. This bond is not impossible to separate, but is is strong. It is the bond of friendship, and the two bonded will possibly be better than before. Or, that's how legend has it. We'll have to see if this is true
Actually, a gryphion CAN be control. A gryphion CAN be owned. If a human decides he is going to do bad on their journey (Whatever the journey may be), the gryphion will be unable to do anything other than what the owner commands. A gryphion under ownership is a slave, unhappy and sad. He is not mean, but may do mean actions for the owner.
If this does happen, breeding will be impossible. Bonded gryphions have more sucessful breedings than wild gryphions, but if owned, he will be nearly unable to breed. If a breeding does happen, it is dangerous. The youngling may be killed by the parents (if you were a parent, would you want your child born to be a slave? The youngling might be better off in another life than this one.)

Breeding. As mentioned before, a bonded gryphion pair will have litters of more quantity and quality than those born in the wild. No one is sure why this is. A wild pair might produce 1 or two offspring in a single breeding, but a bonded pair might produce a litter of 3 to 5 younglings.

Gryphions are unable to speak the common language of English. The gryphions in the wild will not be able to speak at all.
If bonded, they will learn the tongue of the humans, and be able to communicate with gryphions and humans. This is one way to tell if a gryphion is bonded or not.

What sorts of journeys lie ahead?
Gryphions get stronger and learn better when with humans, so some bonded couples might want to train and become champions. This is good for bragging rights and more, details will be explained later when things are more set up.
Gryphions are more interested in breeding when bonded with humans. Why? Um, no one knows. But, the gryphions will be looking for mates very often, and children will come hopefully soon after. Inbreeding is permitted, but it should not be too much that every single gryphion turns out the same color later down the road. We like variety. As mentioned before, gryphions will have better litters when bonded.
Gryphions are very complex creatures. Why not tell about your journeys? You can have a roleplay diary, and tell about your day's work with your gryphion. What did you do today? Who did you meet? What was for lunch? If you feel you want to tell about something, please let us know.
Gryphions are interactive. Roleplaying is encouraged. Later, down the road, we will have equippable items. These items may be something like battle bracelets or items to aid in the jobs your gryphions have. If your gryphion is a battler, your gryphion may gain scars. Join in the large roleplay events to gain such items.

Well, that's it for now. We hope you are all ready for your own Gryphion journey.

If planning to travel into the territory, please find a gryphion partner first!
It is dangerous, and without a partner, you could be injured or killed. Yes, it might happen. So be careful!


"My name is Raina," says a gryphion of a yellow coloring with brown spots. She swishes her tail around, looking at the audiance.

"I suppose you are all here, waiting to go into the gryphion territory? Well, it is unsafe to enter without a gryphion partner. If you wish to continue on into the territory without a gryphion, I suppose you could travel closely with a friend who is already bonded, but I don't recommend that.

I suggest just bonding before going further."

"I am here to help gryphions and humans find a bonding partner."


A white creature decends from the sky.
She lands with grace and looks around at the humans surrounding. She looks very proud.
She makes a churring sound as she goes to sit next to the other female, Raina.
She cleans through her feathers with her beak.

This girl decides she wants to bond today. She is interested in colors. But what is your favorite color? Post your favorite color. She will pick whatever color she deems is a worthy color to call as your favorite. If someone has the same color as someone else, and she considers that a decent color, she will randomly select one of you.

So, yes, you may have the same color as someone else, it's fine. Just be honest if you can, it is not a 'guess her favorite color' contest. She is interested in what your favorite color it.

Feel free to roleplay it out. That's always ecouraged!


I walk up to the lovely white girl with a peeled kiwi in each hand. Biting into mine and getting kiwi juice all over my chin, I offer the other one to her. Licking juice off my lips and smiling, I proudly anounce that GREEN is my favorite color, green like these yummy fruit!


I stare - dazzled - as the white queen decends from the sky. This was a female, no doubt there. Everything about her posture screams 'regal' and 'proud' so I carefully keep my distance. Inside my head a voice encourages me to state my favourite color and in a moment of insanity I burst out: "Purple!" I immediately shut a hand over my mouth - surprised at my own outburst. My cheeks flush as I move on to explaining "I mean, eh, - my favourite color is -" I pause for a second to lift up the edge of my jeans, revealing two very purple socks. "Purple".

Haha I love this XD


I show up in a blue dress, waring a blue necklace as well. "M'lady my favorite color is the blue family. Me and my fiance are even getting out house things done in blue. Perhaps you will come join us?"

<.< *hopes she did it right since this was her first tijme playing*

Wolfs Fang

I have a few questions:

-It's not necessary to roleplay out all posts in Gryphion threads, right?

-About how long has passed since Gryphions first appeared in Secundi? (In the Gryphion world, that is.)

