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Started by skysnolimit, January 26, 2014, 03:35:38 AM

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Is anybody interested in any of these critters?

My Critters For Bid

The two Elenaria and Sky's Moonshadow will probably be the toughest trades for me, though please feel free to offer on them as well.

Also... Caprani!

My Litter

Please don't expect me to part with them easily.  I've been growing attached to them for more than a month now in all their rascally ebullience (what am I saying? do those words even go together?).  That said, I almost certainly want to trade the two in the middle.  The last one (Light's Love Bursts) is practically attached to me at the hip; I don't think he's going anywhere.  As for the other three, I will have a difficult time parting with any of them, so please bear with me as I waffle about!


Anything in particular you're looking for Sky?
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :

Sarah Badr



I like your CDA snake, #228.

I also like the LittleHooves, particularly Crinoid.

Here's what I've got for trade:

And I can also offer any number of full-custom Miniwyvs.


Critters of about the same size as whatever you bid on, I guess?

I like Feli and Quinsta mostly, I guess, but collect tons of other things too!


I'd happily trade Smucker's for this girl!


Would you mind fixing the links in your trade thread?  I think the URLs have been updated on the site :)  Sorry to take so long!




Sarah Badr


I quite like Bulling Through and Effervescence, I have a trade post here somewhere with a load of critters up for trade, if any take your fancy.. i'll try and edit in a link when i find it!



Thanks!  I would trade one of them (Crinoid or snake #228) for this girl:

What do you think?  Other than the Gremlin, I didn't see any others that I'm interested in from your trade thread, sorry!

Maybe the Gremlin + some miniwyvs based on different cichlid fish would be a good trade for Crinoid and snake #228 together?

@Sarah Badr

I would make that trade.  I believe that Xavier and Sagarmatha might be related to each other; please check that before we trade, if that concerns you.  Are you still interested in Ath Dat, as well?


I would like to trade with you, but none of the images in your trade thread are working!  I believe image URLs recently changed on the Secundi site.  Maybe you could get that in working order before I take a look?  ;)


Oooh, Skys!  I would love to trade for Bulling Through!  He's the first Demon I saw and immediately wanted to have.  Any chance this Fairy boy might catch your interest?


Odd.. I could see them all, but ive updated the links now! :)

Sarah Badr

Sure I still want them both, regardless. So your three (two grades and ath dat) for my two? I don't have any other Quin I would part with right now.

EDIT: I do have this guy too

I sent bids on your three and put my three up for bid.


Awesome! Gremlin and some cichlid Miniwyvs sounds fine to me. Just let me know details for the fishy wyvs :) The gremlin is up for bid!


@BKC and Dawnstar,

Thinking on it.  Will get back to you ASAP!


Accepted your bids and bid on your three.


I bid on your Gremlin.  Please accept and bid on Crinoid and snake #228!  I linked to some pictures of cichlids below; I'd like at least 3 of them as miniwyvs please :) [nothing wrong with more, either!  hehe]

Pictures of Cichlids:
Pseudotropheus Acei
Saulosi (black and blue is boy; yellow is girl)
Rusty Cichlid
Red Zebra
German Ram

Sarah Badr

Thanks! So I'm gonna cancel that breeding to Starry Night and use the lil grade mare with him okay?



Yay! Bid accepted, and bids sent. I'll get those miniwyvs done soon!




I would trade Effervescence for Jarnel.  What do you think?

I would consider trading Bulling Through to you for Ruby, but I'm going to give DawnStar a chance to counter the offer before I decide.


Hi!!!  Unfortunately, the fairy boy doesn't quite take me.  Are you willing to part with any of these?


That works for me, just pop in a bid on him when you get chance :)


I would trade the A-T girl for him, yes.  :D


All right, let's do it then!  Please place her up for bid and bid on Bulling Through :)


She's up for bid, and my bid has been placed placed.  :)  Thank you, Skys!
