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*FCFC* Finding homes for the homeless

Started by FCFC, January 08, 2014, 11:35:37 AM

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Quote3. Midnight Phantom
1. Silvanon
8. Whimsy
7. Rosedawn
6. Winged
2. Sarah Badr
5. BKC
9. Ember
4. DawnStar7
10. Ryuukokoro

silvanon gets first pick, then BKC, then DawnStar
.Feline and Canine Fanciers Club. Owned by Wild & YLO.
Further supported by BlueOrchidWolf & PonyMama {HIATUS}


Oh wow, I won!   I'd like this boy please!

Congrats other winners too! :)


.Feline and Canine Fanciers Club. Owned by Wild & YLO.
Further supported by BlueOrchidWolf & PonyMama {HIATUS}


Ooh! What a nice surprise! Hard choice but could I take this little cuttie please?


DawnStar7 your turn then I will work out rules for the final wave to find homes
.Feline and Canine Fanciers Club. Owned by Wild & YLO.
Further supported by BlueOrchidWolf & PonyMama {HIATUS}


Anything not marked as "event" will not be for this event
just in case anything gets added in



.:Fake Bribes:.

- Each person may pick ONE pet they want to try bribe for
- This event will have an end time and form to use
- Each critter will have a little blurb about them, please go off that
- try stay under 500 words
- Please realize that shelters are full of unadoptable cats/dogs, with issues that nobody wants to deal with

Critters looking for homes


This pretty little girl is sad, she feels her colour is just too plain to love, will someone prove her wrong?  She also has seizures, and needs an attentive owner.


This girl is super playful, and likes to find people to climb, how is she to know her claws are sharp?  Will anyone love her?


This poor guy is shaking in one corner of his kennel, he may need a soft gentle voice to coax him out and earn his trust, he knows what harsh voices are like being a slightly older dog.


This cat is large and happy, maybe a little too large, he likes to eat, but that can be unhealthy, I wonder if anyone is willing to help him?


This guy has so much energy that he seems to have no fear, or understanding of just how little he is, if not on a leash he bolts, which is dangerous outside.


she is a Big dog, and with that a lot of responsibility, but she is a sweet dog who loves to be near others, but does have a bit of separation anxiety.


This girl has some eating issues, she eats way too fast, then ends up making herself sick, are you willing to take her on?


This girl was not properly litter trained, so she likes to go where she wants, usually a bed, you know something soft that a loved one uses all the time.

Okay so your task is to try and write a small blurb, coaxing the pet to you, letting the staff (me) know you are happy to deal with any medical or social issues.

This is a fake bribe, you write out some stuff, making sure to let me know which you are going for using a form, and then I will pick a winner, the issues are fake the stuff you say is fake, no money, sg, items will be passing between us

The form to use:

Number or Image of critter: (just the number/image in this post)
How I win it's love:

End Time: Jan 20, 2014 20:00 Secundi time

.Feline and Canine Fanciers Club. Owned by Wild & YLO.
Further supported by BlueOrchidWolf & PonyMama {HIATUS}


>.> I want miss little #7. Can wild participate? XD I've restrained this whole thread so far.




Number or Image of critter:
How I win it's love: I have a little kitty that has the same problem as you! I don't mind cleaning up the mess, and I can help you by monitoring the amounts of food I give you at once so you can enjoy your food without getting sick. :) Because I do have a kitty like you, you can play with him and learn how to help your little sickness from him too! I have a warm, smushy, comfy bed you could lay on too, and plenty of catnip and chicken treats! <3


I love this event. I work at a Humane Society and we get animals back for so many stupid reasons its ridiculous.

Number or Image of critter: 6
How I win it's love: I live out in the country on 40 acres with plenty of room for a large dog to run and play. I have had dogs before with separation anxiety and do my best never to leave a dog behind. My dogs right now go everywhere with me that I can. In order to prevent anxiety I do have more than one dog - I have two at the moment! They are very welcoming and love Great Danes - one of their best friends is a Dane! I go on trail rides often and let my dogs run with me on the trails. I welcome pets on the bed and would love to snuggle with a Dane at night!