-Should Gryphions be roleplayed in past or present tense? As in "Cupcake the Gryphion flies in circles," or "Cupcake the Gryphion flew in circles." It seems like both are okay, but which would be preferrable?

Aaand that's about it. :)

(Above this line is the non-roleplay part of my post. Below this line is the roleplaying part of my post. :) )

I nearly ran toward the small group of gryphions and humans. Taliesin, my dark brown bonded gryphion, quickened his pace to keep up with me. "Come on!" I said excitedly. "You said you wanted to see important events happen. And here's your chance!" Taliesin made a strange "Churr," sound, which I knew meant that he was amused, annoyed- or both. I skidded to a stop when I got close enough to the crowd, Taliesin nearly crashing into me.

"What do you want to do? Just watch? It looks like more people are going to be bonded..." I whispered to Taliesin. "Yes," he whispered back. "Nothing yet. Just watch." Taliesin didn't know much English yet, but he was quickly learning. I noticed a few other humans standing nearby, and waved cheerily at them. "Good luck!" I called out.



"Whoa! Cadeyrn slow down!" I cried out as my bonded gryphion bounded ahead of me towards the gathering. I sighed, a small smile pulling at my lips. He was quite the character! The lightly coloured male bounced to a stop near the people. "Hello, hello!" He called to all. He seemed to really like the fact that he was learning to speak English. He churred pleasantly at the white female before looking back at me and swishing his tail. "Hurrrrry!" He picked up my pace and smiled when I noticed the other male that had bonded with someone. I waved at Wolfs Fang and her companion before joining Cadeyrn. I put a hand on his shoulder and tsk at him. "Should have waited for me silly." He turned his head and nudged me playfully. "Watch, yes?" I nodded in answer to his question.


Raina looks over at Wolfs Fang and smiles from the questions.
"Thank you very much for asking questions, as these are questions I am sure others had as well. I shall add to my introduction that questions are beyond welcome and apprichiated."

It is not required to roleplay in gryphion threads. Most of the time, roleplay will only add a brownie point or two. If everyone in the thread decides to roleplay, and one does not for an event for this, that one person still has a chance to win. As long as things are posted as they should be. For example, if someone is like 'I like purple, tan, and orange' he or she is not posting as it should be posted. It is one color. "

"Although, it is encouraged to roleplay since it is fun and that is a major part of the adoptable."

Raina thinks about the next question for a few moments.
"Gryphions have been around in their own world for thousands of years. They somehow got to the world of Secundi about a hundred years ago ((Out of character: I am not sure how long secundi is roleplayed to have been in existance. I will just say a hundred years to be thought of as 'a loing time')) and we were, once upon a time ago, friends with humans. On our old world, we were close. But upon battles and war, our bonds grew weak and we gryphions decided 'no more'. We hid our existance from humans then on."
"We came to secundi, and we did not want to befriend humans again. But when humans continued to explore territory, they came across our own territory. When this happened, the Gryphion Council discussed how we should go about this. Our answer was recently come to: We slowly bond with humans once more'."

((Out of character for this last question. It does not matter what tense you roleplay in. If you struggle with tense consistancy, it is fine. I don't care how it goes. I will usually post in present tense, but if you prefer past tense feel free.

I think a major reason there is no rule is because 1 it is your freedom as a writer to post however you want and 2 I don't want to limit your creativity. If I put rules or standards on how roleplays work, it becomes less fun. I want you all to post however you are comfortable posting. ))


(( And another question. ^^ Must we use our 'main' persona for this or can we use an alternate?  So must i write sera to bond a Gryphion or may i use another character?  In that vein, should RP be in first person?  *normally writes in third*  lol ))


"I would think it would be easier to have 'sera' bond to a gryphion, since in the bonded folders it will have your username. But, it is your own choice. I would prefer you use -one- human character only, though. You may use in addition to your character the gryphions you bond with. If you are better at roleplaying gryphions than humans, your gryphions can do the talking, as if your character and gryphion are separated for any reason... it could be any reason. The character could be out buying food for the gryphion and the character... anything. But in my eyes it would be easier to have both the human and the gryphion roleplay. But, of course, in my own case... my human does not roleplay with me, as you might have noticed. My human is not one to roleplay much, as you may have noticed." Raina laughted at that. Her human never roleplayed much. Maybe someday...

"Ohh, yes, third is acceptable. I believe I write in third myself. I just have used dialogue a bunch in this thread"

Raina smiles and nods.


A great, purple giant comes from the sky.
He is careful not to land where any humans are standing.
The male touches down and looks around, eyeing everyone with worried eyes.

How do you comfort a gryphion, I wonder? He seems pretty worried!


I decide I have been remarkably rude and unfair. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out a small paring knife. I begin to peel off the fuzzy skins on more kiwis and offer them around to everyone present, both human and gryphion alike.

