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[Gliders] A few events for you!

Started by Gliders, February 11, 2014, 11:06:38 AM

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[blockquote]Rolled 1d25 : 20, total 20[/blockquote]



[blockquote]Rolled 1d25 : 5, total 5[/blockquote]



[blockquote]Rolled 1d25 : 8, total 8[/blockquote]

*scoops them up and takes them home*   You saw nothink! :P
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


Roxie is looking for a very special male.  She spied him in the orchard one day while she was feasting on the lush fruit, but he was gone before she could make her way over to him to say hello.  She has spent her days since, day dreaming about the wonderfully stunning babies they could make together.  Many males have approached her since, but none will do for her.  It has been a long time, and her memory may be a little fuzzy on the details of his markings, but his colors!  Oh his colors she remembers well, as they compliment her own so very nicely.  His sleek black hide, purple markings with soft thistle/lavender undertones.. His spikes stood proud and tall, capable of defending her young as the need arose, and his gems sparkled and glistened, a pure white in the morning sun.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


[blockquote]Rolled 1d25 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d25 : 13, total 13[/blockquote]
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


[blockquote]Rolled 1d25 : 14, total 14[/blockquote]


Find a mate!

Innamorata is looking for a mate that can keep up with how spunky and adventurous she is, though she would appreciate it if they kept her from doing anything too crazy. She's basically looking for a rock to fall back on when she inevitabley lands herself in a rough spot with her impulsivity. She prefers the cooler colours on potential mates since she likes the calming effect they have and how pretty they can be.

Valentine's Date
My ideal Valentine's date is pretty laid back. Staying in cuddled up to someone special and watching something we both love seems pretty awesome to me.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d25 : 19, total 19[/blockquote]


Oh I won one yay! Ummmm will you please give

to Sera for me?


[blockquote]Rolled 1d25 : 23, total 23[/blockquote]




Rhaego is looking for a dark, fierce lady to stand by his side while he conquers the lands around him. He needs her to be wise in helping him make good decisions but also very likeable among his people. He wants someone to compliment him and all his glory, with a hint of a softer side as well. He does soften up a bit when he is not on his throne ruling. They have an image to protect, and must look the part of Lord and Lady of Gliders! She must be regal and glorious, shining bright like Rhaego in the moonlight.


Valentine's Date
My favorite Valentine's Day date was simple, sweet and homemade. The weather was awful, raining really bad, and we didn't feel like going outside. So instead, I put together a picknick basket with all sorts of little dishes, including strawberries, heart shaped sandwiches, pancakes etc. I had brought along a plaid that was valentine's day themed, along with a bunch of fluffy pillows, some rose petals and candles. Our home has an attic with no windows, so I climbed up the ladder and set up the picknick there. Instant romance! We were warm and cozy, with no lights other than the candles and the entire atmosfere was just wonderful :) My boyfriend at the time really loved my idea too, and we had a wonderful date.

Find a Mate

Poor Nona is all alone. She's a Glider, but she thinks more of herself as a bird. She's even based her coloration off a bird (the great spotted Woodpecker) and spends most of her time trying to befriend other birds. Unfortunately those birds don't speak the same language Gliders do, and it makes her feel quite lonely. We hope you can find her another bird mimic Glider to spent her days with, or perhaps some other form of animal mimic or natural colored Glider if a bird is too elusive.


Phew! Its been a bit hectic but I think I have managed to round up some Gliders!

Saturnalia, I hope Brand will like this lady!

Bunraku, I hope Painted Skin will like this lad!

Sera, I hope Trebet will be pleased with his new Lady!

Conroy, I hope this lad fits nicely for your first!

RoseDawn, I hope this little lady is cold enough!

Cutiee, I hope this lad will be Aurora's Yang!

Kadana, I sure hope this is the guy Roxie saw, he was a nightmare to catch!

Ember, I do hope this boy will have a calming effect on your little adventurer!

Wildfilly94, This lady assures me she is a Queen in waiting!

YLO, I hope this boy will cheer poor Nona up! He is a Blue Throat Mimic!

Phew! All Gliders are in thier new homes!
Winged posts in black



Yay handsome bird mimic boy :D
And I love Saturnalia's too!


Aww, totally forgot about this!  :(  Ah well.  Congrats to all the Gliders with new partners!  They're all lovely.  :)


Oh he is!  Thank you *hugs*

Roxie flutters around the male, trilling happily
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


Innamorata snagged him and ran off for an adventure, so I think she likes him!


Dawn, it's not officially closed yet if you wanna post for a mate!


Ooh, yayyy!
This poor fellow has searched high and low for his perfect match, but she's proven to be rather elusive.  Either that, or he's far too picky.  His ideal mate is as fair as he is dark, with bold markings such as stripes and/or leopard spots in rainbow hues.  It would be best if she also was gemmed, as she must be at least as flashy as he is himself, though he wouldn't mind if she outshone him.  He likes feather crests and ear tufts, but she definitely should not have hair, as he thinks it looks more like a mop.  Can such a perfect creature exist?


Oh I love her she's such a perfect little queen c:


Okies, gonna wrap this thread up now!

DawnStar, I hope this little girl is flashy enough!

And unbelieveably, only 2 people tried to woo our Valentines Day gal! Of the two however, she decided she loved the idea of a private and romantic candlelight picnic! Congrats YLO! She has flittered off to join your ahem 'little' flock ;)

Winged posts in black



Oh, indeed she is!  I must say that my picky make is more than satisfied hehe.  <3


Hihi yes my lovely Gliders are a rather large bunch at this point xD Thank you, I'm very happy to take her home!