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SplitX needs so much more support than she's ever needed before...

Started by SplitX, January 27, 2010, 08:58:24 AM

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*hugs splitty again* You're not unloved =o I love you, you know that ^^
And I'm here for you =3


I know! -slobbers on- <3<3 I feel so supported & loved by everyone on here. <3


^^ glad you feel that way

((by the way, I asked a question in the CBD thread to make sure I don't overwhelm you ^^))


Wow.  *hugs*  You're absolutely right, you don't need anyone judging you right now.  You need love and support.

I'm glad you and your SO are looking at doing what's best for the baby and for the two of you as well.  I've never been in your situation and wouldn't want to be, but that doesn't mean I can't be supportive.

Best of luck, Splitty.  We're here if you need us.  *squishes, but not too hard*




And now Leeto is being super immature... He acts like he can do anything without any consequences or anything... UGH. ;___;


He can have his freakout moments too ;)
I'm sure it will get better soon ^^
No one is always happy and mature and smart and nice all the time, that would scare me actually xD


Well no... he's saying he's a better driver than anyone else 'cause he has a ton of tickets. I didn't even know about his apparent 'tons of tickets', and he's refusing to get his car checked out or anything, 'cause it's been making funny noises & the breaks don't work right, and I obviously don't feel too safe riding in it when it's that... eh...


>.< I still hope he starts acting normal soon. But yea, I can understand that really bugs you. *hugs*


it is stress, probably.

Make sure he knows that with it making noise and your pregnant you can't get in it and feel safe.  he will either get it fixed or refuse to drive you places, but if something happens to it it is better you aren't in it


Thanks, PM. <3 I'll try to voice my opinions better. I'll just refuse to get in it. xD

Is feeling dizzy/light headed/like you're about to go under for surgery when they give you the weird loopy medicine normal when you're pregnant? xD


yep, for some people.
it is usually related to stress, but let me look in my book


Eep. Maybe it's just my body releasing a nugget-load of endorphines? O_O; I HAVE been super stressed all day, but I'm not stressed now, so I wasn't sure.


it could also be, that from getting up to standing your body has drawn too much blood away from your top half, which results in dizziness.  Best thing to try and do is get up slowly and see if that helps.  I woudl suggest it coudl be other things but youa re still too early for things like High blood pressure due to pregnancy and Gestational diabetes.

You may have a small blood sugar issue though, and need a little to eat


Well, I never really had a full dinner... and I ate 10x less than I have this past week today. >__< That might just be it, huh?


frequent, smaller meals or eating snacks between meals.
You do need more to sustain all the growing you are doing


think about this:
by the end of the first month, your babu is a tiny, tadpole like embryo, smaller then a grain fo rice.  In the next two weeks, the neural tube (which becomes the brain adn spinal cord), heart, digestive tract, sensory organs, and arm and leg buds will begin to form

So by not eating enough how is your body going to create all these things for baby?


Wow. >_< I keep forgetting how fast it'll grow in this next month! (Officially 5 weeks along, now, or close enough x3) Thank you so much for reminding me. Today was such a weird day, I suppose I must've forgotten to stuff food in my mouth. <3


Leeto and I broke up... probably for good... I realized that he's been tearing me apart emotionally... I just don't know what I can do now...


Eep... I need some help. :/ I just remembered I took Tylenol earlier for the first time... in years and years. Dx I just talked to Leeto on the phone... apparently I was asleep. I dreamed he & I fussed... and I thought it was really real. =/ Are really vivid nightmares normal? Are super short cat naps normal, too? :x I just feel so... odd now.



It might be... I'm kinda creeped out. I started bawling and he was all "What's wrong babe!?" and I was like "Why the heck are you calling me babe?! You're such a jerk! I hate you!" and he was like "What the heck?! What happened?" And then it just hit me... I was like "Didn't we just fight?" and he was like "Noooo... Don't tell me you're with someone else!" And I was like "Oh NO baby but... I guess I was asleep... I just... I could've sworn you'd called and yelled at me."


It's probably the medicine, since western medicine does tend to give side affects >.< and I'm not completely sure, but maybe being pregnant adds side affects?


