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{Masayo} Spreading the Holiday Cheer!

Started by Riverwind, December 08, 2013, 09:45:52 AM

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*growls at Join.Me* doesn't like to run with Gimp and Skype at the same time, but I have to have both open. New link:


As usual, I am fashionably late. XP

Ember walks up to Blitzen's stall.
Bribe: Hey Blitzen! I come from a really cold place in the winter, so right now there's lots of snow  to play in. I've actually been in an igloo once and I would love to make one with you! In the warmer months it's still pretty temperate weather and rains a lot so I don't think you'll ever get too hot. Certainly never too hot for hot chocolate, which is constantly kept stocked in my house because I drink it so often. I'd be happy to make you some with marshmellows and candy canes! I know Wintersfell would love another Masayo around who loves the snow as much as you do, as well. I have a few other Masayo companions too so you will never get lonely without the other reindeer!

Aaaand Ember would like to be a gifter

Colors I like: Black, red, gold, blue, purple
Antlers I like: Any
Wings I like: Any
Patterns I like: Bay, dun, leopard, okapi, paint, stripes



Got a busy day ahead. With any luck I can get everything uploaded today. Then i can have tomorrow for coloring gifts from myself XD

Got 12 uploaded, from SweetCaroline. Uploading more now.


*wonders if she can send in a couple more of if River will kill her*



Eight more uploaded. ^.^ I only have 6 more to upload that are actually ready to be uploaded. Then it's back to coloring.

ETA: Got those last 6 colored ones uploaded. We currently have 104 uploaded Christmas gifts for Masayo   o.o

All uploaded gifts can be found here.


Okay looks like I made a mistake when putting in the date for the litter, so...everyone's gifts should be opened now. o.o

I still have lots more to upload, though, so keep an eye on your pets page for new Masayo. ;)

P.s: You can also find them all here.



I was gonna send more in but i cant for the life of me recall who I have already gifted to!


BKC: You have gifted to Silv and toffeeca so far. There's still time to send in more forms, but they will most likely be uploaded late. So as long as you don't mind that, go ahead and send more! :)



OH wow! My Mass to are just amazing! Especially my Devotion mimic, thankfully so much to River and all my gifters!!


Okay guys. I couldn't do anything yesterday because I was spending time with my family but I'm using today to get some of this taken care of (like the reindeer, for example). I would like to say that I can get everything uploaded today, but I'm not sure, so I won't say that XD

I'm gonna run and get a shower real quick and when I come back I'll take care of the reindeer and start some uploading. ;) Thank you all for your patience! <3

ETA: I'm glad you like your Devotion mimic, BKC! I saved the file so if I got anything wrong please let me know and I will try to fix it. ^.^


I'm gonna grab a drink and then get the reindeer transferred to the correct accounts.

Dasher gallops right up to hiyoko and nudges her shoulder, asking for that cookie he knows she has in her pocket. Dasher is going home with hiyoko!

Dancer walks up to BKC and drops a gift bag at her feet. Inside, there is an assortment of Christmas music CDs (including Alvin and the Chipmunks) and a box of chocolates. Dancer is going home with BKC!

Prancer trots up to Bunraku and nuzzles her hand before taking off in a random direction, where dark clouds are beginning to gather. Prancer is going home with Bunraku!

Vixen approaches Rosedawn eagerly and licks her hand. She anticipates many years of fun and snow. Vixen is going home with Rosedawn!

Comet doesn't hesitate when running up to skysnolimit. She can already taste the fresh air of her new home, and she can't wait to meet the cat. She eagerly urges skysnolimit to take her home right away. Comet is going home with skysnolimit!

Cupid walks right up to Figment and gives her a heart-shaped box of chocolates. Cupid is going home with Figment!

Donder gallops up to Kadana and nudges her hand. It's so nice to be understood. Donder is going home with Kadana!

Blitzen trots up to Silvanon and nudges her neck. She can't wait to meet LilBit and get the hot chocolate!"Marshmallows, please? Blitzen is going home with Silvanon!

Rudolph prances up to SweetCaoline and asks for an apple, nudging her coat pocket. Rudolph is going home with SweetCaroline!

To anyone who participated in the reindeer bribe, whether you won a reindeer or not, you each get a free Masayo Mimic Scroll. Merry Christmas! <3


Oof, I knew I was forgetting to do something! Alas!

Anyway, congrats to all who got the reindeer!

Thanks so much for running this even, Riverwind :D


All reindeer are in their appropriate account, and items are added. If I made a mistake please let me know.

And you are very welcome, Saturn ^.^




To: Bun, Silv, and Riverwind

--You are all so kind!  Thank you very much!  Comet is loving it up in Qinghai right now!


o.o Everything is colored and ready for uploading. I didn't get to color the ones that are from me, but you guys will get them eventually. XD You'll know when you do, don't worry. I'm just super exhausted from this thread and I've been wanting to do other things but felt guilty if I did something else without finishing this up.

Anyway...I have to upload, and that will take a while probably. (No more than an hour, hopefully) Is anyone going to be around for a live franken, or even an in-thread franken, if you can't do Please let me know if you are. I have uploading to do first, but after that if you guys are gonna be here I can try a franken or two...


Thank you everyone for the Masayo you all gave me! <3 I love all of them and the messages you guys sent with them will amuse me/make me happy forever XD


All gifts have been uploaded as of now. I am just gonna color some random premades now, since no one posted saying they will be available for a franken.


Hooray Blitzen!  LilBit is excited! :)  And thank you so very much, to everyone who gifted me!  <3


*gives Rudolph another apple* Thanks ever so much for hosting this River. And Thanks to all who gifted to me. My herd has grown immensely.