When some of the clearly carnivously inclined birds refuse, I decide that this gathering is certainly the cause for celebration! Asking to be excused and promising to return, I head off home to gather some supplies.

Returning about 30 minutes later, I ask if anyone can help me unload the supplies I brought. There are watermelons, hotdogs, hamburgers, tater salad, deviled eggs, chocolate milk, soda, lemonaid, and a few other edibles.

I also have some rather large slabs of raw meat, mostly sideracks and ribs. Should the noble creatures prefur them this way, they are already prepared. If they would rather have them cooked, I also have a portable BBQ grill standing ready!


(( (^_^)b  sera likes the adoptables, so it works out either way. xD ))

sera smiles at the lovely female, coming closer so the gryphion can get a look at the auburn-haired woman.  "i like many colours, but i think crimson has finally edged out as my favourite."  She winks and quickly steps back to allow others to approach the white gryphion as well.

She turns at the sight of the purple male, and a small frown forms at his obvious worry; a strong empath, she can't help but respond to such things.  "Hello," she offers the word softly to him.  "May i help you somehow?"


As the beautiful white female lands, I cannot help but feel awed by the power radiating from her. Bowing slightly toward her, I smile and say simply, "I have always adored the color purple, as it is a mix of the colors symbolizing the two genders."

((the shade of purple I like is lighter, so I use pink and blue instead of red and blue for it xD))

Noticing a male with feathers the very color I just mentioned, I turned toward him, only to see worry in his eyes. Not understanding, I watched him. He seems strong, perfectly capable of caring for himself. "What's wrong?" Without realizing I'd spoken aloud, the question escaped.


I make a distinct effort to treat the purple male no different from anyone else here. I don't engage him in conversation, but when it comes time to dish up food, I also pretend not to notice his discomfort, and offer him food just like everyone else.

Perhaps being treated with casualness and not being the center of attention is exactly what he needs to relax, I think to myself.

Not that I could look directly in his eyes if I wanted to, with the smoke from the grill billowing into my face.


((ooo now that i have reread some thihgs i belive ill find this adoptable to probally become my favorite since i rp alot <.<))

My eyes wander from the white female as a breeze stirrs around me and the others. I raise a hand to shade my eyes from the afternoon sun. Soon a shape blocks my sight as i recgonize an aggitated gryphon. I frown, wondering what could be bothering the creature. I lower my eyes slightly to show respect and to show im not challenging the male.

"Shhh its okay..., whats wrong?"

THe words leave my lips in a small whisper as i move as close as i dared, letting the male choose if he wanted me nearer or not.

Wolfs Fang

(Above this line is the non-roleplay part of my post. Below this line is the roleplaying part of my post. :) )

"Thanks for answering my questions... again," I said to Raina. "Even after being bonded to a gryphion for a while, I still don't know very much about your species."

I watched as some people started to give out kiwis. "Maybe we've started a tradition of giving fruit to gryphions," I said, grinning at the thought. I waved back at the human called Ember. "Hey," I said to Taliesin. "That light brown gryphion,  Cadeyrn... isn't that your friend from before?" Taliesin glanced at Cadeyrn and nodded toward him before replying, "In a way, yes." Just then, a purple gryphion landed nearby. He looks a bit worried, I thought. Just like how Taliesin was when I first saw him...

It was clear that Taliesin was thinking the same way. "I must go speak with him," he said in a slightly accented voice. He walked slowly toward the purple gryphion. I shrugged. There wasn't any stopping Taliesin when he wanted to do something. I listened as he began talking to the purple gryphion, but what he said wasn't in English. It was a series of chirps, purrs, and screeches- I guessed that it was the lanugage of the Gryphions. I heard the words "Taliesin" and "Fang," but that was all I could understand.

(Taliesin's point of view.)

Taliesin padded toward the light purple gryphion, hoping not to make him any more nervous. "Hello," he said to the purple gryphion in the Gryphion language, as he doubted that the other gryphion could understand English. "My name is Taliesin, and my human is Fang." Taliesin paused.

"I see that you've a bit worried about something. Did something happen, or is this simply a case of pre-bonding jitters? If it is, then I'll tell you this. I remember that I was very nervous before choosing a human. I was afraid that they would call me something like 'Fluffy.'" Taliesin laughed softly, a strange chirr-chirr sound.

"But look at them- they're all so willing to help you. And many- no, all of the ones I've seen so far are worthy of bonding with a gryphion. It's very difficult to choose just one. But here's my advice- it sounds rather cliche, but it's true. Choose one that just somehow fits you. Like that one, over there, who can feel your emotions. Or that one, who loves your color. Or that one, who's trying to help in a slightly different way. Or that one, who's respectful of you." Taliesin laughed again. "As I said, it's hard to choose. But not my human! She's taken, and I don't want to share," he said slightly fiercely.