We have a cat who is over 11 from the time he was a kitten he gorges then throws up, we still love him, we try remove the urge to eat so quickly but still it happens, and right now we have a dog with separation anxiety, her way of showing us she was upset, pooping in our house.  heck took the garbage out, took less than 2 minutes, she got stressed.  Animals have all sorts of issues just like people do, but it is how we deal with those issues that helps them grow


Exactly. One of my dogs has separation anxiety now. He rips things up when he gets nervous and gets in the garbage. I don't blame him, its not his fault. Our other dog is big and likes to run. Her old owner had her in a tiny yard and she broke out a few times to run. She had a shoot on sight order for running at large in the city. It was ridiculous.


Number or Image of critter: #6
How I win it's love: i'm a complete dog lover and the larger breeds have always been my preference!  There's pretty much always someone at our house with my two other roommates, so she'll almost always have someone around to play with or just sit near.  We'd certainly love to share some of our giant yard, pettings, and love with this wonderful girl.

Kadana Sorano

Number or Image of critter:
How I win it's love: Oh this girl reminds me of my Kristoph so much!  He too used to climb me like a tree, his little claws digging in, sharp little pricks.. I miss him.  I wouldn't mind this girls little claws one bit!  She could climb me from toes to head and have a nice perch on my shoulder as I walk around, and I'd give her chin scratches and love every time.

PM, you slay me.  Seriously.  I wanted to take them all and cuddle and love them, and picking just one was so hard!  That first girl.. I LOVE that color, it's so rich, and I almost offered for her.  But the human tree climber.. It's just SO much my old kitty..

And all the rest, of them, you made them seem so real, it made me cry while reading.  You did a wonderful job with this event, they should have people like you writing for the shelters.  Maybe more pets in need would find their forever homes.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Number or Image of critter:
How I win it's love:

Poor little guy, I think, as I walk through the kennels.  Not entirely sure why I came in this time; I don't necessarily need another pet.  But I like to come in - few of my pets were actually planned, so who knows when the next will steal my heart.  Like the poor little chihuahua.
I approach his cage slowly, reading his card.  Not a young dog, but deserving of a good home and someone to care for him.  By the looks of him, cowering in the corner every time a loud noise sounds through the room, especially voices, he has not had an easy life.
Very slowly, I coax him to the front of the cage, and let him sniff my fingers through the door.  A tentative lick before he scurried back to the back of the cage sealed my fate, and after spending a few more minutes talking to him softly, I headed to the front office to fill out an application.

(I hope the style is okay - it felt more 'right' this way >>)


yep that's fine lectral
there is no wrong way really to do this event


Number or Image of critter:
How I win it's love: Too much energy! I understand completely my friend-I hate being cooped up all day and if I could, I'm fairly certain I'd bolt out of work or school just like you do when you've been inside all day, but that wouldn't do either of us any good would it? (especially me, given my human state...) But no worries. I think what you need is a great deal of trust training, time, and patience to harness that energy and teach you to listen to commands so that you don't end up hurting yourself- I think a large safe room would be excellent for this. I'll teach you to come, sit, and stay on command, without a leash, so that if you do slip your lead, I can call you back to me. It may take time to get you to learn that you can't just run off like a crazy thing, but it never hurts to try <3


Number or Image of critter: 8
How I win it's love:
Patience. It's all about patience. That quote about old dogs not being able to learn new tricks-- or, in this case, cats-- isn't really true, after all. The litter training issue is something that can be worked on, slowly but surely. I'm pretty confident that it's something that could be overcome with lots of positive reinforcement and better options-- lots of clean litter boxes placed near the less desireable options that she gravitates towards, and making those comfy beds and other such places either temporarily off-limits or covered in tinfoil (no, really, it works!), except for times like playtime or eating, will help her get a better idea about where is and isn't a good place to use the loo. And, of course, thorough cleaning when there are accidents. Some bottles of cleaner are a small price to pay to provide a nice home for this lovely girl :)


Number or Image of critter:
How I win it's love:  I fall in love with her pretty chocolate coat and contrasting golden eyes.  I listen closely to the vet's instructions and will follow the recommended medication schedule to help control her seizures, and prepare a special kitty room where she'll feel happy and safe (to reduce stress which might aggravate the seizures) and also where she'll be safe should a seizure happen.

Sarah Badr

Number or Image of critter:
How I win it's love:
He would have his own bed to sleep on and window perch to watch the birds. He would be loved and cuddled every day. I would help him with his overeating by offering him healthy food and plenty of toys to play with and give him alot of play time. Chasing balls, and feathers on lines. He would also have lots of friends to play with so he wouldn't be alone with nothing to do.


