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Looking for wierdest advice ever XD

Started by Ryuukokoro, April 02, 2010, 10:09:09 PM

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Okay so Ryuu lives alone (except for my kitties of course) but Ryuu has one problem: Ryuu hates silence. XD Ryuu also does not own a tv... the only shows she watches are ones uploaded to hulu or other streaming sites.

I like to work or write with some noise playing in the background, but playing the radio is becoming just too distracting lately. I keep singing along with the song or going to look up lyrics on google or something. XD

Hulu isn't helping me because I end up watching the show instead of focusing on what I'm doing lol. I tried making a queue of episodes to shows I don't watch, but I keep having to go back to the hulu window each time to start the next episode when the previous one finishes. They won't play just one after the other. It really pulls me out of whatever I'm focused on.

So can anyone think of a noisy alternative for me? ^^;;; Cuz I'm stumped.


you could buy a metronome! XD the ticking is rather loud, so it'll provide noise, but I find it kinda catchy and end up doing what I'm working on to the beat of it....but it might work for you :)

Kadana Sorano

try music without words.  umm not sure what its called heh instrumentals?  you can hear it, but there is no singing, so nothing to sing to, no lyrics to look up.
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Instrumental music is lovely!  Would you try to look up lyrics if you listened to music in another language? xD 

You could also d/l episodes of things and play them with the VCL player. . . or find a youtube channel? ^^ 


What about things that loop that have words? Would you eventually tune out the words and be able to work? Two of my favourite background noise things are the Llama Song and the Mango Song.


I bought a noise machine from a Linens & Things type store for around $20.  I plays night sounds, nature sounds for sleep and instrumental music to work by.

I believe instrumental is the way to go if your easily distracted....I have a pandora station for study times that does that.


I've actually been leaving My Tribe open and playing its sound effects in the background both while I work and while I sleep - the lapping waves are so relaxing!


You play My Tribe? Awesome =3
*is a little addict to virtual villagers and the like*

Note: do nót ever use mario party as background noise :P I'm usually too lazy to turn it off, but it really drives a person insane xD


Buy a gaggle of geese and let them honk and weeze all through your house.

Ok, sorry, you asked for weird advice. Here's real advice:


Thank you everyone! Yay for ideas!!

I have yet to find an online video game with background music that doesn't drive me crazy, but if I ever do, I will just open that in one window and let it play haha.

Actually there was a CD of native american flute music I saw at Walmart I wanted to pick up ages ago and forgot all about it until instrumental music was suggested here. XD I'm totally going to look for it next time I go!

And that site is awesome indigo! *fiddles with dials*



I don't think my music would do you good,
but if you want something for the background, tom morello is a really good one :)
it's peacefully guitar, and a nice clean voice :)
idk how the album's named,
but I guess you can figure that one out!

so, yes, CD's are my advise :3



I've seen the machine (or something similar) that Scullisto is talking about, and I was thinking about getting it, but the site that indigo posted is like the exact same thing whoo!

Ah, the internet. If they had a slogan it would be "Internet! Giving you for free what other companies want you to pay for since 1985!" XD