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[Whimsy] Giving away all agency adoptables.

Started by Whimsy, January 21, 2014, 03:17:14 PM

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Due to circumstances, I will be leaving the secundi community for good.

Please know that I apologize for any of my past behavior, life threw me curve balls and I did not handle them well. To help smooth over any issues I may have had with you all instead of leaving the animals in this account to go unloved I will be giving them away to all of you.

Note:Sunchaser has first pick of any and all of the agency pets, after she takes what she wants  it will be on a first come first serve basis.

Feel free to post what you want and I will put them up for bid as they go.

I will be leaving secundi tonight at 7:30 EST time, so any animals left over at that point will go with the account.


I don't think leaving is the answer, we just want to make sure you are sticking around.  Hey we all leave at times, but maybe just hold some events hire some staff and if you disappear again it continues and then when you come back you come back.

But now I feel bad cause I just transferred funds to my account to buy milk today so can't even return it back to you for the cat you just purchased, and feel like I should (ETA: I know it takes a few days to transfer but we know that we can put that money on the credit card when it makes it to our account)

Sarah Badr

If you do indeed decide to leave, I would like your Quinsta. Are you "Lady Whimsy" as well?


Ponymama, I do think I need to leave. It has been made apparent to me that that are many people within this community in duress because of my return. I feel like my adoptables will have  a constant stigma attached to them that will never allow them to garner much interest and seeing as that is my reason for being here I just dont think its a good idea to stick around.

But please do not feel bad, I wanted to help! Im sure someone will want the kitty and if not ill send him back to you. But still I did it because I wanted to help not because I was grabby over the adoptable itself.


from what I saw, I only saw one thing said, and she had just wanted to know what kind of things you were hoping to do with the shop, she wanted to feel you were committed to it. 

I would have joined but it just want not something I could see myself collecting, but I think there were a lot of people already interested.

Maybe just maybe I have an idea...if you are willing to hear me out?


Ponymama, I was informed PM by our admin that there were alot of people concerned with my returning. That is what I am basing this off of, and I feel like if it were brought to me by the users themselves I would have done the same thing much earlier.

You can feel free to pm me if you think you may have a remedy to this situation.


I'm sad to hear that you're leaving, i personally didn't deal much with you so far, and i can't say i've ever seen any problem with the way you've conducted yourself. Only thing i have noticed is i often see posts from you edited out, so i've no idea what's been said in them.
But i don't see any reason for you to have to leave, and i'm sure no one wants to see you go.
Owner of Gliders!


I am sad to see you go, if you really are going.

I guess if you're just giving away your pets,
I would love Gremins: Name me and G. (Will repossess all your gremlins who are not claimed when you leave, as well as your CDA)
FCFC: All your kitties, many of your pits, and a couple rotties (Too many to name.. I could just bid on all the ones I want and then whoevers left is free to give to others??)
Okibi: Dottie
Patchie: Josie
Gryphions: Name me female
Feli: All of them, so cute!

Eta: and if Sarah doesnt want your shetland girl, I would give her a lovely home.
Eta x2: Those FCFC beds would be nice to have back as well, if you're giving those away


In all honesty I wasn't going to stalk that adopty. Not because of who you are, but because I don't much care for snakes. Like at all. To the point of me being terrified of them. Majorly. And yes I do know you had them crossed with something else. But it still was a snake.  But looked like you had a pretty good turn out for the first day I think. If you were happy here, stay.

Though if you're absolutely certain you're going to leave us forever, I'd love to have your clyde Quin mare. And if you return to us, I'd be more than happy to send her back home to you.


I want you to stay so I won't be offering on any of your pets.


I won't be taking any of your pets. It was not my intention to make you leave. Pretty much my opinion only, is that maybe instead of starting a adoptable right away when you are here just participate in others, show us you are going to be around more. Because we where friends and like I said I do love the adopt I just don't like investing what little time i have had latly (and growing shorter) to be put into a adopt that might dissapear. I do wish you would stay just show us the whimsy that I first knew :) The one that likes to play games with everyone, not the one that dissapears.

As for your adopt lines if you really must go I am sure people here would take the lines if you are willing to give them out.

As for me like I said it wasn't my intention to make you leave. I just wanted to know what was going to happen.


I'm very sad to see you go, Whimsy. :( I think when people are concerned or leery about a new shop based on a past disappearance, the best way to make everyone less concerned is to show you are going to stick around and you now have time to commit to a new adoptable. It may take some time, but the longer you stay the more you will have people warming up to you.

The fans here on Secundi are quick to forgive, I've noticed. I've seen shop followers pledge a lot of USD custom orders on someone who has disappeared multiple times in the past, so it's not like the people here don't forgive and forget and move past things like this. But it does take time. You might have a "stigma" on your shop, as you put it, at first. But the more you stick around the more you show people it's not true.

I think your adoptables were missed when you vanished and they will be missed now that you're going again. Personally I thought the shop lines you just got were very cute.

I don't want any of your adoptables, I just wish you would reconsider and hang around. :)


Im not really sure what has been said in PM's but for me, I cant recall any major issues, although the FCFC was mentioned I know.  Id be more concerned about a few other people who I will not name.  As Ryuu has said, the community here is very forgiving and Id like to think, very friendly and quite close knit and supportive.  If you enjoy Secundi still, leaving seems pointless and like something you will come to regret.  The best way to face things is head on and deal with the issues, rather than to run and hide.  Im sure many here would be willing to help you out with the adopt, but maybe for now, as someone mentioned, just be here, part-take in things and get back into the community more? Then, when you feel more accepted and have garnered more trust, look at starting up an adoptable perhaps?