Number or Image of critter: 2
How I win it's love: I adore Sphynx kitties because of how fabulously playful they are and after all, what cat knows how sharp their claws are? I will buy her a few nice scratching posts to help keep her claws in order and after that she is free to clamber all over me and play, as long as she will indulge me with a few cuddles because omg! Sphynx kitties are so warm and cuddly!



Number or Image of critter:
How I win it's love: Besides giving him plenty of room and toys to get him active I would also spend lots of time with him. I would use interactive intelligence toys that you can put the food in to stimulate him to play and make him work for his food, this way he is active and it prevents overeating and he wouldn't be bored. A large reason why cats and dogs overeat is because it's so easy to gobble down their food and they just don't feel full and keep eating, another is because they just don't have anything better to do. Giving him his food in a playful way will help give him the right kind and amount of food while leaving him more satisfied after his food is gone and keep him more active, it will also help increase our bond as owner and pet because he would have to be playfully taught how the toys work and it's unwise to leave the toys laying around unsupervised. Of course I would also make sure to get him checked out by a vet and ensure there aren't any medical issues connected to his heavy weight, if there are I would take action accordingly to get these issues treated. If he gets along with other cats there are other kitties around for him to play with as well :)


After too many nights in a cage someone finally felt they could tackle the needs of this sweet kitty.  After much paperwork and a thorough talking to from a vet, the new owner is cleared to take this sweet girl home.  She happily purrs for........Silvanon

After scaring off a few of her potential adopters with the claws of doom, she finally finds two people willing to put up with her, one coos at her and gives her sweet pets, while seemingly unphased with her climbing, while the other talks about scratching posts to encourage safe places to climb and even talking of clipping them.  This is a hard choice, both seem like they would be wonderful pet owners for this playful girl, but the need of a scratching post is wonderful and  she is cleared to go live her new life with ..........BKC

As is the fate of most old dogs and the very timid ones, very few people look at this poor old guy, but the gentle quiet approach has worked and the spark of love he shared was just too much, there is no other home for him but with......lectral

Wow bigger is better, two people seemed to want to enjoy the company of mr. butterball.  With a sweet disposition he had to have someone willing to take him on, and both seemed to be willing to share some helpful ideas with the vet.  Both would encourage play and exercise, but one would switch to a healthier food while the other would feed him through play, but what would work best for the obese cat?  One stood out by saying the first thing she wanted to do was go to a vet to get him checked out for anything that could be causing the weight besides food, and the decision was made he will go home with.......YLO

Okay I thought I would have time, but I am sleepy, let me write out the rest tomorrow, and send them all to their new owners.  Congrats to everyone so far





Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


I know I still have to do the last ones, and I will, just doing dishes first


As people approached his cage his energy scared them away, the few who wanted to meet with him a bit better were turning away due to him pulling and trying to break free.  It was either too much energy for them to deal with or just an issue they were not prepared to take on.  One person though you could see it in her eyes, she knew she would have the time and patience for such energy and was already formulating a plan, so the person who adopted this energy filled pup is........Bunraku

So many people turned away from this dog for just being too big, which is understandable, this is a large animal to take on.  When we were asked if this dog had any issue we told them about the anxiety issues and the few who were interested seemed to waiver.  However two put in to adopt her.  Both seemed to be willing to supply a companion, but it was the size of the yard and willingness to bring the dog places that sealed the deal, and the adoption was approved for........SPO

Not an easy sell for anyone when they greet a kitty and the cage is filled with little messes.  Not everyone has the stomach for that, but one person seemed to look past the messes and find a way to adore the kitty.  There is a plan in place to feed little amounts to help the little cat slow down with its food, and a lot of attention, which should help make the transition to a new home a pleasant one, so this little sweetheart will be going home with.......Wildfilly

if the last one wasn't bad, this one's little messes were almost worse, but from being poorly trained as a kitten and then punished as an adult this poor little cat can't seem to get anything right.  However the gentle voice of love and compassion come through loud and clear from this girl's adopter who was more than willing to drop a little bit of money to teach this girl some litter manners and make this wonderful animal clean as well.  She is going home with........Saturnalia




Now for the few who did not win, there was nothing wrong with your entry, when I picked a winner it was certain points that stood out above the others to fit the need of the critter.  You guys all made this event fun and I am glad so many pets found new homes in this thread

I look forward to a new event in a little while