Dawn Angel

Clumsily stumbles over a rock when a pale gold locket falls from her pocket."Uh,well,hello!You are very lovely.My favorite color is pale gold.Like this lovely locket.Like the tips of the horizon when the sun starts to take peeks at the human and Gryphions.Like the mains and fur of strong,powerful lions or the gleaming coat of a palomino pony. Or the gold nugget that comes before a miner's wide smile.Or like your heart.If you wish for it to be gold and pure.Here!You can have tis locket just don't forget to remember me",she says with a sweet smile and her hand out stretched with the gold locket dangling from her finger tips.
Dawn Angel


Wandering over toward the Gryphion-Human cookout I see people lined up to tell the white girl their favorite color. I feel this will be fun so I run up to the gathering. When it's finally my turn I say, "Well, my favorite color has changed around many times before, but I learned my true favorite in science class one day. Black! I know it seems boring but here's the fun part! When light is reflected off of something the object will be the color of the light that was not absorbed. Black absorbs every color! so imagine if you could see something like that in reverse! It might be some shimmery magnificent rainbow of light hidden under that black coat! I always thought this was quite mysterious and intriguing so I decided to adopt it as my favorite."

Feeling satisfied at having finally managed to explain my strange color choice to someone I smiled gratefully toward the white Gryphion and relinquished her to the other visitors. On my way out of the crowd I grabbed a hot dog and wandered off to a more quiet spot. While crowd watching I noticed a Gryphion standing off to the side looking quite worried. What could a handsome guy like him be worried about?, I wondered. Maybe he's just a little shy and doesn't know anyone... I decided I'd try my best to get along or at least let him know that I was welcoming him. On the way to throw away my trash from eating I casually strolled past his spot and smiled widely and cheerfully when he saw me. Hopefully that'll let him know we're nice around here.


I walk forward, stop, run back, and hide behind the nearest tall person. Gryphions are intimidating! But as you can see from my clothes, my favorite color is teal.

Suddenly, I have a brilliant idea and bring forth chocolate, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate, in all sorts of flavors...


*trods up to white girl* Ive got to say my favorite color has got to be yellow, though not just yellow golden yellow. It matches so well with other colors, you can mix it with purple or white maybe a nice blue anything reallyl :) Most people really arnt fond of the color yellow, and really i wanst until a couple of years back. But its such a fun color, its always a happy color always bright and sunny. I really am not sure why people dont like the color yellow, i mean you ask most humans and they just think of the first color that pops into thier head. More then often its blue, i dont understand it really. We cant bother to just take 5 seconds from our day and pick a color that really means something..nope we just go with blue? blues so icky and well blue its the color of sorrow reminds me of tears and things long lost in the ocean. Well im beggining to ramble i just thought you would like to know exactly why i like yellow..and how i despise the color blue also >.>

*turning to the purple boy*

You look rather worried my love, you remind me much of my husband always worrying over something or another. I must say to best relieve his stress he sits and makes me rub his feet..there rather smelly yes! Though if you promise yours are not id be willing to rub the tense out of them :D


After over two days, the white gryphion decides to stop her hunt for the perfect favorite color.
She considers all of the suggestions from the humans, and after thinking it over for a moment, she knows what color is worthy to be favorite of the colors.

She walks over to SeaCrest. She looks into SeaCrest's eyes.
She then closes her eyes and lowers her head. She then stays in a bowing pose, her front, right leg slightly off the ground.

"Looks like she thinks Teal is a reasonable color to pick as one's favorite! SeaCrest is now bonded to this gryphion. She would like a name," Raina says.

The large, purple gryphion looks at all of the friendly help offered by all of the humans, and by even another gryphion.
He looks a bit more calm and is smiling. He seems to be ready to hop into the wonderful party Indigowulf turned this into. He decides he likes how Indigowulf was trying to include him in conversation and activities.
The gryphion walks over to the human, Indigowulf, and bows to her.

"Oh, wow. Both gryphions have chosen a partner. This is exciting! He wants to know what his name will be. Seems like he loves your smell, you do, afterall, smell of BarBQ and meat. That must be something he likes," Raina churred to herself.

"Oh, it seems that all of the gryphions are bonded that need bonding at this moment. Please keep your eyes open, gryphions are almost always needing bonds! There may be a new thread sometime tonight. Stay tuned! If the new partners would please message me a name, I can add the names to their page."


(ooc- SQUEAL!)

Smiling at the now-relaxed new friend, I consider what would fit him. Turning my head this way and that in contemplation, I cannot help but be struck by how majestic he is.

I offer him another slab of meat, which he accepts carefully enough not to take off my fingers, then he churrls and closes his eyes halfway to better savor the flavors. I think we will get along great!

(ooc again- is there a translation for "Majesty"?)