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{Quinsta} Aralie's free foals (September 2021)

Started by Aralie, September 19, 2021, 09:06:20 PM

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Foals in purple are the ones I am possibly keeping <3

19773. Fjord F Blue Dun (Gruello) Sabino Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Stocking, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
19776. Fjord M Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Pastern, back right Fetlock, Stripe (High strung and difficult to work with)
19778. Fjord M Red Dun Sabino Overo, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Stocking, Bald Face (Calm and steady)

19783. Luestin F Black Roan Snowflake Appaloosa Tobiano, front right Fetlock, back right Sock, Stripe (Slow and stubborn)
19784. Luestin F Bay Roan Blanket Appaloosa Sabino Overo, front right Stocking, front left Sock, back right Sock, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
19785. Luestin F Chestnut, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Snip (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)

20049. Akhal-Teke M Bay, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
20050. Akhal-Teke F Bay, front right Stocking, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, Lip Marking (Slow and lazy)

20051. Thoroughbred M Bay, front right Stocking, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, a mover)
20052. Thoroughbred F Chestnut, front right Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
20053. Thoroughbred F Sooty Buckskin, back right Pastern, Star and Snip (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
20054. Thoroughbred M Black, front right Fetlock, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Calm and steady)

Quarter Horse
20055. Quarter Horse M Flaxen Chestnut, front right Fetlock, front left Stocking, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Star and Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)

20056. Morgan F Brown Splash Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Lip Marking (Calm and steady)

Gypsy Vanner
20057. Gypsy Vanner M Brown Tobiano Sabino Overo, front right Stocking, front left Fetlock, back right Stocking, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
20058. Gypsy Vanner M Black Tobiano Splash Overo, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
20059. Gypsy Vanner M Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Pastern, back right Pastern, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
20060. Gypsy Vanner M Black Tobiano, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Sock, Faint Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)

Shetland Pony
20062. Shetland Pony F Silver Dapple Brown, front right Fetlock, Lip Marking (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
20063. Shetland Pony F Smokey Black Roan Sabino Overo, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Snip (High strung and difficult to work with)
20064. Shetland Pony F Flaxen Dun Palomino, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back left Pastern, Snip (Slow and stubborn)

Miniature Horse
20065. Miniature Horse M Chestnut Blanket Appaloosa, front right Fetlock, front left Sock, back right Sock, Faint Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
20066. Miniature Horse F Silver Dapple Brown, front left Sock, back right Sock, back left Fetlock, Star (Slow and stubborn)

20070. Clydesdale F Bay, front right Sock, back right Sock, back left Fetlock, Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
20073. Clydesdale M Flaxen Palomino Tobiano Frame Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Fetlock, back right Fetlock, back left Sock, Bald Face (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
20075. Clydesdale M Chestnut Splash Overo, front left Sock, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Lip Marking (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
20076. Clydesdale F Flaxen Red Dun Tobiano Sabino Overo, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Lip Marking (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
20078. Clydesdale M Silver Dapple Black Tobiano Splash Overo, front right Stocking, front left Coronet, back left Pastern, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
20079. Clydesdale F Flaxen Chestnut Tobiano, front right Fetlock, front left Stocking, back right Coronet, back left Sock, Interrupted Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
20080. Clydesdale F Chestnut Leopard Appaloosa, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
20081. Clydesdale M Blue Dun (Gruello) Frame Overo, front right Coronet, front left Stocking, back right Fetlock, Lip Marking (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
20082. Clydesdale M Palomino Tobiano Sabino Overo, back right Coronet, back left Sock, Lip Marking (Slow and lazy)
20083. Clydesdale F Flaxen Palomino Frame Overo, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Sock, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)

20003. Mustang M Bay, front left Coronet, back left Sock, Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
20005. Mustang M Smokey Black Roan Tobiano, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
20007. Mustang M Black, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Blaze (Calm and sweet, a mover)
20010. Mustang M Fleabitten Grey, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, Star and Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
20012. Mustang F Chestnut, front right Pastern, back right Stocking, back left Sock, Blaze (Calm and steady)
20013. Mustang F Flaxen Chestnut, front right Stocking, front left Sock, back right Sock, back left Sock, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
20015. Mustang M Flaxen Chestnut, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Sock, back left Fetlock, Star and Snip (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
20016. Mustang M Brown, front right Sock, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
20018. Mustang M Blue Dun (Gruello) Splash Overo, front right Stocking, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
20020. Mustang M Black Leopard Appaloosa, front left Sock, back right Stocking, Star and Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
20022. Mustang M Chestnut Tobiano, front right Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Coronet (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
20023. Mustang M Silver Dapple Black Roan Splash Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Stocking, back left Coronet, Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
20024. Mustang F Black, front right Stocking, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Sock, Star (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
20025. Mustang F Brown, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
20026. Mustang F Cremello Tobiano, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, Stripe (High strung and difficult to work with)
20027. Mustang F Flaxen Chestnut, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Stripe (Slow and stubborn)
20028. Mustang M Flaxen Chestnut, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
20030. Mustang F Brown Sabino Overo, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Interrupted Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
20032. Mustang M Flaxen Palomino, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Fetlock, Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
20033. Mustang F Flaxen Palomino Leopard Appaloosa Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Sock, Faint Star (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
20034. Mustang F Chestnut, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Star (High strung and difficult to work with)
20035. Mustang M Chestnut, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back left Stocking, Faint Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
20036. Mustang F Brown, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
20037. Mustang F Grey, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Faint Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
20038. Mustang M Black Roan, back right Fetlock, back left Fetlock, Blaze (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
20039. Mustang F Sooty Buckskin Sabino Overo, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Blaze (Calm and sweet, a mover)
20040. Mustang M Black Blanket Appaloosa, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
20041. Mustang F Smokey Black Leopard Appaloosa, front left Stocking, back right Stocking, Irregular Blaze (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
20042. Mustang F Bay, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back left Stocking, Lip Marking (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
20043. Mustang F Silver Dapple Black Blanket Appaloosa, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Snip (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
20044. Mustang F Brown Blanket Appaloosa, front right Stocking, front left Sock, back right Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
20045. Mustang F Palomino, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Sock, Star (Calm and steady)
20046. Mustang M Chestnut Tobiano Splash Overo, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back left Sock (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
20047. Mustang F Smokey Black Leopard Appaloosa, front right Fetlock, front left Sock, back right Fetlock, Lip Marking (Calm and sweet, a mover)
20048. Mustang F Brown Roan, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, Faint Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)


Aralie, could I claim this guy? He sounds so pretty.  :-*

20073. Clydesdale M Flaxen Palomino Tobiano Frame Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Fetlock, back right Fetlock, back left Sock, Bald Face (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)




Hello, may I claim this one:

20056. Morgan F Brown Splash Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Lip Marking (Calm and steady)



Thank you! This will be my first Morgan. I'm quite excited!

Midnight Phantom

Hello could I get

20078. Clydesdale M Silver Dapple Black Tobiano Splash Overo, front right Stocking, front left Coronet, back left Pastern, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)? ^.^



I'm slow. Could I have her?

19784. Luestin F Bay Roan Blanket Appaloosa Sabino Overo, front right Stocking, front left Sock, back right Sock, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)

