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strange 3 way trade needed

Started by indigowulf, March 10, 2010, 08:41:58 PM

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ok, I have some lines Im trying to buy off watty on PI. I also have a bunch on invnetory on PI. and, I have a decent amount of SG here.

Normally, I wouldnt do this here, because Im including pi stuff, but once i get the lines, they are coming here! so, it kinda counts..

anyway, thats where i list what i have for sale on PI, looking for a 10 mil sale! (or any part, prices listed)

or, ill trade some sg for pg, buy the lines, and bring them here

or, ill trade customs of the lines (once they are in my possession) for assistance in buying them with pg

or.. ?

I hate needing pg. Im trying to sell off all my stuff and ponies and everything back on PI so I dont feel like Im losing anything if I just leave. Only 1 single adopable is keeping me there beyond that, Altaike's imps, and Im hoping to talk her into coming here, so I can leave PI completely lol.

oh yeah, I guess it would help if I showed the lines, even though many of you are already familiar with her work (storm chasers and the racing one she started before her comp wouldnt let her log back on here)






if my acount wasnt expired i would send my 3 mil pg your way


Oh lord those are wattys adoptable, i colored for them for a bit! hope you get them!


I have 2.5 million PG I could sell you for $USD (what's the going rate, 1 mil = $10??). I'm waffling on leaving PI, so I don't really need any items.


USD is just about the only thing I dont have lol.
I could pay in SG if anyone's interested in that trade.


Oh, haha, I totally misread the first post. Sorry :-[


I can contribute 990,000 PG and 26 BP if you like.  They're sitting in my PI account and I'm not using them.  I would be most interested in custom(s) of the adoptable once its here.

Let me know if that interests you.



absolutely, that would help so much! how many customs would you want? (aim high lol)


Totally wish i could help but i dont have a pi account at all >.> sold it off.


I'll let you know soon, I've just realized that I've got a bunch of items that I might as well sell for cheap and see if I can add to that amount.


Posted this on PI as well, but I'm interested in those legwarmers.  :)


My amount is now 1,080,000 plus 26 BP.  I just realized that I could sell my big stables and colisseum by trading them in for smaller things.  Now to see if any of my items sell.

Would it be better for me to sell the BP or deploy them to you?  Or just wait and deploy them to WAT?


sent you legwarmers springacres.

ooh i forgot about trading down the collesium, dropped my silver for the smallest and got 40K back.

decided to make a thread to sell my ponies off as well.

Not sure what watty wants for the lines, I think about 10 mil. waiting to hear back from her for confirmation.

eta: selling bp would be best, i think she just wants PG


oh indigo I hope you get these!! If I get some extra PG I'll send it to you <3


from watty's PM to me:
Quoteas for selling them, i think i may be glad to sell to you ;). I am way too busy to do anything to do with adoptables, busy with both school work and my horse, and judging by the interests on the thread i would hate to let everyone down. So let me just check i have all files and i'll let ya know ;)

So pretty much its a matter of her still having all the files, and coming up with a price :) Although, that does mean I cant completely leave PI lol. Besides, I was just thinking, theres too much interest in BoP on PI Id feel like a jerk if I left with them! So, Im stuck there for now. But I still want to get rid of my ponies and inventory, cuz only adoptables hold my interest now.


sent you your PG indigo :)  and good luck with your endeavors :)


Im all excited about these. I love watty's idea that they are rescue horses. Now I need to come up with some ideas about rescue events :)


you could add something like a health meter, so we have to nurse the horses back to full health? :D



I think another adoptie did that before...I think, not completely sure though as it was probably a lot time ago xD

but this magazine I was a prt of rescued a horsie, and they kept us updated on her health every issue so thought it'd be good for a rescue adoptie :)

and maybe some of them are wilder and there can be lasso game? ( pretty much)


I so need some of these if you get them *crosses fingers* Especially if you make them so interactive like that; that would be awesome :D


I have 1 mill pg on PI that I should get rid of before my account expires... are you interested in selling any Stable tags/paddlocks or Kennel tags/beds?


the only one of those i have are kennel beds- i have some large black ones if you're interested :)

red- thanks for the donation- sent you back an item :)


Ooh, how much PG for a large bed? >.>


*pokes* donation means nothing in return silly!


lets see, on website (which i think still reflects pg) large beds are listed thusly:

Large Bed 50k 25k 250k (normal sell price, kennel registered price, highest allowed sell price)

so, the very least i could do would be 4 beds for a mil to be in rules, how much were you looking to buy for and how many?


I don't want to take all your beds and leave you none lol. How about 2 beds for 500k pg?


I'd also be interested in one or two beds, that pricing seems fine :)


I have 8 right now, which means if I sold 6, Id have 2 months to get more for later breedings.. I can do that! there's 6 beds up for bid now, thanks so much guys! (not to mention my last litter has 18 days til they grow, so even more time technically)

forgot! i have some artifacts I can sell as well, not sure how to price them..
bad o dice
bone necklace
heart rose
pearl seashell
2 blue feathers

heading out to karaoke- be back in a few hours!


Is it sad Ryuu doesn't even remember how to send pg on PI...? XD;;;

I'll go figure it out and send 500k to you, and then bid 0 on 2 black beds. ^^


Ryuu - add indigo to your contacts, then go to the finance page :)


PG sent, and bids placed on 2 beds :)


Ravv, please bid on another bed, you and Ryuu had both bid on 1 of the same beds :)


I have 500k to spend on beds to if there are any left. Don't need/want any pi stuff as rarelly go to those accounts anymore other than to just feed ponies. Would be interested in buying some standard packs or artifacts from you if you decide to sell though. I've got plenty of pg, just never use it other than feeding.


I sent 500k to you on pi & bid on the last 2 beds you had up. Still interested in artifacts & standard packs if you want to part with any. Or maybe you have some other kennel stuffs to sell. Let me know.


Ok, all of my items and most of my BP are now sold bringing me to 2,020,000 PG.  Let me know when you figure out if all is good with your trade to WAT and then I'll send the PG. :)


quyllur, what do you want for the pg hun? you said customs but thats a lot of pg! Id like to know ahead of time how many of what to whom im owing people, so I make sure I dont do something silly like run an event the same time Im trying to do the customs and not do a good job cuz I cant see straight :)

sweetcaroline, i have no idea what the artifacts would be worth in a pg equivilant, it seems people dont even know what they are worth in sg when i look at trade threads :) silly early life of a market, still finding its balance.

eta: we have agreed on a price, with that last 2 mil from quyllur, Ill be able to buy them, we've reached my PG goal, yay!! working out the details, i should be starting them up here and introing them there within a couple weeks. I think I may intro them there first, so I can do the big breeding event I had planned here, then start working on them here. Dont want to overlook my other fluffys, or get too much to keep up with!


Congrats on making your goal. Much Luck with the new adoptable.