Just my thoughts ofc but I since we do have a smaller user base than sites like PI (for which i am greatful!) its always a shame to see members leave.

Please feel free to pm me if you would like to about anything in this thread and im sure things could be worked out in a 'beneficial to all' way


Listen guys, thank you so much for the kind words. This post was not meant to be an outreach, but an honest opinion to what I think needs to happen.

SPO, your a good friend.

Sunchaser, I realize it was not your intention but it very much looked like you did not want me around any longer. I can understand this because of the things I have done in the past. If you do not want any of the pets I will start giving them out to the other users who do.

Also the sets of lines I do have I have sunk a great deal of USD in so I cannot just hand them over unfortunately

Ryuu, thank you so much for the kind words but I do think there are many users on the community who are beyond forgiving me and I would like to be a part of the community as a whole and I dont think that is any longer plausible.

BKC, again thank you so much for the kind words. Secundi to me is a diamond in a stack of poo. I dislike running adoptables over on PI but maybe that is where I belong now since I have so tarnished what I have here.


Well, since this is being discussed here I'd like to clarify that that what I told Whimsy is that I had heard "murmurs of unease" from more than one person, and that because of that unease she should try to address the questions posed in a way that would reassure adopters and show sensitivity to their feelings as a way to rebuild trust lost from past actions.

In short, there wasn't any witch hunt, just some people wondering if they should get involved in what Whimsy was doing or not, who asked my opinion.


Quote from: Silvanon on January 21, 2014, 04:38:25 PM
Well, since this is being discussed here I'd like to clarify that that what I told Whimsy is that I had heard "murmurs of unease" from more than one person, and that because of that unease she should try to address the questions posed in a way that would reassure adopters and show sensitivity to their feelings as a way to rebuild trust lost from past actions.

In short, there wasn't any witch hunt, just some people wondering if they should get involved in what Whimsy was doing or not, who asked my opinion.

Silva, that was exactly what I was trying to express, not that anyone came to you about anything entirely serious but if they were hurt enough to come to you at all I think that speaks enough for itself.


Ah, Whimsy, I really wish you'd stay!  I highly doubt one more voice added to the others will make you change your mind, but I'm adding it anyway.  I was really excited to see you come back here, as I absolutely love your adoptables, but PI has changed, and I can't keep up with the huge amounts of PG that all the adoptables I love require.  I'm no good at all at running contests, so that's out as well.  I know I'm not the only person here who would absolutely love for you to stay.  If you feel like you've tarnished what you love here, then stay and polish up, make it bright and shiny again!  Yes, it will take time, but it is possible, and I know everyone here would be rooting for you to succeed. 

But, if your mind really is set, and our heartfelt pleas can't change it, then I wish you the best of luck, wherever you are.  I'll pop in on PI now and then, but I doubt I'll ever be there as much as I used to.

Pets that I'd like if you do leave:

FCFC: Both Ragdolls, and Perri
Gremlins: Whimsy, Wave, Name Me male
Little Hooves:  All of them
Okibi Caballi: Dottie
Storm Chasers: Calming Storm, Sweet Winding River, Sweeny Sunshine
Wobbles: Name Me


Whimsy, if you really feel like Secundi is a diamond in the rough, then stay. Im not saying it would be easy, if there has been a few people ill at ease it will take time to win back the trust.  But, in my opinion, if something is worth having, its worth fighting for and im sure that with time, the tarnish on your rep will fade!

There are people here who would rather you stayed and lets face it, in any community situation there will be people who you dislike/dont get on with so well, thats to be expected. But I think if the people who have posted here are willing to give you another chance, if I were you, I would want to rise to the challenge and take it, prove you are in it for the duration and time will heal the rest.


I can't say I claim to know very much about you Whimsy. I'm usually a here-and-gone-again member since RL tends to bite my in the butt quite frequently. So you have no stigma attached to you or your adoptables on my end. I would like to ask you to hold off on making a decision about leaving or not, though. Right now you seem very hurt and that doesn't usually make for the best frame of mind to make decisions like these. Some, or maybe even all, of the troubles you're facing in this community may be solved with time and persistence and the support of the friends you do have here. Judging by the response in this thread, you would have a fair number of supportive people who don't want to see you leave. At least not without giving yourself a chance.

Sarah Badr


Just wanted to post this here, since most of you will be able to see it before I delete this account. SPO will be running the Chibi Labs in my stead, I will continue to color for her but that will be my entire involvment with secundi at all.


Quote from: Sarah Badr on January 21, 2014, 05:29:14 PM
Quote from: Whimsy on January 21, 2014, 03:17:14 PM
  it will be on a first come first serve basis. 


DO not start, wildfilly was allowed to take what she wanted first because she pmed me first. Quite a few users did before you miss.


Well I know for a fact there have been some Secundi shop owners who have taken a lot of USD from people and then just vanished, left us all hanging... and other things that aren't the best way of running a shop. But that doesn't stop us for joining in on their events when they come back and try to make amends. So there has been situations like this in the past, you're not the first one. And I think you would be welcome if you stay around. :)

I do hope you stay, but if you do leave and you'd like to return your one Okibi to me, I'll make sure she finds a good home in a free event. :)