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Virus Help Please? :(

Started by red_uni387, March 12, 2010, 05:17:59 PM

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My mom managed to get a virus on our main computer, the one used for printing/taxes/bank accounts/etc. and we've been struggling for a week without being able to get it fixed. It's set up to when you log into a bank account, you have to fill out your social security number as well, and this means my mom can't do taxes either. >.< It also shuts down any and all virus scans we attempt to we really need help. Any and all tips are very very much appreciated <333


I would take it to a computer technician, that's all the advice I can give.


Do you have one of those portable usb flash drives? The little sticks with space to store computer programs/files/etc on it? I know you can get one from wal-mart for like $10. Using a different computer, you can save a virus scanning program to the flash drive (my strong suggestion is malware bytes, a powerful free program you can download online) and instead of installing it into the virus-plagued computer, try to just run the program right off the flash drive itself. That is one way to sometimes trick a virus that has the power to shut down scanning programs.

Good luck!


Thanks Ryuu, we're gonna try that now <3


We actually partition the drives on all of our computers.  It makes it to where it is like more than one hard drive on one part we put just the operating system and on the other we put the programs and any files and such.  If we ever get a virus we just format the operating system drive and reload windows.  I dont think that helps for your situation but I thought I would mention it.  =)


Try starting your computer in safe mode, and run your virusscanner from there!
You can also do "safe mode with networking" to download and update malwarebytes, then run it in safe mode.