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Gryphions - House keeping (What do we owe?) - Accepting Vouchers!

Started by Neocridders, May 13, 2014, 05:55:18 PM

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Neo's been struggling through this year so far. What do I owe you guys?
Please let me know. I'm almost at a place where I can start working on stuff again, even if it is a slow and steady thing to get back into things.

-IF- you are owed anything (a breeding, a custom, a custom posed, ANYTHING) from me, please tell me now. If I'm not told within the next month (June 14th I'll probably cut this off), I'm going to forfeit it so I can move on with my life and this adoptable. Unless it was something traded for USD or you have a really important excuse (not simply 'I didn't see it', but 'I've been in hospital for a month and wasn't online, or something to that sort)
If you know anyone that is owed anything, please point them in this direction.

I'm looking to do all customs, breedings, semi-customs, or premades that were long overdue.
I'll try to do a bit a day if I get a lot of people coming forward. I'm going to be slow, it's really hard for me to get back into things right now. I'm physically and mentally exhausted and I'm trying to slowly ease myself back into adoptables.

If I owe you a custom posed or a custom:
Please let me know why I owe you it, any evidence to me agreeing, a time ago that this trade went through, and then a custom form if you have one.

If I owe you a semi-custom
Same as custom, but please tell me a semi-custom form.

If I owe you a premade
Let me know, I'll make some up and send one to you. I don't think I owe any more of these?

If I owe you a breeding
Again, give me evidence and tell me about what I owe you, why I owe it, and give me the gryphons involved. Thanks.

I want to get everything that is owed to people done with as soon as possible so this adoptable can move on :) Things kinda were going in a direction before I vanished and I'll try to get things moving again. I'm sorry I left so... suddenly. It wasn't ideal and I wish it didn't happen. I'm trying to recover now, though.

Thanks everyone, I love you all! I hope you guys are doing well! <3

Accepting vouchers now~ if you have an, please post them. Anything else will take priority, but I'll do them when there is nothing else to do! :)


I think most of the breeding were finished except for those that you and bun snagged. If you need me to help with  I'll be more than happy to do so.  Glad you are feeling better abd it's good  see you back. Let me know if you need me to help out with anything  I'll be glad to do what I can!

ETA: Breeding thread, 6 breedings left


Does stuff from Christmas count?  I have a number of customs I never turned in cause I didn't want to overload you guys.


If they are customs, I think I can do a couple of those. I don't want a million thrown on here because this thread isn't meant really for those, but I'd love to get some of those vouchers redeemed.
:) So yes, go ahead and post some here, but they aren't my first priority if other things are posted. I'll work on those and the breedings that are still owed.

Thanks :) <333


I know there's a breeding someone else had with one of my gryphions I was hoping would get done from the breeding thread but I understand if you don't end up finishing those.

The only other thing I know of was something owed by sunny, which was an armoured custom. So that's not yours to deal with anyway lol


I'm looking through breedings, and at least one of the ones that were marked as undone are actually done. Working right now on Kahlira's litter with Riddle and Sage Answer.
I'll try to get through the litters that are un-done. Let me know what litter is the one you are waiting for, so I can make sure that one is on the list that i'm doing. I'd hate to miss one!

As far as Sunny's custom, I don't have the armored files, but depending on complexity, I could make my own. If you would rather wait for sunny to do it, that's fine! <3

ETA: This is Neo. I forgot I was wearing Gryphions suit.


36. 555x734, Name me and Tigerstar - Riverwind this one is the one I'm wiaotng on. :)

As far as Sunnis custom goes, I'm fine to wait for her :)


#7 This is Kahlira's litter from Sage Answer and Riddle. This is Riverwind's litter from Autumn (formerly Name Me) and Tigerstar.
This is Ryuukokoro's litter from Dillion and Scorpan.


No worries Neo I just wanted to make sure those custom tickets wouldn't be forfeit.


Nope, those will not be forfeit from my time limit. I'll be happy to do some if you post them here :)
edit: Currently uploading the final litters! :D


I still have a Christmas voucher for 2 premades, but I'm not really in a rush with that or anything. Not sure if those are included in the things you're doing here. :)


Since the breedings are finished and no one has posted anything else, I'd love to work on vouchers to give me something to do with gryphions until I'm ready to get stuff.
So please post vouchers! I'd love to get some stuff out of the way.

They won't be my priority if other things are posted, but I'd love something to work on :)


Just posting to let people know I'm cutting off things I owe soon.
If you miss the deadline your stuff may still be claimed but it will be put on the back burner. We have massive amounts of plans I've been working on and I am hoping everyone will love them as much as I do... You all should be excited!


Neo, I have vouchers and some things I won in a christmas event way back when that never got finished, but I'd be happy to color them myself since I have the files? Is that all right? I...wont be able to get to them any time soon at all since I'm swamped with owed work in various places but as long as its okay with you that I fulfill them myself, I will..?




I have a few vouchers from quite a while ago XD
For the semi's the kind of themes I like are Dark, Natural, Rainbow with either white or black and Monotone with a single colour for accent,
Whenever you have a chance for these that is fine, I am in no rush what so ever <3 - 2 semi's + blue feather - 2 semi's + blue feather - 2 semi's + blue feather - 2 premades - 2 premades - 2 premades - crowfeather and blue feather - 2 semi's - 2 semi's


just a note for you neo, all the items where added previously, so its only the actual gryphs now :) soon my pretties i will have everything completed soooon including some new armor for the gryphs, i know its overdue for a few people :)


Our smooth stones don't have a trade in value yet. We originally were going to use those for something but never set it up. We plan to set that up eventually, but we've got lots of big things happening and that's not at the front of the list right now. Sorry, but you'll get to trade those in eventually, once we've set up what they do.


Quote from: Neocridders on June 10, 2014, 08:38:21 PM
Our smooth stones don't have a trade in value yet. We originally were going to use those for something but never set it up. We plan to set that up eventually, but we've got lots of big things happening and that's not at the front of the list right now. Sorry, but you'll get to trade those in eventually, once we've set up what they do.

Oh ok . I didnt want to use them I just wanted them to be placed in my inventory...

Nvm I'm slow i just checked and they are in there. Sorry about that. But thanks for the response.