Maybe... I HAVE been missing out on tons of sleep, and today I ate a lot less than I have been eating. :/


*pokes* you need to stay healthy!! (and like everyone else said, nourish the baby!)

also, why'd you take tylenol? if it was cause you were dizzy, that might've been it cause lack of sleep causes dizziness


sleep is best solution for that <3 I think you should stay away from dreams like that don't happen again o.o


I looked it up. Vivid and strange nightmares are completely normal, especially for first-time pregnancies. I think the lack of sleep and the fever have both caused my teensy hallucinations. I think they're more like little mind tricks though. They've finally gone away. I put a cold wash rag on my head.


wow, I never would have thought that. *squishes* better start going to bed earlier now <3


I never come to this section, so I'm sorry on not posting.>.<

But let's see what I've learn from my CHDV (child development) classes. *thinks* Besides the normal/common sense things (no drugs/caffeine/alcohol) no sushi, raw foods, but besides those things eat what you want. You should gain around 30 pounds for a healthy baby.

My friend wanted to watch her weight while pregnant and not eat junk food, but I told her to eat all she wanted. She now has a healthy *counts on fingers* four almost five month old baby girl. :D Get prenatal tests done, don't over work yourself, as you get more and more into your pregnancy you shouldn't lift heavy things (probably no more than 5 to 10 pounds).

Oh and if you get weird cravings, then eat them because those vitamins or minerals in those food are probably what the baby needs at the time. Hope that helps, probably a repeat but if you have any questions *takes out CHDV textbooks* I can help. ;D


oh one thing my mom did when she was pregnant with me was feed horses at her college, and eat lots of shrimp, and now I love horses and eating shrimp XD so whatever you do might affect the baby~


weird vivid dreams, yeah also a side effect fo pregnancy, sorry but this is why they say only adults shoudl get pregnant, teens are not emotionally ready for all of pregnancy, I understand that now of course but not when I was 18 with my first.

Not much you can do about it, but deal, I am sure you can handle it, but you are in for a wild ride I tell you


Thanks Hiyoko!

Meh... I know, PM, but... There's nothing I can do. :/ I know I'm paying for my consequences. -feels scolded- I definitely understand what you mean though.


don't feel scolded, I was in the same situation.

It is part of pregnancy, there is a lot and you will find even more stuff as time goes on.  Lots of it is embarassing too


I know but... I don't want you to think any less of me..

I understand that. I looked up as many symptoms & things I'll go through, and I've read through them in my book. It's kinda funny how so many... not so pleasant things can turn into such a beautiful life.


I don't think less of you, so don't worry.  Even you shoudl be tellign girls your age, don't get pregnant, this is a hard thing to deal with.  It is here for you and that is it, and questiosn you have I will try and answer them the best i can, any concerns I will try and help you with.  So never worry

Yeah the gas and having to pee every two minutes those are fun, but I think the best thing is the waddle you get at the end.


Okay good. >___< I really don't want to lose any of my friends here, especially not one I esteem so highly.

>__> Oh NO... I forgot all about that... Cruuuud. <.< Leeto laughs at penguins 'cause they waddle. Literally. If we watch Animal Planet, and there's a penguin on the TV, BAM. He starts laughing uncontrollably. I might have to get a muzzle or blinders for him or something then.
I'm already there with those two things though. T.T I keep sending Leeto into the kitchen to give me stuff so I can rush to the bathroom while he's preoccupied. xD


ah by that time if you can catch him (when he sleeps) kick him.  The waddle happens because there is so much weight at the middle and extra you that your legs need to base you by being farther apart so you don't fall over, it happens near the end after baby drops, that is the biggest waddle time


Oh gosh... >_>; I can SO picture him getting me a penguin costume... and I'm not even kidding.
At least it's for a good reason! -would not enjoy falling over... at all-





yes well if youc ram her, pregnant into a penguin costume wanna know what could happen?

She would go all freako penguin on you and make you eat dirt.  Yep dont' mess with preggo's who are also very very sensitive and moody.  They can snap in a second


XDD Oh god I feel like a horrible person even thinking about possibly doing that.. o_o;


Today I kept hearing things... :/ And now, I have one heck of a headache. I feel god-awful, and rather concerned. My dreams have become far too vivid for my tastes... Everything I feel/do in the dream, it feels 110% real. I KNOW I heard Dad yelling for me, and I walked around the house as he yelled for me, but then I realized... I was home alone. It's starting to really scare me. I'd still bet my life on it that I knew what I heard. I know I was awake. D: